143 research outputs found

    Break-up mechanisms in heavy ion collisions at low energies

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    We investigate reaction mechanisms occurring in heavy ion collisions at low energy (around 20 MeV/u). In particular, we focus on the competition between fusion and break-up processes (Deep-Inelastic and fragmentation) in semi-peripheral collisions, where the formation of excited systems in various conditions of shape and angular momentum is observed. Adopting a Langevin treatment for the dynamical evolution of the system configuration, described in terms of shape observables such as quadrupole and octupole moments, we derive fusion/fission probabilities, from which one can finally evaluate the corresponding fusion and break-up cross sections. The dependence of the results on shape, angular momentum and excitation energy is discussed.Comment: submitted to Physical Review

    Renormalization of Poincare Transformations in Hamiltonian Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical Hamiltonian field theory is investigated from the axiomatic point of view. A notion of a semiclassical state is introduced. An "elementary" semiclassical state is specified by a set of classical field configuration and quantum state in this external field. "Composed" semiclassical states viewed as formal superpositions of "elementary" states are nontrivial only if the Maslov isotropic condition is satisfied; the inner product of "composed" semiclassical states is degenerate. The mathematical proof of Poincare invariance of semiclassical field theory is obtained for "elementary" and "composed" semiclassical states. The notion of semiclassical field is introduced; its Poincare invariance is also mathematically proved.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; short version of hep-th/010307

    Exponentially Large Probabilities in Quantum Gravity

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    The problem of topology change transitions in quantum gravity is investigated from the Wheeler-de Witt wave function point of view. It is argued that for all theories allowing wormhole effects the wave function of the universe is exponentially large. If the wormhole action is positive, one can try to overcome this difficulty by redefinition of the inner product, while for the case of negative wormhole action the more serious problems arise.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX, 4 figures in PostScript, the brief version of this paper is to appear in Proceedings of the XXIV ITEP Winter School of Physic

    The effect of carbon gas presssure on surface topography of graphene coating formed on the silicon oxide

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    Стаття присвячена проблемам формування ультратонких багатошарових графенових покриттів. Метою роботи є визначення природи виникнення нерівностей напівсферичної форми, що нашою дослідницькою групою пов'язується з тиском вуглецевого газу. Для вирішення поставленого завдання розроблено фізико-математичну модель формування рельєфу поверхні під впливом тиску вуглецевого газу. Розроблена методика дозволяє на основі деформаційної теорії визначити максимальний розмір півсфери залежно від матеріалу підкладки. Представлені результати дослідження графенового покриття методом скануючої тунельної мікроскопії (СТМ) з напівпровідниковим алмазним вістрям. Для обробки експериментальних даних використовувався фрактальний аналіз горизонтальних перерізів топограми. На поверхні графенових острівців були знайдені сферичні утворення діаметром від 20 до 32нм. Експериментальні дані порівнювалися з аналітичними даними, отриманими на підставі розробленої моделі. Розбіжність між експериментальними даними і моделлю складають 3 %.The article investigates the formation of ultrathin multilayer graphene coatings. The aim is to determine the nature of the irregularities hemispherical shape that our research group associated with the pressure of the carbon gas. To solve this problem developed physicomathematical model of the surface topography by the pressure of the carbon gas. The developed method allows to determine the basis of the deformation theory of the maximum size of the hemisphere, depending on the substrate material. The results of studies of the graphene coating by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) with a semiconducting diamond tip. Analysis of experimental data used fractal analysis horizontal topograms cut. On the surface of graphene islands were found spherical formations diameter from 20 to 32nm. The experimental data were compared with the analytical data obtained on the basis of the developed model. The discrepancy between the experimental data and the model is 3%.Статья посвящена проблемам формирования ультратонких многослойных графеновых покрытий. Целью работы является определение природы возникновения неровностей полусферической формы, что нашей исследовательской группой связывается с давлением углеродного газа. Для решения поставленной задачи разработана физико-математическая модель формирования рельефа поверхности под влиянием давления углеродного газа. Разработанная методика позволяет на основе деформационной теории определить максимальный размер полусферы в зависимости от материала подложки. Представлены результаты исследования графенового покрытия методом сканирующей туннельной микроскопии (СТМ) с полупроводниковым алмазным острием. Для обработки экспериментальных данных использовался фрактальный анализ горизональных сечений топограмм. На поверхности графеновых островков были найдены сферические образования диаметром от 20 до 32нм. Экспериментальные данные сравнивались с аналитическими данными, полученными на основании разработанной модели. Расхождение между экспериментальными данными и моделью составляют 3%


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    Purpose: The problem of the quality of education concerns not only Russia but also the entire world community. Many developed countries are concerned about the current state of education and are trying to improve their quality. One of the leading trends in the modernization of education in Russia is increasing attention to the problem of improving its quality, which requires the development of conceptual approaches to finding ways to solve it. Methodology: In pedagogical terms, the quality of education is considered from two positions: firstly, as the degree of compliance of the educational system with the established requirements and the quality of educational services provided by the educational institution; secondly, as the effectiveness of the educational process that meets the needs of social customers not only in terms of assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by students, but also the development of their personality, cognitive and creative abilities. Result: The choice of an actual and effective educational program is interesting not only for the consumer but also for the educational organization (institution), as it is a quality program in many sectors of education that affects the competitiveness of the educational organization. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Organization of Monitoring in the Quality Management System of the Educational Process when Training of Specialists is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Great Patriotic War and Labor Resources of Urals Industry: Development Features

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    The analysis of the influence of the Great Patriotic War on the supply of labor resources to the industry of the Ural economic region is carried out. Materials from the funds of three archives were used — the Russian State Archive of Economics, the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Center for Documentation of Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region, some of which have not been previously published. It is re-ported that a rather extensive list of studies is devoted to the question of the impact of the Great Patriotic War on the economy of the Ural economic region and its individual sectors (primarily industry and agriculture). It is alleged that during the war, during the mass evacuation, the Urals received about 700 industrial enterprises from the western regions of the country. It is stated that such a large-scale, unplanned and forced migration, on the one hand, created difficulties associated with the placement of equipment and people, and on the other. The disproportionately expanded industrial potential of the Ural eco-nomic region created great problems in the post-war period. Attention is focused on the fact that the Great Patriotic War gave the industry of the Urals a strong impetus for further development. It is proved that the war had a contradictory impact on the socio-economic development of the Urals. It is emphasized that to eliminate the shortage of labor resources, a method tested even before the war — the massive movement of the population from village to city was used

    Implementation of Law on Pension Provision for Collective Farmers in Sverdlovsk Region (1964-1965)

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    The article is devoted to the problem of pension provision of collective farmers in the USSR. The study was conducted on archival materials with the involvement of Internet sources, as well as scientific and reference literature. The relevance of the topic is determined by its importance for the social sciences, especially for history, sociology and economics. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the fact that new materials discovered by authors in the funds of these archives are introduced into circulation. The time frame of the article - 1964 and 1965 - is determined by the fact that in this period the state pension provision of collective farmers was introduced. It is claimed that the salaries charged to collective farmers were several times less than the salaries of the majority of urban residents. It is stated that the introduced pensions only to a small extent facilitated the financial situation of the collective farm peasantry. It is claimed that almost all the surveyed collective farmers-pensioners were set a minimum pension. It is proved that the size of disability pensions for farmers initially could not be high. It is concluded that the attitude to the peasantry “on the residual principle” had deep historical roots in the USSR and was based on the well-known concept of Marxist-Leninist theory, which proclaimed the peasantry as a “reactionary” class

    Verificação do apoio gerencial da trajetória profissional e educacional dos alunos no ambiente educacional sociocultural da universidade

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the processes of modernization of vocational education and the transition to the educational standards of the third generation, which open up new opportunities for students and teachers. Step-by-step management support of professional and educational trajectory of students requires organizational conditions and the development of technology for its practical implementation. Identifying the level of motivation in students when choosing a future profession allows assessing the level of inclusion of students in educational and cognitive activities and determining how far it is from the optimal motivational level, which allows the student achieving their goals, advancing in professional and personal development. At the initial stage of diagnosis, the analysis of professional experience of students, successes and problems in the training practice of the first year of training is carried out, at the next stage, the results of research activities on the results of the second year of training are analyzed. Activity-practical criterion, indicators of which are formed professional skills, primary professional experience, being in a sense the total overall performance indicator of professional and personal development of students, also changes qualitatively in the direction of improvement.La relevancia del estudio está determinada por los procesos de modernización de la educación vocacional y la transición a los estándares educativos de la tercera generación, que abren nuevas oportunidades para estudiantes y profesores. El apoyo paso a paso de la gestión de la trayectoria profesional y educativa de los estudiantes requiere condiciones organizativas y el desarrollo de tecnología para su implementación práctica. Identificar el nivel de motivación en los estudiantes al elegir una profesión futura permite evaluar el nivel de inclusión de los estudiantes en actividades educativas y cognitivas y determinar qué tan lejos está del nivel motivacional óptimo, lo que permite al estudiante alcanzar sus metas, avanzando en lo profesional y en el desarrollo peronal. En la etapa inicial del diagnóstico, el análisis de la experiencia profesional de los estudiantes, los éxitos y los problemas en la práctica de capacitación del primer año se lleva a cabo. En la siguiente etapa, se analizan los resultados de las actividades de investigación sobre los resultados del segundo año de capacitación. El criterio práctico de la actividad, cuyos indicadores son habilidades profesionales formadas, experiencia profesional primaria, siendo en cierto sentido el indicador de rendimiento global total del desarrollo profesional y personal de los estudiantes, también cambia cualitativamente en la dirección de la mejora.A relevância do estudo é determinada pelos processos de modernização do ensino profissional e pela transição para os padrões educacionais da terceira geração, que abrem novas oportunidades para alunos e professores. O apoio passo a passo da gestão da trajetória profissional e educacional dos alunos requer condições organizacionais e o desenvolvimento de tecnologia para sua implementação prática. Identificar o nível de motivação dos alunos na escolha de uma profissão futura para avaliar o nível de inclusão de alunos em actividades educativas e cognitivas e determinar o quão longe é o nível motivacional ideal, que permite que o aluno a alcançar seus objetivos, o progresso na profissional e no desenvolvimento peronal. Na fase inicial do diagnóstico, ocorre a análise da experiência profissional dos alunos, sucessos e problemas na prática do primeiro ano de treinamento. Na etapa seguinte, são analisados os resultados das atividades de pesquisa sobre os resultados do segundo ano de treinamento. O critério prático da atividade, cujos indicadores são habilidades profissionais treinadas, experiência profissional primária, sendo de certa forma o indicador do desempenho global total do desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal dos estudantes, também muda qualitativamente na direção da melhoria

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity I. General Framework

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    Recently the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) was proposed as a classically equivalent way to impose the infinite number of Wheeler -- DeWitt constraint equations in terms of a single Master Equation. While the proposal has some promising abstract features, it was until now barely tested in known models. In this series of five papers we fill this gap, thereby adding confidence to the proposal. We consider a wide range of models with increasingly more complicated constraint algebras, beginning with a finite dimensional, Abelean algebra of constraint operators which are linear in the momenta and ending with an infinite dimensional, non-Abelean algebra of constraint operators which closes with structure functions only and which are not even polynomial in the momenta. In all these models we apply the Master Constraint Programme successfully, however, the full flexibility of the method must be exploited in order to complete our task. This shows that the Master Constraint Programme has a wide range of applicability but that there are many, physically interesting subtleties that must be taken care of in doing so. In this first paper we prepare the analysis of our test models by outlining the general framework of the Master Constraint Programme. The models themselves will be studied in the remaining four papers. As a side result we develop the Direct Integral Decomposition (DID) for solving quantum constraints as an alternative to Refined Algebraic Quantization (RAQ).Comment: 42 pages, no figure