193 research outputs found

    137Cs in freshwater fish and lake water in Finland after the Chernobyl deposition

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    Normal levels of p27Xic1 are necessary for somite segmentation and determining pronephric organ size

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    The Xenopus laevis cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27Xic1 has been shown to be involved in exit from the cell cycle and differentiation of cells into a quiescent state in the nervous system, muscle tissue, heart and retina. We show that p27Xic1 is expressed in the developing kidney in the nephrostomal regions. Using over-expression and morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) knock-down approaches we show normal levels of p27Xic1 regulate pronephros organ size by regulating cell cycle exit. Knock-down of p27Xic1 expression using a MO prevented myogenesis, as previously reported; an effect that subsequently inhibits pronephrogenesis. Furthermore, we show that normal levels of p27Xic1 are required for somite segmentation also through its cell cycle control function. Finally, we provide evidence to suggest correct paraxial mesoderm segmentation is not necessary for pronephric induction in the intermediate mesoderm. These results indicate novel developmental roles for p27Xic1, and reveal its differentiation function is not universally utilised in all developing tissues

    Xenopus as a Model System for the Study of GOLPH2/GP73 Function: Xenopus golph2 Is Required for Pronephros Development

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    GOLPH2 is a highly conserved protein. It is upregulated in a number of tumors and is being considered as an emerging biomarker for related diseases. However, the function of GOLPH2 remains unknown. The Xenopus model is used to study the function of human proteins. We describe the isolation and characterization of Xenopus golph2, which dimerizes and localizes to the Golgi in a manner similar to human GOLPH2. Xenopus golph2 is expressed in the pronephros during early development. The morpholino-mediated knockdown of golph2 results in edema formation. Additionally, Nephrin expression is enhanced in the glomus, and the expression of pronephric marker genes, such as atp1b1, ClC-K, NKCC2, and NBC1, is diminished in the tubules and duct. Expression patterns of the transcription factors WT1, Pax2, Pax8, Lim1, GATA3, and HNF1β are also examined in the golph2 knockdown embryos, the expression of WT1 is increased in the glomus and expanded laterally in the pronephric region. We conclude that the deletion of golph2 causes an increase in the expression of WT1, which may promote glomus formation and inhibit pronephric tubule differentiation

    Spemann\u27s Organizer: Models And Molecules

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