175 research outputs found

    On the governing equations for Poisson and Skellam processes time-changed by inverse subordinators

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    In the paper we present the governing equations for marginal distributions of Poisson and Skellam processes time-changed by inverse subordinators. The equations are given in terms of convolution-type derivatives

    Дослiдження розв’язкiв дисперсiйних рiвнянь старшого порядку з φ-субгауссовими початковими умовами

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    In this paper, there are studied sample paths properties of stochastic processes representing solutions of higher-order dispersive equations with random initial conditions given by φ-sub-Gaussian harmonizable processes. The main results are the bounds for the rate of growth of such stochastic processes considered over unbounded domains. The class of φ-sub-Gaussian processes with φ(x) = |x|^α/α, 1 < α <= 2, is a natural generalization of Gaussian processes. For such initial conditions the bounds for the distribution of supremum of solutions can be calculated in rather simple form. The bounds for the rate of growth of solution to higher-order partial differential equations with random initial conditions in the case of general φ were obtained in [9], the derivation was based on the sults stated in [1]. Here we use another approach, which allows us, for the particular case φ(x) = |x|^α/α, α є (1, 2], to present the expressions for the bounds in the closed form. Pages of the article in the issue: 78 - 84 Language of the article: EnglishIn this paper, there are studied sample paths properties of stochastic processes representing solutions of higher-order dispersive equations with random initial conditions given by φ-sub-Gaussian harmonizable processes. The main results are the bounds for the rate of growth of such stochastic processes considered over unbounded domains. The class of φ-sub-Gaussian processes with φ(x) = |x|^α/α, 1 < α <= 2, is a natural generalization of Gaussian processes. For such initial conditions the bounds for the distribution of supremum of solutions can be calculated in rather simple form. The bounds for the rate of growth of solution to higher-order partial differential equations with random initial conditions in the case of general φ were obtained in [9], the derivation was based on the sults stated in [1]. Here we use another approach, which allows us, for the particular case φ(x) = |x|^α/α, α є (1, 2], to present the expressions for the bounds in the closed form

    Bias control in the estimation of spectral functionals

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    We consider estimators for integrals of a spectrum and a bispectrum for random fields X(t), t belongs R^d, and present conditions guaranteeing the rate of convergence of bias to zero appropriate for dimensions d = 1, 2, 3

    Властивостi розв’язкiв лiнiйного рiвняння KdV iз φ-субгауссовими початковими умовами

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    In this paper, there are studied sample paths properties of stochastic processes representing solutions (in L_2(Ω) sense) to the linear Korteweg–de Vries equation (called also the Airy equation) with random initial conditions given by φ-sub-Gaussian stationary processes. The main results are the bounds for the distributions of the suprema for such stochastic processes considered over bounded domains. Also, there are presented some examples to illustrate the results of the study. Pages of the article in the issue: 11 - 19 Language of the article: EnglishВажливий практичний аспект оцiнювання статистичних властивостей фiзичних систем спирається на ефективне представлення зв’язку мiж розв’язками рiвнянь з частинними похiдними та випадковими початковими умовами. У цiй роботi дослiджуються властивостi траєкторiй випадкових процесiв, що задають розв’язки (в L_2(Ω)) для рiвняння Айрi з φ-субгауссовими стацiонарними випадковими початковими умовами. Властивостi субгауссовостi та φ-субгауссовостi є важливими характеристиками випадкових процесiв, оскiльки вони дають можливiсть оцiнити рiзнi функцiонали вiд цих процесiв, i, зокрема, дослiдити поведiнку їх супремумiв. Основнi результати роботи – це оцiнки для розподiлiв супремумiв випадкових процесiв, що задають розв’язки для рiвняння Айрi, на обмежених множинах. Застосування отриманих результатiв проiлюстровано на прикладах у випадках гауссових початкових умов з рiзними допустимими функцiями та φ-субгауссових початкових умов з певними функцiями φ, зокрема φ(x) = exp{|x|} − |x| − 1, x \in R

    Lox-dependent gene expression in transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

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    Lox sites of the Cre/lox recombination system from bacteriophage P1 were analyzed for their ability to affect on transgene expression when inserted upstream from a gene coding sequence adjacent to the right border (RB) of T-DNA. Wild and mutated types of lox sites were tested for their effect upon bar gene expression in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated and biolistic transformation methods. Lox-mediated expression of bar gene, recognized by resistance of transgenic plants to PPT, occurred only in plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. RT-PCR analysis confirms that PPT-resistant phenotype of transgenic plants obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was caused by activation of bar gene. The plasmid with promoterless gus gene together with the lox site adjacent to the RB was constructed and transferred to Nicotiana tabacum as well. Transgenic plants exhibited GUS activity and expression of gus gene was detected in plant leaves. Expression of bar gene from the vectors containing lox site near RB allowed recovery of numerous PPT-resistant transformants of such important crops as Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa and Solanum tuberosum. Our results demonstrate that the lox site sequence adjacent to the RB can be used to control bar gene expression in transgenic plants.Проанализирована способность lox-сайтов Cre/lox системы рекомбинации бактериофага Р1 влиять на экспрессию трансгенов при расположении этой последовательности непосредственно возле правого бордера (RB) перед кодирующей последовательностью гена. Нативная и мутированная последовательность lox-сайта были размещены в векторах для трансформации возле гена bar и проведена генетическая трансформация растений с помощью агробактерии и биолистическим методом. Lox-опосредованная экспрессия гена bar, обусловливающая устойчивость растений к фосфинотрицину, наблюдалась только у растений, которые получены с помощью агробактериальной трансформации. Методом РТ-ПЦР анализа подтверждено, что в трансгенных растениях, устойчивых к фосфинотрицину, происходит транскрипция гена bar. Сконструирован вектор, в котором ген gus и предшествующий ему lox-сайт размещены вблизи правого бордера, и проведена трансформация табака этим вектором. Экспрессия гена gus задетектирована в листьях трансгенных растений. Векторы, у которых последовательность lox-сайта предшествует гену bar возле правого бордера (RB-lox-bar), успешно использованы для получения устойчивых к фосфинотрицину трансгенных растений таких видов, как Beta vulgaris, Brassica napus, Lactuca sativa и Solanum tuberosum. Наши результаты подтверждают возможность использования последовательности lox-сайта возле правого бордера для контроля экспрессии гена bar в трансгенных растениях

    Fibrogenic and fibrolytic potential of differently activated human macrophages

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    Macrophages are involved in the regulation of fibrogenesis and turnover of the extracellular matrix. One way to perform this function is through the production of profibrotic and fibrolytic factors including fibronectin, laminin, collagen, and extracellular matrix proteases. The production of most of them has been well studied in experimental models; however, much remains unclear regarding human macrophages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to study the content of extracellular matrix proteases (MMP-2 and MMP-9, cathepsin L), their inhibitors (TIMP-1), and collagen (type I) in supernatants of differently activated human macrophages. We compared macrophages differentiated by M-CSF or GM-CSF and further polarized in M1 with lipopolysaccharide, in M2a with IL-4, and in M2c with dexamethasone. Macrophages was obtained from peripheral blood monocytes. The content of MMPs, TIMP, cathepsin, and collagen was determined using appropriate ELISA kits. The results obtained demonstrate that differentiation factors are more important for the production of the above factors compared to polarizing stimuli (lipopolysaccharide, IL-4, dexamethasone). Moreover, macrophages differentiated by M-CSF showed predominantly antifibrotic activity because of pronounced MMPs production, while GM-CSF-induced cultures, on the contrary, were characterized by profibrotic properties due to the high level of TIMP-1 and type I collagen. M1, M2a, and M2c, induced by M-CSF, differed only in MMP-2 production, and M2a produced this metalloproteinase more than other subtypes. In the case of GM-CSF-differentiated cells, a higher level of production of TIMP-1 and, to a lesser extent, type I collagen was characteristic of M1, whereas M2c have minimal concentration of them among GM-CSF-induced macrophage subtypes. Concerning the level of cathepsin L production was relatively constant and did not depend on the generation conditions (differentiation and polarizing signals). Thus, the data obtained help to identify macrophage subtypes with anti- or profibrotic potential and may be useful for the development of cell therapy for diseases associated with fibrogenesis dysregulation

    New dextran coated activated carbons for medical use

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    Activated carbon (AC) can be used for blood purification (hemoperfusion) to treat a range of conditions by direct perfusion of blood through an adsorbent column. The clinical effects of hemoperfusion relate to the AC adsorptive capacity, and any inflammatory response generated by direct blood contact


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    The correction of impaired functions of in vitro generated interferon-alpha-induced dendritic cells (IFN-DCs) in patients with malignant brain tumors (n = 8), malignant lymphomas (n = 14) and pulmonary tuberculosis (n = 26) was analyzed in the present study. The principal possibility of restoring reduced functional activity of patient DCs was shown. The addition of recombinant human IL-2, complex of pro-inflammatory cytokines, double-stranded human DNA or polyoxidonium to IFN-DC cultures at the stage of maturation could significantly increase the allostimulatory activity of DCs in patients with malignant lymphomas and pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as enhance the cytotoxic activity of cancer patient DCs against NK- and TRAIL-resistant tumor cell line HEp-2. These findings offer new approaches to the correction of DC dysfunctions in the pathology and justify ways of improving the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer using dendritic cell vaccines