230 research outputs found

    The collection of potato cultivars as a source for breeding for high yield, earliness, and resistance to late blight, virus diseases and Globodera rostochiensis Woll

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    Background. The article presents information on the results of screening potato cultivars for major commercial traits: earliness, high yield, high starch content, resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), virus diseases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)). Materials and methods. VIR’s collection of domestic and foreign potato cultivars served as the material for this research. The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR. Results and conclusion. The analysis of pedigrees helped to select source material for the main trends of domestic potato breeding. Data of a number of cultivars identified by analyzing progenies from self-pollination are presented in the paper. Potential sources of major commercial traits were found: cvs. ‘Banba’ (k-25222), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Belukha’ (k-25146), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Colleen’ (k-25224), ‘Gala’ (k-25270), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Gornyak’ (k-25311), ‘Larets’ (k-25211), ‘Leoni’ (k-25244), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Meteor’ (k-25212), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), etc. were identified as high yield sources; cvs. ‘Aktyubinskiy-2’ (k-25300), ‘Alaya roza’ (k-25144), ‘Charaўnik’ (k-25139), ‘Darnitsa’ (k-25179), ‘Lad’ (k-25180), ‘Levada’ (k-25121), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Palitra’ (k-25123), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Universal’ (k-25137), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773) and ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) as sources of high starch content; cvs. ‘Aral’ (k-25107), ‘Aymurat’ (k-25248), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Musinskiy’ (k-25312), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Udovitskiy’ (k-25260), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) and ‘Zvezdochka’ (k-25209) as sources of late blight resistance; cvs. ‘Adil’ (k-25112), ‘Azart’ (k-25196), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Favorit’ (k-25132), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Krasavchik’ (k-25210), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Malyshok’ (k-25189), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Nadezhda’ (k-25213), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Pamyati Lorkha’ (k-25214), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sirenevyy tuman’ (k-25143), ‘Sultan’ (k-25131), ‘Shchedrik’ (k-25126), ‘Tekes’ (k-25173), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Volat’ (k-25263), ‘Zhemchuzhina’ (k-25128), etc. as sources of field resistance to virus diseases. Cultivars combining resistance to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)) with other valuable commercial traits were also identified


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    Background. The article presents the data obtained after the screening of potato cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. The selected genotypes combine late blight resistance with other valuable commercial traits, such as high yield, high starch content, resistance to virus dis­eases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.).Materials and methods. Potato accessions representing do­mestic and foreign cultivars from the VIR collection served as the material for this research. The screening was performed according to the techniques developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR.Results and conclusion. The following true-breeding cultivars were identified for their re­sistance to Phytophthora infestans: ‘Ania’ (k-24063), ‘Baszta’ (k-24067), ‘Bobr’ (k-21103), ‘Dunajec’ (k-24074), ‘Klepa’ (k-24080), ‘Koga’ (k-24174), ‘Meduza’ (k-24082) and ’Mors’ (k-24083) from Poland; ‘Caprice’ (k-25193), ‘Certo’ (k-19440) and ‘Valetta’ (k-21769) from Germany; ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Bryansky nadezhny’ (k-12160), ‘Vdokh­noveniye’ (k-12192), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zvezdochka’ (к-25209), ‘Kalinka’ (k-25148), ‘Lukyanovsky’ (k-11750), ‘Musinsky’ (k-25312), ‘Nakra’ (k-11916), ‘Nikulin­sky’ (k-12171), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25258), ‘Rossiyanka’ (k-12057), ‘Rucheyek’ (k-12213) and ‘Udacha’ (k-11900) from Russia; ‘Aktsent’ (k-12237), ‘Vetraz’ (k-11989), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Kupalinka’ (k-12155), ‘Sintez’ (k-11666), ‘Suzorye’ (k-11992) from Be­larus; ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773), ‘Svitanok ki­evsky’ (k-11665), ‘Olviya’ (k-25094), ‘Rakurs’ (k-25098) from Ukraine; ‘Aytmurat’ (k-25248), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sey­anets Lapteva’ (k-25161), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307) and ‘Udovitsky’ (k-25260) from Kazakhstan; etc. High percentage of plantlets resistant to late blight was ob­served among self-pollination progenies of cvs. ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Astra’ (k-10697), ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Nayada’ (k-12157), ‘Rosinka’ (k-11993), ‘Skarb’ (k-11904), ‘Bobr‘ (k-21103) and ‘Clarissa’ (k-21770). There were cultivars combining late blight resistance with such traits as resistance to potato nematode (Globodera rosto­chiensis Woll.) and viruses, high productivity, and increased starch content: ‘Zhuravinka’, ‘Ania’, ‘Baszta’, ‘Bobr’, ‘Certo’ and ‘Mors’. The selected genotypes are recommended as promis­ing to be included in potato breeding programs

    Improving educational process quality in the lessons of natural and mathematical cycle by means of stem-training

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    Today, the educational process is focused on the development of personal characteristics that meet the requirements of a modern educated person. In this regard, the task of educational institutions is to adopt the educational process to today’s realities. To achieve this goal, STEM education is implemente

    Розробка та валідація ГРХ/МС-методики кількісного визначення доксиламіну

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    Doxylamine is a hypnotic medicine used for treatment of minor sleep disorders and is a frequent cause of poisoning.Aim. To develop GLC/MS-procedure of doxylamine quantification and carry out step-by-step validation ofthe developed procedure in the variants of the method of calibration curve, method of standard and method of additions.Results. The chromatographic conditions have been chosen for doxylamine determination by the method of GLC with mass-spectrometry detection with temperature program changing during the analysis from 70 °C to 320 °C. Retention time for doxylamine is 14.53 min. To prove the possibility of the proposed procedure application in further analysis its validation has been carried out in the variants of the method of calibration curve, method of standard and method of additions. Such validation parameters as in process stability, linearity, accuracy, precision and limit of determination have been estimated by model solutions.Experimental part. Conditions of chromatographic analysis: Agilent 6890N/5973N/7683; НР-5MS ∅0.25 mm × 30 m, 0.25 μm; DB-17MS ∅0.25 mm × 30 m, 0.15 μm; columns are connected sequentially through Deans switch; thermostat – 70 CºС (2 min), 45 ºС/min to 210 ºС, 6 ºС/min to 320 ºС (12.56 min); transfer line – 280 ºС; ion source – 230 ºС; quadrupole – 150 ºС; electron impact, 70eV; 40 – 750 m/z; injector – 250 ºС; splitless mode; inlet carrier gas (helium) pressure: 1st column – 26.06 psi, 2nd column – 19.30 psi.Conclusions. New procedure of doxylamine quantitative determination by the method of GLC/MS has been developed. Its validation has been carried out and acceptability for application has been shown.Доксиламин – снотворный препарат, который применяется для лечения легких незначительных расстройств сна и является частой причиной отравлений.Цель. Разработать ГЖХ/МС-методику количественного определения доксиламина и провести поэтапную валидацию разработанной методики в вариантах метода калибровочного графика, метода стандарта и метода добавок.Результаты. Для определения доксиламина методом ГЖХ с использованием масс-спектрометрической детекции были подобраны хроматографические условия с программируемым изменением температуры от 70 °С до 320 °С в процессе анализа. Время удерживания для секнидазола составляет 14,53 мин. Для доказательства возможности применения предлагаемых методик в дальнейшем анализе была проведена их валидация в вариантах метода калибровочного графика, метода стандарта и метода добавок. Такие валидационные параметры, как стабильность, линейность, правильность, прецизионность ипредел количественного определения были оценены с помощью модельных растворов.Экспериментальная часть. Условия хроматографирования: Agilent 6890N/5973N/7683; НР-5МС ∅0,25 мм × 30 м, 0,25 мкм; DB-17MS ∅0,25 мм × 30 м, 0,15 мкм; колонки подключены последовательно через переключатель Дина; термостат – 70 ºС (2 мин), 45 ºС/мин. до 210 ºС, 6 ºС/мин до 320 ºС (12,56 мин); интерфейс масс-спектрометра – 280 ºС; источник ионов – 230 ºС; квадруполь – 150 ºС; электронный удар, 70 эВ; 40 – 750 m/z; инжектор – 250 ºС; без разделения потока; давление газа-носителя (гелия) на входе: 1-я колонка – 26,06 psi, 2-я колонка – 19,30 psi.Выводы. Разработана новая методика количественного определения доксиламина методом ГЖХ/МС. Проведена ее валидация и показана приемлемость для применения.Доксиламін – снодійний лікарський засіб, що застосовується для лікування легких незначних розладів сну та є частою причиною отруєнь.Мета. Розробити ГРХ/МС-методику кількісного визначення доксиламіну та провести поетапну валідацію розробленої методики у варіантах методу калібрувального графіка, методу стандарту та методу добавок.Результати. Для визначення доксиламіну методом ГРХ з використанням мас-спектрометричного детектування були підібрані хроматографічні умови з програмованою зміною температури від 70 °С до 320 °С в процесі аналізу. Час утримування для доксиламіну становить 14,53 хв. Для доведення можливості застосування запропонованих методик у подальшому аналізі було проведено їх валідацію у варіантах методу калібрувального графіка, методу стандарту та методу добавок. Такі валідаційні параметри, як стабільність, лінійність, правильність, прецизійність і межа кількісного визначення було оцінено за допомогою модельних розчинів.Експериментальна частина. Умови хроматографування: Agilent 6890N/5973N/7683; НР-5МС ∅0,25 мм × 30 м, 0,25 мкм; DB-17MS ∅0,25 мм × 30 м, 0,15 мкм; колонки підключено послідовно через перемикач Діна; термостат – 70 ºС (2 хв), 45 ºС/хв до 210 ºС, 6 ºС/хв до 320 ºС (12,56 хв); інтерфейс мас-спектрометра – 280 ºС; джерело іонів – 230 ºС; квадруполь – 150 ºС; електронний удар, 70 еВ; 40 – 750 m/z; інжектор – 250 ºС; без розділення потоку; тиск газу-носія (гелію) на вході: 1-а колонка – 26,06 psi, 2-а колонка – 19,30 psi.Висновки. Розроблено нову методику кількісного визначення доксиламіну методом ГРХ/МС. Проведено її валідацію і показано прийнятність для застосування

    The collection of potato varieties as a reserve of source material for breeding for high yield, earliness, and resistance to diseases and pests

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    Background. Information is provided about the results obtained by screening the VIR collection of improved potato varieties for main commercial traits: earliness, high yield, high starch content, and resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), viruses, and pests, such as cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)), and Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say).Materials and methods. Potato accessions representing domestic and foreign varieties from the VIR collection served as the material for this research. The screening was performed according to the techniques developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR.Results and conclusion. Potato varieties with valuable commercial traits were identified as breeding sources promising for earliness: ‘Bashkirskiy’ (k-25338), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Colleen’ (k-25224), ‘Lagun’ (k-25294), etc.; for high yield: ‘Ametist’ (k-25336), ‘Banba’ (k-25222), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), etc.; for high starch content: ‘Charaўnik’ (k-25139), ‘Darnitsa’ (k-25179), ‘Lad’ (k-25180), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), etc.; for resistance to late blight: local variety (Georgia) (k-25298, k-25326), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Udovitskiy’ (k-25260), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Zvezdochka’ (k-25209); for resistance to viruses: ‘Azart’ (k-25196), Gala (k-25270), ‘Nadezhda’ (k-25213), Utro (k-25219), ‘Volat’ (k-25263), etc. Varieties combining resistance to gold potato cyst nematode with other valuable commercial traits were selected. Varieties with relative resistance to Colorado potato beetle were isolated under favorable conditions for the pest’s development. As a result of the research, new source material was identified, with a potential to improve major commercial traits of potato: earliness, high yield, high starch content, resistance to late blight, viruses, and pests (cyst nematode and Colorado beetle)


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    The results of research on the compatibility of a married couple by role positions and family values as a factor in the satisfaction of spouses with a marriage have been presented. The following psychodiagnostic methods were used as research methods: the test “Role positions in interpersonal relationship” by E. Burn, the questionnaire “Role expectations and claims in marriage” (A. N. Volkova), the method of V. Stolin “Test satisfaction survey marriage”. As methods of statistical analysis, the Mann-Whitney U-test was used to identify significant differences in all parameters of the four formed groups. It was found that satisfaction with marriage directly depends on the compatibility of marriage partners in role positions and family values. As a consequence, couples in which the spouses are compatible on two possible factors are more satisfied with their relations, while spouses whose role positions are incompatible and family values are not agreed are least satisfied with the marriage. The obtained results can be used in the practical work of psychologists

    Management of in-tube projectiles using acoustic channel

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    The article describes the method of measuring the distance from the operator's console installed outside the pipe to the in-tube projectile. A method for measuring distance in the absence of an echo signal is proposed. To do this, two identical ultrasonic locators operating at different frequencies were installed inside and outside the pipeline. The change in the duration of an acoustic pulse propagating in a circular waveguide with rigid walls is shown, which leads to a decrease in the data transfer rate

    Experimental studies of energy characteristics of mixer with deformable camera

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    Currently the development of new machine designs and methods of their engineering calculation is one of the most priority areas of construction industry. It allows one to carry out research at the stage of theoretical calculations in order to predict the expected result. One of the promising constructive solutions for economic profitability increase of mixing equipment is the use of deformable working chamber


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    The results of molecular screening of 103 Russian breeding varieties from the VIR potato collection are presented. These varieties were studied for the presence of diagnostic markers associated with the HI and Grol-4 genes conferring resistance to the golden potato cyst nematode - Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) Behr. - pathotype Ro1. 25 varieties possessed the diagnostic markers of these genes. Among the nematode-resistant varieties, the frequency of genotypes with the diagnostic fragments of 57R and N195 markers of the Hl locus was 98%, and of marker Gro1-4-1 of the Grol-4 gene - 2%

    Finding RB/Rpi-blb1/Rpi-sto1-like sequences in conventionally bred potato varieties

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    The main objectives in potato breeding are increasing yield abilities and improving resistance to numerous pathogens and pests. Among them, the late blight caused by the Phytophthora infestans oomycete is one of the most destructive potato diseases both in Russia and worldwide. Wild relatives of cultivated potato are traditionally used in breeding as the source of valuable R genes conferring resistance to pathogens. Of particular interest are Mexican wild species because Mexico is the centre of origin and diversity of P. infestans and at the same time, it is the centre of potato species diversity.  Mexican wild potato species S. bulbocastanum and S. stoloniferum are an important source of the R genes conferring broad-spec trum resistance against various isolates of P. infestans (Rpi-blb1,  Rpi-blb2, Rpi-sto1). Recently these genes have been transferred into cultivated potato gene pool using the cisgene  approach. At the same time there is a high probability of finding geno types with the Rpi-sto1 gene (functional homologues of  Rpi-blb1) among conventionally bred varieties because for about 40 years S. stoloniferum has been used in breeding as a source of the Rysto and Ry-fsto genes of the extreme resistance to the most important viral pathogen PVY. In this study 188 potato varieties bred in Russia and in near-abroad countries were screened for the presence of six gene-specific markers of the RB/Rpi-blb1 =  Rpi-sto1 and Rpi-blb2 genes conferring broad-spectrum resistance against P. infestans, and for the markers linked to the Rysto and Ry-fsto genes conferring extreme resistance to PVY. In addition, a marker for detecting male sterile mitochondrial DNA type gamma derived from S. stoloniferum was used. The genotypes selected through the molecular markers were divided into four groups: (A) 13 PVY resistant varieties carrying diagnostic markers of the Rysto, Ry-fsto genes and having sterile mt-type gamma; (B) four varieties possessing mt-type gamma and not having the markers of the R genes introgressed from S. stoloniferum; (C) eight genotypes carrying five gene-specific markers for the RB/Rpi-blb1/= Rpi-sto1; (D) the rest 166 (86.9 %) varieties not possessing any of the diagnostic markers associated with the S. stoloniferum genetic material. The sequences of the Rpi-sto1- and BLB1 F/R-amplicons were identical in all the genotypes of group ‘C’ and showed respective 99 % and 100 % similarity to the corresponding fragments of the Rpi-sto1 and Rpi-blb1 genes from the GenBank database. Among the genotypes of group ‘C’ various mt-types were detected, and some of them were male fertile