328 research outputs found

    Constraining proximal grainsize distribution of tephra from paroxysmal eruptions at Etna volcano

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    This study examines proximal deposits associated with 17 lava fountains occurring at the South-East Crater between 16/02 and 1/04, 2021. This eruptive crisis gave rise to some of the most intense eruptions at Etna in the last decade. We studied products deposited from 1 to 3.2 km to the south of the vent. Tephra was preserved within and at the top of the snowpack and layers were correlated based on eruption chronology, remote sensing data on the plume dispersal, and precipitation chronology. The grainsize distribution of these proximal and ultra-proximal deposits is multimodal, with Mdɸ ranging from −2.79 and − 1.84, and σɸ 1.34 and 1.80. Refined data (50% of the main population range between Mdɸ −2.63 and − 1.63ɸ, and σɸ 1.01 and 1.41) were used in a comparative study with existing datasets for selected eruptions to assess the representativity of our data and define a Mdɸ/distance correlation along the dispersal axis. Finally, the contribution of proximal data on the total grainsize distribution suggest that they significantly affect the median grainsize values. A complete sampling could decrease it by up to 2 phi units when compared to distribution based only on medial to distal sampling. Results from this study reinforce the importance of collecting samples in proximal areas

    Volcaniclastic sedimentation in a closed, marginal rift basin: the case of the Melka Kunture area (Upper Awash, ethiopia)

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    The upper Awash runs across a volcano-sedimentary succession dated from the Early to Middle Pleistocene and located on the western margin of the northern portion of the Main Ethiopian Rift. The succession lies above Late Miocene to Pliocene lava flows, domes and large volume ignimbrites. The succession formed within a fluvial system that developed within transversal rift faults. The stratigraphy consists of primary volcanic deposits interbedded with reworked sediments emplaced in a low-energy floodplain developed in a subsiding area. The lower part of the volcaniclastic sequence is dominated by a 1.2 Ma old, low aspect ratio, pyroclastic density current deposit (Kella ignimbrite). This eruption was followed by an eruptive stasis and reorganization of the drainage system. Tephra deposition in the floodplain climaxed again between 0.9 and 0.7 Ma and was associated with extensive tephra reworking. Sedimentation rates significantly decreased after 0.6 myr ago, probably owing to declining volcanic activity. Dynamic interaction between tectonics and volcanic activity created a complex sedimentary environment preserving numerous artefacts (lithic tools), animal and hominin remains. Stratigraphic correlation is based on the interpretation of the basin evolution and has relevance for the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and the interpretation of the palaeontological and archaeological data

    Real-Time Geophysical Monitoring of Particle Size Distribution During Volcanic Explosions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)

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    Of all the key parameters needed to inform forecast models for volcanic plumes, real-time tracking particle size distribution (PSD) of pyroclasts leaving the vent coupled with plume modeling has probably the highest potential for effective management of volcanic hazard associated with plume dispersal and sedimentation. This paper presents a novel algorithm capable of providing syn-emission horizontal size and velocity of particles in real time, converted in mass discharge rates, and its evolution during an explosion, using thermal infrared videos. We present data on explosions that occurred at the SW crater of Stromboli volcano (Italy) in 2012. PSDs and mass eruption rate (MER) data, collected at frequencies of 40 Hz, are then coupled with particle and gas speed data collected with traditional image analysis techniques. The dataset is used to quantify for the first time the dynamics of the explosions and the regime of magma fragmentation. We find that explosive evacuation of magma from a Strombolian conduit during a single explosion proceeds at a constant rate while the explosive dynamics are marked by a pattern that includes an initial transient and short phase until the system stabilizes at equilibrium. These stationary conditions dominate the emission. All explosions begin with a gas jet (onset phase), with maximum recorded vertical velocities above 150 m/s. These high velocities are for small particles carried by the faster moving gas or pressure wave, and larger particles typically have slower velocities. The gas jets are followed by a particle-loaded plume. The particles increase in number until the explosion dynamics become almost constant (in the stationary phase). MER is either stable or increases during the onset to become stable in the stationary phase. The shearing at the interface between the magma and the gas jets controls fragmentation dynamics and particles sizes. Quantification of the Reynolds and Weber numbers suggests that the fragmentation regime changes during an explosion to affect particle shape. The algorithm proposed requires low-cost thermal monitoring systems, and low processing capability, but is robust, powerful, and accurate and is able to provide data with unprecedented accuracy. In general terms, its applicability is limited by the size of individual pixels recorded by the camera, which depends on the detector, the recording distance, and the optical system, particle temperature, which has to be significantly higher than the background

    Ash aggregation during the 11 February 2010 partial dome collapse of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

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    On 11 February 2010, Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, underwent a partial dome collapse (~ 50 × 106 m3) and a short-lived Vulcanian explosion towards the end. Three main pyroclastic units were identified N and NE of the volcano: dome-collapse pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits, fountain-collapse PDC deposits formed by the Vulcanian explosion, and tephra-fallout deposits associated with elutriation from the dome-collapse and fountain-collapse PDCs (i.e. co-PDC fallout deposit). The fallout associated with the Vulcanian explosion was mostly dispersed E and SE by high altitude winds. All units N and NE of the volcano contain variable amounts and types of particle aggregates, although the co-PDC fallout deposit is associated with the largest abundance (i.e. up to 24 wt%). The size of aggregates found in the co-PDC fallout deposit increases with distance from the volcano and proximity to the sea, reaching a maximum diameter of 12 mm about 500 m from the coast. The internal grain size of all aggregates have nearly identical distributions (with Mdϕ ≈ 4–5), with particles in the size categories > 3 ϕ (i.e. < 250 μm) being distributed in similar proportions within the aggregates but in different proportions within distinct internal layers. In fact, most aggregates are characterized by a coarse grained central core occupying the main part of the aggregate, coated by a thin layer of finer ash (single-layer aggregates), while others have one or two additional layers accreted over the core (multiple-layer aggregates). Calculated aggregate porosity and settling velocity vary between 0.3 and 0.5 and 11–21 m s− 1, respectively. The aggregate size shows a clear correlation with both the core size and the size of the largest particles found in the core. The large abundance of aggregates in the co-PDC fallout deposits suggests that the buoyant plumes elutriated above PDCs represent an optimal environment for the formation (particle collision) and development (aggregate layering) of particle aggregates. However, specific conditions are required, including i) a large availability of water (in this case provided by the steam plumes associated with the entrance of PDCs into the ocean), ii) presence of plume regions with different grain-size features (i.e. both median size and sorting) that allows for the development of multiple layers, iii) strong turbulence that permits both particle collision and the transition of the aggregates through different plume regions, iv) presence of hot regions (e.g. PDCs) that promote aggregate preservation (in this case also facilitated by the presence of sea salt)

    The paroxysmal event and its deposits

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    The 5 April 2003 eruption of Stromboli volcano (Italy) was the most violent in the past 50 years. It was also the best documented due to the accurate geophysical monitoring of the ongoing effusive eruption. Detailed field studies carried out a few hours to a few months after the event provided further information that were coupled with visual documentation to reconstruct the explosive dynamics. The eruption consisted of an 8-min-long explosive event preceded by a short-lived precursory activity that evolved into the impulsive ejection of gas and pyroclasts. Meter-sized ballistic blocks were launched to altitudes of up to 1400 m above the craters falling on the volcano flanks and on the village of Ginostra, about 2 km far from the vent. The vertical jet of gas and pyroclasts above the craters fed a convective plume that reached a height of 4 km. The calculated erupted mass yielded values of 1.1–1.4 × 108 kg. Later explosions generated a scoria flow deposit, with an estimated mass of 1.0–1.3 × 107 kg. Final, waning ash explosions closet the event. The juvenile fraction consisted of an almost aphyric, highly vesicular pumice mingled with a shallow-derived, crystal-rich, moderately vesicular scoria. Resuming of the lava emission a few hours after the paroxysm indicate that the shallow magmatic system was not significantly modified during the explosions. Combination of volume data with duration of eruptive phases allowed us to estimate the eruptive intensity: during the climactic explosive event, the mass discharge rate was between 106 and 107 kg/s, whereas during the pyroclastic flow activity, it was 2.8–3.6 × 105 kg/s. Strong similarities with other historical paroxysms at Stromboli suggest similar explosion dynamics

    The properties of large bubbles rising in very viscous liquids in vertical columns

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    Very viscous liquids (>100 Pa s) are found in form of heavy oils and polymers in industry as well as in the natural environment (silicatic magma). Little is known of their behaviour as gas bubbles up through them in vertical columns. Using advanced tomographic instrumentation, the characteristics of these flows have been quantified. It was found that: the gas mainly travels as very large bubbles which occupy a significant part of the column cross-section and that very small bubbles (~100 lm) are created and trapped within the liquid. There is a periodic rising and falling of the top surface of the gas/liquid column as the large bubbles rise to the top and burst

    The machine protection system for the ELI-NP gamma beam system

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    The new Gamma Beam System (GBS) of the ELI-NPproject [1], currently under installation in Magurele (RO)by INFN, as part of EuroGammas consortium, can providegamma rays that open new possibilities for nuclear photonicsand nuclear physics.ELI-NP gamma rays are produced by Compton back-scattering to get monochromaticity (0,1% bandwidth), highflux (1013photons), tunable direction and energy up to19.5 MeV. Such gamma beam is obtained when a high-intensity laser collides a high-brightness electron beam withenergies up to740 MeV, a repetition rate of100 Hz, withtrains of 32 bunches within the same RF bucket.An advanced Machine Protection System (MPS) has beendeveloped, in order to ensure proper operation for this chal-lenging facility. The MPS operates on different layers of thecontrol system and is interfaced with all its sub-systems. Forinstance, it comprises different kind of beam loss monitors(based on Cherenkov optical fiber), hall probes, fast currenttransformer together with BPMs, and an embedded systembased on FPGA with distributed I/O over EtherCAT, to mon-itor vacuum and RF systems [2], which require fast responseto be interlocked within one RF pulse
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