136 research outputs found

    Critical temperature for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition (from multifragmentation and fission)

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    Critical temperature Tc for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition is stimated both from the multifragmentation and fission data. In the first case,the critical temperature is obtained by analysis of the IMF yields in p(8.1 GeV)+Au collisions within the statistical model of multifragmentation (SMM). In the second case, the experimental fission probability for excited 188Os is compared with the calculated one with Tc as a free parameter. It is concluded for both cases that the critical temperature is higher than 16 MeV.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Recoil Studies in the Reaction of 12-C Ions with the Enriched Isotope 118-Sn

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    The recoil properties of the product nuclei from the interaction of 2.2 GeV/nucleon 12-C ions from Nuclotron of the Laboratory of High Energies (LHE), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) at Dubna with a 118-Sn target have been studied using catcher foils. The experimental data were analyzed using the mathematical formalism of the standard two-step vector model. The results for 12-C ions are compared with those for deuterons and protons. Three different Los Alamos versions of the Quark-Gluon String Model (LAQGSM) were used for comparison with our experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Measurement of the complete nuclide production and kinetic energies of the system 136Xe + hydrogen at 1 GeV per nucleon

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    We present an extensive overview of production cross sections and kinetic energies for the complete set of nuclides formed in the spallation of 136Xe by protons at the incident energy of 1 GeV per nucleon. The measurement was performed in inverse kinematics at the FRagment Separator (GSI, Darmstadt). Slightly below the Businaro-Gallone point, 136Xe is the stable nuclide with the largest neutron excess. The kinematic data and cross sections collected in this work for the full nuclide production are a general benchmark for modelling the spallation process in a neutron-rich nuclear system, where fission is characterised by predominantly mass-asymmetric splits.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    High-resolution velocity measurements on fully identified light nuclides produced in 56Fe + hydrogen and 56Fe + titanium systems

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    New experimental results on the kinematics and the residue production are obtained for the interactions of 56Fe projectiles with protons and (nat)Ti target nuclei, respectively, at theincident energy of 1 A GeV. The titanium-induced reaction serves as a reference case for multifragmentation. Already in the proton-induced reaction, the characteristics of the isotopic cross sections and the shapes of the velocity spectra of light residues indicate that high thermal energy is deposited in the system during the collision. In the 56Fe+p system the high excitation seems to favour the onset of fast break-up decays dominated by very asymmetric partitions of the disassembling system. This configuration leads to the simultaneous formation of one or more light fragments together with one heavy residue.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, 1 table, this work forms part of the PhD thesis of P.Napolitani, background information on http://www-w2k.gsi.de/kschmidt

    Critical Temperature for the Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition

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    The charge distribution of the intermediate mass fragments produced in p (8.1 GeV) + Au collisions is analyzed in the framework of the statistical multifragmentation model with the critical temperature for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition TcT_c as a free parameter. It is found that Tc=20±3T_c=20\pm3 MeV (90% CL).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    On the solution of a supersymmetric model of correlated electrons

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    We consider the exact solution of a model of correlated electrons based on the superalgebra Osp(22)Osp(2|2). The corresponding Bethe ansatz equations have an interesting form. We derive an expression for the ground state energy at half filling. We also present the eigenvalue of the transfer matrix commuting with the Hamiltonian.Comment: Palin latex , 8 page

    Lattice fermion models with supersymmetry

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    We investigate a family of lattice models with manifest N=2 supersymmetry. The models describe fermions on a 1D lattice, subject to the constraint that no more than k consecutive lattice sites may be occupied. We discuss the special properties arising from the supersymmetry, and present Bethe ansatz solutions of the simplest models. We display the connections of the k=1 model with the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain at \Delta=-1/2, and the k=2 model with both the su(2|1)-symmetric tJ model in the ferromagnetic regime and the integrable spin-1 XXZ chain at \Delta=-1/\sqrt{2}. We argue that these models include critical points described by the superconformal minimal models.Comment: 28 pages. v2: added new result on mapping to XXZ chai

    Phase Diagram of the Extended Hubbard Model with Correlated Hopping Interaction

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    A one-dimensional model of interacting electrons with on-site UU, nearest-neighbor VV, and correlated-hopping interaction TT^{\ast} is studied at half-filling using the continuum-limit field theory approach. The ground state phase diagram is obtained for a wide range of coupling constants. In addition to the insulating spin- and charge-density wave phases for large UU and VV, respectively, we identify bond-located ordered phases corresponding to an enhanced Peierls instability in the system for T>0T^\ast>0, U2V<8T/π|U-2V|<8T^\ast/\pi and to a staggered magnetization located on bonds between sites for T<0T^\ast<0, U2V<8T/π|U-2V|<8|T^\ast|/\pi. The general ground state phase diagram including insulating, metallic, and superconducting phases is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 eps-figure