294 research outputs found

    PCV60 Cost-Effectiveness of Dabigatran for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation in Australia

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    Cross-verification of independent quantum devices

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    Quantum computers are on the brink of surpassing the capabilities of even the most powerful classical computers. This naturally raises the question of how one can trust the results of a quantum computer when they cannot be compared to classical simulation. Here we present a verification technique that exploits the principles of measurement-based quantum computation to link quantum circuits of different input size, depth, and structure. Our approach enables consistency checks of quantum computations within a device, as well as between independent devices. We showcase our protocol by applying it to five state-of-the-art quantum processors, based on four distinct physical architectures: nuclear magnetic resonance, superconducting circuits, trapped ions, and photonics, with up to 6 qubits and 200 distinct circuits

    Adjusting for COPD severity in database research: developing and validating an algorithm

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    Purpose: When comparing chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) interventions in database research, it is important to adjust for severity. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines grade severity according to lung function. Most databases lack data on lung function. Previous database research has approximated COPD severity using demographics and healthcare utilization. This study aims to derive an algorithm for COPD severity using baseline data from a large respiratory trial (UPLIFT).Methods: Partial proportional odds logit models were developed for probabilities of being in GOLD stages II, III and I V. Concordance between predicted and observed stage was assessed using kappa-statistics. Models were estimated in a random selection of 2/3 of patients and validated in the remainder. The analysis was repeated in a subsample with a balanced distributio

    Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing

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    We report on the design of a cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing containing a segmented surface electrode trap. The heat shield of our cryostat is designed to attenuate alternating magnetic field noise, resulting in 120~dB reduction of 50~Hz noise along the magnetic field axis. We combine this efficient magnetic shielding with high optical access required for single ion addressing as well as for efficient state detection by placing two lenses each with numerical aperture 0.23 inside the inner heat shield. The cryostat design incorporates vibration isolation to avoid decoherence of optical qubits due to the motion of the cryostat. We measure vibrations of the cryostat of less than ±\pm20~nm over 2~s. In addition to the cryogenic apparatus, we describe the setup required for an operation with 40^{\mathrm{40}}Ca+^{\mathrm{+}} and 88^{\mathrm{88}}Sr+^{\mathrm{+}} ions. The instability of the laser manipulating the optical qubits in 40^{\mathrm{40}}Ca+^{\mathrm{+}} is characterized yielding a minimum of its Allan deviation of 2.4\cdot1015^{\mathrm{-15}} at 0.33~s. To evaluate the performance of the apparatus, we trapped 40^{\mathrm{40}}Ca+^{\mathrm{+}} ions, obtaining a heating rate of 2.14(16)~phonons/s and a Gaussian decay of the Ramsey contrast with a 1/e-time of 18.2(8)~ms

    Implementation of a Toffoli Gate with Superconducting Circuits

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    The quantum Toffoli gate allows universal reversible classical computation. It is also an important primitive in many quantum circuits and quantum error correction schemes. Here we demonstrate the realization of a Toffoli gate with three superconducting transmon qubits coupled to a microwave resonator. By exploiting the third energy level of the transmon qubit, the number of elementary gates needed for the implementation of the Toffoli gate, as well as the total gate time can be reduced significantly in comparison to theoretical proposals using two-level systems only. We characterize the performance of the gate by full process tomography and Monte Carlo process certification. The gate fidelity is found to be 68.5±0.568.5\pm0.5%.Comment: 4 pages, 5figure

    Realization of the quantum Toffoli gate with trapped ions

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    Algorithms for quantum information processing are usually decomposed into sequences of quantum gate operations, most often realized with single- and two- qubit gates[1]. While such operations constitute a universal set for quantum computation, gates acting on more than two qubits can simplify the implementation of complex quantum algorithms[2]. Thus, a single three-qubit operation can replace a complex sequence of two-qubit gates, which in turn promises faster execution with potentially higher Fidelity. One important three-qubit operation is the quantum Toffoli gate which performs a NOT operation on a target qubit depending on the state of two control qubits. Here we present the first experimental realization of the quantum Toffoli gate in an ion trap quantum computer. Our implementation is particular effcient as we directly encode the relevant logic information in the motion of the ion string. [1] DiVincenzo, D. P. Two-bit gates are universal for quantum computation. cond-mat/9407022, Phys.Rev. A 51, 1015-1022 (1995). [2] Chiaverini, J. et al. Realization of quantum error correction. Nature 432, 602-605 (2004).Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Rank-based model selection for multiple ions quantum tomography

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    The statistical analysis of measurement data has become a key component of many quantum engineering experiments. As standard full state tomography becomes unfeasible for large dimensional quantum systems, one needs to exploit prior information and the "sparsity" properties of the experimental state in order to reduce the dimensionality of the estimation problem. In this paper we propose model selection as a general principle for finding the simplest, or most parsimonious explanation of the data, by fitting different models and choosing the estimator with the best trade-off between likelihood fit and model complexity. We apply two well established model selection methods -- the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) -- to models consising of states of fixed rank and datasets such as are currently produced in multiple ions experiments. We test the performance of AIC and BIC on randomly chosen low rank states of 4 ions, and study the dependence of the selected rank with the number of measurement repetitions for one ion states. We then apply the methods to real data from a 4 ions experiment aimed at creating a Smolin state of rank 4. The two methods indicate that the optimal model for describing the data lies between ranks 6 and 9, and the Pearson χ2\chi^{2} test is applied to validate this conclusion. Additionally we find that the mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimator for pure states is close to that of the optimal over all possible measurements.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Rescaling multipartite entanglement measures for mixed states

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    A relevant problem regarding entanglement measures is the following: Given an arbitrary mixed state, how does a measure for multipartite entanglement change if general local operations are applied to the state? This question is nontrivial as the normalization of the states has to be taken into account. Here we answer it for pure-state entanglement measures which are invariant under determinant 1 local operations and homogeneous in the state coefficients, and their convex-roof extension which quantifies mixed-state entanglement. Our analysis allows to enlarge the set of mixed states for which these important measures can be calculated exactly. In particular, our results hint at a distinguished role of entanglement measures which have homogeneous degree 2 in the state coefficients.Comment: Published version plus one important reference (Ref. [39]

    Experimental GHZ Entanglement beyond Qubits

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    The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) argument provides an all-or-nothing contradiction between quantum mechanics and local-realistic theories. In its original formulation, GHZ investigated three and four particles entangled in two dimensions only. Very recently, higher dimensional contradictions especially in three dimensions and three particles have been discovered but it has remained unclear how to produce such states. In this article we experimentally show how to generate a three-dimensional GHZ state from two-photon orbital-angular-momentum entanglement. The first suggestion for a setup which generates three-dimensional GHZ entanglement from these entangled pairs came from using the computer algorithm Melvin. The procedure employs novel concepts significantly beyond the qubit case. Our experiment opens up the possibility of a truly high-dimensional test of the GHZ-contradiction which, interestingly, employs non-Hermitian operators.Comment: 6+6 pages, 8 figure