340 research outputs found

    Poblamiento, movilidad y territorios entre las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras de Patagonia

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    La transición Pleistoceno/Holoceno fue un tiempo crítico ambiental en el cual se produjo la dispersión humana del último continente en ser poblado, América del Sur. Los primeros colonos, que buscaban lugares para establecerse, fueron desafiados en América por la enorme variabilidad ambiental y los profundos y repentinos cambios climáticos de los momentos de la transición. Este artículo trata de ese proceso de poblamiento en la Patagonia, donde las ocupaciones humanas más antiguas están datadas entre 13.5 y 10.5 ka AP en tres diferentes focos geográficos: (a) las cuencas andinas de la vertiente Pacífica; (b) la cuenca del Macizo del Deseado; y (c) la cuenca magallánico-fueguina. Siguiendo los datos arqueológicos y paleoambientales (polen, faunas, sedimentos) y los fechados radiocarbónicos se proponen hipótesis sobre las formas de la colonización y la movilidad humana durante el final de la última gran glaciación y el Holoceno medio. El ingreso de los primeros grupos de cazadores-recolectores podría haber ocurrido por dos rutas diferentes, el borde Pacífico y la vertiente Atlántica. Desde ambos litorales y remontando los ríos hacia el interior del territorio los grupos habrían alcanzado en forma diferida ambos flancos cordilleranos. La alta movilidad de los primeros grupos humanos habría sido la clave para enfrentar el desafío de la colonización en esas altas latitudes.La transición Pleistoceno/Holoceno fue un tiempo crítico ambiental en el cual se produjo la dispersión humana del último continente en ser poblado, América del Sur. Los primeros colonos, que buscaban lugares para establecerse, fueron desafiados en América por la enorme variabilidad ambiental y los profundos y repentinos cambios climáticos de los momentos de la transición. Este artículo trata de ese proceso de poblamiento en la Patagonia, donde las ocupaciones humanas más antiguas están datadas entre 13.5 y 10.5 ka AP en tres diferentes focos geográficos: (a) las cuencas andinas de la vertiente Pacífica; (b) la cuenca del Macizo del Deseado; y (c) la cuenca magallánico-fueguina. Siguiendo los datos arqueológicos y paleoambientales (polen, faunas, sedimentos) y los fechados radiocarbónicos se proponen hipótesis sobre las formas de la colonización y la movilidad humana durante el final de la última gran glaciación y el Holoceno medio. El ingreso de los primeros grupos de cazadores-recolectores podría haber ocurrido por dos rutas diferentes, el borde Pacífico y la vertiente Atlántica. Desde ambos litorales y remontando los ríos hacia el interior del territorio los grupos habrían alcanzado en forma diferida ambos flancos cordilleranos. La alta movilidad de los primeros grupos humanos habría sido la clave para enfrentar el desafío de la colonización en esas altas latitudes

    Adjustment of the expedite method for clay content determination in Rondônia soils.

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    Soil clay content is an important soil attribute and has been used to classification of phosphorus status in the soil in order to determinate the needing of phosphorus amounts to be applied to crops production. The aim of this research was to adjust the method for soil clay content determination, adopted by the laboratories of Southern Brazil (ROLAS-RS/SC), for soil clay content evaluation in Rondônia soils. The study was conducted using 50 soil samples from Rondônia State with wide range clay content. It was tested shaking periods (1.5, 2.0 and 2.5h) associated with periods for soil particles decantation (1.5 and 2.0h) to correlate with the standard method for soil texture testing, known as the pipette method. Clay content determined through this method was significantly correlated with pipette method. The better treatment was the combination of 2.0h of shaking and 1.5h of decantation, resulted in total period of 3.5h, which reduced the period to determine the soil clay content without loss of accuracy

    Understanding petri nets in health sciences education. The health issue network perspective

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    Scarce literature exists as to the use of Petri Nets (PN) to model the dynamic evolution of health issues in a deterministic way. Starting from the HIN (Health Issue Network) approach, the paper aims at describing the suitability of PN in supporting the Case–Based Learning method for improving an educational simulation environment in which students can manage realistic clinical data related to the evolution of a patient's health state over time

    Unlocking the versatile potential: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in ocular surface reconstruction and oculoplastics

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    This review comprehensively explores the versatile potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with a specific focus on adipose-derived MSCs. Ophthalmic and oculoplastic surgery, encompassing diverse procedures for ocular and periocular enhancement, demands advanced solutions for tissue restoration, functional and aesthetic refinement, and aging. Investigating immunomodulatory, regenerative, and healing capacities of MSCs, this review underscores the potential use of adipose-derived MSCs as a cost-effective alternative from bench to bedside, addressing common unmet needs in the field of reconstructive and regenerative surgery

    Stem Cells in Facial Regenerative Surgery: Current Clinical Applications. A Multidisciplinary, Systematic Review

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    Background: Facial reconstruction represents one of the main challenges for surgeons. Stem cells (SC) represent the most studied solution for tissue regeneration. This approach appears particularly promising in combination with bioengineered scaffolds and 3D bioprinting. The purpose of this systematic review is to define the main domains of current application of SC therapy within contemporary clinical workflows, evaluate indications and limitations, report current knowledge in this innovative field of research, and define the landscape of evidence for such approaches. Methods: A systematic review was performed on the pertinent literature regarding stem cell-based cell therapies currently available in the reconstruction of the face. The review used the main databases for scientific literature based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Results: A total of 15 papers were selected after an independent search was performed. The two major domains for current application of stem cells in clinical practice were bone and skin categories. Conclusions: Cell therapy in the field of facial reconstruction represents a promising approach. The evidence regarding the current clinical use, however, seems to show this option to be limited. Bioengineering advances and the parallel development of 3D bioprinting technology can potentially enhance the role of stem cells in the future

    Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Madelung's Disease: Morphological and Functional Characterization

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    Madelung Disease (MD) is a syndrome characterized by the accumulation of aberrant symmetric adipose tissue deposits. The etiology of this disease is yet to be elucidated, even though the presence of comorbidities, either genetic or environmental, has been reported. For this reason, establishing an in vitro model for MD is considered crucial to get insights into its physiopathology. We previously established a protocol for isolation and culture of stem cells from diseased tissues. Therefore, we isolated human adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) from MD patients and compared these cells with those isolated from healthy subjects in terms of surface phenotype, growth kinetic, adipogenic differentiation potential, and molecular alterations. Moreover, we evaluated the ability of the MD-ASC secretome to affect healthy ASC. The results reported a difference in the growth kinetic and surface markers of MD-ASC compared to healthy ASC but not in adipogenic differentiation. The most commonly described mitochondrial mutations were not observed. Still, MD-ASC secretome was able to shift the healthy ASC phenotype to an MD phenotype. This work provides evidence of the possibility of exploiting a patient-based in vitro model for better understanding MD pathophysiology, possibly favoring the development of novel target therapies

    {\AA}ngstr\"om-resolved Interfacial Structure in Organic-Inorganic Junctions

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    Charge transport processes at interfaces which are governed by complex interfacial electronic structure play a crucial role in catalytic reactions, energy storage, photovoltaics, and many biological processes. Here, the first soft X-ray second harmonic generation (SXR-SHG) interfacial spectrum of a buried interface (boron/Parylene-N) is reported. SXR-SHG shows distinct spectral features that are not observed in X-ray absorption spectra, demonstrating its extraordinary interfacial sensitivity. Comparison to electronic structure calculations indicates a boron-organic separation distance of 1.9 {\AA}, wherein changes as small as 0.1 {\AA} result in easily detectable SXR-SHG spectral shifts (ca. 100s of meV). As SXR-SHG is inherently ultrafast and sensitive to individual atomic layers, it creates the possibility to study a variety of interfacial processes, e.g. catalysis, with ultrafast time resolution and bond specificity.Comment: 19 page