226 research outputs found

    Offline MODI Character Recognition Using Complex Moments

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    AbstractThe varying writing style and critical representation of characters in Indian script makes Handwritten Optical Character (HOCR) challenging and has attracted researchers to contribute in this domain. ‘MODI’ Script had cursive type of writings in Devanagari, Marathi where large amount of historical documents were available and need to be digitally explored. The principal objective of this research work is to describe efficiency of Zernike Complex moments and Zernike moments with different Zoning patterns for offline recognition of handwritten ‘MODI’ characters. Every character was divided in six zoning patterns with 37 zones. Geometrical shapes were used to create zoning patterns. The work was resulted in 94.92% correct recognition rate was achieved by using Zernike moments and 94.78% by using Zernike complex moments with integrated approach for heterogeneous zones

    Markers of Liver Function as Potential Prognostic Indicators of SARS-CoV-2 infection: A Retrospective Analysis during the First and Second Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is known to cause a predominant respiratory disease, although extrapulmonary manifestations can also occur. One of the targets of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is the hepatobiliary system. The present study aims to describe the correlation between the increase of liver damage markers (i.e. alanine aminotransferase [ALT], aspartate aminotransferase [AST], total bilirubin [TB]) and COVID-19 outcomes (i.e., in-hospital mortality [IHM] and intensive care unit [ICU] transfer). Methods: All patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted to the Infectious Diseases Unit of the St. Anna University-Hospital of Ferrara from March 2020 to October 2021 were retrospectively included in this single-centre study. ALT, AST and TB levels were tested in all patients and IHM or ICU transfer were considered as main outcomes. Co-morbidities were assessed using Charlson Comorbidity Index. Results: A total of 106 patients were retrieved. No hepatic marker was able to predict IHM, whereas all of them negatively predicted ICU transfer (ALT: OR 1.005, 95%CI 1.001-1.009, p= 0.011; AST: OR 1.018, 95%CI 1.006-1.030, p= 0.003; TB: OR 1.329, 95%CI 1.025-1.724, p= 0.032). Age was the only parameter significantly related to mortality. Conclusions: The present study, by correlating liver damage markers with COVID-19 outcome, showed that an increase of ALT, AST and TB predicted patients' severity, although not mortality

    Good on paper: the gap between programme theory and real-world context in Pakistan's Community Midwife programme

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    Objective To understand why skilled birth attendance—an acknowledged strategy for reducing maternal deaths—has been effective in some settings but is failing in Pakistan and to demonstrate the value of a theory-driven approach to evaluating implementation of maternal healthcare interventions. Design Implementation research was conducted using an institutional ethnographic approach. Setting and population National programme and local community levels in Pakistan. Methods Observations, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews were conducted with 38 Community Midwives (CMWs), 20 policymakers, 45 healthcare providers and 136 community members. A critical policy document review was conducted. National and local level data were brought together. Main outcomes Alignment of programme theory with real-world practice. Results Data revealed gaps between programme theory, assumptions and reality on the ground. The design of the programme failed to take into account: (1) the incongruity between the role of a midwife and dominant class and gendered norms that devalue such a role; (2) market and consumer behaviour that prevented CMWs from establishing private practices; (3) the complexity of public–private sector cooperation. Uniform deployment policies failed to consider existing provider density and geography. Conclusions Greater attention to programme theory and the ‘real-world’ setting during design of maternal health strategies is needed to achieve consistent results in different contexts

    A holin and an endopeptidase are essential for chitinolytic protein secretion in <i>Serratia marcescens</i>

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    Pathogenic bacteria adapt to their environment and manipulate the biochemistry of hosts by secretion of effector molecules. Serratia marcescens is an opportunistic pathogen associated with healthcare-acquired infections and is a prolific secretor of proteins, including three chitinases (ChiA, ChiB, and ChiC) and a chitin binding protein (Cbp21). In this work, genetic, biochemical, and proteomic approaches identified genes that were required for secretion of all three chitinases and Cbp21. A genetic screen identified a holin-like protein (ChiW) and a putative l-alanyl-d-glutamate endopeptidase (ChiX), and subsequent biochemical analyses established that both were required for nonlytic secretion of the entire chitinolytic machinery, with chitinase secretion being blocked at a late stage in the mutants. In addition, live-cell imaging experiments demonstrated bimodal and coordinated expression of chiX and chiA and revealed that cells expressing chiA remained viable. It is proposed that ChiW and ChiX operate in tandem as components of a protein secretion system used by gram-negative bacteria


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    ABSTRAKRahmayanti KS, Sri. 2016. Peran Orang Tua Dalam Membina Nilai Karakter Anak di Kecamatan Simpang Tiga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Dr. Anizar Ahmad, M.Pd., (2). Dra. Fitriana, M.SI.Kata Kunci: Nilai Karakter Anak, Peran Orang TuaPeran orang tua adalah partisipasi atau kesadaran jiwa orang tua untuk memperdulikan anaknya, terutama dalam hal memberikan dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup anaknya baik dari segi sosial maupun material. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui usaha orang tua dalam membina nilai karakter anak di Kecamatan Simpang Tiga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui usaha yang dilakukan orang tua dalam membina nilai karakter anak dan (2) mengetahui sistem pengawasan yang diterapkan oleh orang tua terhadap anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 4 sampai 10 tahun berjumlah 28 keluarga, pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Pengolahan data penelitian ini menggunakan rumus persentase. Simpulan penelitian ini berpengaruh pada usaha orang tua dalam membina nilai karakter anak, walau sebagian kecil yang mengetahui nilai-nilai karakter, tetapi sebagian besar sudah berusaha menanamkan nilai karakter tersebut. Lebih dari setengah responden menanamkan nilai religius kepada anak dengan tujuan agar anak mempunyai akhlak yang mulia kedepannya. Sedangkan yang berperan dalam membina nilai karakter anak adalah suami dan istri. Sistem pengawasan yang diterapkan orang tua berpengaruh terhadap pembentukkan nilai karakter anak. Seluruh anak termasuk kedalam katagori anak yang mudah bersahabat. Penanaman nilai karakter pada anak di mulai pada awal masa kanak-kanak ketika berumur 2-6 tahun. Responden juga menerapkan perilaku disiplin kepada anak karena usia awal kanak-kanak merupakan usia yang masih rentan, dan akan meniru semua yang dikerjakan oleh orang tuanya. Saran untuk orang tua agar dapat mendidik anaknya dengan baik, tidak mengedepankan emosi, dapat meluangkan waktu, adanya komunikasi yang dibina orang tua dengan anak, dan jangan bersikap apatis terhadap apa yang dikerjakan sianak

    On the fallibility of human memory for future actions

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    Human memory is a system that is inherently fallible and prone to distortion, and our memory for future actions is no exception. Prospective memory is defined either as remembering to carry out a task at a particular moment in the future or as the timely execution of a previously formed intention. For a variety of reasons, one may miss this prearranged moment and thus fail to fulfill an intention. This thesis focuses on the factors that may affect the fulfilment of a delayed intention and contribute to prospective memory failures. As the rather scant literature on the effect of stress on prospective memory functioning has produced contradictory findings, Part One of this Thesis investigates the role of stress in prospective memory failures in a strict sense, namely forgetting to carry out intended actions at the appointed time and place. One study involving healthy participants examines the disruptive effect of daily stress on prospective memory functioning and explores the moderating role of individual factors in modulating the harmful consequences associated with stress in everyday life. Another study carried out with healthcare workers investigates how work stress and burnout may contribute to forgetting clinical tasks, which may result in potential adverse events jeopardizing patient safety. Besides stress, misremembering future intentions may also arise from the lingering effect of misinformation on our memory, attitudes, and behaviors. Part Two of this Thesis, encompassing 6 experiments on healthy participants, shows how inaccurate and invalid information survive despite sophisticated correction attempts, influencing memory and reported future intentions. Overall, the results of the studies presented in this Thesis prove the fallibility of our memory for future actions. Various techniques to reduce the risks associated with memory failures are discussed