8,004 research outputs found

    On the Stability of Black Holes at the LHC

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    The eventual production of mini black holes by proton-proton collisions at the LHC is predicted by theories with large extra dimensions resolvable at the Tev scale of energies. It is expected that these black holes evaporate shortly after its production as a consequence of the Hawking radiation. We show that for theories based on the ADS/CFT correspondence, the produced black holes may have an unstable horizon, which grows proportionally to the square of the distance to the collision point.Comment: 3 page

    Dynamical aspects of Kinouchi-Copelli model: emergence of avalanches at criticality

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    We analyze the behavior of bursts of neural activity in the Kinouchi-Copelli model, originally conceived to explain information processing issues in sensory systems. We show that, at a critical condition, power-law behavior emerges for the size and duration of the bursts (avalanches), with exponents experimentally observed in real biological systems.Comment: Paper accepted for Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Applications (oral presentation and poster). 4 pages, 5 figure

    Duality and interval analysis over idempotent semirings

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    In this paper semirings with an idempotent addition are considered. These algebraic structures are endowed with a partial order. This allows to consider residuated maps to solve systems of inequalities AXBA \otimes X \preceq B. The purpose of this paper is to consider a dual product, denoted \odot, and the dual residuation of matrices, in order to solve the following inequality AXXBX A \otimes X \preceq X \preceq B \odot X. Sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of a non-linear projector in the solution set are proposed. The results are extended to semirings of intervals

    An alternative theoretical approach to describe planetary systems through a Schrodinger-type diffusion equation

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    In the present work we show that planetary mean distances can be calculated with the help of a Schrodinger-type diffusion equation. The obtained results are shown to agree with the observed orbits of all the planets and of the asteroid belt in the solar system, with only three empty states. Furthermore, the equation solutions predict a fundamental orbit at 0.05 AU from solar-type stars, a result confirmed by recent discoveries. In contrast to other similar approaches previously presented in the literature, we take into account the flatness of the solar system, by considering the flat solutions of the Schrodinger-type equation. The model has just one input parameter, given by the mean distance of Mercury.Comment: 6 pages. Version accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractal

    Book Review: Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought

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    Review of Provocations: A Transnational Reader in the History of Feminist Thought, edited by Susan Bordo, M. Cristina Alcalde, and Ellen Rosenman. University of California Press. 2015

    Implications of Vestibular Dysfunction Among the Aging Population: A Pocket Guide for Health Care Professionals

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    The goal of this health information booklet is to provide healthcare professionals with the appropriate tools and information required to ensure all patients with a vestibular impairment are cared for and treated appropriately. The following guide includes overview of the vestibular system, vestibulotoxic medications, and common vestibular disorders. These notable areas are required for appropriate treatment and referral to other professionals for treatment

    Characterization of Proanthocyanidins as a Biomarker for Wood Quality in the Native Timber-Wood Tree Acacia koa.

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    M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Primary Care Rotation – Pediatric Resident´s Opinion

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    Introdução: O Estágio em Cuidados de Saúde Primários à Criança e ao Adolescente foi integrado no programa do Internato Complementar de Pediatria em 1996. Desde então, não foi revisto, apesar de vários aspectos relativos à sua realização suscitarem controvérsia. Objectivos: Conhecer a opinião dos internos relativamente ao estágio e, deste modo, contribuir para a revisão do programa de formação, em curso. Metodologia: Estudo transversal descritivo com aplicação de um questionário por via electrónica, aos internos de Pediatria e recém-especialistas, incidindo sobre três questões: parecer geral sobre o estágio actualmente preconizado, caracterização e opinião sobre o estágio realizado e perspectivas para o futuro. Resultados: Foram obtidas 68 respostas; 62/68 (91%) dos inquiridos concordam com a realização do estágio, mas 58/68 (85%) consideram-no demasiado longo e 18/68 (25%) pouco útil; 46/68 (68%) observaram crianças/adolescentes sem médico assistente atribuído e 36/68 (44%) consideram que o estágio foi maioritariamente não tutelado. Os aspectos positivos referidos foram a possibilidade de fazer a consulta de vigilância de forma longitudinal e de conhecer a realidade dos cuidados de saúde primários assim como o contacto com a saúde escolar e com a comunidade da criança. Os aspectos negativos incluíram a duração excessiva, a orientação inadequada, a ausência de um estágio estruturado e a má definição do papel do interno. Conclusões: O grau de insatisfação com o Estágio em Cuidados de Saúde Primários à Criança e ao Adolescente foi elevado, ficando clara a necessidade de instituir modificações relativamente à duração, programa e orientação do estágio. Com base nas opiniões dos inquiridos, é apresentado um conjunto de propostas para a reformulação do estágio