1,724 research outputs found

    A Multi Megawatt Cyclotron Complex to Search for CP Violation in the Neutrino Sector

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    A Multi Megawatt Cyclotron complex able to accelerate H2+ to 800 MeV/amu is under study. It consists of an injector cyclotron able to accelerate the injected beam up to 50 MeV/n and of a booster ring made of 8 magnetic sectors and 8 RF cavities. The magnetic field and the forces on the superconducting coils are evaluated using the 3-D code OPERA. The injection and extraction trajectories are evaluated using the well tested codes developed by the MSU group in the '80s. The advantages to accelerate H2+ are described and preliminary evaluations on the feasibility and expected problems to build the injector cyclotron and the ring booster are here presented.Comment: Presentation at Cyclotron'10 conference, Lanzhou, China, Sept 7, 201

    Extracting the three- and four-graviton vertices from binary pulsars and coalescing binaries

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    Using a formulation of the post-Newtonian expansion in terms of Feynman graphs, we discuss how various tests of General Relativity (GR) can be translated into measurement of the three- and four-graviton vertices. In problems involving only the conservative dynamics of a system, a deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction is equivalent, to lowest order, to the introduction of the parameter beta_{PPN} in the parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, and its strongest bound comes from lunar laser ranging, which measures it at the 0.02% level. Deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction, however, also affects the radiative sector of the theory. We show that the timing of the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar provides a bound on the deviation of the three-graviton vertex from the GR prediction at the 0.1% level. For coalescing binaries at interferometers we find that, because of degeneracies with other parameters in the template such as mass and spin, the effects of modified three- and four-graviton vertices is just to induce an error in the determination of these parameters and, at least in the restricted PN approximation, it is not possible to use coalescing binaries for constraining deviations of the vertices from the GR prediction.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; v2: an error corrected; references adde

    Pure States, Mixed States and Hawking Problem in Generalized Quantum Mechanics

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    This paper is the continuation of a study into the information paradox problem started by the author in his earlier works. As previously, the key instrument is a deformed density matrix in quantum mechanics of the early universe. It is assumed that the latter represents quantum mechanics with fundamental length. It is demonstrated that the obtained results agree well with the canonical viewpoint that in the processes involving black holes pure states go to the mixed ones in the assumption that all measurements are performed by the observer in a well-known quantum mechanics. Also it is shown that high entropy for Planck remnants of black holes appearing in the assumption of the Generalized Uncertainty Relations may be explained within the scope of the density matrix entropy introduced by the author previously. It is noted that the suggested paradigm is consistent with the Holographic Principle. Because of this, a conjecture is made about the possibility for obtaining the Generalized Uncertainty Relations from the covariant entropy bound at high energies in the same way as R. Bousso has derived Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the flat space.Comment: 12 pages,no figures,some corrections,new reference

    BRST Cohomology of N=2 Super-Yang-Mills Theory in 4D

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    The BRST cohomology of the N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions is discussed by making use of the twisted version of the N=2 algebra. By the introduction of a set of suitable constant ghosts associated to the generators of N=2, the quantization of the model can be done by taking into account both gauge invariance and supersymmetry. In particular, we show how the twisted N=2 algebra can be used to obtain in a straightforward way the relevant cohomology classes. Moreover, we shall be able to establish a very useful relationship between the local gauge invariant polynomial trϕ2tr\phi^2 and the complete N=2 Yang-Mills action. This important relation can be considered as the first step towards a fully algebraic proof of the one-loop exactness of the N=2 beta function.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, final version to appear in Journ. Phys.

    Design of the RF system for a 250 A.MeV superconducting cyclotron

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    International audienceA superconducting cyclotron accelerating q/A=0.5 ions up to 250 A.MeV, for medical applications and radioisotopes production (SCENT project) is being studied at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania. The RF system, working in the fourth harmonic, is based on four cavities operating at 93 MHz, which are connected in the central region. The paper describes an unusual multistem RF design, performed with 3D electromagnetic codes. The aim is to obtain a cavity, completely housed in the valley, with a voltage distribution going from 65 kV in the injection region to a peak value of 120 kV in the extraction region, and a low power consumption

    Gravitational radiative corrections from effective field theory

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    In this paper we construct an effective field theory (EFT) that describes long wavelength gravitational radiation from compact systems. To leading order, this EFT consists of the multipole expansion, which we describe in terms of a diffeomorphism invariant point particle Lagrangian. The EFT also systematically captures "post-Minkowskian" corrections to the multipole expansion due to non-linear terms in general relativity. Specifically, we compute long distance corrections from the coupling of the (mass) monopole moment to the quadrupole moment, including up to two mass insertions. Along the way, we encounter both logarithmic short distance (UV) and long wavelength (IR) divergences. We show that the UV divergences can be (1) absorbed into a renormalization of the multipole moments and (2) resummed via the renormalization group. The IR singularities are shown to cancel from properly defined physical observables. As a concrete example of the formalism, we use this EFT to reproduce a number of post-Newtonian corrections to the gravitational wave energy flux from non-relativistic binaries, including long distance effects up to 3PN (v6v^6) order. Our results verify that the factorization of scales proposed in the NRGR framework of Goldberger and Rothstein is consistent up to order 3PN.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX. Published versio

    An efficient iterative method to reduce eccentricity in numerical-relativity simulations of compact binary inspiral

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    We present a new iterative method to reduce eccentricity in black-hole-binary simulations. Given a good first estimate of low-eccentricity starting momenta, we evolve puncture initial data for ~4 orbits and construct improved initial parameters by comparing the inspiral with post-Newtonian calculations. Our method is the first to be applied directly to the gravitational-wave (GW) signal, rather than the orbital motion. The GW signal is in general less contaminated by gauge effects, which, in moving-puncture simulations, limit orbital-motion-based measurements of the eccentricity to an uncertainty of Δe0.002\Delta e \sim 0.002, making it difficult to reduce the eccentricity below this value. Our new method can reach eccentricities below 10310^{-3} in one or two iteration steps; we find that this is well below the requirements for GW astronomy in the advanced detector era. Our method can be readily adapted to any compact-binary simulation with GW emission, including black-hole-binary simulations that use alternative approaches, and neutron-star-binary simulations. We also comment on the differences in eccentricity estimates based on the strain hh, and the Newman-Penrose scalar Ψ4\Psi_4.Comment: 24 pages, 25 figures, pdflatex; v2: minor change

    New Results on N=4 SuperYang-Mills Theory

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    The N=4 SuperYang--Mills theory is covariantly determined by a U(1) \times SU(2) \subset SL(2,R) \times SU(2) internal symmetry and two scalar and one vector BRST topological symmetry operators. This determines an off-shell closed sector of N=4 SuperYang-Mills, with 6 generators, which is big enough to fully determine the theory, in a Lorentz covariant way. This reduced algebra derives from horizontality conditions in four dimensions. The horizontality conditions only depend on the geometry of the Yang-Mills fields. They also descend from a genuine horizontality condition in eight dimensions. In fact, the SL(2,R) symmetry is induced by a dimensional reduction from eight to seven dimensions, which establishes a ghost-antighost symmetry, while the SU(2) symmetry occurs by dimensional reduction from seven to four dimensions. When the four dimensional manifold is hyperKahler, one can perform a twist operation that defines the N=4 supersymmetry and its SL(2,H)\sim SU(4) R-symmetry in flat space. (For defining a TQFT on a more general four manifold, one can use the internal SU(2)-symmetry and redefine a Lorentz SO(4) invariance). These results extend in a covariant way the light cone property that the N=4 SuperYang-Mills theory is actually determined by only 8 independent generators, instead of the 16 generators that occur in the physical representation of the superPoincare algebra. The topological construction disentangles the off-shell closed sector of the (twisted) maximally supersymmetric theory from the (irrelevant) sector that closes only modulo equations of motion. It allows one to escape the question of auxiliary fields in N=4 SuperYang-Mills theory.Comment: 14 page

    Super-ASTROD: Probing primordial gravitational waves and mapping the outer solar system

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    Super-ASTROD (Super Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices or ASTROD III) is a mission concept with 3-5 spacecraft in 5 AU orbits together with an Earth-Sun L1/L2 spacecraft ranging optically with one another to probe primordial gravitational-waves with frequencies 0.1 microHz - 1 mHz, to test fundamental laws of spacetime and to map the outer solar system. In this paper we address to its scientific goals, orbit and payload selection, and sensitivity to gravitational waves.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, presented to 7th International LISA Symposium, 16-20 June 2008, Barcelona; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity; presentation improve