89,422 research outputs found

    Efficient approximations of neutrino physics for three-dimensional simulations of stellar core collapse

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    Neutrino transport in spherically symmetric models of stellar core collapse and bounce has achieved a technically complete level, rewarded by the agreement among independent groups that a multi-dimensional treatment of the fluid-instabilities in the post-bounce phase is indispensable to model supernova explosions. While much effort is required to develop a reliable neutrino transport technique in axisymmetry, we explore neutrino physics approximations and parameterizations for an efficient three-dimensional simulation of the fluid-instabilities in the shock-heated matter that accumulates between the accretion shock and the protoneutron star. We demonstrate the reliability of a simple parameterization scheme in the collapse phase and extend our 3D magneto-hydrodynamical collapse simulations to a preliminary postbounce evolution. The growth of magnetic fields is investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, in Proceedings of "Nuclei in the Cosmos IX, Geneva, Jun 25-30", associated movies are displayed at http://www.physik.unibas.ch/~liebend/displa

    Life assessment of combustor liner using unified constitutive models

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    Hot section components of gas turbine engines are subject to severe thermomechanical loads during each mission cycle. Inelastic deformation can be induced in localized regions leading to eventual fatigue cracking. Assessment of durability requires reasonably accurate calculation of the structural response at the critical location for crack initiation. In recent years nonlinear finite element computer codes have become available for calculating inelastic structural response under cyclic loading. NASA-Lewis sponsored the development of unified constitutive material models and their implementation in nonlinear finite element computer codes for the structural analysis of hot section components. These unified models were evaluated with regard to their effect on the life prediction of a hot section component. The component considered was a gas turbine engine combustor liner. A typical engine mission cycle was used for the thermal and structural analyses. The analyses were performed on a CRAY computer using the MARC finite element code. The results were compared with laboratory test results, in terms of crack initiation lives

    Introduction of Parasites of the Larch Sawfly in Minnesota

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    Olesicampe benefactor Hinz and the Bavarian strain of Mesoleius tenthredinis Morley, European ichneunionid parasites of the larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig), were introduced into northern Minnesota from Manitoba in 1971 and 1972. Both species are now established. There was also natural spread of 0. benefactor into Minnesota from Manitoba releases in 1961 at a point ca. 200 miles northwest of the Minnesota plots

    Chiral selection in the formation of borates from racemic binaphthols and related diols

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    A series of racemic or stereochemically labile chiral borate anions based on the 2,2′-biphenol motif was investigated. All borates were homochiral in the solid state, although in some cases the heterochiral diastereomers were computed to be thermodynamically preferred (DFT). The crystallographic preference for the homochiral diastereomer was attributed to its lower bulk, higher molecular symmetry, and the therewith associated better packing ability

    Gravity gradient preliminary investigations, part 2: Lunar tidal gravity gradients and stresses (exhibit C)

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    Preliminary analysis of the gravity gradients associated with gravity tides on the moon caused by the earth indicates that the relative changes in the gradients are very irregular, and large, and about 15 times greater than those experienced on earth. Thus gradients, in preference to gravity tides themselves, may well be an important key in correlating tide effects with lunar transient events and moonquakes, and also in determining triggering mechanisms for crustal movement and faulting. Preliminary analysis of lunar crustal stresses and strains caused by lunar gravity tides indicates that these factors may be more direct causative agents or triggering mechanisms. In particular, the cubic dilation undergoes relatively large changes and is about 11 times greater on the moon than on earth. Thus it should be correspondingly more important

    Diurnal variation in harbour porpoise detection – potential implications for management

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    A new code for Fourier-Legendre analysis of large datasets: first results and a comparison with ring-diagram analysis

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    Fourier-Legendre decomposition (FLD) of solar Doppler imaging data is a promising method to estimate the sub-surface solar meridional flow. FLD is sensible to low-degree oscillation modes and thus has the potential to probe the deep meridional flow. We present a newly developed code to be used for large scale FLD analysis of helioseismic data as provided by the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) instrument, and the upcoming Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument. First results obtained with the new code are qualitatively comparable to those obtained from ring-diagram analyis of the same time series.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 4th HELAS International Conference "Seismological Challenges for Stellar Structure", 1-5 February 2010, Arrecife, Lanzarote (Canary Islands

    The credibility of health economic models for health policy decision-making: the case of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    <i>Objectives</i>: To review health economic models of population screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) among elderly males and assess their credibility for informing decision-making. <i>Methods</i>: A literature review identified health economic models of ultrasound screening for AAA. For each model focussing on population screening in elderly males, model structure and input parameter values were critically appraised using published good practice guidelines for decision analytic models. <i>Results</i>: Twelve models published between 1989 and 2003 were identified. Converting costs to a common currency and base year, substantial variability in cost-effectiveness results were revealed. Appraisals carried out for the nine models focusing on population screening showed differences in their complexity, with the simpler models generating results most favourable to screening. Eight of the nine models incorporated two or more simplifying structural assumptions favouring screening; uncertainty surrounding these assumptions was not investigated by any model. Quality assessments on a small number of parameters revealed input values varied between models, methods used to identify and incorporate input data were often not described, and few sensitivity analyses were reported. <i>Conclusions</i>: Large variation exists in the cost-effectiveness results generated by AAA screening models. The substantial number of factors potentially contributing to such disparities means that reconciliation of model results is impossible. In addition, poor reporting of methods makes it difficult to identify the most plausible and thus most useful model of those developed

    Magnetar Spindown, Hyper-Energetic Supernovae, and Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The Kelvin-Helmholtz cooling epoch, lasting tens of seconds after the birth of a neutron star in a successful core-collapse supernova, is accompanied by a neutrino-driven wind. For magnetar-strength (1015\sim10^{15} G) large scale surface magnetic fields, this outflow is magnetically-dominated during the entire cooling epoch.Because the strong magnetic field forces the wind to co-rotate with the protoneutron star,this outflow can significantly effect the neutron star's early angular momentum evolution, as in analogous models of stellar winds (e.g. Weber & Davis 1967). If the rotational energy is large in comparison with the supernova energy and the spindown timescale is short with respect to the time required for the supernova shockwave to traverse the stellar progenitor, the energy extracted may modify the supernova shock dynamics significantly. This effect is capable of producing hyper-energetic supernovae and, in some cases, provides conditions favorable for gamma ray bursts. We estimate spindown timescales for magnetized, rotating protoneutron stars and construct steady-state models of neutrino-magnetocentrifugally driven winds. We find that if magnetars are born rapidly rotating, with initial spin periods (PP) of 1\sim1 millisecond, that of order 1051105210^{51}-10^{52} erg of rotational energy can be extracted in 10\sim10 seconds. If magnetars are born slowly rotating (P10P\gtrsim10 ms) they can spin down to periods of 1\sim1 second on the Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, emulateap

    Development of an improved protective cover/light block for multilayer insulation

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    The feasibility of using a scrim-reinforced, single metallized, 4-mil Tedlar film as a replacement for the Teflon coated Beta-cloth/single metallized 3-mil Kapton film presently used as the protective cover/light block for multilayer insulation (MLI) on the Orbiter, Spacelab, and other space applications was demonstrated. The proposed Tedlar concept is lighter and potentially lower in cost. Thermal analysis with the proper concept was much simpler than with the present system. Tests have already demonstrated that white Tedlar has low alpha (adsorption) degradation in space from U.V. The proposed concept was 4400 percent cheaper with nominal weight savings of 50 percent