236 research outputs found


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    Summary. The study highlights a method of treatment extracorporeal circuit with «adaptation composition» (AdC) for the reduction of negative impact on state of erythrocytes. Materials and methods. A total of 90 patients were enrolled, they were divided into two groups. The group 1 (45 patients, 39/6 male/female) included patients who underwent surgical procedures without treatment of an extracorporeal circuit with AdC. The group 2 (45 patients, 39/6 male/female) included patients who underwent surgery with the treatment of an extracorporeal circuit with AdC. According to the study protocol, patient blood was sampling for complete blood cell count (CBC) and erythrocyte morphology at 4 stages of surgery: before surgery, at 10 min. CPB-time, at 60 min. CPB-time and after separation from CPB. Results. The albumin of AdC creates a protective nanolayer on the surface of the oxygenator membrane and tubes. There were no statistically significant differences of parameters in the groups before CPB. Level of Ht 2 (group 2) at 60 min CPB-time and after CPB, were lower than Ht 1 (group 1) (p=0.021 and p=0.035 correspondingly) because MCV1 was higher (р=0.025 and p<0.0001 correspondingly). The increase MCHC in groups at 10 min. CPB-time relatives with the decrease in MCV at 10 min CPB-time. At 60 min, there are changes of RDWa2 76.05 ± 5.46 and RDWa1 72.35 ± 7.26, p<0.000. After CPB higher content of reticulocytes (р <0.0001), echinocytes (р <0.0001) and spherocytes (р <0.0001) is observed in group 1. The lowering of mechanical resistance (р = 0.04) and increasing membrane permeability for urea were in group 1. After CPB the best aсid hemolysis resistance was in group 2 (р = 0.05), erythrocytes were more resistant to hypoosmotic factor (р = 0.01) in group 2. Conclusion. The treatment of oxygenator with AdC reduces the negative influence СРВ on state of RBC. Membranes of erythrocytes were more resistant to traumatic factors in the group with AdC.В роботі висвітлюється метод обробки экстракорпорального контура оксигенатора «адаптуючою композицією» (adaptation composition – AdC) для зменшення негативного впливу штучного кровообігу на стан еритроцитів. Матеріали і методи. В дослідження було включено 90 пациентов, які були розподілені на дві групи. Пацієнтам першої групи (45 хворих, 39/6 чол./жін.) оперативні втручання виконували без обробки контуру оксигенатору адаптуючою композицією (AdC). Оперативні втручання у пацієнтів другої групи (45 пацієнтів - 36/9 чол./жін.) проводились з обробкою AdC. Згідно протоколу дослідження, у пацієнтів набирали кров для загального аналізу крові та морфологічного дослідження еритроцитів на 4 етапах оперативного втручання: до початку операції, на 10 хв. ШК, на 60 хв. ШК та в кінці операції. Результати та їх обговорення. Альбумін в складі AdС створює наношар на поверхні магистралей та мембрани оксигенатора. Між групами до ШК не було статистично значущої різниці у показниках. Рівень Ht 2 (група 2) на 60 хв. ШК ти після ШК був нижче, ніж Ht 1 (група 1) (p=0,021 і p=0,035 відповідно) через зібльшення MCV 1 (р=0,025 і p <0,0001 відповідно). На 10 хв. ШК підвищення МСНС в групах пов'язано зі зниженням MCV на 10 хв. ШК. На 60 хв. від початку ШК відбувається зміна в RDWа2 76,05 ± 5,46 і RDWа1 72,35 ± 7,26, р <0,0001. Після ШК в групі 1 визначається більш високий вміст ретикулоцитів (р <0,0001), ехіноцитів (р <0,0001) і сфероцитів (р <0,0001). В групі 1 після ШК відбувається зниження механічної стійкості еритроцитів (р = 0,04) та підвищена проникність мембрани еритроцитів для сечовини. Після ШК більша резистентність еритроцитів до кислотного гемолізу була в групі 2 (р = 0,05), також в групі 2 еритроцити були більш стійкими до гіпоосмотичному фактору (р = 0,01). Висновки. Обробка оксигенатора адаптуючою композицією призводить до зменшення негативного впливу ШК на стан еритроцитів. Мембрани еритроцитів були більш резистентні до дії факторів що ушкоджують в групі з використанням AdC

    Antimicrobial and therapeutic effect of probiotics in cases of experimental purulent wounds

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    Probiotics based on bacteria of the genus Bacillus with a multifactorial mechanism of action are considered as a possible alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of purulent wounds. The aim of the study was to determine the antimicrobial and therapeutic effect of the Arederma probiotic preparation containing probiotic strains of the genus Bacillus in an experimental model of a purulent wound in animals. The antimicrobial efficacy of the probiotic against test strains and clinical isolates of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms was studied using the method of delayed antagonism. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Streptococcus pyogenes K-7 were used to model a purulent wound. From the surface of the wounds, bacteria of Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas genera and Enterobacteriaceae family were sown on appropriate selective media for the cultivation and enumeration of different groups of microorganisms by generally accepted microbiological research methods. The formation of a purulent wound in rabbits caused by mechanical skin damage and subsequent double infection with Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Streptococcus pyogenes K-7 strains was accompanied with a pronounced inflammatory process, necrosis, the formation of purulent exudate and general intoxication. Representatives of the genera Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, microscopic fungi and, to a lesser extent, members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas were found on the surface of purulent wounds, which confirmed the development of the infectious-inflammatory process. Treatment of purulent wounds with a suspension of probiotic preparation once a day for 4 days led to their faster healing (gradual attenuation of the inflammatory process, reduction of edema and discharge, as well as their disappearance) compared with untreated purulent wounds (control). Representatives of the Staphylococcus and Streptococcus genera, as well as microscopic fungi, presented in purulent wounds treated with probiotic preparation in much smaller numbers than in the control, and bacteria of the Pseudomonas genus and the Enterobacteriaceae family were not detected at all. The effective antimicrobial effect of this probiotic preparation against opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms was confirmed by in vitro studies. Therefore, the Arederma probiotic preparation showed an effective therapeutic and antimicrobial effect in the experimental model of a purulent wound in animals, so it can be recommended for further preclinical and clinical studies

    Linear and nonlinear magneto-optical diffraction from one-dimensional periodic structures

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    Nonlinear magneto-optical diffraction from periodically structured samples has been studied using magnetization-induced second harmonic generation (MSHG). Several orders of diffraction were clearly observable in MSHG, along with a strong dependence on the magnetization. Sizeable asymmetry between the MSHG signal measured in positive and negative diffraction peaks, especially visible in second order, are explained by Fresnel factors. It was found that first-order diffraction hysteresis loops differ from all others by showing an ''overshoot'' at magnetization reversal, both in MSHG and in the linear magneto-optical Kerr effect. Tentatively this behavior is explained as due to inhomogeneous reversal of the magnetization in the stripes

    Розробка технології молочно-рослинного десерту з функціональними наповнювачами

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    The article component composition of creamy dessert with whipped consistence on the basis of cottage cheese using alternative plant raw materials – chufa and Jerusalem artichoke tubers or honey was established and proved. This allowed to obtain finished product with low glycemic index. The possibility of using the chufa is shown (earth almond), as a carrier of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (which make up about 82% of the total content), allows to receive desserts with recommended composition of fatty acids. It is shown that preliminary processing of chufa to finely ground semi-product is advisable for its uniform distribution through the dessert volume and formation of its homogeneous whip consistence. A comprehensive two-stage method for chufa preprocessing is developed, which allows to provide products with necessary technological and organoleptic properties. These studies considered for selection of scientifically sound processing modes Cyperus esculentus L. According to the research was the method of cleaning Cyperus esculentus L. Crushed Cyperus esculentus L. recommended for further use in desserts. It is shown that applying of artichoke processing to candied fruits is appropriate for provision of the necessary properties of artichoke flavor while maintaining preventive properties of fructooligosacharides of  tubers. A new technological approach for producing candied fruits is developed, which yielded a product with a reduced content of mono-and disaccharides, if the inulin of raw materials is preserved. The model of technological system of milk and vegetable dessert making is developed, which allows developing qualitative principle technological schemes of production of dessert with functional additives. The recipe composition and principal technological scheme of production of dairy-vegetative desserts are developed. The influence of technological factors and recipe composition on rheological, microbiological and organoleptic quality of desserts is observed. The article analyzes the nutritional value of dessert with functional additives. The regulatory documentation is developed. New technologies are implemented in restaurant enterprises.У статті встановлено та обґрунтовано компонентний склад десерту кремоподібної та збитої консистенції на основі сиру кисломолочного з використанням нетрадиційної рослинної сировини – бульб чуфи і топінамбура або бджолиного меду, що дозволило отримати готові продукти з низьким глікемічним індексом. Показано можливість використання чуфи (земляного мигдалю), як носія моно- та поліненасичених жирних кислот (які складають близько 82% від загального вмісту), що дозволило наблизити жирнокислотний склад десерту до рекомендованого. Показано, що для рівномірного розподілу чуфи по об’єму десерту та утворення однорідної збитої консистенції доцільна попередня переробка чуфи на тонкоподрібнений напівфабрикат. Розроблено комплексний двостадійний метод попередньої обробки чуфи, який дозволяє надати продукту необхідних технологічних та органолептичних властивостей. Дані досліджень розглянуто для вибору науково обґрунтованих режимів переробки чуфи. За результатами досліджень було розроблено метод очищення чуфи. Подрібнену чуфу рекомендовано для подальшого використання у складі десертів. Показано, що для надання необхідних смакових властивостей топінамбуру  при збереженні профілактичних властивостей фруктоолігосахаридів бульбоплоду є доцільним застосувати переробку топінамбура на цукати. Розроблено новий технологічний підхід при виготовленні цукатів, що дозволило отримати продукт, зі зниженим вмістом моно- та дисахаридів, за умови збереження інуліну сировини. Складено модель технологічної системи виготовлення молочно-рослинного десерту, яка дозволяє розробити якісну принципово технологічну схеми виробництва десерту з функціональними добавками. Розроблено рецептурний склад та принципову технологічну схему виробництва молочно-рослинних десертів. Встановлено вплив технологічних чинників та рецептурної композиції на реологічні, мікробіологічні та органолептичні показники якості десертів. В статті проведено та проаналізовано харчову цінність  десерту з функціональними добавками. Розроблено нормативну документацію. Нові технології впроваджено у закладах ресторанного господарства

    Prophylactic effect of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria probiotic strains on experimental bacterial vaginitis

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    The objective of the study was determining the prophylactic effect of Lactobacillus casei IMV B-7280, L. acidophilus IMV B-7279, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus IMV B-7281, Bifidobacterium animalis VKL and B. animalis VKB probiotic strains on experimental vaginitis in BALB/c mice induced by Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4. The infection with S. aureus 8325-4 caused an imbalance of microbiota in the vagina and intestine, as evidenced by an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms and a decrease in the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. L. casei IMV B-7280, B. animalis VKL and B. animalis VKB probiotic strains altered the microbiota spectrum of the vagina and intestine of Staphylococcus-infected mice: the amount of Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria increased with the reduction of the number of opportunistic microorganisms. Also under the influence of these strains, the normalization of the microbiota spectrum typical for vagina and intestine was observed in different periods of observation – in the intestines of mice the number of coliform bacteria increased, the number of microscopic fungi, streptococci and staphylococci decreased; in the vagina, the number of coliform bacteria and microscopic fungi decreased, the number of streptococci normalized. Rapid elimination of S. aureus 8325-4 from the vagina and prevention of the spread of infection to the intestine were observed after use of probiotics. Preventive effect of L. acidophilus IMV B-7279 and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus IMV B-7281 for bacterial vaginitis in mice was less effective. So, the target probiotic strains L. casei IMV B-7280, B. animalis VKL and B. animalis VKB are promising for the creation of highly effective novel probiotic drugs that can be used for directed prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system caused by pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms

    The Joint Link of the rs1051730 and rs1902341 Polymorphisms and Cigarette Smoking to Peripheral Artery Disease and Atherosclerotic Lesions of Different Arterial Beds

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    Genome-wide association studies have discovered numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms contributing to peripheral artery disease (PAD), but their joint effects with risk factors like cigarette smoking on disease susceptibility have not been systematically investigated. The present study looked into whether CS mediates the effects of GWAS loci on the development of PAD and atherosclerotic lesions in different arterial bed

    Measurement of tensor analyzing powers in deuteron photodisintegration

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    New accurate measurement of tensor analyzing powers T20, T21 and T22 in deuteron photodisintegration has been performed. Wide-aperture non-magnetic detectors allowed to cover broad kinematic ranges in a single setup: photon energy = 25 to 600 MeV, proton emission angle in CM = 24 to 48 deg. and 70 to 102 deg. New data provide a significant improvement of a few existing measurements. The angular dependency of the tensor asymmetries in deuteron photodisintegration is extracted for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Ethanol Impairs Estrogen Receptor Signaling Resulting in Accelerated Activation of Senescence Pathways, Whereas Estradiol Attenuates the Effects of Ethanol in Osteoblasts

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    Epidemiological and animal studies have suggested that chronic alcohol consumption is a major risk factor for osteoporosis. Using bone from cycling female rats infused chronically with ethanol (EtOH) in vivo and osteoblastic cells in vitro, we found that EtOH significantly increased estrogen receptor α (ERα) and β (ERβ) mRNA and ERα protein levels. Treatment with 17β-estradiol (E2) in vivo and in vitro interfered with these effects of EtOH on bone and osteoblastic cells. ERα agonist propylpyrazoletriol (PPT) and ERβ agonist diarylpropionitrile (DPN) attenuated EtOH-induced ERα and ERβ gene overexpression, respectively. Similar to the ER antagonist ICI 182780, EtOH blocked nuclear translocation of ERα-ECFP in the presence of E2 in UMR-106 osteoblastic cells. EtOH also downregulated ERE-luc reporter activity. On the other hand, EtOH by itself upregulated some common ERα- and ERβ-mediated genes apparently by an ER-independent pathway. EtOH also transactivated the luciferase activity of the p21 promoter region independent of additional exogenous ERα, activated p21 and p53, and stimulated senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity in rat stromal osteoblasts. E2 treatment attenuated these EtOH actions. We conclude that inhibitory cross-talk between EtOH and E2 in osteoblasts on ERs, p53/p21, and cell senescence provides a pathophysiologic mechanism underlying bone loss and the protective effects of estrogens in alcohol-exposed females