1,736 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing Democracy as Preparation for Teaching for Democracy

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    In this essay, a broad spectrum of the work of influential educational scholars was examined in order to identify crucial components of teaching for democracy. Synthesizing the literature with their experiences as middle level teachers and teacher educators, the authors determined those conceptions that would be most fruitful for moving in-service teachers to enact the more “muscular” concepts that foster civic participation and social justice. This collaboration resulted in the identification of four democratic practices as a foundation for designing a course on teaching for democracy. These included amplification of the voices of historically marginalized people, recognition that those in power must work to meet the needs of those without power, recognition of the advantages of diversity even at the potential expense of efficiency, and collaboration in order to teach for democracy

    A Call for Self-Study in Middle Level Teacher Education

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    To promote dialogue and in response to calls for rigorous, large-scale, empirical studies as the standard that will move the field of middle level education forward, a collaborative of middle level teacher researchers submit three counterpoints to the appeals for consideration by the research community: 1) the power of the insights the authors’ gained from using the alternative research method of self-study; 2) the authenticity of using alternative research methods that mirror the uniqueness of a field predicated on the distinctiveness of educating diverse young adolescents; and 3) a reframing of “generalizability” from a “results” perspective to one of generalizability of the process that self-study methodology offers

    Way Down in Birmingham / music by Harold Dixon; words by Erwin F. and Jacob L. Kleine

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    Cover: drawing of a Caucasian male boarding a train, as an African American male loads his luggage; Publisher: Dixon-Lane Pub. Co. (Chicago)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1164/thumbnail.jp

    Varied Responses as a Means to the Richness of Discourse: Reading Tough Texts through Speaking and Writing

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    Abstract: New scholarship advocates that students should learn deeply and well. Little information exists on exactly how to get students deeply into material so that they understand it inside and out, backward and forward and in a way that enables them to construct knowledge schemas. The authors have developed a heuristic list of communication response styles that enrich understanding of complex ideas and works and promotes students to use metacognition to reflect deeply about what they are learning

    Dynamics of Bloch Oscillations in Disordered Lattice Potentials

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    We present a detailed analysis of the dynamics of Bloch oscillations of Bose-Einstein condensates in disordered lattice potentials. Due to the disorder and the interparticle interactions these oscillations undergo a dephasing, reflected in a damping of the center of mass oscillations, which should be observable under realistic experimental conditions. The interplay between interactions and disorder is far from trivial, ranging from an interaction-enhanced damping due to modulational instability for strong interactions, to an interaction-reduced damping due to a dynamical screening of the disorder potential

    The polymerisation of oligo(ethylene glycol methyl ether) methacrylate from a multifunctional poly(ethylene imine) derived amide: a stabiliser for the synthesis and dispersion of magnetite nanoparticles

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    A facile synthetic route to poly(ethylene imine)-graft-poly(oligo(ethylene glycol methyl ether)) (PEI-graft-POEGMA) functionalised superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles is described. The polymerisation of OEGMA from a model molecular amide demonstrated the feasibility of POEGMA synthesis under mild ATRP conditions (20 °C in ethanol) albeit with low initiator efficiencies. DFT studies suggest that the amide functionality is intrinsically of lower activity than ester functional monomers and initiators for atom transfer polymerisation (ATRP) as a consequence of higher bond dissociation energies and bond dissociation free energies (BDFE). However these studies further highlighted that use of an appropriate solvent could reduce the free energy of dissociation thereby reducing the relative difference in BDFE between the ester and amide groups. A commercial branched PEI sample was functionalised by reaction with 2-bromo-2-methylpropanoyl bromide giving an amide macroinitiator suitable for the atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) of oligo(ethylene glycol methyl ether) methacrylate. The resulting PEI-graft-POEGMA copolymers were characterised by SEC, FT-IR and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. PEI-graft-POEGMA coated magnetite nanoparticles were synthesised by a basic aqueous co-precipitation method and were characterised by transmission electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and vibrating sample magnetometry and dynamic light scattering. These copolymer coated magnetite nanoparticles were demonstrated to be effectively stabilised in an aqueous medium. Overall the particle sizes and magnetic and physical properties of the coated samples were similar to those of uncoated samples

    Radioactive Probes of the Supernova-Contaminated Solar Nebula: Evidence that the Sun was Born in a Cluster

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    We construct a simple model for radioisotopic enrichment of the protosolar nebula by injection from a nearby supernova, based on the inverse square law for ejecta dispersion. We find that the presolar radioisotopes abundances (i.e., in solar masses) demand a nearby supernova: its distance can be no larger than 66 times the size of the protosolar nebula, at a 90% confidence level, assuming 1 solar mass of protosolar material. The relevant size of the nebula depends on its state of evolution at the time of radioactivity injection. In one scenario, a collection of low-mass stars, including our sun, formed in a group or cluster with an intermediate- to high-mass star that ended its life as a supernova while our sun was still a protostar, a starless core, or perhaps a diffuse cloud. Using recent observations of protostars to estimate the size of the protosolar nebula constrains the distance of the supernova at 0.02 to 1.6 pc. The supernova distance limit is consistent with the scales of low-mass stars formation around one or more massive stars, but it is closer than expected were the sun formed in an isolated, solitary state. Consequently, if any presolar radioactivities originated via supernova injection, we must conclude that our sun was a member of such a group or cluster that has since dispersed, and thus that solar system formation should be understood in this context. In addition, we show that the timescale from explosion to the creation of small bodies was on the order of 1.8 Myr (formal 90% confidence range of 0 to 2.2 Myr), and thus the temporal choreography from supernova ejecta to meteorites is important. Finally, we can not distinguish between progenitor masses from 15 to 25 solar masses in the nucleosynthesis models; however, the 20 solar mass model is somewhat preferred.Comment: ApJ accepted, 19 pages, 3 figure

    Cognitive Processing in New and Practiced Discrete Keying Sequences

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    This study addresses the role of cognitive control in the initiation and execution of familiar and unfamiliar movement sequences. To become familiar with two movement sequences participants first practiced two discrete key press sequences by responding to two fixed series of 6-key specific stimuli. In the ensuing test phase they executed these two familiar and also two unfamiliar keying sequences while there was a two-third chance a tone was presented together with one randomly selected key specific stimulus in each sequence. In the counting condition of the test phase participants counted the low pitched (i.e., target) tones. By and large the results support the dual processor model in which the prime role of the cognitive processor shifts from executing to initiating sequences while the gradual development of motor chunks allows a motor processor to execute the sequences. Yet, the results extend this simple model by suggesting that with little practice sequence execution is based also on some non-cognitive (perhaps associative) learning mechanism and, for some participants, on the use of explicit sequence knowledge. Also, after extensive practice the cognitive processor appears to still contribute to slower responses. The occurrence of long interkey intervals was replicated suggesting that fixed 6-key sequences include several motor chunks. Yet, no indication was found that the cognitive processor is responsible for concatenating these chunks

    Investigating the relation between minimum masking levels and hearing thresholds for tinnitus subtyping

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    Heterogeneity of tinnitus imposes a challenge for its treatment. Identifying tinnitus subtypes might help to establish individualized diagnosis and therapies. The minimum masking level (MML) is a clinical tool defined as the minimum intensity of a masking sound required to cover tinnitus. Understanding the differences among masking patterns in patients could facilitate the task of subtyping tinnitus. Here, we studied the variability of hearing thresholds and MMLs among patients with tinnitus to identify tinnitus subgroups. A population of 366 consecutive patients from a specialized tinnitus clinic were included in the analysis. Hearing thresholds and MMLs were determined for octave frequencies from 0.25 to 8kHz, as well as for 3 and 6kHz. Subjects were divided into two groups according to whether their tinnitus was maskable (M, 329 subjects) or non-maskable (NM, 37 subjects). Hearing thresholds and tinnitus loudness did not differ significantly between both groups. The dimensionality of the data was reduced by means of principal component analysis (PCA), and the largest resulting components were used for clustering the data. The cluster analysis resulted in five clusters with differences in tinnitus pitch, lateralization, hearing thresholds and MML, as well as on age and gender. Clusters differed in contours of hearing thresholds and MML, describing patterns of low or high thresholds in combination with low or high MML. The clustering solution presented a low silhouette value (0.45), implying that the clustering is weak and could be artificial. The analysis pointed out the diversity across tinnitus patients. Our results suggest that there might be a continuum of patients' characteristics rather than discrete subgroups
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