1,510 research outputs found

    Meat bone meal as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer

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    Meat bone meal (MBM) contains considerable amount of nutrients (~8 % N, ~ 5 % P and ~ 10 Ca). To quantify and qualify MBM use as an N and P fertilizers, two field experiments were done on spring barley and oat in 2000 and 2001

    Minimising gear conflict and resource sharing issues in the Shark Bay trawl fisheries and promotion of scallop recruitment

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    Objectives 1. To determine size specific recapture mortality rates of Amusium balloti as a result of repeated capture and release experiments and gear impacts on newly recruited (juvenile) scallops. 2. To determine the impacts of various scallop mesh sizes for the capture of the target size of Amusium balloti and its impact on damage to and retention of prawns. 3. To investigate if small-scale spatial closures assist recruitment of Amusium balloti by reducing gear impacts and capture mortality but without affecting overall prawn catches. 4. To examine whether existing hydrodynamic models can guide the selection of spatial closures and to investigate the larval transport mechanisms of both prawn and scallop larvae in Shark Bay

    Hyvinvoinnin turvaamisen rajat : Näköaloja talouskriisiin ja hyvinvointivaltion kehitykseen Suomessa

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    Miten syksyllä 2008 alkanut globaali talouskriisi vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä suomalaiseen hyvinvointivaltioon? Jos olisimme antiikin Kreikassa, voisimme mennä Delfoin oraakkelin luo Apollonin temppeliin ja esittää tämän kysymyksen ennuspapittarelle. Eräänä lokakuun päivänä 2009 Kelan tiloihin kokoontui joukko suomalaisia hyvinvointivaltion huippuasiantuntijoita. He kertoivat julkisen talouden, kansalaisten toimeentulon ja terveyden näkökulmista kolmelle ”professori-oraakkelille” eli tanskalaiselle Nina Smithille, ruotsalaiselle Johan Fritzellille ja saksalaisille Karl Hinrichsille Suomen kokemuksista edellisestä, 1990-luvun alun lamasta, sen jälkeisestä kehityksestä sekä omista tulevaisuuden arvioistaan. Seuraavana päivänä oraakkelit lausuivat ennustuksensa, joka paljastetaan tässä raportissa.10,00 euro

    The Youth Online Diagnostic Assessment (YODA): Validity of a New Tool to Assess Anxiety Disorders in Youth

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    This study developed an online diagnostic tool for anxiety disorders in youth, and evaluated its reliability and validity amongst 297 children aged 6–16 years (Mage = 9.34, 46% male). Parents completed the online tool, the Youth Online Diagnostic Assessment (YODA), which is scored either using a fully-automated algorithm, or combined with clinician review. In addition, parents and children completed a clinician-administered diagnostic interview and self-report measures of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and wellbeing. The fully-automated YODA demonstrated relatively weak agreement with the diagnostic interview for identifying the presence of any anxiety disorder and specific anxiety disorders, apart from separation anxiety (which had moderate agreement). The clinician-reviewed YODA showed better agreement than fully-automated scoring, particularly for identifying the presence of any anxiety disorder. The YODA demonstrated good agreement with parent-reported measures of symptoms/interference. The YODA offers a fully or largely automated method to determine the presence of anxiety disorders in youth, with particular value in situations where low-resource assessments are needed. While it currently requires further research and improvement, the YODA provides a promising start to the development of such a tool

    Assessment of goal-directed behavior and prospective memory in adult ADHD with an online 3D videogame simulating everyday tasks

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    The diagnosis of ADHD is based on real-life attentional-executive deficits, but they are harder to detect in adults than in children and objective quantitative measures reflecting these everyday problems are lacking. We developed an online version of EPELI 3D videogame for naturalistic and scalable assessment of goal-directed action and prospective memory in adult ADHD. In EPELI, participants perform instructed everyday chores in a virtual apartment from memory. Our pre-registered hypothesis predicted weaker EPELI performances in adult ADHD compared to controls. The sample comprised 112 adults with ADHD and 255 neurotypical controls comparable in age (mean 31, SD = 8 years), gender distribution (71% females) and educational level. Using web-browser, the participants performed EPELI and other cognitive tasks, including Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (CPT). They also filled out questionnaires probing everyday executive performance and kept a 5-day diary of everyday prospective memory errors. Self-reported strategy use in the EPELI game was also examined. The ADHD participants’ self-ratings indicated clearly more everyday executive problems than in the controls. Differences in the EPELI game were mostly seen in the ADHD participants’ higher rates of task-irrelevant actions. Gender differences and a group × gender interaction was found in the number of correctly performed tasks, indicating poorer performance particularly in ADHD males. Discriminant validity of EPELI was similar to CPT. Strategy use strongly predicted EPELI performance in both groups. The results demonstrate the feasibility of EPELI for online assessment and highlight the role of impulsivity as a distinctive everyday life problem in adult ADHD.</p

    ”Musta se on vaa kiva, että se ylipäätään tulee sinne luokkaan”:opettajien ja oppilaiden käsityksiä koira-avusteisesta pedagogiikasta

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella koulukoiratoiminnan toteutusta sekä oppilaiden ja opettajien käsityksiä koulukoiratoiminnasta eräässä pohjoissuomalaisessa yhtenäiskoulussa. Tutkielman teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä esitellään eläinavusteisen ja koira-avusteisen toiminnan muotoja ja vaikutuksia sekä koiran roolia ja merkitystä kasvatustyössä aiemman tutkimuskirjallisuuden perusteella. Tutkimus toteutettiin fenomenografisena tapaustutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin tutkimuskoulun oppilailta, opettajilta ja koulukoiran ohjaajana toimivalta oppilashuollon työntekijältä teemahaastattelujen avulla. Haastatteluja toteutettiin yhteensä kymmenen, joista neljä oli oppilaiden ryhmähaastatteluja. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että sekä opettajien että oppilaiden käsitykset koulukoirasta ovat hyvin positiivisia ja koulukoira on saanut koululla myönteisen vastaanoton. Koulukoiran nähtiin parantavan oppilaan henkistä hyvinvointia, lisäävän iloa ja mielekkyyttä koulunkäyntiin, vahvistavan lapsen tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja ja vähentävän häiriökäyttäytymistä. Opettajien mukaan koira luo hyväksyvää ja lämmintä tunnelmaa, mikä helpottaa vaikeistakin asioista puhumista ja siten tukee lapsen ja aikuisen välisen keskusteluyhteyden syntymistä. Koiran myös nähtiin tukevan tuntityöskentelyä, lisäävän motivaatiota sekä helpottavan erityisesti ääneen lukemista. Toisaalta erityisesti oppilaat kokivat koiran läsnäolon ja siitä johtuvan innostuksen myös jossain määrin heikentävän työrauhaa ja keskittymistä tuntitilanteissa. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat suurimmalta osin linjassa aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että koulukoiratoiminnan avulla on mahdollista tukea monipuolisesti oppilaan oppimista ja koulunkäyntiä sekä psyykkistä ja sosiaalista hyvinvointia. Lisäksi koulukoiran läsnäolo voi tutkimustulosten perusteella parantaa myös opettajan työhyvinvointia

    Development of a Leadership Mindset Scale

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    The purpose of the study was to construct a Leadership Mindset Scale (LMS) and to assess its reliability and construct validity. Participants were 100 employees in a variety of leadership and non-leadership positions at various organizations in three states. An item and factor analysis on the 13 LMS items led to a scale with 11 items (Cronbach α = .80). A Principal Axis Factor analysis with Promax rotation suggested three factors: Leadership Mindset Teachability (LMS-T), a belief in leadership teachability; Leadership Mindset Improvability (LMS-I), a belief in leadership improvability over time; and Leadership Mindset Predictability (LMS-P), a belief that leadership cannot be predicted at an early age. Convergent validity of LMS-Total and Teachability was evidenced by significant correlations with the implicit theories of intelligence and anxiety scales, and developmental leadership and transactional leadership scales. Divergent validity was evidenced by a non-significant correlation with social desirability. The results suggest that the LMS measures a construct different from those of other leadership scales used in the study. The LMS can be helpful in leadership training programs to promote a growth mindset about the trainability of leadership skills

    The multi-faceted Type II-L supernova 2014G from pre-maximum to nebular phase

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    We present multi-band ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared photometry, along with visual-wavelength spectroscopy, of supernova (SN) 2014G in the nearby galaxy NGC 3448 (25 Mpc). The early-phase spectra show strong emission lines of the high ionisation species He II/N IV/C IV during the first 2-3 d after explosion, traces of a metal-rich CSM probably due to pre-explosion mass loss events. These disappear by day 9 and the spectral evolution then continues matching that of normal Type II SNe. The post-maximum light curve declines at a rate typical of Type II-L class. The extensive photometric coverage tracks the drop from the photospheric stage and constrains the radioactive tail, with a steeper decline rate than that expected from the 56^{56}Co decay if γ\gamma-rays are fully trapped by the ejecta. We report the appearance of an unusual feature on the blue-side of Hα\alpha after 100 d, which evolves to appear as a flat spectral feature linking Hα\alpha and the O I doublet. This may be due to interaction of the ejecta with a strongly asymmetric, and possibly bipolar CSM. Finally, we report two deep spectra at ~190 and 340 d after explosion, the latter being arguably one of the latest spectra for a Type II-L SN. By modelling the spectral region around the Ca II, we find a supersolar Ni/Fe production. The strength of the O I λλ\lambda\lambda6300,6363 doublet, compared with synthetic nebular spectra, suggests a progenitor with a zero-age main-sequence mass between 15 and 19 M_\odot.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Sensitivity analysis of the meteorological preprocessor MPP-FMI 3.0 using algorithmic differentiation

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    The meteorological input parameters for urbanand local-scale dispersion models can be evaluated by pre-processing meteorological observations, using a boundarylayer parameterisation model. This study presents a sensitivity analysis of a meteorological preprocessor model (MPP-FMI) that utilises readily available meteorological data as input. The sensitivity of the preprocessor to meteorological input was analysed using algorithmic differentiation (AD). The AD tool used was TAPENADE. The AD method numerically evaluates the partial derivatives of functions that are implemented in a computer program. In this study, we focus on the evaluation of vertical fluxes in the atmosphere and in particular on the sensitivity of the predicted inverse Obukhov length and friction velocity on the model input parameters. The study shows that the estimated inverse Obukhov length and friction velocity are most sensitive to wind speed and second most sensitive to solar irradiation. The dependency on wind speed is most pronounced at low wind speeds. The presented results have implications for improving the meteorological preprocessing models. AD is shown to be an efficient tool for studying the ranges of sensitivities of the predicted parameters on the model input values quantitatively. A wider use of such advanced sensitivity analysis methods could potentially be very useful in analysing and improving the models used in atmospheric sciences.Peer reviewe