3,650 research outputs found

    A User’s Perspective on the Database of Services Sector in Indian Economy

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    Measuring the contribution of services to the Indian economy is a challenging task because it presents problems not encountered in the primary and secondary sectors. The authors discuss problems found particularly in quantifying the contribution of the banking and software sectors and suggest ways of overcoming these problems.database; services sector; banking; software sector; India

    The Environmental Effects of Uranium Exploration and Mining

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    Uranium exploration and mining is increasing as the Nation\u27s demand for energy grows. The environmental impacts associated with this exploration and mining are not severe and compare favorably with impacts from the production of other energy resources

    Determination of carrier lifetime and mobility in colloidal quantum dot films via impedance spectroscopy

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    Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) proves to be a powerful tool for the determination of carrier lifetime and majority carrier mobility in colloidal quantum dot films. We employ IS to determine the carrier lifetime in PbS quantum dot Schottky solar cells with Al and we verify the validity of the technique via transient photovoltage. We also present a simple approach based on an RC model that allows the determination of carrier mobility in PbS quantum dot films and we corroborate the results via comparison with space charge limited measurements. In summary, we demonstrate the potential of IS to characterize key-to-photovoltaics optoelectronic properties, carrier lifetime, and mobility, in a facile way

    Performance of statistical models to predict mental health and substance abuse cost

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    BACKGROUND: Providers use risk-adjustment systems to help manage healthcare costs. Typically, ordinary least squares (OLS) models on either untransformed or log-transformed cost are used. We examine the predictive ability of several statistical models, demonstrate how model choice depends on the goal for the predictive model, and examine whether building models on samples of the data affects model choice. METHODS: Our sample consisted of 525,620 Veterans Health Administration patients with mental health (MH) or substance abuse (SA) diagnoses who incurred costs during fiscal year 1999. We tested two models on a transformation of cost: a Log Normal model and a Square-root Normal model, and three generalized linear models on untransformed cost, defined by distributional assumption and link function: Normal with identity link (OLS); Gamma with log link; and Gamma with square-root link. Risk-adjusters included age, sex, and 12 MH/SA categories. To determine the best model among the entire dataset, predictive ability was evaluated using root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute prediction error (MAPE), and predictive ratios of predicted to observed cost (PR) among deciles of predicted cost, by comparing point estimates and 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals. To study the effect of analyzing a random sample of the population on model choice, we re-computed these statistics using random samples beginning with 5,000 patients and ending with the entire sample. RESULTS: The Square-root Normal model had the lowest estimates of the RMSE and MAPE, with bootstrap confidence intervals that were always lower than those for the other models. The Gamma with square-root link was best as measured by the PRs. The choice of best model could vary if smaller samples were used and the Gamma with square-root link model had convergence problems with small samples. CONCLUSION: Models with square-root transformation or link fit the data best. This function (whether used as transformation or as a link) seems to help deal with the high comorbidity of this population by introducing a form of interaction. The Gamma distribution helps with the long tail of the distribution. However, the Normal distribution is suitable if the correct transformation of the outcome is used

    NNT pseudoexon activation as a novel mechanism for disease in two siblings with familial glucocorticoid deficiency

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    CONTEXT: Intronic DNA frequently encodes potential exonic sequences called pseudoexons. In recent years, mutations resulting in aberrant pseudoexon inclusion have been increasingly recognized to cause disease. OBJECTIVES: To find the genetic cause of familial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) in two siblings. PATIENTS: The proband and his affected sibling, from nonconsanguineous parents of East Asian and South African origin, were diagnosed with FGD at the ages of 21 and 8 months, respectively. DESIGN: Whole exome sequencing was performed on genomic DNA (gDNA) of the siblings. Variants in genes known to cause FGD were assessed for causality. Further analysis of gDNA and cDNA was performed by PCR/RT-PCR followed by automated Sanger sequencing. RESULTS: Whole exome sequencing identified a single, novel heterozygous variant (p.Arg71*) in nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT) in both affected individuals. Follow-up cDNA analysis in the proband identified a 69-bp pseudoexon inclusion event, and Sanger sequencing of his gDNA identified a 4-bp duplication responsible for its activation. The variants segregated with the disease: p.Arg71* was inherited from the mother, the pseudoexon change was inherited from the father, and an unaffected sibling had inherited only the p.Arg71* variant. CONCLUSIONS: FGD in these siblings is caused by compound heterozygous mutations in NNT; one causing pseudoexon inclusion in combination with another leading to Arg71*. Discovery of this pseudoexon activation mutation highlights the importance of identifying sequence changes in introns by cDNA analysis. The clinical implications of these findings include: facilitation of antenatal genetic diagnosis, early institution of potentially lifesaving therapy, and the possibility of preventative or curative interventio

    Diagnosing Xpert MTB/RIF-negative TB: Impact and cost of alternative algorithms for South Africa

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    Background. Use of Xpert MTB/RIF is being scaled up throughout South Africa for improved diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). A large proportion of HIV-infected patients with possible TB are Xpert-negative on their initial test, and the existing diagnostic algorithm calls for these patients to have sputum culture (Xpert followed by culture (X/C)). We modelled the costs and impact of an alternative diagnostic algorithm in which these cultures are replaced with a second Xpert test (Xpert followed by Xpert (X/X)).Methods. An existing population-level decision model was used. Costs were estimated from Xpert implementation studies and public sectorprice and salary data. The number of patients requiring diagnosis was estimated from the literature, as were rates of TB treatment uptakeand loss to follow-up. TB and HIV positivity rates were estimated from the national TB register and laboratory databases.Results. At national programme scale in 2014, X/X (R969 million/year) is less expensive than X/C R1 095 million/year), potentially saving R126million/year (US$17.4 million). However, because Xpert is less sensitive than culture, X/X diagnoses 2% fewer TB cases. This is partly offset byhigher expected treatment uptake with X/X due to the faster availability of results, resulting in 1% more patients initiating treatment under X/Xthan X/C. The cost per TB patient initiated on treatment under X/X is R2 682, which is 12% less than under X/C (R3 046).Conclusions. Modifying the diagnostic algorithm from X/C to X/X could provide rapid results, simplify diagnostic processes, improve HIV/TB treatment outcomes, and generate cost savings


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    Територія Пониззя Присамар’я здавна привертала увагу дослідників, проте їх зацікавленість належала, переважно археологічним пам’яткам від доби каменю – бронзи та ранньозалізного часу. Пам’ятки пізніших часів, тим більш козацької епохи, переважно залишалися поза вивченням [28, с.28, 29- 33 с.214]. Винятковим явищем у цьому плані є роботи керованої Д.І.Яворницьким новобудівної Дніпрогесівської експедиції НКПросу 1927-1932 років [14, с.11-12], коли вперше на зазначених територіях були відкриті і досліджувалися не лише неолітичні і матеріали ранньобронзової доби, а й алано-болгарські пам’ятки, поселення доби Київської Русі, козацькі поховання XVII-XVIII ст. Д.І.Яворницький першим проводив археологічні розвідки на теренах Богородицької фортеці і її посаду під час робіт Дніпрогесівської експедиції 1927-1932 років [13; 19, с. 256-257] (у фондах ДІМ ім. Д.І.Яворницького знаходиться близько 80 натільних хрестів «із запорозьких поховань», зібраних вченим, але у матеріалах його розвідок місця знахідок часто не фіксувалися, через це знахідки не паспортизовувалися, що ускладнює ідентифікацію матеріалів). У повоєнні роки і до кінця 1980-х матеріали доби середньовіччя і козаччини з гирла Самари цікавили, переважно, краєзнавців і аматорів. У 1960-1970 рр. брати В.В. та Е.В.Бінкевичі знаходили монети й інші старожитності на Ігренському півострові: про ці знахідки з пониззя Самари лише стисло згадано в праці „Городок старинный запорожский Самарь с перевозом [1]. В цей же час і на цій же території краєзнавець з Придніпровська Є.Богуш збирав натільні хрести, колекція яких по смерті аматора була розпродана спадкоємцями частинами. У 2001 році науково-дослідною Лабораторією археології Подніпров’я ДНУ під керівництвом професора І.Ф.Ковальової на території Богородицьком фортеці і її посаду були розпочаті планомірні розвідки і розкопки