3,424 research outputs found

    Induksi dan Pertumbuhan Kalus Daun Tin (Ficus carica) dengan Penambahan Berbagai Kombinasi Konsentrasi IBA dan Kinetin pada Media MS secara In Vitro

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    Tanaman tin (Ficus carica) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Daun tin digunakan sebagai obat berbagai penyakit, namun budidaya tanaman tin di Indonesia banyak dijumpai kendala, sehingga diperlukan teknik perbanyakan secara in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh pemberian berbagai kombinasi konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh IBA (Indole-3-butyric acid) dan kinetin (6-fulfurylamino purine) terhadap induksi dan pertumbuhan kalus daun tin pada media MS (Murashige dan Skoog) secara in vitro dan mengetahui kombinasi konsentrasi IBA dan kinetin terbaik untuk induksi dan pertumbuhan kalus daun tin. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan, yaitu (A) MS+0 mg/l IBA+2 mg/l kinetin, (B) MS+0,5 mg/l IBA+1,5 mg/l kinetin, (C) MS+1 mg/l IBA+1 mg/l kinetin, (D) MS+1,5 mg/l IBA+0,5 mg/l kinetin, (E) MS+2 mg/l IBA+0 mg/l kinetin dengan 5 ulangan pada tiap perlakuan, sehingga didapatkan 25 unit eksperimen. Parameter yang diamati adalah kecepatan waktu induksi kalus, biomassa kalus, pembentangan eksplan, tekstur dan warna kalus. Data biomassa kalus dianalisis dengan ANAVA satu arah, sedangkan data pembentangan, tekstur dan warna kalus dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai kombinasi konsentrasi IBA dan kinetin berpengaruh terhadap induksi dan pertumbuhan kalus daun tin pada media MS secara in vitro. Kombinasi konsentrasi zat pengatur tumbuh 0,5 mg/l IBA+1,5 mg/l kinetin merupakan kombinasi konsentrasi yang terbaik untuk induksi dan pertumbuhan kalus daun tin yang ditanam pada media MS secara in vitro, dengan waktu induksi 20 hari, biomassa kalus (0,712 gram), tekstur kalus kompak dan berwarna hijau.   Kata kunci: Ficus carica; IBA; kinetin; induksi kalus; pertumbuhan kalus

    Multiplikasi Tunas dan Induksi Perakaran pada Perbanyakan Rhododendron Radians J.J.Sm (Ericaceae) secara In Vitro [Shoot Multiplication And Root Induction On In Vitro Propagation Of Rhododendron Radians J.J.Sm (Ericaceae)]

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    Rhododendron radians merupakan tanaman hias yang hanya ditemukan di Sulawesi Tengah dan Utara. Perbanyakan secara massal diperlukan untuk komersialisasi tanaman tersebut. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan teknik mikropropagasi secara in vitro yang tepat untuk R. radians melalui percobaan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) pada media kultur. Penelitian terdiri atas dua tahap percobaan. Percobaan 1 perlakuan kombinasi ZPT untuk proliferasi tunas disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor, yaitu media (delapan kombinasi media) dengan menggunakan dua konsentrasi IAA (0,1 mg/l dan 1,0 mg/l) dan empat konsentrasi 2iP (0, 6, 7, dan 8 mg/l). Percobaan 2 adalah perlakuan IBA untuk pertumbuhan tunas dan pengakaran menggunakan lima variasi media (M1 = media WPM (kontrol), M2 = media WPM + 0,25 mg/l IBA, M3 = media WPM + 0,5 mg/l IBA, M4 = media WPM + 1 mg/l IBA, M5 = media WPM + 5 mg/l IBA). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa media WPM dengan penambahan 1,0 mg/l IAA dan 7,0 mg/l 2iP merupakan media terbaik untuk induksi tunas pada R. radians, dengan jumlah tunas rata-rata 15,80 + 3,45 cm dan tinggi tunas rata-rata 2,36 + 0,25 cm, sedangkan media terbaik untuk induksi akar adalah media M4 (WPM + 1,0 mg/l IBA), dengan persentase eksplan berakar 63,33% dan panjang akar rata-rata 4,7 mm. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan awal untuk melakukan perbanyakan secara massal R. radians dan diharapkan penelitian lebih lanjut dapat dilakukan sampai dengan tahap aklimatisasi.KeywordsAuksin; Media; Mikropropagasi; Rhododendron radian

    Meristem culture for clonal micropropagation of grapevines

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    Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of MS medium concentrations (4/4 MS, 3/4 MS, 2/4 MS) combined with GA3 at 0.0, 0.1 and 0.5 mg/l, and vitamin formulations (MS, Morel, thiamine-inositol) on success of meristem culture and of 15 auxin (IBA) x cytokinin (BAP) combinations on shoot and root formation for clonal rnicropropagation of the wine grape cv. Kalecik Karasi and the rootstock cv. 41 B M.G. Best results were obtained from standard MS mineral composition and vitamin formulation combined with 2.5 mg/l BAP and 0.5 mg/l GA3 for primary meristem cultures of both genotypes; 0.0 mg/l IBA x 1.0 mg/l BAP for shoot subculture and 1.0 mg/l IBA x 0.0 mg/l BAP for root subculture of Kalecik Karasi; 0.0 mg/l IBA x 1.0 mg/l BAP for shoot subculture and 5.0 mg/l IBA x 0.0 mg/l BAP for root subculture of 41 B, considering shoot, explant, root, callus and particularly entire plant formation in the cultures of both stages

    Pengaruh Komposisi Media Terhadap Induksi Tunas Dan Akar Lima Genotipe Tanaman Agave Pada Kultur in Vitro; the Effect of Media Composition on the Induction of Shoot and Roots and of Five Agave Clones on in Vitro Culture

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    Agave (Agave sisalana Perrine) merupakan tanaman penghasil serat alam. Pengembangan agave terkendala penyediaan bahan tanam bermutu. Teknik kultur jaringan dapat menghasilkan benih agave dalam jumlah banyak dengan kualitas yang seragam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan komposisi media terbaik dalam induksi tunas dan akar lima genotipe agave pada kultur in vitro. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Balittas dari bulan Juli 2015 sampai Juni 2016. Sumber eksplan adalah tunas aseptik agave genotipe Balittas 10, Balittas 12, Balittas 13, Balittas 14, dan H-11648 dari kultur in vitro. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial (dua faktor, tiga ulangan). Faktor I adalah komposisi media dan faktor II adalah genotipe. Komposisi media induksi tunas: M1 (MS + BAP 0,5 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M2 (MS + BAP 1 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l), dan M3 (MS + BAP 1,5 mg/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l). Komposisi media perakaran: M1 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l); M2 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M3 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + IBA 1 g/l); M4 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l), dan M5 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 1 mg/l). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komposisi media induksi tunas menghasilkan jumlah tunas (1,09–1,33) dan kecepatan induksi (4 minngu) yang tidak berbeda nyata. Komposisi media induksi akar yang terbaik adalah media M4 (MS + arang aktif 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l) dengan jumlah akar 4,53. Genotipe Balittas 14 menghasilkan jumlah tunas dan jumlah akar yang paling tinggi dibandingkan genotipe lain (1,56 tunas dan 4,59 akar). Agave (Agave sisalana Perrine) is a plant that producenaturalfibre. Agave cultivation for commercial use is still limited by the availability of good plant materials. In vitro culture technique can produce a large amount of plant material with same quality in relatively short time. The study aimed to obtain a suitable medium composition for in vitro shoot multiplication and root induction for five agave genotypes. The experiment was conducted from July 2015 to June 2016 in Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Sweetener and Fibre Crops Research Institute. Explant source derived from aseptic shoot of agave genotypesBalittas 10, 12, 13, 14, andH-11648 in in vitro ISFCRI germplasm collection. The experiment was arranged in factorial complete random design (two factors: media composition, genotype, and three replication). Shoot induction media: M1 (MS + BAP 0.5 mg/l + IBA 0.5 mg/l); M2 (MS + BAP 1 mg/l + IBA 0.5 mg/l);and M3 (MS + BAP 1.5 mg/l + IBA 0.5 mg/l). Root induction media: M1 (MS + active carbon(AC) 2 g/l); M2 (MS + AC2 g/l + IBA 0,5 mg/l); M3 (MS + AC 2 g/l + IBA 1 g/l); M4 (MS + AC 2 g/l + NAA 0,5 mg/l);and M5 (MS + AC 2 g/l + NAA 1 mg/l). The results showed that the shoot induction media compositions were not differ significantly on shoot numbers (1.09–1.33) and time for shoot induction (4 weeks). The best composition medium of root induction was M4 (MS + AC 2 g/l + NAA 0.5 mg/l), that yielded 4.53 root numbers. Balittas 14 genotype yielded the highest shoot and root numbers (1,56 shoot numbers and 4.59 root numbers)

    Root Growth in Single Shoots Tabah Bamboo Eye Cuttings (Gigantochloa nigrociliata Kurz) Using Auksin IBA (Indole Butyric Acid) and Growing Media

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    Tabah Bamboo has potential that needs to be developed both in the food sector, industry and environment. This type can be processed into food ingredients worth exporting, especially bamboo shoots. To meet the needs of raw materials need to multiply plants in the field through nurseries one of them using stem cuttings. Root growth is an indicator of the success of nurseries using cuttings. The research was conducted at KHDTK Rarung, Central Lombok from October 2020 until January 2021.  The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of concentration IBA (Indole Butyric Acid), growing media, and long soaking cuttings in the solution of IBA concentration on the growth of cutting roots. The results showed that the best root emergence time occurred in a combined concentration of 400mg.1-l IBA and soil media +cocopeat + manure. Each factor independently has a noticeable effect on the number of roots. Concentration of 400mg.1-l IBA, soaking length of 1 hour, and soil media+cocopeat+manure result in a better number of roots. Combination concentration of 400mg.1-l IBA and a 1-hour soaking length result in better root length at 43 hst, while a combined concentration of 400mg.1-l IBA and soil media + cocopeat + manure produce better root length at the age of 50 hst and 57 hst. Combination concentration of 400mg.1-l IBA, soaking length cuttings 1 hour, and soil media + cocopeat + manure produce fresh weight and dry roots bes

    In Vitro Shoot Regeneration of Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Using Immature Cotyledons

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    Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) is multi usage legume as a cover crop, green manure, pasture, silage, and hay due to its high dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. It is neglected crop due to toxicity to non-ruminant animals including humans. It causes a disease called favisim due to the presence of an oxidants like convicine, isouramil, divicine and vicine which results in lowering of glutathione levels in G6PD-deficient persons. Immature cotyledon seeds were cultured on MS medium containing 0.05-0.80 mg/l TDZ-0.10 mg/l IBA. Callusing without shoot regeneration was observed only on higher concentarion of 0.80 mg/l TDZ-0.10 mg/l IBA in the culture medium. Shoot regeneration frequency and shoots per explants ranged 25.0-58.33% and 8.33-19.33 respectively. Maximum Shoot regeneration frequency (58.33%) and shoots per explants (19.33) were recorded on MS medium supplemented with 0.20 mg/l TDZ-0.10 mg/l IBA. Equal concentration of TDZ-IBA induced maximum shoot length and was recorded 5.0 cm. Most of the palnts rooted directly in the culture medium and remaining were cultured on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l IBA. Both types of plantlets were acclimatized under ambient conditions

    Direct Axillary Shoot Regeneration From The Mature Seed Explant Of The Hairy Vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth)

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    The hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) is a climbing, prostrate or trailing legume grown as forage.It fixes atmospheric nitrogen, reduces soil erosion and provides an instant mulch. Multiple axillary shoot regeneration from a mature seed explant (zygotic embryo with two cotyledons) was obtained on MS medium containing 0.05 – 1.6 mg/l TDZ with or without 0.10 mg/l IBA. The frequency (%) of shoot regeneration ranged from 45.83-75.00% with a maximum number of 28.6 shoots per explant on MS medium containing 0.20 mg/l TDZ-0.10 mg/l IBA. The mean shoot length decreased proportionately with each increase in TDZ concentration irrespective of the IBA concentration in the culture medium. However, comparing the two types of regeneration media, longer shoots were recorded in the presence of IBA in the culture medium. Regenerated shoots were pulse treated with 50 mg/l IBA for 5, 10 and 20 min for rooting

    Micropropagation Of Lentil (Lens Culinaris Medik.) Using Pulse Treatment Of İmmature Plumular Apices

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    Lentil is highly recalcitrant and is difficult to regenerate through tissue culture. The study is aimed to overcome this problem by developing an efficient regeneration system using immature plumular apice explants from immature zygotic embryos of Turkish lentil cv. Ciftci. The results showed that 10 mg/l BA pulse treatment of explants for 10 days followed by culture on MS medium containing various concentrations of BA-IBA supplemented with activated charcoal and PVP affected shoot regeneration frequency, mean number of shoots per explant and shoot length. Irrespective of the pulse treatment, combination of BA with IBA in MS medium promoted longer shoots compared to any concentration of BA alone. Maximum number of shoots (4.25) per explant was recorded on MS medium containing 0.25 mg/l BA + 0.1 mg/l IBA after pulse treatment. The longest shoots (6.17 cm) were recorded in pulse treated explants when cultured on MS medium containing 0.25 mg/l BA + 0.1 mg/l IBA. The regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium containing 0.25 to 1 mg/l IBA or 1 mg/l IAA. The rooted plants were acclimatized at 24±2oC in the growth room where, they flowered and set seeds

    Respon Pemberian Hormon Tumbuh Dan Mikoriza Terhadap Pertumbuhan Stek Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus (Miq.) Kurz)

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of growth hormones and mycorhyza application on the growth of ramin cuttings. A Completely Randomized Design with 5 replicates was used in this study. The experiment consisted of two stages i.e hormon treatments (control, Rapid root, Root Up, IBA 250 mg/l, IBA 500 mg/l, IBA 1000 mg/l), Fusarium and mycorhyza applications. The result showed that the highest number of root was obtained from Root Up (12,83 cm), while the lowest was from Fusarium treatments (4,67 cm). IBA 250 mg/l enhanced the number of roots and the length of root significantly but not stimulate the development of new leaf. While mycorhyza application improving the growth of the new leaf and the root development of ramin

    Clonal Propagation of an Endangered Umbellifer, Polyzygus Tuberosus from South India

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    Polyzygus tuberosus Dalzell ex Walp. is a critically endangered and endemic species of South India that has received very little attention scientifically. The plant inhabits in a small patch of natural habitat in the field of Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi campus. In the present studies, the endemic and threatened status of this rare plant is revealed.Clonal propagation was succeeded from nodal explants inoculated on MS media supplemented with 0.3 mg/l BAP + 0.2 mg/l IBA for multiple shoot initiation. The nodal explants also induced multiple shoots on MS media supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BAP. The root and nodal explants induced callus on MS media supplemented with 2 mg/l NAA. Roots were initiated in half strength MS media supplemented with 0.3 mg/l IAA + 0.5 mg/l IBA. The hardened plants were reintroduced in its natural habitat and observed normal growth characters without any morphological changes