55 research outputs found

    Using network analysis to study globalization, regionalization, and multi-polarity—Introduction to special section

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    n this introduction to the special section on globalization, regionalization, and multi-polarity, we review network analysis applications to the study of globalization as a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon and we explore the frontiers of our knowledge about the network properties of global systems. We focus on the global economic (trade and investment), political, and migration systems

    Droplet digital PCR assay as an innovative and promising highly sensitive assay to unveil residual and cryptic HBV replication in peripheral compartment

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    : Droplet digital PCR is an innovative and promising approach for highly sensitive quantification of nucleic acids that is being increasingly used in the field of clinical virology, including the setting of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Here, we comprehensively report a robust and reproducible ddPCR assay for the highly sensitive quantification of serum HBV-DNA. The assay showed a limit of detection of 4 copies/ml (<1IU/ml) by Probit analysis, showed a good linearity (R2 = 0.94) and a high intra- and inter-run reproducibility with differences between the values obtained in the same run or in two independent runs never exceeding 0.14logcopies/mL and 0.21logcopies/mL, respectively. By analysing serum samples from chronically HBV infected patients (mostly under antiviral treatment), ddPCR successfully quantified serum HBV-DNA in 89.8% of patients with detectable serum HBV-DNA < 20 IU/mL [equivalent to <112copies/ml] by classical Real-Time PCR assay, with a median (IQR) of 8(5-14)IU/mL [45(28-78)copies/ml], and in 66.7% of patients with undetectable serum HBV-DNA, with a median (IQR) of 5(4-9)IU/mL [28(20-50)copies/ml]. Similarly, by analysing serum samples from patients with a serological profile compatible with occult HBV infection (anti-HBc+/HBsAg-), ddPCR successfully quantified serum HBV-DNA in 40% of patients with a median (IQR) value of 1(1-2)IU/mL [5(5-11)copies/ml], in line with the extremely limited viral replication typically observed in occult HBV infection. Overall, the availability of assays for the highly sensitive quantification of serum HBV-DNA can provide an added value in optimizing the diagnosis of occult hepatitis B infection, improving the therapeutic management of chronically HBV infected patients, also in the light of innovative drugs (upcoming in clinical practise) aimed at achieving HBV functional cure

    Who Produces for Whom in the World Economy?

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    International audienceFor two decades, the share of trade in inputs, also called vertical trade, has been dramatically increasing. In reallocating trade flows to their original input-producing industries and countries, this paper suggests a new measure of international trade: "value-added trade" and makes it possible to answer the question "who produces for whom?". In 2004, 27% of international trade was vertical trade. The industrial and geographic patterns of value-added trade are very different from those of standard trade. Value-added trade is relatively less important in regional trade but the difference is not more important for Asia than for AmericaLa part du commerce en produits intermédiaires dans le commerce international, appelé aussi "commerce vertical", n'a cessé d'augmenter depuis vingt ans. Cet article propose une nouvelle mesure du commerce international "le commerce en valeur ajoutée" qui réalloue les flux commerciaux aux pays et aux secteurs produisant les intrants. Les répartitions géographique et sectorielle du commerce en valeur ajoutée sont très différentes de celles du commerce " standard ". La différence entre le commerce en valeur ajoutée et le commerce standard est plus importante dans le cas du commerce régional mais ce n'est pas plus le cas en Asie qu'en Amérique

    Sistemi locali, reti e intermediari dell'innovazione

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    Lo spazio geografico \ue8 rilevante per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e per le dinamiche innovative delle imprese poich\ue9 la diffusione di conoscenza, soprattutto quella tacita, \ue8 favorita dalla prossimit\ue0 territoriale e dall\u2019ispessimento di relazioni che richiedono tempo e occasioni comuni. La globalizzazione dei mercati e la concentrazione geografica delle specializzazioni tecnologiche, tuttavia, non consentono di limitare ai confini locali l\u2019estensione delle reti tra i soggetti dell\u2019innovazione; a tutti i livelli, il grado di apertura esterna dei sistemi condiziona notevolmente la capacit\ue0 di assorbire e generare nuove conoscenze. Si impone perci\uf2 l\u2019adozione di forme organizzative che meglio si adattino al cambiamento ed emerge il ruolo decisivo di intermediari che facilitino le relazioni e il trasferimento di competenze tecnologiche e manageriali. Che cosa significa questo in concreto? Significa stabilire i compiti dei vari nodi della rete sulla base dell\u2019inventario esplicito dei tipi di intelligenze in gioco, concordando a priori la finalizzazione che si dar\ue0 alla rete stessa. Il libro, dopo aver discusso le caratteristiche e i confini dei sistemi di innovazione, illustra il ruolo dei vari nodi, le imprese, i centri di ricerca, le istituzioni, con particolare riferimento ai fornitori di servizi pubblici locali e alle attivit\ue0 brevettuali. Il territorio di riferimento per lo studio \ue8 l\u2019Abruzzo, dove da tre anni \ue8 stato fondato il Polo di innovazione ICT, con il compito specifico di sostenere il sistema locale di innovazione

    Manufacturing Reshoring: Threat and Opportunity for East Central Europe and Baltic Countries

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    This paper focuses on \u201creshoring\u201d strategies, conceptualized as the relocation of production earlier off-shored, independently of its governance mode (out-sourcing vs. in-sourcing). More specifically, we investigate two different forms of this phenomenon: the repatriation of manufacturing activities in the firm\u2019s home market (back-reshoring) or in a country located at a shorter distance from the headquarter (near-reshoring). We suggest that such phenomena may represent a significant \u201cthreat\u201d (back-reshoring) or a \u201copportunity\u201d (near-reshoring) for the economies of East Central Europe and Baltic Countries. Based on a wide-ranging literature review and findings derived from an extensive data collection, suggestions for policy makers and managers are provided
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