1,109 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kinerja Reksa Dana saham syariah dan Reksa Dana saham konvensional. Metode pemilihan sampel yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling sehingga terpilih 10 sampel Reksa Dana saham syariah dan 10 sampel Reksa Dana saham konvensional. Untuk mengukur kinerja Reksa Dana saham peneliti menggunakan tiga metode pengukuran yaitu metode Sharpe, Treynor dan Jensen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja Reksa Dana saham konvensional lebih tinggi daripada kinerja Reksa Dana saham syariah dengan menggunakan metode Sharpe dan Treynor, dan pada metode Jensen kinerja Reksa Dana saham syariah lebih tinggi daripada  kinerja Reksa Dana saham konvensional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa uji beda dengan menggunakan uji statistik Independent Sample T-test  pada program IBM SPSS Statistics 24, nilai signifikansi adalah lebih kecil dari 0,05 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja Reksa Dana saham syariah dan kinerja Reksa Dana saham konvensional dengan menggunakan metode Sharpe dan Treynor. Dan diketahui nilai signifikansi untuk metode Jensen adalah lebih besar dari 0,05 yang artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja Reksa Dana saham syariah dan kinerja Reksa Dana saham konvensional dengan menggunakan metode Jensen. Kata kunci: tingkat pengembalian, risiko, perbandingan kinerja Reksa Dana saham, indeks saham syariah, indeks saham konvensional

    Phase transitions in quark matter and behaviour of physical observables in the vicinity of the critical end point

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    We study the chiral phase transition at finite TT and ÎŒB\mu_B within the framework of the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. The QCD critical end point (CEP) and the critical line at finite temperature and baryonic chemical potential are investigated: the study of physical quantities, such as the baryon number susceptibility near the CEP, will provide complementary information concerning the order of the phase transition. We also analyze the information provided by the study of the critical exponents around the CEP.Comment: Talk given at the IVth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP06), Madrid, 5-10 June 200

    Virtual Compton Scattering off a Spinless Target in AdS/QCD

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    We study the doubly virtual Compton scattering off a spinless target γ∗P→γ∗Pâ€Č\gamma^*P\to\gamma^*P' within the Anti-de Sitter(AdS)/QCD formalism. We find that the general structure allowed by the Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance of the Compton amplitude is not easily reproduced with the standard recipes of the AdS/QCD correspondence. In the soft-photon regime, where the semi-classical approximation is supposed to apply best, we show that the measurements of the electric and magnetic polarizabilities of a target like the charged pion in real Compton scattering, can already serve as stringent tests.Comment: 21 pages, version to be published in JHEP

    Dissolved Al in the zonal N Atlantic section of the US GEOTRACES 2010/2011 cruises and the importance of hydrothermal inputs

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 116 (2015): 176-186, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.07.006.The distribution of dissolved aluminium determined during GA03, the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transects (US GT NAZT) shows large inputs to the basin from three main sources, atmospheric deposition, outflow from the Mediterranean, and inputs from hydrothermal sources along the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The partial dissolution of atmospheric aerosols emanating from the Sahara yield high concentrations of dissolved Al in the surface waters of the basin and are used to estimate the geographical pattern of dust deposition. The Mediterranean outflow delivers a large source of dissolved Al to the intermediate waters of the eastern basin and its subsequent distribution within the basin can be explained by simple isopycnal mixing with surrounding water masses. Hydrothermal venting at the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal field in the MAR produces a neutrally buoyant plume that introduces copious quantities of dissolved Al (with concentrations of up to 40nM) to the deeper waters of the North Atlantic that can be seen advecting to the west of the MAR. The concentration of dissolved Al in the deep waters of the eastern basin of the Atlantic can be accounted for by admixing the MAR Al enriched plume water and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) as they pass through the Vema Fracture Zone. The data sets show no evidence for biological remineralisation of dissolved Al from Si carrier phases in deep waters.This work was supported by NSF OCE-0928741 and OCE-1137812 to CIM

    Shockwaves and deep inelastic scattering within the gauge/gravity duality

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    Within the gauge/gravity correspondence, we discuss the general formulation of the shockwave metric which is dual to a 'nucleus' described by the strongly-coupled N=4 SYM theory in the limit where the number of colors Nc is arbitrarily large. We emphasize that the 'nucleus' must possess Nc^2 degrees of freedom per unit volume, so like a finite-temperature plasma, in order for a supergravity description to exist. We critically reassess previous proposals for introducing transverse inhomogeneity in the shockwave and formulate a new proposal in that sense, which involves no external source but requires the introduction of an 'infrared' cutoff which mimics confinement. This cutoff however plays no role when the shockwave is probed by a highly virtual projectile, so like in deep inelastic scattering. We consider two such projectiles, the dilaton and the R-current, and compute the respective structure functions including unitarity corrections. We find that there are no leading-twist contributions to the structure functions at high virtuality, meaning that there are no point-like constituents in the strongly coupled 'nucleus'. In the black-disk regime at low virtuality, the structure functions are suggestive of parton saturation with occupation numbers of order one. The saturation momentum Qs grows with the energy like Qs^2 ~ 1/x (with x the Bjorken variable), which is the hallmark of graviton exchanges and is also necessary for the fulfillment of the energy-momentum sum rules.Comment: 43 page

    Odderon in baryon-baryon scattering from the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    Based on the AdS/CFT correspondence, we present a holographic description of various C-odd exchanges in high energy baryon-baryon and baryon-antibaryon scattering, and calculate their respective contributions to the difference in the total cross sections. We predict that, due to the warp factor of AdS_5, the total cross section in pp collisions is larger than in p\bar{p} collisions at asymptotically high energies.Comment: 23 pages, v2: minor changes, to be published in JHE
