140 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Towards Stock Index Case Study : Jakarta Islamic Index 2006-2014

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    Fluctuation in economy situation is an important indicator for investor decision making. The investor actions are base on the minimum risk while having maximum profit. One of it is observing the condition of macro variables within monetary policy. This research aims to analyze the impact of inflation, money supply, exchange rate, and birate towards stock of Jakarta islamic Index. The type data used is times series periode 2006-2014. Multiple linier regression with chow test and dummy variable approach to compare and to know the behavior of each independent variables. The result shows partially that birate and exchange rate negatively impact Jakarta Islamic Index before global monetary crisis in 2008, while inflation and money supply not that significantly impact. After global monetary crisis in 2008, partially, birate variable and money supply significantly giving positive influence to Jakarta Islamic Index, while at same time exchange rate and inflation are not significantly influencial. Simultaneously, inflation, money supply, exchange rate, and birate influence Jakarta islamic Index

    Uji Keterpahaman Dan Kelayakan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu

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    This study aimed to develop the teaching material for integrated natural science learning in junior high school using 4 steps teaching material development (4STMD) method. There were four steps that should be conducted comprised of selection, structuring, characterization, and didactic reduction. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R&D), so that understanding test was conducted more then once, which are before and after didactic reduction step. The first understanding test result in the average of percentage that are 53,7% and 53,8%. After didactic reduction, the second understanding test result in the average of percentage that is 65,8%. The next test was the feasability test of the teaching material that result in the average of percentage 76,9%, which is in the very good category

    Seed Characteristics of Soybean Cultivars As Affected by Foliar Application of Elicitors

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    The objective of the research was to determine seed characteristics of soybean cultivars on the foliar application of elicitors. The research used a randomized block design with three factors and three replications. The first factor was soybean cultivars (Anjasmoro and Wilis). The second factor was the foliar application of elicitors consisted of without elicitor; chitosan (1 mg ⋅ mL−1), methyl jasmonate (0.5 mM) and salicylic acid (0.5 mM). The third factor was the time of foliar application of elicitors consisted of V4 and R3. The results suggest that the response of each cultivar to the treatment type and timing of elicitor application is different. In Anjasmoro cultivar, the elicitor treatment of salicylic acid at R3 tend to produce the highest number of the filled pod (58.88 pod), while in Wilis cultivar, the elicitor treatment of methyl jasmonate at V4 tend to produce the highest number of the filled pod (73.63 pod). The yield response of dry weight of 100 seeds was observed with the application of chitosan at the R3 stage. Keywords: Anjasmoro Cultivar, Elicitor, Foliar application, Soybean, Wilis cultivar

    Jamu Pada Pasien Tumor/Kanker Sebagai Terapi Komplementer

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kekayaan flora nomor 2 di dunia, memiliki berbagai macam tumbuhan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat termasuk untuk pengobatan kanker. Akan tetapi dalam pemakaian tumbuhan untuk pengobatan masih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan beberapa negara Asia, terutama dalam hal pemakaian tumbuhan obat yang terintegrasikan dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal. Diberbagai belahan dunia tumbuhan obat telah banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan kanker, baik sebagai pencegahan maupun pengobatan. Tanaman yang digunakan adalah yang mengandung senyawa atau substansi seperti karotenoid, vitamin C, selenium, serat dan komponen-komponennya, dithiolthiones, isotiosianat, indol, fenol, inhibitor protease, senyawa aliin, fitisterol, fitoestrogen dan limonen. Glukosianalat dan indol, tiosianat dan isotiosianat, fenol dan kumarin dapat menginduksi multiplikasi enzim fase II (melarutkan dan umumnya mengaktivasi). Asam askorbat dan fenol memblok pembentukan karsinogen seperti nitro- samine.Flavonoid dan karotenoid bertindak sebagai antioksidan. Karotenoid dan sterol mengubah struktur membran atau integritas. Senyawa yang mengandung sulfur dapat menekan DNA dan sintesis protein, sedangkan fitoestrogen bersaing dengan estradiol untuk reseptor estrogen sehingga akan terjadi keadaan anti proliperatif. Perhimpunan Dokter Indonesia Pengembang Kesehatan Tradisional Timur (PDPKT), setelah melalui prosedur dan identifikasi yang panjang, berhasil memilih 30 jenis tanaman berkhasiat obat dalam mengatasi berbagai penyakit, termasuk kanker. Selain itu berdasarkan pengalaman pengobatan di RSU Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang dan RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, diperoleh sejumlah herbal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Di Indonesia, prevalensi penyakit kanker cukup tinggi. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2007, prevalensi tumor/kanker di Indonesia adalah 4,3 per 1.000 penduduk dan merupakan penyebab kematian nomor 7 sebesar 5,7% dari seluruh penyebab kematian.4 Sementara itu pada Riskesdas tahun 2013, prevalensi tumor/kanker di Indonesia adalah 1,4 per 1000 penduduk, atau sekitar 330.000 orang. Prevalensi kanker tertinggi terdapat di DI Yogyakarta (4,1%), diikuti Jawa Tengah (2,1%), Bali (2%), Bengkulu, dan DKI Jakarta masing-masing 1,9 per mil. Penyakit kanker juga menyebabkan beban pembiayaan negara sangat tinggi. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari data Jamkesmas yang menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan dana Jamkesmas paling tinggi penyerapannya untuk penanganan penyakit kanker dibandingkan dengan penyakit degeneratif lainnya. pengobatan kanker yang baik harus memenuhi fungsi menyembuhkan (kuratif), mengurangi rasa sakit (paliatif) dan mencegah timbulnya kembali (preventif).6 Pengobatan komplementer alternatif adalah salah satu pelayanan kesehatan yang akhir-akhir ini banyak diminati oleh masyarakat maupun kalangan kedokteran konvensional.7 Pelayanan kesehatan tradisional komple-menter alternatif merupakan pelayanan yang menggabungkan pelayanan konven-sional dengan kesehatan tradisional dan/atau hanya sebagai alternatif menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan tradisional, terintegrasi dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal.7 Keberhasilan masuknya obat tradisional ke dalam sistem pelayanan kesehatan formal hanya dapat dicapai apabila terdapat kemajuan yang besar dari para klinisi untuk menerima dan menggunakan obat tradisional. Penyelenggaran pengobatan komple-menter alternatif diatur dalam standar pelayanan medik herbal menurut Kepmenkes No.121/Menkes/SK/II/2008 yang meliputi melakukan anamnesis; melakukan pemeriksaan meliputi pemeriksaan fisik (inspeksi, palpasi, perkusi dan auskultasi) maupun To determine the use of herbs as complementary therapy in the practice of herbal medicine doctor , performed a cross sectional study , non-intervention in patients with doctors\u27 complementary - alternative herbal medicine in hospitals , health centers, clinic of physician networks Indonesia. Using medical records and entry program on the website Badan Litbangkes, 10 months evaluated, analyzed descriptively using SPSS software version 19.0.Obtainable 72 patients tumor with 129 visits, varying between 1-4 each patient. The most commonly tumor found is breast (32%). Of the 71 patients with tumors, 80.3% receiving herbal, 14.1% received conventional and herbal, 2.8 % received conventional, herbal and traditional health , and 1.4 % received herbal and traditional health. Conventional included chemotherapy, analgesics/antiinflammatory, antibiotic, stomach medicine, tranexamat acids, vitamins, hormonal drugs. Vitamins most used, followed by analgesic/anti inflammatory. Herbal therapy (potion) most often given white turmeric and pearl grass. Herbs with the same components supplied by 8 different doctorspearl grass, white turmeric,bidara upas.There are 51,4% patients came with good quality of life, 40% moderate and 8.6% bad. After receiving 3 modality therapy, there are 79,6% patients with improved quality of life and 20,4% status quo

    Model Analisis Terapi Jamu sebagai Komplementer terhadap Perbaikan Keluhan pada Pasien Artritis

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    Telah dilakukan sebuah penelitian observasi, purposif dan deskriptif terhadap dokter praktik jamusecara komplementer-alternatif dengan menggunakan jamu di 9 dari 12 provinsi wilayah SentraPengembangan, Penerapan dan Pengobatan Tradisional (SP3T) di Indonesia selama 6 bulan penelitian.Didapatkan 63 pasien artritis yang yang masuk ke dalam penelitian, menerima terapi konvensionaldan tradisional. Seluruh pasien berusia ¥16 tahun, dengan persentase terbanyak pada usia 51-70tahun (50,8%). Ditemukan 37% pasien memiliki riwayat penyakit hipertensi sebelumnya, dan 7%riwayat rematoid arthritis. Sebanyak 47% pasien dengan hipertensi pada keluarga dan 16% pasiendengan rematoid arthritis pada keluarganya. Terapi konvensional terbanyak yang digunakan dalamterapi pasien arthritis yaitu golongan NSAID (43%), disusul suplemen (22%), fiioterapi (12%), antipirai(10%), kortikosteroid (4%), lain-lain (4%), dan analgetik narkotik (3%). Komponen jamu yang seringdigunakan yaitu jamu osteoarthritis Tawangmangu (37,5%), sambiloto (11,3%), temulawak (11,2%),jahe (8,1%), habbatussauda/jinten hitam (8,1%), dan murat (4,8%). Adapun keterampilan dengan alatyang digunakan yaitu akupunktur (47%), akupresur (13%), stimulasi listrik (7%), akupunktur & stimulasilistrik (7%). Perubahan pasca terapi yang terjadi adalah perbaikan, berupa hilangnya gejala penyakit.Gejala klinis yang paling banyak menghilang saat follow up yaitu gejala sistem neurologis (33%), sistemmuskuloskeletal (31%), dan tak kalah pentingnya yaitu gejala umum (23%), karena 3 dari 4 gejala umum(tidak nafsu makan, letih, dan penurunan berat badan) merupakan gejala yang paling sering ditemuipada penderita rematoid artritis. Meskipun demikian perbaikan gejala klinis ini belum bisa dipastikansemata-mata karena efek terapi jamu saja, karena selain jamu digunakan pula terapi konvensionallainnya. Ditemukan pula peningkatan Quality of Life (QoL) derajat baik sebelum terapi (36%) danmenjadi 79% pada masa sesudah terapi

    Regulasi Emosi Pada Ibu Single Parent

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of emotion regulation performed single parent mothers and the factors that influence the use of emotion regulation as a result of events that cause emotions. In this study, using qualitative methods with phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques in this study is to use the method of observation and interviews conducted by the subject and significant person. Research subjects: two single parent mothers aged 45 years and 48 years . Emotions experienced by single parent mothers emotions including sadness, anxiety, anger, longing, and hope to receive almost entirely perceived by the subject. Emotion regulation processes used by subjects include the election situation, change the situation, deployment of attention, cognitive changes, changes in the response. The results showed single parent mothers experiencing emotions such as negative emotions such as depression, stress, withdrawal, crying, sad, angry repressed, positive emotions such as patience, sincerity, receive, surrender, happy to see the kids happy. Factors affecting the use of emotion regulation include individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. The conclusion of this study is the ability of each individual emotion regulation vary influenced by individual differences, cognitive, stressors, circumstances before the husband died, the social and family environment, religiosity. Keywords: emotion regulation , single paren

    Analisis Determinan Kinerja Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah di Indonesia (Pendekatan Direct Error Correction Model)

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    Islamic banking is emerging as a breakthrough and an alternative to conventional banking. The shariah-compliant financial services industry is currently at a growing stage compared to the advanced conventional financial services industry. The presence of the Shariah People Financing Bank also contributed to the economy as a credit channeling institution and it is expected that the wheels of the economy will spin faster and give a positive effect to the national economy. This study aims to analyze the influence of internal and external factors on the performance of Sharia Bank Financing in Indonesia Year 2011-2016. The analytical tool used in this research is the Error Corretion Model (ECM) which assumes the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between two or more economic variables, however in the short term that occurs is disequilibrium. With the error correction mechanism, a proportion of disequilibrium in a period is corrected in the next period. The results of this study indicate in the short term, internal factors represented by CAR and BOPO, and external factors are represented Exchange Rate and Inflation does not affect the Return On Asset Bank Syariah Rakyat Rakyat. In the long run CAR, BOPO and Kurs have a significant effect, while inflation does not significantly affect Return On Asset of Rural Bank of Sharia Liabilities
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