3,777 research outputs found

    Cohesive zone models in history dependent materials

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    Copyright @ 2013 ACMECohesive zone model is a well known concept in nonlinear fracture mechanics of elasto-plastic materials. In contrast to that, we discuss a development of the cohesive zone model to linear, but time and history dependent, materials. The stress distribution over the cohesive zone satisfies a history dependent rupture criterion for the normalised equivalent stress, represented by a nonlinear Abel-type integral operator. The cohesive zone length at each time step is determined from the condition of zero stress intensity factor at the cohesive zone tip. It appeared that the crack starts propagating after some delay time elapses since a constant load is applied to the body. This happens when the crack tip opening displacement reaches a prescribed critical value. A numerical algorithm to compute the cohesive zone and crack length with respect to time is discussed and graphs showing the results are give

    Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution

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    The relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for the system of NN events with motion in space-time parametrized by an invariant ``historical time'' τ\tau is considered without the simplifying approximation m2M2m^2\cong M^2, where MM is a given intrinsic property of the events. The relativistic mass distribution is obtained and the average values of mm and m2m^2 are calculated. The average value of the energy in nonrelativistic limit gives a correction of the order of 10\% to the Dulong-Petit law. Expressions for the pressure and the density of events are obtained and the ideal gas law is recovered.Comment: TAUP-2048-9

    Integral equations of a cohesive zone model for history-dependent materials and their numerical solution

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    A nonlinear history-dependent cohesive zone (CZ) model of quasi-static crack propagation in linear elastic and viscoelastic materials is presented. The viscoelasticity is described by a linear Volterra integral operator in time. The normal stress on the CZ satisfies the history-dependent yield condition, given by a nonlinear Abel-type integral operator. The crack starts propagating, breaking the CZ, when the crack tip opening reaches a prescribed critical value. A numerical algorithm for computing the evolution of the crack and CZ in time is discussed along with some numerical results

    Nasionalisme Dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    The distinction between santri (Islam) and nationalist became the burning issue again. This is triggered by the acts of violence and terrorism done by a group/some Indonesian Muslims who have backgrounds as santri in pesantren. As a result, people tend to consider that santri (Muslims) no longer has a love for his homeland (nationalism). This paper intends to provide an overview that historically, Islam was actually very nationalistic, particularly in the Dutch colonial times. Many rebellions came previously from Santri before the nationalists do, such as Diponegoro war and Banten war. The studies of nationalist attitude of the santri was approached with character studies. In addition, figures of the study were Abdul Hasbullah and Ahmad Dahlan. By studying both national modern and Islamic education figures, it is expected that Muslims realize the spirit of loving their motherland as well as the nationalism as the part of religious doctrine of Muslims

    Komponen Hasil Dan Karakter Morfologi Penentu Hasil Kedelai

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    Ten soybean genotypes representing improved varieties and promising lines were grown on wetland after rice at Muara Experimental Farm, Bogor, West Java, during the 2010 dry season. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. Each of the genotypes was grown in a 2 m x 4.5 m plot at a 40 cm x 15 cm plant spacing, two plants per hill. Results of the data analyses showed that among the yield components, plant height, number of pods per plant, and harvest index were positively correlated with grain yield. The direct effects of plant height, number of pods per plant, and harvest index on grain yield as indicated by the path coefficient were the highest, while the effect of other yield components were either small or negative. The yield variation (IR2) not attributable to the ten yield component variables was high (53.66%). Based on the analyses, soybean genotypes with high grain yield should have sufficient plant height, high number of pods per plant, and high harvest index. Therefore, plant height, number of pods per plant, and harvest index could be used as criteria for selection of high yielding genotypes in the soybean breeding program

    Implikasi Pilkada Langsung Terhadap Pertanggungjawaban Kepala Daerah Dalam Penyusunan Program Pembangunan Daerah

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    The main objective of this study is to find the implication of the election regional government system. responsibility in regional government system is extremely vital on establishing regional government. It is analyzed from the character and kind of responsibility. The character and kind of responsibility not only has juridical meaning, but also has philosophical meaning in the context of Indonesian philosophy, which is reflected in governmental system of Indonesian Republic Unity State. Constitutional base, variety, maintaining and developing the real governmental principles, and law state basis are the primary pillars in determining the character and kind of responsibility in regional government system. Responsibility concerning its position in regional government system that keep refer to the system of regional household. Responsibility is vital in establishing the governance is oriented to the principles of regional government establishment that includes general principles of good government and the principle of good governance. Beside that, the responsibility and accountability in the context of state administration and the aspect of public service as well. The principle and system of managing the distribution of regional matters, changes on managing the establishment of regional autonomy, and urgency of the development on the future of nation and Indonesian Republic Unity State

    Analisis Perbedaan Antara Kurikulum Ktsp Dan Kurikulum 2013

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    A curiculum as a teaching program of one of the instutions may have changed in accodance with the need of the society. In Indonesia, the government under the administration of the Ministry of National Education has made the changes of curriculum for several times, such as, KTSP 2006 (unit lesson-based curriculum) and Kurikulum berbasis karakter2013 (character-based curriculum).These changes are aimed at developing the quality of education in this country. This writing discusses the differences between KTSP 2006 and Kurikulum berbasis karakter 2013. Through the discussion, it is found that there are some differences between both of these curriculum in many aspects in lessons focused, methods applied, students\u27 achievement scale, and teaching learning goals