42 research outputs found

    Diel variations in the assemblage structure and foraging ecology of larval and 0+ year juvenile fishes in a man-made floodplain waterbody

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    © 2016 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles. This study investigated diel variations in zooplankton composition and abundance, and the species composition, density, size structure, feeding activity, diet composition and prey selection of larval and 0+ year juvenile fishes in the littoral of a man-made floodplain waterbody over five 24 h periods within a 57 day period. There was a significant difference in the species composition of diurnal and nocturnal catches, with most species consistently peaking in abundance either during daylight or at night, reflecting their main activity period. There were no consistent diel patterns in assemblage structure or the abundance of some species, however, most likely, respectively, due to the phenology of fish hatching and ontogenetic shifts in diel behaviour or habitat use. There were few clear diel patterns in the diet composition or prey selection of larval and 0+ year juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus and perch Perca fluviatilis, with most taxa consistently selected or avoided irrespective of the time of day or night, and no obvious shift between planktonic and benthic food sources, but dietary overlap suggested that interspecific interactions were probably strongest at night. It is essential that sampling programmes account for the diel ecology of the target species, as diurnal surveys alone could produce inaccurate assessments of resource use. The relative lack of consistent diel patterns in this study suggests that multiple 24 h surveys are required in late spring and early summer to provide accurate assessments of 0+ year fish assemblage structure and foraging ecology

    Temporal and spatial variations in the abundance and population structure of the spined loach (Cobitis taenia), a scarce fish species: implications for condition assessment and conservation

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    Effective conservation of protected species requires accurate estimates of the status of their populations. In the UK, this led to the production of a series of sampling protocols to establish the status of designated species against predetermined conservation objectives: a process known as 'condition assessment'. Condition assessments involve comparisons of various parameters, invariably including abundance and/or population structure, of the target species against criteria that are judged to be indicative of viable populations.This study investigated temporal and spatial variations in the abundance and population structure of spined loach (Cobitis taenia), a scarce species indigenous to Europe and central Asia. Specifically, the study compared the density, number of age classes and percentage contribution of the 0+ year age class of spined loach between day and night, months, years and locations.There were marked diel, seasonal, annual and spatial variations in the density, number of age classes and percentage contribution of 0+ year spined loach. Such phenomena are important because monitoring programmes conducted at inappropriate times of day or year, or with insufficient frequency or geographical coverage, could lead to inaccurate assessments of the condition of protected populations and, consequently, to inadequate conservation measures. Notwithstanding, there were few impacts on the condition assessments of the spined loach populations because at least one of the parameters invariably failed to satisfy the population condition assessment criteria.A prerequisite for successful conservation is an effective monitoring programme. It is therefore essential that surveys to assess the condition of populations of protected species are designed with due consideration of their diel behaviour, breeding season, life span and habitat use. It is recommended that the monitoring protocol and condition assessment criteria for spined loach are amended, and that surveys are conducted by trawling, in late summer, at least every 3-4years

    In vivo evaluation of [18F]fluoroetanidazole as a new marker for imaging tumour hypoxia with positron emission tomography

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    Development of hypoxia-targeted therapies has stimulated the search for clinically applicable noninvasive markers of tumour hypoxia. Here, we describe the validation of [18F]fluoroetanidazole ([18F]FETA) as a tumour hypoxia marker by positron emission tomography (PET). Cellular transport and retention of [18F]FETA were determined in vitro under air vs nitrogen. Biodistribution and metabolism of the radiotracer were determined in mice bearing MCF-7, RIF-1, EMT6, HT1080/26.6, and HT1080/1-3C xenografts. Dynamic PET imaging was performed on a dedicated small animal scanner. [18F]FETA, with an octanol–water partition coefficient of 0.16±0.01, was selectively retained by RIF-1 cells under hypoxia compared to air (3.4- to 4.3-fold at 60–120 min). The radiotracer was stable in the plasma and distributed well to all the tissues studied. The 60-min tumour/muscle ratios positively correlated with the percentage of pO2 values <5 mmHg (r=0.805, P=0.027) and carbogen breathing decreased [18F]FETA-derived radioactivity levels (P=0.028). In contrast, nitroreductase activity did not influence accumulation. Tumours were sufficiently visualised by PET imaging within 30–60 min. Higher fractional retention of [18F]FETA in HT1080/1-3C vs HT1080/26.6 tumours determined by dynamic PET imaging (P=0.05) reflected higher percentage of pO2 values <1 mmHg (P=0.023), lower vessel density (P=0.026), and higher radiobiological hypoxic fraction (P=0.008) of the HT1080/1-3C tumours. In conclusion, [18F]FETA shows hypoxia-dependent tumour retention and is, thus, a promising PET marker that warrants clinical evaluation

    Guidance for nuclear medicine staff on radiopharmaceuticals drug interaction

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    Numerous drug interactions related to radiopharmaceuticals take place every day in hospitals many of which are not reported or detected. Information concerning this kind of reaction is not abundant, and nuclear medicine staff are usually overwhelmed by this information. To better understand this type of reaction, and to help nuclear medicine staff deal with it, a review of the literature was conducted. The results show that almost all of radiopharmaceuticals marketed around the world present drug interactions with a large variety of compounds. This suggests that a logical framework to make decisions based on reviews incorporating adverse reactions must be created. The review also showed that researchers undertaking a review of literature, or even a systematic review that incorporates drug interactions, must understand the rationale for the suggested methods and be able to implement them in their review. Additionally, a global effort should be made to report as many cases of drug interaction with radiopharmaceuticals as possible. With this, a complete picture of drug interactions with radiopharmaceuticals can be drawn.Diversos casos de interações medicamentosas com radiofármacos ocorrem diariamente na rotina hospitalar, contudo muitos deles não são notificados ou mesmo percebidos. Informações a respeito desse tipo de reação não é abundante e os profissionais da medicina nuclear muitas vezes estão assoberbados por essas informações. De modo a entender esse tipo de reação e auxiliar a medicina nuclear a lidar com essa situação uma revisão da literatura foi realizada. Os resultados mostraram que a totalidade dos radiofármacos comercializados no mundo apresentam interação medicamentosa com uma enorme variedade de outros medicamentos. Dessa forma sugere-se que revisões sobre radiofármacos inclua um capítulo sobre efeitos adversos. Além disso, um esforço mundial para notificar efeitos adversos deve ser realizado, pois somente dessa forma se terá um quadro real da situação referente interações medicamentosas com radiofármacos