167 research outputs found

    Dissemination of Evidence by Cochrane Public Health Europe in German-Speaking Countries: An Online Stakeholder Survey

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    Objectives: To investigate the reach and impact of “Infomails”, email summaries of Cochrane reviews in German, regularly disseminated by Cochrane Public Health Europe (CPHE) to stakeholders in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Methods: We analysed email campaign reports from 15 Infomails delivered until November 2020. Furthermore, we invited all previous Infomail recipients to participate in an online survey on the impact and perceptions regarding our Infomails in November 2020. We analysed the results using descriptive statistics. Results: The Infomails’ open rate ranged from 10.9% to 39.3% (median 26.0%), and the median click rate on the embedded links was 28.0% (range 8.6–53.8%), highest for nutrition and prevention topics. Out of 1259 recipients, 267 (21.2%) completed our survey. Infomails were most used in discussions, writing reports or statements, for policy or strategy development or programme or guideline development. Persons who remembered receiving Infomails rated them as useful, comprehensible or informative. Conclusion: Infomails summarising recent Cochrane reviews were considered useful for the daily work of public health stakeholders in German-speaking countries. Regular targeted messaging may increase the perceived usefulness

    Dissemination of Evidence by Cochrane Public Health Europe in German-Speaking Countries: An Online Stakeholder Survey

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    Objectives: To investigate the reach and impact of “Infomails”, email summaries of Cochrane reviews in German, regularly disseminated by Cochrane Public Health Europe (CPHE) to stakeholders in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.Methods: We analysed email campaign reports from 15 Infomails delivered until November 2020. Furthermore, we invited all previous Infomail recipients to participate in an online survey on the impact and perceptions regarding our Infomails in November 2020. We analysed the results using descriptive statistics.Results: The Infomails’ open rate ranged from 10.9% to 39.3% (median 26.0%), and the median click rate on the embedded links was 28.0% (range 8.6–53.8%), highest for nutrition and prevention topics. Out of 1259 recipients, 267 (21.2%) completed our survey. Infomails were most used in discussions, writing reports or statements, for policy or strategy development or programme or guideline development. Persons who remembered receiving Infomails rated them as useful, comprehensible or informative.Conclusion: Infomails summarising recent Cochrane reviews were considered useful for the daily work of public health stakeholders in German-speaking countries. Regular targeted messaging may increase the perceived usefulness

    Taxation of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or other adverse health outcomes:protocol

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    To assess the effects of taxation of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods in the general population on the: consumption of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods; prevalence and incidence of overweight and obesity; and prevalence and incidence of diet-related health conditions

    Taxation of the fat content of foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or other adverse health outcomes

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of taxation of fat content in food on consumption of total fat and saturated fat, energy intake, overweight, obesity, and other adverse health outcomes in the general population

    Características da carcaça e dos componentes não carcaça de cordeiros oriundos de parto simples ou duplo.

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    Resumo: Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar as características da carcaça e dos componentes não carcaça de cordeiros nascidos de parto simples ou duplo. Dezesseis cordeiros mestiços Texel × Ile de France, machos não castrados, foram desmamados aos 56 dias de idade e abatidos com aproximadamente 28kg de peso corporal. Imediatamente após o abate, cada componente corporal foi pesado separadamente, sendo as carcaças avaliadas após 24 horas de refrigeração a 2°C. Os cordeiros oriundos de parto simples apresentaram superioridade no peso e nos rendimentos da carcaça, além de maior área de olho de lombo. Por outro lado, proporcionalmente ao peso de corpo vazio, o rúmen é maior em cordeiros nascidos de parto duplo, o que resulta incremento da proporção de conteúdo gastrintestinal ao abate. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que, quando abatidos a um mesmo peso, cordeiros oriundos de parto simples possuem carcaças de melhor qualidade, em comparação a cordeiros nascidos de parto gemelar. [Carcass and non-carcass traits of single and twin lambs]. Abstract: An experiment was conducted to evaluate the carcass and non-carcass traits of single and twin lambs. Sixteen Texel × Ile de France crossbred, non-castrated male lambs were weaned at 56 days of age and slaughtered at 28kg of body weight. Immediately after the slaughter each body component was individually weighed, while carcasses were evaluated after a 24h period of refrigeration at 2°C. Single lambs presented higher values of carcass weight and carcass dressing percentage. Moreover, the Longissimus muscle area was also greater for single lambs. On the other hand, as a proportion of empty body weight, rumen was greater for twin lambs, increasing their gastrointestinal content at slaughter. The results of this study indicated that at a same slaughter weight single lambs have better quality carcasses in comparison with those from twin lambs

    Raising the Parallel Abstraction Level for Streaming Analytics Applications

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    In the stream processing domain, applications are represented by graphs of operators arbitrarily connected and filled with their business logic code. The APIs of existing Stream Processing Systems (SPSs) ease the development of transformations that recur in the streaming practice (e.g., filtering, aggregation and joins). In contrast, their parallelism abstractions are quite limited since they provide support to stateless operators only, or when the state is organized in a set of key-value pairs. This paper presents how the parallel patterns methodology can be revisited for sliding-window streaming analytics. Our vision fosters a design process of the application as composition and nesting of ready-to-use patterns provided through a C++17 fluent interface. Our prototype implements the run-time system of the patterns in the FastFlow parallel library expressing thread-based parallelism. The experimental analysis shows interesting outcomes. First, our pattern-based approach allows easy prototyping of different versions of the application, and the programmer can leverage nesting of patterns to increase performance (up to 37% in one of the two considered test-bed cases). Second, our FastFlow implementation outperforms (three times faster) the handmade porting of our patterns in popular JVM-based SPSs. Finally, in the concluding part of this paper, we explore the use of a task-based run-time system, by deriving interesting insights into how to make our patterns library suitable for multi backends

    Perfil da textura da carne de cordeiros de dois grupos genéticos alimentados com diferentes níveis de inclusão de casca de soja.

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    Resumo: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a textura da carne de cordeiros da raça Texel e Ideal alimentados com diferentes níveis de casca de soja na dieta. Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros machos não castrados, sendo 20 provenientes da raça Texel e 20 da raça Ideal. As dietas corresponderam a diferentes proporções de casca de soja (% MS) em substituição ao volumoso: (0%; 33,5%; 66,5% e 100% de casca de soja). O grupo genético afetou somente a elasticidade da carne (P<0,05), sendo superior para os animais da raça Ideal demostrando ser aproximadamente 9% mais elástica que a carne de cordeiros Texel. Os níveis de inclusão de casca de soja na dieta afetaram a dureza, gomosidade e mastigabilidade da carne, apresentando comportamento quadrático e ponto de máxima no nível de 66,5%, tornando a carne menos suculenta, menos macia, necessitando assim, maior força na mastigação. Embora a raça afete a elasticidade da carne, assim como a dieta contendo 66,5% de casca de soja as outras variáveis da textura, esses valores não depreciam a carne. ]Profile of the texture of lamb meat from two genetic groups fed with different inclusion levels of soybean hulls]. Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the texture of lamb meat of the Texel breed and the Ideal breed fed with different levels of soybean hulls on the diet. Forty uncastrated male lambs, 20 from of the Texel breed and 20 from of the Ideal breed were used. The diets consisted of different proportions of soybean hulls (% DM) replacing the forage: (0%, 33.5%, 66.5% and 100% of soybean hulls). The genetic group has just affected the elasticity of the meat (P <0.05), being higher for the animals Ideal breed demonstrating to be about 9% more elastic than Texel lambs meat. The inclusion levels of soybean hulls in the diet affected the toughness, gumminess and chewiness of the meat, with quadratic response and maximum point at level of 66.5%, making meat less juicy, less softness, requiring bigger strength in chewing. Although the breed has affected the elasticity of the meat, even as the diet containing 66.5% of soybean hulls affecting other variables of the texture, these values didn?t depreciate the lamb?s meat

    DCDB Wintermute: Enabling Online and Holistic Operational Data Analytics on HPC Systems

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    As we approach the exascale era, the size and complexity of HPC systems continues to increase, raising concerns about their manageability and sustainability. For this reason, more and more HPC centers are experimenting with fine-grained monitoring coupled with Operational Data Analytics (ODA) to optimize efficiency and effectiveness of system operations. However, while monitoring is a common reality in HPC, there is no well-stated and comprehensive list of requirements, nor matching frameworks, to support holistic and online ODA. This leads to insular ad-hoc solutions, each addressing only specific aspects of the problem. In this paper we propose Wintermute, a novel generic framework to enable online ODA on large-scale HPC installations. Its design is based on the results of a literature survey of common operational requirements. We implement Wintermute on top of the holistic DCDB monitoring system, offering a large variety of configuration options to accommodate the varying requirements of ODA applications. Moreover, Wintermute is based on a set of logical abstractions to ease the configuration of models at a large scale and maximize code re-use. We highlight Wintermute's flexibility through a series of practical case studies, each targeting a different aspect of the management of HPC systems, and then demonstrate the small resource footprint of our implementation.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 29th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2020

    Role of the hyporheic heterotrophic biofilm on transformation and toxicity of pesticides

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    The role of heterotrophic biofilm of water–sediment interface in detoxification processes was tested in abiotic and biotic conditions under laboratory conditions. Three toxicants, a herbicide (Diuron), a fungicide (Dimethomorph) and an insecticide (Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) have been tested in water percolating into columns reproducing hyporheic sediment. The detoxification processes were tested by comparing the water quality after 18 days of percolation with and without heterotrophic biofilm. Tested concentrations were 30 mg.Lx1 of Diuron diluted in 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 2 mg.Lx1 of Dimethomorph and 0.1 mg.Lx1 of Chlorpyrifos-ethyl. To characterise the detoxification efficiency of the system, we performed genotoxicity bioassays in amphibian larvae and rotifers and measured the respiration and denitrification of sediments. Although the presence of biofilm increased the production of N-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-N-(methyl)-urea, a metabolite of diuron, the toxicity did not decrease irrespective of the bioassay. In the presence of biofilm, Dimethomorph concentrations decreased compared with abiotic conditions, from 2 mg.Lx1 to 0.4 mg.Lx1 after 18 days of percolation. For both Dimethomorph and Chlorpyrifos-ethyl additions, assessment of detoxification level by the biofilm depended on the test used: detoxification effect was found with amphibian larvae bioassay and no detoxification was observed with the rotifer test. Heterotrophic biofilm exerts a major influence in the biochemical transformation of contaminants such as pesticides, suggesting that the interface between running water and sediment plays a role in self-purification of stream reaches

    RNA Interference of Four Genes in Adult Bactrocera dorsalis by Feeding Their dsRNAs

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    BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful method to inhibit gene expression in a sequence specific manner. Recently silencing the target gene through feeding has been successfully carried out in many insect species. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Escherichia coli strain HT115 was genetically engineered to express dsRNA targeting genes that encode ribosomal protein Rpl19, V type ATPase D subunit, the fatty acid elongase Noa and a small GTPase Rab11. qRT-PCR showed that mRNA level of four target genes was reduced compared to ds-egfp control by feeding either engineered bacteria or dsRNAs. The maximum down-regulation of each gene varied from 35% to 100%. Tissue specific examination indicated that RNAi could be observed not only in midgut but also in other tissues like the ovary, nervous system and fat body. Silencing of rab11 through ingestion of dsRNA killed 20% of adult flies. Egg production was affected through feeding ds-noa and ds-rab11 compared to ds-egfp group. Adult flies were continuously fed with dsRNA and bacteria expressing dsRNA for 14 days and up-regulations of target genes were observed during this process. The transcripts of noa showed up-regulation compared to ds-egfp control group in four tissues on day 7 after continuous feeding either dsRNA or engineered bacteria. The maximum over-expression is 21 times compared to ds-egfp control group. Up-regulation of rab11 mRNA level could be observed in testes on day 7 after continuous bacteria treatment and in midgut on day 2 after ds-rab11 treatment. This phenomenon could also be observed in rpl19 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggested that it is feasible to silence genes by feeding dsRNA and bacteria expressing dsRNA in Bactrocera dorsalis. Additionally the over-expression of the target gene after continuously feeding dsRNA or bacteria was observed