151 research outputs found

    Surface effects on the Mott-Hubbard transition in archetypal V2_2O3_3

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study exploring surface effects on the evolution of the metal-insulator transition in the model Mott-Hubbard compound Cr-doped V2_2O3_3. We find a microscopic domain formation that is clearly affected by the surface crystallographic orientation. Using scanning photoelectron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, we find that surface defects act as nucleation centers for the formation of domains at the temperature-induced isostructural transition and favor the formation of microscopic metallic regions. A density functional theory plus dynamical mean field theory study of different surface terminations shows that the surface reconstruction with excess vanadyl cations leads to doped, and hence more metallic surface states, explaining our experimental observations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Recovering quantum information through partial access to the environment

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    We investigate the possibility of correcting errors occurring on a multipartite system through a feedback mechanism that acquires information from partial access to the environment. A partial control scheme of this kind might be useful when dealing with correlated errors. In fact, in such a case, it could be enough to gather local information to decide what kind of global recovery to perform. Then, we apply this scheme to the depolarizing and correlated errors, and quantify its performance by means of the entanglement fidelity

    Formation of a two-dimensional oxide via oxidation of a layered material

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    We investigate the oxidation mechanism of the layered model system GeAs. In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments performed by irradiating an individual flake with synchrotron radiation in the presence of oxygen show that while As leaves the GeAs surface upon oxidation, a Ge-rich ultrathin oxide film is being formed in the topmost layer of the flake. We develop a theoretical model that supports the layer-by-layer oxidation of GeAs, with a logarithmic kinetics. Finally, assuming that the activation energy for the oxidation process changes linearly with coverage, we estimate that the activation energy for As oxidation is almost twice that for Ge at room temperature

    Single-bit Feedback and Quantum Dynamical Decoupling

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    Synthesizing an effective identity evolution in a target system subjected to unwanted unitary or non-unitary dynamics is a fundamental task for both quantum control and quantum information processing applications. Here, we investigate how single-bit, discrete-time feedback capabilities may be exploited to enact or to enhance quantum procedures for effectively suppressing unwanted dynamics in a finite-dimensional open quantum system. An explicit characterization of the joint unitary propagators correctable by a single-bit feedback strategy for arbitrary evolution time is obtained. For a two-dimensional target system, we show how by appropriately combining quantum feedback with dynamical decoupling methods, concatenated feedback-decoupling schemes may be built, which can operate under relaxed control assumptions and can outperform purely closed-loop and open-loop protocols.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Understanding carbide evolution and surface chemistry during deep cryogenic treatment in high-alloyed ferrous alloy

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    The study investigates the effect of deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) on a high-alloyed ferrous alloy (HAFA) and its effectiveness on carbide evolution and chemical shifts of alloying elements. With ex-situ and in-situ observations ranging from the microscopic to the nanoscopic level, we uncover the atomistic mechanism by which DCT affects carbide precipitation, resulting in a 50% increase in carbide volume fraction. Synchrotron-based scanning photoelectron microscopy provides insight into the agglomeration of carbon during exposure to DCT. We find that Mo plays a crucial role in DCT through its modification of chemical bonding states, which is postulated to originate from the loosely-formed primordial Mo2C carbides formed during exposure to cryogenic temperatures. These in turn provide energetically favorable nucleation zones that accelerate the formation of M7C3 carbides, which serve as intermediate states for the formation of M23C6 carbides, which most strongly impact the mechanical properties. These results are supported by atom probe tomography, showing the preferential formation of Mo-rich M7C3 carbides in DCT samples, resulting from greater solute mobility. This work clarifies the fundamental mechanisms on how DCT affects HAFA, solving a long-elusive problem

    How the Environment Encourages the Natural Formation of Hydrated V2O5

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    Herein, we report the microscopic and spectroscopic signatures of the hydrated V2O5 phase, prepared from the alpha-V2O5 powder, which was kept in deionized water inside an airtight glass container for approximately 2.5 years. The experimental results show an evolution of the V4+ component in V 2p(3/2) core energy level spectra, and a peak corresponding to sigma-OH- bond appeared in the valence band spectra in the hydrated V2O5 powder sample due to the water intercalation. Vanadium metal oxide particles were found to be self-nucleated into micro/nanorods after a long period of exposure to an extremely humid environment. The distinct features in the spectra obtained with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, micro-Raman scattering, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the presence of structural water molecules for the first time in the long-aged naturally hydrated V2O5 phase

    Environmental Assisted Quantum Information Correction for Continuous Variables

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    Quantum information protocols are inevitably affected by decoherence which is associated with the leakage of quantum information into an environment. In this paper we address the possibility of recovering the quantum information from an environmental measurement. We investigate continuous variable quantum information, and we propose a simple environmental measurement that under certain circumstances fully restores the quantum information of the signal state although the state is not reconstructed with unit fidelity. We implement the protocol for which information is encoded into conjugate quadratures of coherent states of light and the noise added under the decoherence process is of Gaussian nature. The correction protocol is tested using both a deterministic as well as a probabilistic strategy. The potential use of the protocol in a continuous variable quantum key distribution scheme as a means to combat excess noise is also investigated.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Low temperature growth of fully covered single-layer graphene using a CoCu catalyst.

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    A bimetallic CoCu alloy thin-film catalyst is developed that enables the growth of uniform, high-quality graphene at 750 °C in 3 min by chemical vapour deposition. The growth outcome is found to vary significantly as the Cu concentration is varied, with ∼1 at% Cu added to Co yielding complete coverage single-layer graphene growth for the conditions used. The suppression of multilayer formation is attributable to Cu decoration of high reactivity sites on the Co surface which otherwise serve as preferential nucleation sites for multilayer graphene. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy shows that Co and Cu form an alloy at high temperatures, which has a drastically lower carbon solubility, as determined by using the calculated Co-Cu-C ternary phase diagram. Raman spectroscopy confirms the high quality (ID/IG < 0.05) and spatial uniformity of the single-layer graphene. The rational design of a bimetallic catalyst highlights the potential of catalyst alloying for producing two-dimensional materials with tailored properties

    Graphene coating obtained in a cold-wall CVD process on the Co-Cr Alloy (L-605) for medical applications

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    Graphene coating on the cobalt-chromium alloy was optimized and successfully carried out by a cold-wall chemical vapor deposition (CW-CVD) method. A uniform layer of graphene for a large area of the Co-Cr alloy (discs of 10 mm diameter) was confirmed by Raman mapping coated area and analyzing specific G and 2D bands; in particular, the intensity ratio and the number of layers were calculated. The effect of the CW-CVD process on the microstructure and the mor-phology of the Co-Cr surface was investigated by scanning X-ray photoelectron microscope (SPEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Nanoindentation and scratch tests were performed to determine mechanical properties of Co-Cr disks. The results of microbiological tests indicate that the studied Co-Cr alloys covered with a graphene layer did not show a pro-coagulant effect. The obtained results confirm the possibility of using the developed coating method in medical applications, in particular in the field of cardiovascular diseases

    new energy sources in situ characterisation of fuel cell and supercapacitor components complementary studies using transmission fluorescence and photoelectron microscopy and imaging

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    Fuel cells and supercapacitors are electrochemical devices providing efficient and pollution-free production and transformation of electricity. Notwithstanding their environmental appeal, a host of materials-science problems – chiefly related to the limited durability of crucial functional components – are hindering their widespread application. The present knowledge of the relevant materials-science notion is mostly at the macroscopic and empirical trial-and-error level and the answers to many questions require much deeper scientific understanding of the origin of degradation processes. In this regard, the development and the implementation of appropriate methods for in-situ characterization of cell components at the functionally relevant length scales is highly required. Soft X-ray spectroscopies, such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray emission (fluorescence) spectroscopy, resonant inelastic X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been extensively employed for ex-situ characterization of materials used in electrochemical systems. Furthermore, adding spatial resolution capabilities by implementing proper optical solutions has opened unique opportunities for monitoring material changes and mass transport events occurring at submicron length scales. The input from these methods is providing correlative information about the status of the electrode surface and of the electrode/electrolyte interface and also of the processes occurring under operation conditions