14 research outputs found

    Diseño, construcción y fabricación de un protector de voltaje para equipos electricos y electronicos

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    Trabajo realizado durante 10 años en el cual se ha diseñado, rediseñado, fabricado un Protector en serie, es decir, en cantidades para satisfacer la necesidad de protección de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos

    Интрапульмональная перкуссионная вентиляция при ателектазе легкого: случай из клинической практики

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    Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) is a therapeutic method of smallvolume highrate airflow delivery into the airways ('percussion'). IPV allows involving small airways in the breathing (alveolar recruitment) that provides better drainage of the airways. Currently, IPV is a preferable method for treatment of lung atelectasis irrespectively of its origin. A clinical case of 75year old outpatient female with the right middlelobe atelectasis complicating communityacquired pneumonia is reported in this article. The effect of the treatment was confirmed by computed tomography.This case demonstrates that IPV is a safe, simple and effective therapeutic method for patients with lung diseases which could additionally reduce treatment cost.Представлен клинический случай эффективного применения интрапульмональной перкуссионной вентиляции у пациентки 75 лет с ателектазом средней доли, который развился на фоне внебольничной пневмонии. В амбулаторных условиях использовался преимущественно перкуссионатор НС (Percussionaire® Corporation, США). Динамика разрешения ателектаза подтверждена динамическими исследованиями органов грудной клетки с использованием компьютерной томографи

    Половые различия отсроченных постреанимационных изменений головного мозга (экспериментальное исследование)

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    Objective: to examine gender-related differences in the postresuscitative brain functional and structural changes.Materials and methods. Congenital and acquired behaviors were studied in 100 adult albino rats of both sexes in the control and after experienced 12-min cardiac arrest during 3 months (6 tests); the conditions of highly sensitive to ischemia of cerebral formations were subject to neuromorphological quantitative studies, and biochemical plasma parameters were determined.Results. Sexual differences in the integrative activity of the brain, in the state of neuronal populations in different regions of the hippocampus and cerebellum, and in plasma biochemical parameters were established in normalcy. Common and gender-related functional and structural changes of the brain and changes in plasma biochemical parameters were revealed in the postresuscitative period.Conclusion. Further studies of the gender-related mechanisms of development are required to develop specific methods for the prevention and therapy for disease. Цель исследования — изучить связанные с полом различия постреанимационных изменений функции и структуры мозга.Материалы и методы. У 100 взрослых белых крыс обоего пола в контроле и после перенесенной 12-ти минутной остановки сердца изучали врожденные и приобретенные формы поведения в течение 3-х месяцев (6 тестов), проводили нейроморфологические количественные исследования состояния высокочувствительных к ишемии образований мозга, определяли биохимические показатели плазмы крови.Результаты. В норме установлены половые различия интегративной деятельности мозга, состояния нейрональных популяций разных отделов гиппокампа и мозжечка, а так же биохимических показателей плазмы крови. В постреанимационном периоде выявлены общие и связанные с полом функционально-структурные изменения мозга и сдвиги биохимических показателей плазмы крови.Заключение. Для разработки специфических методов профилактики и терапии постреанимационной болезни необходимы дальнейшие исследования механизмов ее развития, обусловленных полом.

    Prolonged diet-induced obesity in mice modifies the inflammatory response and leads to worse outcome after stroke

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity increases the risk for ischaemic stroke and is associated with worse outcome clinically and experimentally. Most experimental studies have used genetic models of obesity. Here, a more clinically relevant model, diet-induced obesity, was used to study the impact of obesity over time on the outcome and inflammatory response after stroke. METHODS: Male C57BL/6 mice were maintained on a high-fat (60% fat) or control (12% fat) diet for 2, 3, 4 and 6 months when experimental stroke was induced by transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAo) for either 20 (6-month diet) or 30 min (2-, 3-, 4- and 6-month diet). Ischaemic damage, blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity, neutrophil number and chemokine expression in the brain were assessed at 24 h. Plasma chemokine levels (at 4 and 24 h) and neutrophil number in the liver (at 24 h) were measured. Physiological parameters (body weight and blood glucose) were measured in naïve control- and high-fat-fed mice at all time points and blood pressure at 3 and 6 months. Blood cell counts were also assessed in naïve 6-month control- and high-fat-fed mice. RESULTS: Mice fed a high-fat diet for 6 months had greater body weight, blood glucose and white and red blood cell count but no change in systolic blood pressure. After 4 and 6 months of high-fat feeding, and in the latter group with a 30-min (but not 20-min) occlusion of the MCA, obese mice had greater ischaemic brain damage. An increase in blood-brain barrier permeability, chemokine expression (CXCL-1 and CCL3), neutrophil number and microglia/macrophage cells was observed in the brains of 6-month high-fat-fed mice after 30-min MCAo. In response to stroke, chemokine (CXCL-1) expression in the plasma and liver was significantly different in obese mice (6-month high-fat fed), and a greater number of neutrophils were detected in the liver of control but not obese mice. CONCLUSIONS: The detrimental effects of diet-induced obesity on stroke were therefore dependent on the severity of obesity and length of ischaemic challenge. The altered inflammatory response in obese mice may play a key role in its negative impact on stroke


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    Background. Extramediastinal and bone marrow involvement in PMBCL patients in the onset of the disease is an exception to the rules and complete information, except for the word “rare”, in Russian and international literature is not available.Objective: to characterize PMBCL patients with extramediastinal involvement.Materials and methods. From 2007 to 2017 diagnosis of PMBCL was established in 157 patients according to WHO criteria with extramediastinal involvement in 16 (10.2 %) patients, 3 of them were at different stages of pregnancy. The median age was 27 years (23–69). Patients received different therapy protocols: m-NHL-BFM-90, R-DA-EPOCH и VACOP-B.Results. One extramediastinal lesion was verified in 11/16 (68.7 %) patients, multiple – in 5/11 (31.3 %). The most common localizations were: pancreas – 6 (37.5 %), kidneys – 5 (31.2 %), ovaries – 3 (18.7 %), liver – 3 (18.7 %), bone marrow – 3 (18.7 %) and breast – 2 (12 %) cases. Involvement of stomach, bones, soft tissues, spleen, pelvis, adrenal gland was revealed in one case each. In 15/16 cases, extramediastinal lesions were combined with antero-superior mediastinum involvement and only in 1 cases an isolated lesion of the soft thorax tissues without involvement of mediastinal structures was revealed. Five-year overall survival in the group of patients with classical PMBCL who received R-DA-EPOCH, m-NHL-BFM-90 and cohort of patients with extramediastinal lesions was comparable and was 93 %. As a result of the analysis, in 10.2 % (16/157) of cases extramediastinal involvement was revealed. In all cases, there is involvement of organs and tissues, but not the lymph nodes. In 18.7 % (3/16) of cases there was bone marrow involvement, confirmed by molecular and histological studies.Conclusion. Involvement of the antero-superior mediastinum and the presence of extramediastinal lesion, bone marrow involvement is not excluding criterion for PMBCL, but requires differential diagnosis with DBCL, including standard and molecular methods. Is isolated extramediastinal involvement in PMBCL a poor prognostic factor, is uncertain because of the small number of observations


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    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS) is a rare subgroup of lymphomas. This disease is predominantly found in older people and often has extranodal involvement including skin and soft tissues. To verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform histological and immunohistochemical tests, which show the expression of CD30 activation antigen in different proportions (less than 10 %, not more than 80 %) in addition to the expression of other T-cell antigens (CD2, CD4, CD5, CD7). When choosing the induction regimen in older people with relevant cardiac history, it is preferable to use non-anthracycline-containing chemotherapy courses. However, despite the low intensity of such regimens, treatment of elderly patients is associated with high risk of side effects. Using new drugs (monoclonal antibodies, epigenetic agents) in combination with polychemotherapy is a promising direction opening a possibility of successful management for all patients including those older than 65 years. In the described clinical case of PTCL-NOS, the patient had primary refractory disease. Significant clinical response (complete remission) was achieved as a result of targeted therapy with brentuximab vedotin containing anti-CD30 chimeric antibody conjugated to a microtubuledisrupting agent (monomethyl auristatin E) without toxicity and any infections. In case of ambiguous situation (an increase in the size of one of the tumor sites with regression of others, signs of infection – hyperemia, perifocal edema, the spread of the necrosis zone), histological verification is necessary to confirm the disease progression