579 research outputs found

    Транскультурна освіта як імператив глобального суспільства (Transcultural Education as an Imperative of Global Society)

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    Сучасний контекст формування глобального суспільства формує соціокультурні виклики для освіти. Як навчитися жити в мультикультурному світі в умовах зростаючої глобалізації, інтеграції та інформаційної революції, яка примножує відмінності? Який концепт культури може бути підставою для трансформації освіти та гуманітарної політики в цілому? У статті розглядається динаміка осмислення культури в концептах окремих культур, інтеркультурності, мультикультурності і транскультурності. Робиться висновок про дескриптивну та нормативну релевантність концепту транскультурності для формування освітньої стратегії глобального суспільства. (Today the world is becoming more global, transnational and inter-related. Global mainstreams, interacting with local particularity, create a complex network of new glocal reality interdependence. Information and communications revolution creates conditions for widespread «border crossing» – the transgression of the barriers of paradigms, rationalities,social and cultural integrity; a transversal thinking is taking shape, aimed at creating «bridges» and transitions between differences, connecting, but not reducing them to a common. Contemporary context of a global society creates socio-cultural challenges for education. How to learn to live in a multicultural world in the face of increasing globalization, integration and information revolution, which multiplies the difference? What is the concept of culture can be the basis for the transformation of education and humanitarian policy in general? Our understanding of culture is an active factor in our cultural life. In this sense, the «reality» culture to a great extent is a consequence of our cultural concepts. Therefore we must assume the concepts that are not only descriptively adequate, but regulatory acceptable, and which pragmatically form the desired horizons of the future. Currently in the field of theoretical understanding of culture and to determine the goals and objectives of education, we can distinguish the following concepts, which compete with each other: the classical concept of single cultures, the concepts of interculturality and multiculturality and transcultural concept. The traditional concept of single cultures is characterized by three elements: by social homogenization, ethnic consolidation and intercultural delimitation. All three elements of this traditional concept have become untenable today. At the end of the twentieth century the concepts of intercultural and multicultural nature have become popular, especially as applied to education. But are they able to provide an appropriate concept of today’s cultures? They apparently try to overcome some flaws of the traditional concept by advocating a mutual understanding of different cultures. Yet they are, almost as inappropriate as the traditional concept itself, because they still conceptually presuppose it. What is called for today is a departure from this concept and to think of cultures beyond the contraposition of «ownness» and «foreignness» – beyond both the heterogeneous and the own. Cultures de facto no longer have the insinuated form of homogeneity and separateness. They have instead assumed a new form, which is to be called transcultural insofar that it passes through classical cultural boundaries. Cultural conditions today are largely characterized by mixes and permeations. The concept of transculturality seeks to articulate this altered cultural constitution. It is the most adequate concept of culture today – for both descriptive and normative reasons. The concept of transculturality sketches a different picture of the relation between cultures. Not one of isolation and of conflict, but exchange and interaction. Thus the strategy of educational policy should be built through an appeal to the concept of transculturality.

    Regulation of kisspeptin-54 activity of indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase and apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes

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    Pregnancy is a phenomenon of natural semi-allogeneic transplantation, since the fetus is half alien due to the expression of paternal antigens. It was found that the hypothalamic hormone kisspeptin during pregnancy is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta and participates in the formation of a new specific hormonal background. Several forms of the hormone circulate in the blood of pregnant women: kisspeptin-10, kisspeptin-14 and kisspeptin-54 (according to the number of amino acid residues in the hormone molecule), but the main active form is kisspeptin-54. The main mechanism for the formation of immune tolerance during pregnancy is the induction of the expression of the enzyme indolamine-2,3- dioxygenase (IDO) by antigen-presenting cells of peripheral blood, resulting in the catalysis of tryptophan (Trp) to kynurenins (KYN) blocking the activation and causing apoptosis of cytotoxic CD8+T lymphocytes in the zone of contact of maternal immune cells with placental-fetal complex antigens. In addition, during pregnancy, an important role is assigned to the process of apoptosis, since activated cells can be potentially dangerous for the developing fetus. Immunocompetent blood cells express a specific membrane receptor of kisspeptin (KISS-1R). Since kisspeptin-54 enters the systemic circulation only during pregnancy, the hormone has an effect on immune cells only during this period.The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of kisspeptin-54 in concentrations comparable to its levelduring physiological pregnancy on IDO activity and apoptosis of peripheral blood lymphocytes.Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from 10 healthy non-pregnant women of reproductive age (from 23 to 32 years) were used as the object of the study. Lymphocyte apoptosis was assessed in PBMC suspension by staining with annexin-V and propidium iodide. The determination of the number of cells in the early and late stages of apoptosis was carried out in the isolated gate of lymphocytes. IDO activity in PBMC was determined spectrophotometrically by changes in the concentration of KYN, the first stable metabolite of the Trp decay pathway.It was found that kisspeptin-54 at a concentration of 4.6 pM corresponding to the second trimester of pregnancy significantly enhances the activity of IDO, increases the number of cells in the early and late stages of apoptosis. Thus, kisspeptin-54 is an important mechanism for controlling these processes during pregnancy, aimed at protecting the semi-allogeneic fetus from adverse immune reactions of the mother and the favorable development of pregnancy


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    The article proposes methodology of sports and recreational activities with the use of training systems “Tisa” among preschoolers. A comprehensive assessment of the level of development of coordination abilities in children aged 6–7 years is presented.В статье рассмотрена методика проведения физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий использованием тренажёрной системы «Тиса» у дошкольников. Представлена комплексная оценка уровня развития координационных способностей у детей 6–7 лет

    Peculiarities of the course of dental caries in pregnant women of different age

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    Clinical course of dental caries during pregnancy has some peculiarities. However, significant differences in indicators to characterize oral hygiene and teeth soft plaque cariogenicity between the studied groups have not been revealed. In analyzing the prevalence of caries resistance levels allocation among pregnant women aged up to 30 years the representatives of high, average, and low resistance levels have been noticed. In the group of pregnant women aged above 30 years the patients with average, low, and very low levels of caries resistance have been presented. During the observation period, some caries resistance worsening has been determined in both age groups. Herein there was changing the average level into the low one, as well as the low level into the very low one at the age group above 30 years. In the age group up to 30 years the transition of the high level caries resistance to the average one, but the average level into the low level has been occurred. In this connection, there is the assumption that tissue resistance of teeth enamels likely to be primarily determined by its physicochemical parameters caused by genetics. The role of oral fluid as the medium surrounding teeth is likely to have importance. Advanced studying the oral cavity organs and tissues state in pregnant women allowed to implement a strategy of individualized approach to the early dental caries diagnostics in such category of patients, and to determine their stomatological curing peculiarities


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    The study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Government of the Perm Region according to the research project № 19-43-590019 r_a. Analytical, spectroscopic, and biological studies were performed at the "Research of materials and substances" collective Center of PFRC UB RAS

    The Effect of a Hydrocarbon Fragment in a Molecule on Depressant Activity of Resins

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    The effect of resins on solidification of paraffin solutions has been studied by vibration viscosimetry. This technique was used for studies of coagulating liquids, since the sample structure is less affected by mechanical oscillations compared to traditional rotary and linear shears. The installation developed for studies of thermo-induced phase transitions and the measurement procedure are described. The viscosimetric technique allows continuous registration of rheological properties with changing temperature, and has proved to be quite sensitive to small amounts of resins in model paraffin solutions. Measurements have been performed for resins extracted from methane-naphtene crudes of various West Siberia oil deposits. Dependencies of viscosity on temperature have been measured and are presented below for various concentrations of resins (up to 3 %) in paraffin solutions. It is demonstrated that increase of resin concentration results in a shift of the inflexion point on the viscosity-temperature curve to lower temperatures. A positive correlation has been found between depressant activity and average dimensions of aliphatic fragments of the resin molecul

    Efficiency of application in diets of high-productive cows of Actisaf SC 47

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    The paper discusses the technology of growing, keeping and feeding dairy cows in the conditions of Zolotaya Niva LLC, one of the largest high-tech dairy complex in the Smolensk region, a European type for the production of raw cow milk, which has the status of pedigree producer. The structure of the feed and the quality of mixing are determined by means of the Pennsylvania sorting system, the level of feed on the sieves is in line with the normativ