673 research outputs found

    Experimental status of 7Be production and destruction at astrophysical relevant energies

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    The production and destruction of 7Be plays a significant role in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as well as in the framework of the solar neutrino. The 3He(α, γ)7Be reaction cross sections has been measured several times in the last decades, but the precision achieved on reaction rate determinations at the relevant astrophysical energies is not yet satisfactory. The experimental status of this reaction will be critically reviewed, and the theoretical descriptions available will be discussed

    Study of 236U/238U ratio at CIRCE using a 16-strip silicon detector with a TOF system

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    Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is presently the most sensitive technique for the measurement of long-lived actinides, e.g. 236 U and x Pu isotopes. A new actinide AMS system, based on a 3-MV pelletron tandem accelerator, is operated at the Center for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmental Heritage (CIRCE) in Caserta, Italy. In this paper we report on the procedure adopted to increase the 236 U abundance sensitivity as low as possible. The energy and position determinations of the 236 U ions, using a 16-strip silicon detector have been obtained. A 236 U/ 238 U isotopic ratio background level of about 2.9×10 −11 was obtained, summing over all the strips, using a Time of Flight-Energy (TOF-E) system with a 16-strip silicon detector (4.9×10 −12 just with one strip)

    Radiochemical separation of 7Be from the cooling water of the neutron spallation source SINQ at PSI

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    7Be is a key radionuclide for investigation of several astrophysical processes and phenomena. In addition, it is used as a tracer in wear measurements. It is produced in considerable amounts in the cooling water (D2O) of the Spallation Induced Neutron Source (SINQ) facility at PSI by spallation reactions on 16O with the generated fast neutrons. A shielded ion-exchange filter containing 100 mL of the mixed-bed ion exchanger LEWATIT was installed as a bypass for the cooling water into the cooling loop of SINQ for three months. The collected activity of 7Be was in the range of several hundred GBq. Further, the 7Be was separated and purified in a hot-cell remotely-controlled using a separation system installed. With the exception of 10Be, radioactive byproducts can be neglected, so that this cooling water could serve as an ideal source for highly active 7Be-samples. The facility is capable of producing 7Be with activities up to 1 TBq per year. The 7Be sample preparation is described in detail and the possible uses are discussed. In particular some preliminary results of 7Be ion beam production are presente

    Study of the 12C+12C fusion reactions near the Gamow energy

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    The fusion reactions 12C(12C,a)20Ne and 12C(12C,p)23Na have been studied from E = 2.10 to 4.75 MeV by gamma-ray spectroscopy using a C target with ultra-low hydrogen contamination. The deduced astrophysical S(E)* factor exhibits new resonances at E <= 3.0 MeV, in particular a strong resonance at E = 2.14 MeV, which lies at the high-energy tail of the Gamow peak. The resonance increases the present non-resonant reaction rate of the alpha channel by a factor of 5 near T = 8x10^8 K. Due to the resonance structure, extrapolation to the Gamow energy E_G = 1.5 MeV is quite uncertain. An experimental approach based on an underground accelerator placed in a salt mine in combination with a high efficiency detection setup could provide data over the full E_G energy range.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let


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    Il processo preparativo di componenti in lega NiTi a memoria di forma (SMA), per esempio fili, partendo da lingotto, richiede una lunga sequenza di trattamenti termomeccanici. E’ noto come lo stato di incrudimento del materiale, il processo di trafilatura e le numerose ricotture possano fortemente influenzare le dimensioni, la forma e la tessitura dei grani di NiTi, modificando la concentrazione di dislocazioni e di difettosità a bordo grano, inducendo la formazione di geminati o la precipitazione di numerosi composti stechiometrici e non. Le proprietà funzionali a memoria di forma di componenti in NiTi derivano dall’effettiva microstruttura della lega. Nel presente studio saranno indagati, mediante microscopia elettronica in trasmissione (TEM), gli effetti di alcuni trattamenti termomeccanici, a diversi stadi del processo, sulla microstruttura di fili NiTi. Saranno inoltre confrontate le microstrutture di fili cui sono state impartite le proprietà a memoria di forma secondo modalità differenti. Le informazioni sui cambiamenti microstrutturali e cristallografici associati a differenti strade di processo possono essere un utile aiuto nel miglioramento e nell’ottimizzazione delle proprietà funzionali del materiale, in vista delle sue possibili applicazioni in attuatori e altri sistemi intelligenti

    Measurement of 1323 and 1487 keV resonances in 15N({\alpha}, {\gamma})19F with the recoil separator ERNA

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    The origin of fluorine is a widely debated issue. Nevertheless, the ^{15}N({\alpha},{\gamma})^{19}F reaction is a common feature among the various production channels so far proposed. Its reaction rate at relevant temperatures is determined by a number of narrow resonances together with the DC component and the tails of the two broad resonances at E_{c.m.} = 1323 and 1487 keV. Measurement through the direct detection of the 19F recoil ions with the European Recoil separator for Nuclear Astrophysics (ERNA) were performed. The reaction was initiated by a 15N beam impinging onto a 4He windowless gas target. The observed yield of the resonances at Ec.m. = 1323 and 1487 keV is used to determine their widths in the {\alpha} and {\gamma} channels. We show that a direct measurement of the cross section of the ^{15}N({\alpha},{\gamma})^{19}F reaction can be successfully obtained with the Recoil Separator ERNA, and the widths {\Gamma}_{\gamma} and {\Gamma}_{\alpha} of the two broad resonances have been determined. While a fair agreement is found with earlier determination of the widths of the 1487 keV resonance, a significant difference is found for the 1323 keV resonance {\Gamma}_{\alpha} . The revision of the widths of the two more relevant broad resonances in the 15N({\alpha},{\gamma})19F reaction presented in this work is the first step toward a more firm determination of the reaction rate. At present, the residual uncertainty at the temperatures of the ^{19}F stellar nucleosynthesis is dominated by the uncertainties affecting the Direct Capture component and the 364 keV narrow resonance, both so far investigated only through indirect experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Isotopic techniques for environmental monitoring and nuclear waste management at CIRCE

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    CIRCE (Center for Isotopic Research on Environmental and Cultural heritage) was founded in 2005 as a research center dedicated to the application of isotopic methodologies in environmental and cultural heritage research. Later the spectrum of activities expanded and CIRCE became part of the laboratory hub of the Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli (formerly Second University of Naples), Caserta, Italy. In this context, an environmental monitoring program of the areas surrounding the Garigliano nuclear power plant (NPP) and of the building materials of the NPP was developed. The activities were carried out by involving undergraduate and doctoral students and taking care of communication with local administrations. In this framework, a survey among high school students was conducted to provide an insight into the public’s perception of risk connected to NPP. Alongside environmental radioactivity monitoring and material characterization techniques available at CIRCE are discussed. The activities presented here could find interesting applications in the framework of the Italian National Repository for Radioactive Waste and the annexed Technopark

    First Measurement of the He3+He3-->He4+2p Cross Section down to the Lower Edge of the Solar Gamow Peak

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    We give the LUNA results on the cross section measurement of a key reaction of the proton-proton chain strongly affecting the calculated neutrino luminosity from the Sun: He3+He3-->He4+2p. Due to the cosmic ray suppression provided by the Gran Sasso underground laboratory it has been possible to measure the cross section down to the lower edge of the solar Gamow peak, i.e. as low as 16.5 keV centre of mass energy. The data clearly show the cross section increase due to the electron screening effect but they do not exhibit any evidence for a narrow resonance suggested to explain the observed solar neutrino flux.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, and 2 figures in PostScript Submitted for publicatio

    SPADA: A project to study the effectiveness of shielding materials in space

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    The SPADA (SPAce Dosimetry for Astronauts) project is a part of an extensive teamwork that aims to optimize shielding solutions against space radiation. Shielding is indeed an irreplaceable tool to reduce exposure of crews of future Moon and Mars missions. We concentrated our studies on two flexible materials, Kevlar R� and Nextel R,� because of their ability to protect human space infrastructures from micrometeoroids. We measured radiation hardness of these shielding materials and compared to polyethylene, generally acknowledged as the most effective space radiation shield with practical applications in spacecraft. Both flight test (on the International Space Station and on the Russian FOTON M3 rocket), with passive dosimeters and accelerator-based experiments have been performed. Accelerator tests using high-energy Fe ions have demonstrated that Kevlar is almost as effective as polyethylene in shielding heavy ions, while Nextel is a poor shield against high-charge and -energy particles. Preliminary results from spaceflight, however, show that for the radiation environment in low-Earth orbit, dominated by trapped protons, thin shields of Kevlar and Nextel provide limited reduction
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