32 research outputs found

    Histological assessment of a chronically implanted cylindrically-shaped, polymer-based neural probe in the monkey

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    Objective. Previous studies demonstrated the possibility to fabricate stereo-electroencephalography probes with high channel count and great design freedom, which incorporate macro-electrodes as well as micro-electrodes offering potential benefits for the pre-surgical evaluation of drug resistant epileptic patients. These new polyimide probes allowed to record local field potentials, multi- and single-unit activity (SUA) in the macaque monkey as early as 1 h after implantation, and yielded stable SUA for up to 26 d after implantation. The findings opened new perspectives for investigating mechanisms underlying focal epilepsy and its treatment, but before moving to possible human application, safety data are needed. In the present study we evaluate the tissue response of this new neural interface by assessing post-mortem the reaction of brain tissue along and around the probe implantation site. Approach. Three probes were implanted, independently, in the brain of one monkey (Macaca mulatta) at different times. We used specific immunostaining methods for visualizing neuronal cells and astrocytes, for measuring the extent of damage caused by the probe and for relating it with the implantation time. Main results. The size of the region where neurons cannot be detected did not exceed the size of the probe, indicating that a complete loss of neuronal cells is only present where the probe was physically positioned in the brain. Furthermore, around the probe shank, we observed a slightly reduced number of neurons within a radius of 50 µm and a modest increase in the number of astrocytes within 100 µm. Significance. In the light of previous electrophysiological findings, the present data suggest the potential usefulness and safety of this probe for human applications

    The cognitive neuroscience of prehension: recent developments

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    Prehension, the capacity to reach and grasp, is the key behavior that allows humans to change their environment. It continues to serve as a remarkable experimental test case for probing the cognitive architecture of goal-oriented action. This review focuses on recent experimental evidence that enhances or modifies how we might conceptualize the neural substrates of prehension. Emphasis is placed on studies that consider how precision grasps are selected and transformed into motor commands. Then, the mechanisms that extract action relevant information from vision and touch are considered. These include consideration of how parallel perceptual networks within parietal cortex, along with the ventral stream, are connected and share information to achieve common motor goals. On-line control of grasping action is discussed within a state estimation framework. The review ends with a consideration about how prehension fits within larger action repertoires that solve more complex goals and the possible cortical architectures needed to organize these actions

    Predictions not commands: active inference in the motor system

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    Single neurons in the insular cortex of a macaque monkey respond to skin brushing: Preliminary data of the possible representation of pleasant touch

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    Pleasant touch may serve as a foundation for affiliative behavior, providing a mechanism for the formation and maintenance of social bonds among conspecifics. In humans, this touch is usually referred to as the caress. Dynamic caressing performed on the hairy skin with a velocity of 1-10 cm/s is perceived as being pleasant and determines positive cardio-physiological effects. Furthermore, imaging human studies show that affiliative touch activates the posterior insular cortex (pIC). Recently, it was demonstrated that pleasant touch in monkeys (i.e., sweeping in a grooming-like manner) is performed with velocities similar to those characteristics of human caress (9.31 cm/s), and causes similarly positive autonomic effects, if performed with velocity of 5 cm/s and 10 cm/s, but not lower or higher. Due to similarities between the human caress and non-human primate sweeping, we investigated for the first time whether single neurons of the perisylvian regions (secondary somatosensory cortex [SII] and pIC) of a rhesus monkey can process sweeping touch differently depending on the stimulus speed. We applied stimulation with two speeds: one that optimally induces positive cardio-physiological effects in the monkey who receives it, and includes the real speed of sweep (5-15 cm/s, sweep fast), and a non-optimal speed (1-5 cm/s, sweep slow). The results show that single neurons of insular cortex differently encode the stimulus speed. In particular, even the majority of recorded somatosensory neurons (82.96%) did not discriminate the two speeds, a small set of neurons (16.59%) were modulated just during the sweep fast. These findings represent the first evidence that single neurons of the non-human primates insular cortex can code affiliative touch, highlighting the similarity between human and non-human primates' social touch systems. This study constitutes an important starting point to carry out deeper investigation on neuronal processing of pleasant sweeping in the central nervous system

    Connectional gradients underlie functional transitions in monkey pre-supplementary motor area

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    The pre-supplementary motor area F6 is involved in a variety of functions in multiple domains, from planning/withholding goal-directed actions in space to rule-based cognitive processes and social interactions. Yet, the neural machinery underlying this functional heterogeneity remains unclear. Here, we measured local population dynamics in different rostro-caudal sites of cytoarchitectonically verified area F6 in two monkeys during spatial, contextual and motor processes, both in individual and social conditions. Then, we correlated multimodal population tuning with local anatomical connectivity revealed by neural tracer injections into the functionally characterized sites. We found stronger tuning for object position relative to the monkey in the rostral portion of area F6 than in its caudal part, which in turn exhibits stronger tuning to self and other's (observed) action. Functional specificities were associated with a rostro-caudal transition in connectivity strength from lateral prefrontal cortex, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex and associative striatum (rostrally), to dorso-ventral premotor areas and the motor putamen (caudally). These findings suggest that the functional heterogeneity of the pre-supplementary area F6 is accounted for by gradual transitions in functional properties grounded on local cortico-cortical and cortico-striatal connectional specificities

    Cortical and subcortical connections of parietal and premotor nodes of the monkey hand mirror neuron network

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    Mirror neurons (MNs) are a class of cells originally discovered in the monkey ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). They discharge during both action execution and action observation and appear to play a crucial role in understanding others’ actions. It has been proposed that the mirror mechanism is based on a match between the visual description of actions, encoded in temporal cortical regions, and their motor representation, provided by PMv and IPL. However, neurons responding to action observation have been recently found in other cortical regions, suggesting that the mirror mechanism relies on a wider network. Here we provide the first description of this network by injecting neural tracers into physiologically identified IPL and PMv sectors containing hand MNs. Our results show that these sectors are reciprocally connected, in line with the current view, but IPL MN sectors showed virtually no direct connection with temporal visual areas. In addition, we found that PMv and IPL MN sectors share connections with several cortical regions, including the dorsal and mesial premotor cortex, the primary motor cortex, the secondary somatosensory cortex, the mid-dorsal insula and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, as well as subcortical structures, such as motor and polysensory thalamic nuclei and the mid-dorsal claustrum. We propose that each of these regions constitutes a node of an “extended network”, through which information relative to ongoing movements, social context, environmental contingencies, abstract rules, and internal states can influence MN activity and contribute to several socio-cognitive functions