512 research outputs found

    Cognitive principles and persuasiveness of social anti-drug advertising

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    Moral emancipation in post-perestroika Russia led to a massive drug abuse, at the same time narcotization has no cognitive or religious impulse, but rather is connected with hedonistic tendencies (along with many other phenomena of modern civilization, especially mass culture). The problem of the relationship of drug abuse with deviant behavior has been dramatically worsened. Anti-drug direction with prominent role of social advertising in it, is very important. The most important methodological postulate was the position about the empirical method of cognitive linguistics, which is to follow all the nuances of language forms and to find their ultimate explanation in the cognitive structures device. Cognitive approach to social advertising considers that the recipient of the advertisement perceives it through the prism of individual constructs. Persuasiveness in anti-drug advertising relies not only on logic but on psychology, and the axiology. Interpretative approach and hermeneutic approach, linguistic deduction and induction were used.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 17-04-00109.peer-reviewe

    Памяти студенток МИИТ - бойцов 19 отдельного батальона ВНОС посвящается...

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    «Let’s remember everyone by name, let's remember our grief. This is necessary - not for the dead! This is necessary - for alive!» (Robert Rozhdestvensky «Requiem»)When preparing the information about the Great Patriotic War, vivid stories about the heroes and their heroic deeds are often expected from the keepers of history - museum employees. Heroic deeds must certainly be impressive, stories are bright and exciting, supported by impressive numbers, high awards. It’s like that... But let the story that will be discussed in the article remind you that the Victory in the most terrible and bloody war of the 20th century became possible due to the daily heroic deeds of all citizens of our country, all without exception, regardless of their age, gender, profession. Precisely because the female students of MIIT, who volunteered for the front in 1942, did not consider themselves heroes, today the staff of RUT (MIIT) Museum is restoring their history bit by bit in the archives and new facts of their military path are published for the first time in 80 years!«Вспомним всех поименно, горем вспомним своим... Это нужно - не мёртвым! Это надо - живым!»(Роберт Рождественский, «Реквием»)От хранителей истории - сотрудников музеев в повествованиях о Великой Отечественной войне часто ждут ярких рассказов о героях и их подвигах. Подвиги непремен­но должны быть впечатляющими, истории яркими и захва­тывающими, подкреплёнными внушительными цифрами, высокими наградами. Всё так. Но пусть история, о кото­рой пойдёт речь в статье, напомнит о том, что Победа в самой страшной и кровопролитной войне XX столетия стала возможной благодаря ежедневным подвигам всех граждан нашей страны, всех без исключения, независимо от их возраста, пола, профессии. Именно потому, что студентки МИИТа, отправившиеся добровольцами на фронт в 1942 году, не считали себя героями, их историю сегодня сотрудники музея РУТ (МИИТ) восстанавливают по крупицам в архивах и новые факты их боевого пути публикуют впервые за 80 лет

    Tissue distribution of potential antidiabetic agent C7070

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    C7070 is a novel imidazoline receptors agonist for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The study was included 12 male Wistar rats. The C7070 concentration was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detectio

    Experimental study of intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections effect in GdO(F)FeAs superconductor array junctions

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    We report the first observation of the intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections effect (IMARE) in S-n-S-...-S-arrays (S = superconductor, n = normal metal) formed by "break-junction" technique in GdO(F)FeAs superconductor (Tc = 48 - 53 K). We show that superconducting gap peculiarities at dI/dV-spectra sharpen dramatically in the arrays as compared with that in the single-contact spectra; this enables to improve significantly accuracy of the bulk superconducting parameters determination. Using IMARE, we determined the large and the small gap values \Delta_L = 11 +- 1.1 meV and \Delta_S = 2.6 +- 0.4 meV. The BCS-ratio 2\Delta_L/kTc^{local} = 5.0 - 5.9 > 3.52 (Tc^{local} is the contact area critical temperature) evidences for a strong electron-boson coupling. The results obtained agree well with our previous data by Andreev spectroscopy for single SnS-contacts.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Predictive model of small choroidal melanoma progression after eye-saving treatment based on clinical, morphometric and immunological parameters

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    Choroidal melanoma is a malignant tumor characterized by early metastasis and poor vital prognosis. Prognostic indexes for the tumor development are of importance, depending on various factors and making it possible to optimize therapeutic measures. Usage of present models for prediction of the uveal melanoma course enables optimal management of the patients with a malignant tumor upon primary admission, and to perform maximally efficient counseling. So far, however, a complex of clinical, morphometric and immunological indexes predictive for unfavorable course of initial choroidal melanoma following the eye-saving treatment remains not fully determined. Our purpose was to create a prognostic model for initial choroidal melanoma after eye-saving treatment, basing on clinical, morphometric and immunological parameters.We have performed examination and treatment of 31 patients with small choroidal melanoma (53.7 to 12.2 years old). To perform the analysis, we used clinical data (age, decreased vision, tumor localization, degree of pigmentation, presence of hemorrhages, orange pigmentation), morphometric indexes (intra- and subretinal exudate and disorganization of pigment of the retinal epithelium) and immunological parameters (serum levels of pro-inflammatory, pro-angiogenic, proliferative, metastasis-causing cytokines). Selection of variables for this model was based on assessment of significant differences between the groups with chorio-retinal scar (n = 14) and residual tumor and/or continued tumor growth (n = 17).Multivariate analysis with conditional exclusion of variables revealed prognostic significance with four markers: morphometric, i.e., disorganization of the pigment in retinal pigment epithelium – Z1 (rs = 0.455); immunological, increased blood serum concentration of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) – Z2 (rs = 0.377); level of pro-inflammatory chemokine RANTES – Z3 (rs = 0.362), content of transforming growth factor (TGF-2â) – Z4 (rs = 0.431). A formula was calculated where P (z) is the value of the logistic function; Z, linear combination of symptoms; bo , intercept (free term), bi – regression coefficients for parameters Zi.P (z) = 1 : 1 + e – b0– b1z1– b2z2– b3z3– b4z4The logistic function increases monotonically and takes the values from 0 to 1 for any b and Z values [P∈ (0;1)]. If P (Z) is under the cutoff value, chorioretinal scar prognosis is predicted, at the higher values, a residual tumor or continued growth is expected. In ROC analysis, the area under the curve with this model was 0.891±0.11, thus providing good predictive quality.Usage of the predictive model is a possible solution for planning and correcting treatment strategy in the patients with small choroidal melanoma, in order to minimize complications and errors, and to ensure control of treatment


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    Aim. This research was performed to study the specific immunoprophylaxis of rotavirus infection among child population in Krasnodar.Materials and methods. There was conducted the analysis of 2386 medical records of patients who were immunized against the rotavirus infection by the pentavalent reassortant vaccine "Rotatec" for the period of 2013-2017, the assessment of the incidence of acute intestinal infections (AII) and rotavirus infection among vaccinated and unvaccinated children of the first two years of life as well as a comparative analysis of primary prophylaxis of rotavirus infection with the incidence of rotavirus infection according to data of Rospotrebnadzor for the study period.Results. Coverage of the vaccination against rotavirus infection among children in Krasnodar for the period of 2013−2017 was 5,6 % of the target cohort which is not enough to reduce the incidence of rotavirus gastroenteritis. There was demonstrated the efficacy and safety of rotavirus vaccine. During the study period vaccinated children were 2.5 times less likely to suffer from AII. No cases of rotavirus infection were reported among the vaccinated respondents.Conclusion. The leading role of rotavirus infection in severe forms of acute gastroenteritis in children of the first 5 years of life as well as the high efficiency of vaccine prophylaxis gives hope that vaccination against rotavirus infection will be included in the Russian national calendar of preventive vaccinations everywhere in the nearest future

    The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds.

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    Flying over the open sea is energetically costly for terrestrial birds. Despite this, over-water journeys of many birds, sometimes hundreds of kilometres long, are uncovered by bio-logging technology. To understand how these birds afford their flights over the open sea, we investigated the role of atmospheric conditions, specifically wind and uplift, in subsidizing over-water flight at a global scale. We first established that ΔT, the temperature difference between sea surface and air, is a meaningful proxy for uplift over water. Using this proxy, we showed that the spatio-temporal patterns of sea-crossing in terrestrial migratory birds are associated with favourable uplift conditions. We then analysed route selection over the open sea for five facultative soaring species, representative of all major migratory flyways. The birds maximized wind support when selecting their sea-crossing routes and selected greater uplift when suitable wind support was available. They also preferred routes with low long-term uncertainty in wind conditions. Our findings suggest that, in addition to wind, uplift may play a key role in the energy seascape for bird migration that in turn determines strategies and associated costs for birds crossing ecological barriers such as the open sea

    Study of the Two-Gap Superconductivity in GdO(F)FeAs by ScS-Andreev Spectroscopy

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    Current-voltage characteristics and dynamic conductance of the superconductor - constriction - superconductor junctions in GdO(F)FeAs polycrystalline samples with critical temperatures Tc^local = 46 - 53 K were investigated. Two superconducting gaps, the large Delta_L = 10.5 +- 2 meV, and the small one Delta_S = 2.3 +- 0.4 meV were clearly observed at T = 4.2 K. The 2Delta_L/kTc^local = 5.5 +- 1 ratio gives support to the strong coupling mechanism which is responsible for the high Tc value. Temperature dependence of the large gap Delta_L(T) indicates the presence of intrinsic proximity effect (in k-space) between two superconducting condensates.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie