3,801 research outputs found

    Development of user guidelines for ECAS display design, volume 1

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    Experiment computer application software (ECAS) display design and command usage guidelines were developed, which if followed by spacelab experiments, would standardize methods and techniques for data presentation and commanding via ECAS. These guidelines would provide some commonality among experiments which would enhance crew training and flight operations. The guidelines are applicable to all onboard experiment displays, whether allocated by ECAS or a dedicated experiment processor. A brief description of the spacelab data display system characteristics and of the services provided by the experiment computer operating system is included. Guidelines concerning data presentation and layout of alphanumeric and graphic information are presented along with guidelines concerning keyboard commanding and command feedback

    Two decades of pulsar timing of Vela

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    Pulsar timing at the Mt Pleasant observatory has focused on Vela, which can be tracked for 18 hours of the day. These nearly continuous timing records extend over 24 years allowing a greater insight into details of timing noise, micro glitches and other more exotic effects. In particular we report the glitch parameters of the 2004 event, along with the reconfirmation that the spin up for the Vela pulsar occurs instantaneously to the accuracy of the data. This places a lower limit of about 30 seconds for the acceleration of the pulsar to the new rotational frequency. We also confirm of the low braking index for Vela, and the continued fall in the DM for this pulsar.Comment: Isolated Neutron Stars conference, London, April 24-28 200

    Report on the Disabled Persons Loan Scheme of Project Ken/86/037

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    No142.pdf: 428 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    An Analysis of Principal Perceptions of the Primary Teaching Evaluation System Used in Eight U.S. States

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    This research examines how public school principals in eight U.S. states perceive their teacher evaluation systems which are based on Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (FfT).  States were selected to represent high, middle, and low scorers in the annual Education Week “Quality Counts” report (Education Week, 2016).  1,142 out of over 8,100 working principals in the eight states responded to an online survey, yielding a response rate of over 14%.  Most principals were not satisfied with FfT and found implementing the system too cumbersome.  Responses suggested an average of two changes to FfT desired by each principal; few wanted to keep their FfT as is.  Targets for improvement included overhauling software used to enter teacher evaluations; eliminating student growth goals and student test scores (VAMs) as part of evaluations; reducing the time and paperwork required; and wanting more training for administrators and teachers on the use of FfT.  Some states’ principals wanted to return control over teacher evaluation systems to local school districts.  Most respondents agreed that their version of FfT has improved their school’s instructional program, and they prefer the new instrument over their previous evaluation instrument

    African American college students' conceptualizations and emotional reactions to the N-word: A vignette study

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    One-hundred-and-sixty-six African American college students completed a paper-and-pencil survey designed to examine students??? level of acceptance of both forms (nigga and nigger) of the n-word based on a vignette. Additionally, participants were also asked about their general understanding of both forms of the n-word, the frequency of their personal use, the frequency in which they observe, and their emotional reactions to use of both forms of the n-word. Results indicated that on average, men used the words nigga and nigger more often than women. Although participants used the word nigger considerably less than the word nigga, they conceptualized the words similarly as evidenced in both open-ended and quantitative data. Overwhelmingly, participants indicated that it was not acceptable to use either word in public; certain contexts, though, were identified in which either word was acceptable, such as an educational context. Additionally, participants??? levels of acceptance indicated that the race of the speaker mattered more in their level of acceptance than the actual form of the n-word


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    The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 made permanent the interest assistance program for the Farm Service Agency's guaranteed loans, authorized a significant increase in funding for the program, and targeted funding for beginning farmers and ranchers. The research presented here provides a basic descriptive analysis of past use. In particular, borrower data for Federal fiscal years 1985 through 2002 are examined in several dimensions. These dimensions include geographic, borrower type, lender type, interest rate differentials, percent guarantee, and the status of the loan as to whether a loss claim was paid or the loan remained active. Even though the program has been in existence for more than 15 years, little is known about its impact and utilization. This research is an initial step in documenting usage of the program.Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance,

    Herschel Observations and Updated Spectral Energy Distributions of Five Sunlike Stars with Debris Disks

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    Observations from the Herschel Space Observatory have more than doubled the number of wide debris disks orbiting Sunlike stars to include over 30 systems with R > 100 AU. Here we present new Herschel PACS and re-analyzed Spitzer MIPS photometry of five Sunlike stars with wide debris disks, from Kuiper belt size to R > 150 AU. The disk surrounding HD 105211 is well resolved, with an angular extent of >14" along the major axis, and the disks of HD 33636, HD 50554, and HD 52265 are extended beyond the PACS PSF size (50% of energy enclosed within radius 4.23"). HD 105211 also has a 24-micron infrared excess that was previously overlooked because of a poorly constrained photospheric model. Archival Spitzer IRS observations indicate that the disks have small grains of minimum radius ~3 microns, though the minimum grain gradius is larger than the radiation pressure blowout size in all systems. If modeled as single-temperature blackbodies, the disk temperatures would all be <60 K. Our radiative transfer models predict actual disk radii approximately twice the radius of model blackbody disks. We find that the Herschel photometry traces dust near the source population of planetesimals. The disk luminosities are in the range 0.00002 <= L/L* <= 0.0002, consistent with collisions in icy planetesimal belts stirred by Pluto-size dwarf planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 18 pages, including 10 figures and 3 table

    Examining Social Isolation and Loneliness: Cross-Sectional Needs Assessment among Community-Dwelling Older Adults

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    Social isolation and loneliness (SIL) represent a growing public health and public policy concern, particularly among older adults. Half of older adults over the age of 60 are at risk of social isolation and one-third experience loneliness. SIL is a particular concern for individuals aging-in-place in low-density and rural areas. SIL increases the risk of premature death from all causes in older individuals, and results in 6.7billioninadditionalMedicarespendingannually.Tennesseeisrankedtenthinthenationforriskofsocialisolation.Strategiestopromotesocialconnectionsareacriticalstepindesigningage−friendlycommunities.Across−sectionalsurveyofaconveniencesampleofolderadults(62yearsandolder)livinginaffordablehousingapartmentcomplexesinHawkinsCounty,TNwasconductedinFebruaryandMarch2023.Loneliness(UCLA3−itemLonelinessScale),socialisolation(LubbenSocialNetworkScale6−item),andsenseofcommunity(BriefSenseofCommunityScale)wereassessed.Datawerealsogatheredondemographiccharacteristics,healthstatus,socialengagement,andstrategiestosupportolderadultsaging−in−place.Datafrom82participantsaged62to95(73.14meanage;SD=7.00)wereanalyzed.Themajorityofparticipantswerefemale(676.7 billion in additional Medicare spending annually. Tennessee is ranked tenth in the nation for risk of social isolation. Strategies to promote social connections are a critical step in designing age-friendly communities. A cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of older adults (62 years and older) living in affordable housing apartment complexes in Hawkins County, TN was conducted in February and March 2023. Loneliness (UCLA 3-item Loneliness Scale), social isolation (Lubben Social Network Scale 6-item), and sense of community (Brief Sense of Community Scale) were assessed. Data were also gathered on demographic characteristics, health status, social engagement, and strategies to support older adults aging-in-place. Data from 82 participants aged 62 to 95 (73.14 mean age; SD = 7.00) were analyzed. The majority of participants were female (67%), non-Hispanic White (93%), lived alone (90%), and were retired (84%) with an average annual income less than or equal to 14,225 (43%). Nearly half (44%) report their health as fair or poor compared to others their age and 79% of participants have 4 or more chronic conditions. Overall mean loneliness score indicated moderate loneliness (mean = 4.9; SD = 2.08; range 0-9). 48% were at risk of social isolation (mean = 13.35; SD = 6.14; range 0-29). The total mean sense of community score was moderate (mean = 22.9; SD = 1.09; range 0-40). Factors associated with SIL will be analyzed using Pearson’s correlation test. Strategies to promote social engagement will be discussed. Living and growing older in rural communities is considered a primary risk factor for SIL. To support healthy aging, local efforts must include strategies to increase social engagement for rural older adults and their communities. Results from this needs assessment will be used to generate recommendations that can be used to improve social connectedness among older adults living in Hawkins County, TN
