33 research outputs found

    Allelopathy of Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) soó 1945, a Pannonian endemic and relict species

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    Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945 represents a Pannonian endemic and relict plant species. As an endangered, disappearing species, it is protected according to IUCN and included into the Red Book of the Flora of Serbia. In the Deliblato Sands, in a community of English oak (Quercus robur), only a single population of this peony consisting of 74 individuals with a reduced reproduction capacity occurs. Since this could be the consequence of negative allelopathic influence of dominant species of tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer, we performed allelopathic studies that included qualitative and quantitative analyzes of phenolic acids and total phenolics both in the litter and soil of this community. Surface soil layer under Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica was found to connain 34.36 μg g1 and 564.42 μg g1 of free and total bound phenols, respectively. A deeper soil layer (10-20 cm) contained much lower amount of free (only 4.44 μg g1) and 571.73 μg g1 of total bound phenol compounds. In the surface soil layer only three free phenolic acids (ρ-coumaric, ρ-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acid) in minute amounts (0.57-1.69 μg g1) were detected. In the deeper soil layer p-coumaric acid was absent. Soil covered with Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica contains five phenolic acids in bound form, p-coumaric and vanillic acid being the most abundant (10.22-30.70 μg g1). These forms are evenly distributed in the surface and deeper soil layer.Banatski božur (Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945) je panonski endem i relikt. Kao ugrožena vrsta koja iščezava, prema pravilima IUCN zaštićen je i uvršćen u Crvenu knjigu flore Srbije. U Deliblatskoj Peščari postoji samo jedna populacija sa 74 jedinke u lužnjakovoj zajednici (lokalitet Flamunda) smanjene reproduktivne sposobnosti, što je verovatno posledica negativnog alelopatskog uticaja dominantnih vrsta iz sprata drveća, žbunova i zeljastih biljaka na banatski božur. Stoga smo pristupili alelopatskim istraživanjima koja su obuhvatila analizu i merenje količine fenolnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola u stelji i zemljištu ove zajednice. Rezultati pokazuju da površinski sloj zemljišta pod banatskim božurom, sadrži 34,36/μg g1 slobodnih i 564,42 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Dublji sloj zemljišta (10-20 sm) sadrži znatno manju količinu slobodnih (samo 4,44 μg g1) i 571,73 μg g1 ukupnih vezanih fenola. U površinskom sloju zemljišta su detektovane samo tri slobodne fenolne kiseline (p-kumarinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva i vanilinska) u malim količinama (0,57-1,69 μg g1). Dublji sloj zeljišta nije sadržao p-kumarinsku kiselinu. Zeljište pod banatskim božurom sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina u vezanom stanju, pri čemu najviše ima p-kumarinske i vanilinske kiseline (10,22-30,70 μg g1). Ne postoji razlika u količini vezanih fenolnih kiselina u površinskom i dubljem zeljišnom sloju, pošto su ravnomerno raspoređene. U stelji koja se sastoji od delimično razloženog lišća i grančica trepetljike, gloga, bele topole, hrasta lužnjaka i dr. izmereno je 10,13 μg g1 slobodnih i 14.09 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Ona sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezani oblici. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske kiseline (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Ona sadrži 5 fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezane forme. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Diskutovana je moguća uloga fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta biljaka u fitocenozi u smanjenju brojnosti božura. U lužnjakovoj zajednici sa banatskim božurom, dobro je razvijen sprat žbunova i zeljastih biljaka (ima više od 60 biljnih vrsta), koje mogu negativno uticati na povećanje populacije božura. Kao meru za poboljšanje uslova za opstanak ove reliktne i endemične vrste naše Flore, potrebno je iz neposredne blizine populacije banatskog božura (na rastojanju od 3-4 m) uklanjati sve biljne vrste koje na bilo koji način mogu negativno uticati (biohemijski uticaj fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta, zasena, konkurencija za vodu, mineralne materije i prostor).Projekat ministarstv

    Allelopathy of Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) soó 1945, a Pannonian endemic and relict species

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    Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945 represents a Pannonian endemic and relict plant species. As an endangered, disappearing species, it is protected according to IUCN and included into the Red Book of the Flora of Serbia. In the Deliblato Sands, in a community of English oak (Quercus robur), only a single population of this peony consisting of 74 individuals with a reduced reproduction capacity occurs. Since this could be the consequence of negative allelopathic influence of dominant species of tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer, we performed allelopathic studies that included qualitative and quantitative analyzes of phenolic acids and total phenolics both in the litter and soil of this community. Surface soil layer under Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica was found to connain 34.36 μg g1 and 564.42 μg g1 of free and total bound phenols, respectively. A deeper soil layer (10-20 cm) contained much lower amount of free (only 4.44 μg g1) and 571.73 μg g1 of total bound phenol compounds. In the surface soil layer only three free phenolic acids (ρ-coumaric, ρ-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acid) in minute amounts (0.57-1.69 μg g1) were detected. In the deeper soil layer p-coumaric acid was absent. Soil covered with Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica contains five phenolic acids in bound form, p-coumaric and vanillic acid being the most abundant (10.22-30.70 μg g1). These forms are evenly distributed in the surface and deeper soil layer.Banatski božur (Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945) je panonski endem i relikt. Kao ugrožena vrsta koja iščezava, prema pravilima IUCN zaštićen je i uvršćen u Crvenu knjigu flore Srbije. U Deliblatskoj Peščari postoji samo jedna populacija sa 74 jedinke u lužnjakovoj zajednici (lokalitet Flamunda) smanjene reproduktivne sposobnosti, što je verovatno posledica negativnog alelopatskog uticaja dominantnih vrsta iz sprata drveća, žbunova i zeljastih biljaka na banatski božur. Stoga smo pristupili alelopatskim istraživanjima koja su obuhvatila analizu i merenje količine fenolnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola u stelji i zemljištu ove zajednice. Rezultati pokazuju da površinski sloj zemljišta pod banatskim božurom, sadrži 34,36/μg g1 slobodnih i 564,42 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Dublji sloj zemljišta (10-20 sm) sadrži znatno manju količinu slobodnih (samo 4,44 μg g1) i 571,73 μg g1 ukupnih vezanih fenola. U površinskom sloju zemljišta su detektovane samo tri slobodne fenolne kiseline (p-kumarinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva i vanilinska) u malim količinama (0,57-1,69 μg g1). Dublji sloj zeljišta nije sadržao p-kumarinsku kiselinu. Zeljište pod banatskim božurom sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina u vezanom stanju, pri čemu najviše ima p-kumarinske i vanilinske kiseline (10,22-30,70 μg g1). Ne postoji razlika u količini vezanih fenolnih kiselina u površinskom i dubljem zeljišnom sloju, pošto su ravnomerno raspoređene. U stelji koja se sastoji od delimično razloženog lišća i grančica trepetljike, gloga, bele topole, hrasta lužnjaka i dr. izmereno je 10,13 μg g1 slobodnih i 14.09 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Ona sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezani oblici. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske kiseline (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Ona sadrži 5 fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezane forme. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Diskutovana je moguća uloga fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta biljaka u fitocenozi u smanjenju brojnosti božura. U lužnjakovoj zajednici sa banatskim božurom, dobro je razvijen sprat žbunova i zeljastih biljaka (ima više od 60 biljnih vrsta), koje mogu negativno uticati na povećanje populacije božura. Kao meru za poboljšanje uslova za opstanak ove reliktne i endemične vrste naše Flore, potrebno je iz neposredne blizine populacije banatskog božura (na rastojanju od 3-4 m) uklanjati sve biljne vrste koje na bilo koji način mogu negativno uticati (biohemijski uticaj fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta, zasena, konkurencija za vodu, mineralne materije i prostor).Projekat ministarstv


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    Skin microbiome emerged as an important factor which can balance tissue repair process and wound healing. Recent evidence suggest that intracellular bacterial localization could be associated with the aberrant healing observed in patients with chronic wounds, while therapeutics targeting intracellular bacteria remain limited. Probiotic lactobacilli and their bioactive lysates (postbiotics) are well known for their role in maintenance of gut epithelial homeostasis. Hence, in this study we focused to understand the mechanisms of cutaneous response to fourteen postbiotics derived from different lactobacilli to reduce intracellular Staphylococcus aureus colonization and promote healing. Latilactobacillus curvatus BGMK2-41 demonstrated the most efficient capability to reduce intracellular infection by S. aureus in keratinocytes in vitro and infection of human skin explants. Reduction of bacterial number was followed by upregulation of the expression of antimicrobial response genes. Furthermore, BGMK2-41 postbiotic treatment stimulates keratinocyte migration in vitro and increases expression of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, promotes wound closure and strengthens the epidermal barrier via upregulation of tight junction proteins in a human ex vivo wound model. Altogether, this study provided evidence that postbiotics could stimulate fortification of epithelial barrier to suppress dissemination of intracellular pathogens which can be used as a novel approach to treat dermatologic and wound healing disorders associated with persistent infections.Book of abstract: From biotechnology to human and planetary health XIII congress of microbiologists of Serbia with international participation Mikromed regio 5, ums series 24: 4th – 6th april 2024, Mona Plaza hotel, Belgrade, Serbi

    Validation of the Short Version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) Across 37 Languages

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    Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg’s 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale—the TLS-15—comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test–retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components—either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure

    PARP-1 and YY1 Are Important Novel Regulators of CXCL12 Gene Transcription in Rat Pancreatic Beta Cells

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    Despite significant progress, the molecular mechanisms responsible for pancreatic beta cell depletion and development of diabetes remain poorly defined. At present, there is no preventive measure against diabetes. The positive impact of CXCL12 expression on the pancreatic beta cell prosurvival phenotype initiated this study. Our aim was to provide novel insight into the regulation of rat CXCL12 gene (Cxcl12) transcription. The roles of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) in Cxcl12 transcription were studied by examining their in vitro and in vivo binding affinities for the Cxcl12 promoter in a pancreatic beta cell line by the electrophoretic mobility shift assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation. The regulatory activities of PARP-1 and YY1 were assessed in transfection experiments using a reporter vector with a Cxcl12 promoter sequence driving luciferase gene expression. Experimental evidence for PARP-1 and YY1 revealed their trans-acting potential, wherein PARP-1 displayed an inhibitory, and YY1 a strong activating effect on Cxcl12 transcription. Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced general toxicity in pancreatic beta cells was followed by changes in Cxcl12 promoter regulation. PARP-1 binding to the Cxcl12 promoter during basal and in STZ-compromised conditions led us to conclude that PARP-1 regulates constitutive Cxcl12 expression. During the early stage of oxidative stress, YY1 exhibited less affinity toward the Cxcl12 promoter while PARP-1 displayed strong binding. These interactions were accompanied by Cxcl12 downregulation. In the later stages of oxidative stress and intensive pancreatic beta cell injury, YY1 was highly expressed and firmly bound to Cxcl12 promoter in contrast to PARP-1. These interactions resulted in higher Cxcl12 expression. The observed ability of PARP-1 to downregulate, and of YY1 to upregulate Cxcl12 promoter activity anticipates corresponding effects in the natural context where the functional interplay of these proteins could finely balance Cxcl12 transcription