694 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the EQIP program for Lesser Prairie Chickens in the Northern Texas Panhandle

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    The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for the Lesser Prairie Chicken provides monetary compensation to agricultural producers for species habitat development. The advantages and disadvantages of program enrollment, as well as the overall economic impact are evaluated for a typical ranch operation in the Northern Texas Panhandle from 2009-2013.Prairie Chicken, FARM Assistance, EQIP, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Economic Considerations for Playa Management Alternatives

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    Playa lakes are very important to the Texas High Plains. They provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife, and are the Ogallala Aquifer’s primary recharge source. Plowing and sedimentation have caused substantial damage to the overall health of many playas. A need exists to protect this resource for future generations. Several government programs are available to assist landowners with playa preservation including CP23A, the Wetlands Reserve Program, and the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program. This study evaluates each conservation program and weighs the economic benefits and costs of program implementation.Southern Great Plains, Playa Lakes, CP23A, Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Examining Share Lease Arrangements for Grain Operations in the Texas Panhandle Under Changing Market Conditions

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    This paper examines the preferred share arrangement for both landlords and tenants producing grain in the Texas High Plains (based on risk preference), and determines the sensitivity to changing input costs and market prices. Results of the analyses show that tenants and landlords prefer different arrangements in all scenarios. Results also indicate that a tenant would prefer a different lease arrangement in 2008 than in 2005, while the landlord’s preference would remain unchanged.Financial Economics, Production Economics,

    Sosialisasi Anak Dalam Majalah “Bobo”

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    As pointed out by Piaget, mass media products are not only an entertainment medium for audience. Mass media—especially for children—become a source of reference. Children learn through media in their developmental age. Media provided materials and children inherited cultural values from media through a series of socialization stages. Bobo, a national children magazine, did the same thing. An analysis toward issue coverage of Bobo revealed that the magazine reported International events more than local events. Bobo, therefore, has ignored a chance to supplant Indonesian children with local wisdom. Another finding showed a Bobo's high tendency to claim children as consumer and purchaser

    Idealisasi Anak dalam Wacana Rubrik Nonfiksi Majalah “Bobo”

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    Children magazine poses itself as an important source in comprehending how children idealizing was constructed. By employing Norman Fairclough model of critical discourse analysis, this study has unpacked some facts. At first stage of analysis, an examination toward magazine texts has spotted a tendency of child commodification. In the second stage, it is found that text production mechanism has strengthening the process of commodification. Finally, at the last stage of analysis, this study concluded that magazine's issues is dominated by television issues. In other word, children magazine has posed itself merely as an extention of television, instead of education resource

    Diversite agro-morphologique et botanique de 357 accessions de sorgho [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] collectees en Cote D'Ivoire

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    RESUMEEn Côte d’Ivoire, peu de travaux portant sur l’évaluation de la diversité génétique du sorgho ont été réalisés. Le but de la présente étude a été d’estimer la variabilité agro-morphologique et botanique de 357 accessions de sorgho [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] collectées au Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire. Dans un dispositif en blocs de Fischer répété trois fois, 25 caractères agro-morphologiques dont 13 qualitatifs et 12 quantitatifs répertoriés dans le descripteur du sorgho ont été mesurés sur 30 individus par accession. L’analyse des caractères qualitatifs a révélé que la totalité de la collection était constituée de sorgho de type botanique Guinea dont 69,66 % de gambicum et 30,34 % de margaritiferum. Dix morphotypes de sorgho distincts par la forme des grains, la couleur des grains et des glumes, et une prépondérance des morphotypes à grains blancs (60,39 %) ont été observés. L’ACP a indiqué l’existence de neuf caractères expliquant 80,85 % de la variabilité totale. La CHA a révélé que cette variabilité était structurée en trois morphogroupes composés des Guinea margaritiferum à cycle semi-précoce et à faible rendement en grains, des Guinea gambicum à cycle précoce et à rendement en grains intermédiaire et des Guinea gambicum à cycle tardif et à haut rendement en grains. Neuf caractères dont le poids de mille grains en premier, au moyen du test lambda de Wilk de l’AFD, ont été décelés comme étant les caractères les plus discriminants. Les résultats de la présente étude constitue une base pour l’élaboration des programmes d’amélioration de S. bicolor en Côte d’Ivoire. ABSTRACTAGRO-MORPHOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL DIVERSITY OF 357 SORGHUM ACCESSIONS [SORGHUM BICOLOR (L.) MOENCH] COLLECTED IN CÔTE D’IVOIREIn Côte d’Ivoire, little work on assessing the genetic diversity of sorghum has been carried out. Three thousands and fifty-seven sorghum accessions [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] collected in northern Côte d’Ivoire were subjected to agro-morphological characterization. The general objective of this study was to estimate their morphological and botanical variability. In a Fischer block device repeated three times, 25 agro-morphological characters (13 qualitative and 12 quantitative) were measured on thirty individuals per accession. Analysis of the qualitative characteristics indicated that the entire collection consisted of Guinea-grown sorghum, including 69.66 % Guinea gambicum and 30.34 % Guinea margaritiferum. Ten morphotypes distinct by grain shape, grain color and glume, with a preponderance of white-grained morphotypes (60.39%). The PCA indicated the existence of nine characters explaining 80.85% of the total variability. The CHA revealed that this variability was structured into three morphogroups composed of Guinea margaritiferum with a semi-early cycle and low grain yield, Guinea gambicum early cycle and intermediate grain yield and Guinea gambicum late cycle and high grain yield. Nine traits with thousand grain weight in first, were found to be the most discriminating, by using AFD’s Wilk lambda test. The results of this study provide a basis for the development of species improvement programs

    Multiple Intelligence Games Model Untuk Mengasah Kecerdasan Anak Di Daerah Rawan Bencana Jawa Tengah

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    The research had been done for 2 years is begun by the researcher\u27s desire to realize the education for all people, especially for early-aged children in disaster areas in Central Java. The education for children before disaster, during disaster, and after disaster should be considered since the children\u27s education must be carried out despite the disaster. The game activities, which are part of education and children\u27s life, are still done partially. Moreover, it doesn\u27t focus on multiple intelligences yet, and less attention in the children\u27s characteristic and necessities as well. The subjects of this research are pre-school institutions and such a thing, either formal or non formal, in five disaster areas in Central Java which include: Cilacap Regency, Banyumas Regency, Kebumen Regency, Klaten Regency, and Wonosobo Regency. After formulating the strategy of the game development model for sharpening the children\u27s intelligence in form of integrating and modifying all of intelligences into game activities, the researcher apply the model to the research subjects and other users of the model. Developing the initial model, trial model, revised model, evaluation, finalization, and socialization, the researcher is success to develop a model called Multiple Intelligence Games Model. The research produce some items: 1) Mapping of Multiple Intelligence Games Model implementation, 2) the implementation of Multiple Intelligence Games Model in disaster areas, 3) the potential of Multiple Intelligence Games Model implementation in disaster areas, 4) the instruction and procedure of Multiple Intelligence Games Model, and 5) textbook of educating the children using Multiple Intelligence Games Model. After the implementation of Multiple Intelligence Games Model in the children\u27s game activities, the children\u27s intelligence in disaster areas is increase
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