24 research outputs found


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    Activated ester of a carboxylic derivative of europium diethylenetriaminetetraacetate has been synthesized by the interaction of europium salt of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid aminoethylamide with di-N-succinimidyl-p-phthalate. This reagent was applied to introduce rare earth metal ions in animal immunoglobulins (monoclonal antibodies). The proteins labelled with Eu3+ provide the required characteristics of fluorescence intensity, background, sensitivity and selectivity in diagnostic systems of lanthanide immunofluorometric assay.Взаимодействием европиевой соли 2-аминоэтиламида диэтилентриаминпентауксусной кислоты с ди-N-сукцинимидным эфиром n-фталевой кислоты получен активированный эфир карбоксипроизводного диэтилентриаминтетраацетата европия. Этот реагент использован для введения ионов редкоземельного металла в структуру молекул моноклональных антител. Белки, меченные Eu3 +, обеспечивали необходимые характеристики интенсивности флуоресценции, фона, чувствительности и специфичности в медицинских диагностических наборах лантанидного иммунофлуориметрического анализа


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    A reagent kit EIA-FUMONISIN for the determination of mycotoxins of fumonisin B group in feeds and foods by a direct competitive enzyme immunoassay using microtitration plate has been developed and tested. The evaluated technicoanalytical parameters of the kit and metrological characteristics of the technique of measurements correspond to the mo- dern level of immunoassay development and provide the determination of fumonisin group B content of agricultural products in a range of 0.11 to 6.0 mg/kg with proper accuracy and precision.Разработан и прошел внутрилабораторные испытания набор реагентов ИФА-ФУМОНИЗИН для определения микотоксинов, относящихся к фумонизинам группы В, в кормах и пищевой продукции методом прямого конкурентного иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). В состав набора входят разборный микропланшет, в лунках которого биоспецифически иммобилизовано моноклональное антитело, готовый к использованию раствор конъюгата фумонизина В1 с пероксидазой из корней хрена, градуировочные растворы, раствор хромогена (ТМБ), субстратный раствор (или готовый к использованию хромоген-субстратный раствор) и стоп-реагент. Установленные технико-аналитические параметры набора и метрологические характеристики методики выполнения измерений соответствуют современному уровню развития ИФА и позволяют с надлежащей точностью определять содержание фумонизинов в диапазоне от 0,11 до 6,0 мг/кг в сельскохозяйственной продукции


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    It was shown that the butyrylcholinesterase activity in the blood of women with non-malignant breast cancer was lower as compared to patients with malignant breast cancer (P < 0,001). Using two dimensional gel-electrophoresis method it was found that blood plasma proteomic maps are different for patients with various molecular subtypes of breast cancer. Identified differences consist in the appearance of additional new proteins and changes in the expression of proteins present in norm. Current data provide an advance to develop supplemental methods of breast cancer diagnosis and prognosis of the therapy outcomes.Установлено, что активность бутирилхолинэстеразы в цельной крови пациенток с доброкачественными опухолями молочной железы ниже по сравнению с этим показателем при злокачественных образованиях (Р < 0,001). На гель-электрофореграммах плазмы крови пациенток с раком молочной железы обнаружено изменение белковой экспрессии и появление новых белковых онкомаркеров, которые зависят от молекулярно-генетического подтипа опухоли. Выявленные различия позволят разработать дополнительные методы диагностики и прогнозирования результатов терапии

    Cinema-going trajectories in the digital age

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    The activity of cinema-going constantly evolves and gradually integrates the use of digital data and platforms to become more engaging for the audiences. Combining methods from the fields of Human Computer Interaction and Film Studies, we conducted two workshops seeking to understand cinema audiences’ digital practices and explore how the contemporary cinema-going experience is shaped in the digital age. Our findings suggest that going to the movies constitutes a trajectory during which cinemagoers interact with multiple digital platforms. At the same time, depending on their choices, they construct unique digital identities that represent a set of online behaviours and rituals that cinemagoers adopt before, while and after cinema-going. To inform the design of new, engaging cinemagoing experiences, this research establishes a preliminary map of contemporary cinema-going including digital data and platforms. We then discuss how audiences perceive the potential improvement of the experience and how that would lead to the construction of digital identities

    Opportunities for Developing the Moral Sphere of Personality in Children with Intellectual Disability

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    This article analyzes scholarly approaches to the moral development of personality, describes the views of particular authors on this issue from the historical perspective; highlights and defines specific features and structural components of this notion; conducts a comparative analysis of moral development in case of normal ontogenesis and in case of intellectual disability. It also attempts to synthesize the existing scholarly approaches to the methods and conditions for effective moral development of children with intellectual disability in correlations with the structural components. In the main section of the article, the authors provide a general overview of the correction methods facilitating moral development and summarize the results of the experimental research of moral development in children with intellectual disabilities of the early school age

    Stability and Variability of <i>Camelina sativa</i> (L.) Crantz Economically Valuable Traits in Various Eco-Geographical Conditions of the Russian Federation

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    C. sativa is a valuable oilseed; it has a wide nutritional and technical use. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive study of C. sativa collection accessions in various ecological and geographical conditions to determine the environmental stability parameters. C. sativa All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) collection accessions served as a material source for the study. The study was conducted in four different ecological and geographical regions of the Russian Federation. In the factor structure of the environmental parameters variability two factors are identified covering 94.8% of the variability. The first factor is associated with the precipitation sum (PS) and the temperatures sum (TS) for the vegetation period (68.7%), the second factor is associated with the average daily temperature (TM) for the same period (26.1%). Analysis of the system of correlations between the parameters of stability and plasticity and the value of regression coefficients for meteorological indicators showed that for all the studied features, indicator b closely correlates with regression coefficients for the temperatures sum (TS) and average daily temperature (TM) for the vegetation period. Indicator Sd—with coefficients for the precipitation sum (PS) and average daily precipitation (PM). The result of the study made it possible to identify collection accessions of C. sativa with a high stable adaptability to the contrasting climatic conditions of the studied regions

    Children with Disabilities in Education and Their Parents' Participation Preparation

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    The article provides an overview of philosophical and humanitarian approaches to training parents in an inclusive education and the training system itself. The study purpose is to substantiate, develop and test a system for preparing parents of children with disabilities for assistance in the education, based on the humanistic approach and the axiological concept of philosophy. These approaches in the parent training system lead society to the fact that parental competencies should be based on the special education methods, techniques and technologies for educating children with special needs; to predict the result of education and manage the correctional and pedagogical process based on an individual approach to the child. The implementation of the developed system resulted in a high level of parents' readiness to participate in inclusive children education

    Zinc oxide nanorods as a platform for human B-lymphocytes detection

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    Биофизика клетки и клеточные технологииThis work is supported by grant № 777926 of Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020

    Zinc oxide nanorods as a platform for human B-lymphocytes detection

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    Биофизика клетки и клеточные технологииThis work is supported by grant № 777926 of Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020