942 research outputs found

    W=0 Pairing in (N,N)(N,N) Carbon Nanotubes away from Half Filling

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    We use the Hubbard Hamiltonian HH on the honeycomb lattice to represent the valence bands of carbon single-wall (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes. A detailed symmetry analysis shows that the model allows W=0 pairs which we define as two-body singlet eigenstates of HH with vanishing on-site repulsion. By means of a non-perturbative canonical transformation we calculate the effective interaction between the electrons of a W=0 pair added to the interacting ground state. We show that the dressed W=0 pair is a bound state for resonable parameter values away from half filling. Exact diagonalization results for the (1,1) nanotube confirm the expectations. For (N,N)(N,N) nanotubes of length ll, the binding energy of the pair depends strongly on the filling and decreases towards a small but nonzero value as ll \to \infty. We observe the existence of an optimal doping when the number of electrons per C atom is in the range 1.2÷\div1.3, and the binding energy is of the order of 0.1 ÷\div 1 meV.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    With or Without U(nions)? Understanding the Diversity of Gig Workers’ Organizing Practices in Italy and the UK

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    Since 2016, mobilizations of gig workers across European countries have become increasingly common within location-based services, such as food delivery. Despite remarkable similarities in workers’ mobilization dynamics, their organizational forms have varied considerably, ranging from self-organization, to work councils, to unionization through rank-and-file or longstanding unions. To start making sense of this diversity in organizing practices, we compare two cases of mobilization in the food delivery sector: in Italy, where workers have initially opted for self-organization, and in the UK, where they have organized through rank-and-file unions. Drawing on interview and observational data gathered between 2016 and 2018, we find that the diversity of organizational forms across the two cases derives from the interaction between agential and contextual factors, namely: the capabilities of rank-and-file unions and the political tradition of militant organizing of the environment within which gig workers are embedded. These findings contribute to the emerging debate on labour relations in the gig economy by showing the central role that factors external to the labour process and to the institutional context play in shaping the structuring of labour antagonism in a still lowly institutionalized sector characterized by transnationally homogenous challenges.Introduction Understanding variation in precarious workers' organizing practices: Insights from the extant literature Understanding the varity of organizing practices in the gig economy Case selection, methodology and data Introducing the cases: Riders' mobilizations in the UK and Italy Exploring differences in organizing forms Discussion and conclusions Acknowledgements Reference

    W=0 pairing in Hubbard and related models of low-dimensional superconductors

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    Lattice Hamiltonians with on-site interaction WW have W=0 solutions, that is, many-body {\em singlet} eigenstates without double occupation. In particular, W=0 pairs give a clue to understand the pairing force in repulsive Hubbard models. These eigenstates are found in systems with high enough symmetry, like the square, hexagonal or triangular lattices. By a general theorem, we propose a systematic way to construct all the W=0 pairs of a given Hamiltonian. We also introduce a canonical transformation to calculate the effective interaction between the particles of such pairs. In geometries appropriate for the CuO2_{2} planes of cuprate superconductors, armchair Carbon nanotubes or Cobalt Oxides planes, the dressed pair becomes a bound state in a physically relevant range of parameters. We also show that W=0 pairs quantize the magnetic flux like superconducting pairs do. The pairing mechanism breaks down in the presence of strong distortions. The W=0 pairs are also the building blocks for the antiferromagnetic ground state of the half-filled Hubbard model at weak coupling. Our analytical results for the 4×44\times 4 Hubbard square lattice, compared to available numerical data, demonstrate that the method, besides providing intuitive grasp on pairing, also has quantitative predictive power. We also consider including phonon effects in this scenario. Preliminary calculations with small clusters indicate that vector phonons hinder pairing while half-breathing modes are synergic with the W=0 pairing mechanism both at weak coupling and in the polaronic regime.Comment: 42 pages, Topical Review to appear in Journal of Physics C: Condensed Matte

    Rethinking recognition: social context in adult life rather than early experience shapes recognition in a social wasp

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    Social recognition represents the foundation of social living. To what extent social recognition is hard-wired by early-life experience or flexible and influenced by social context of later life stages is a crucial question in animal behaviour studies. Social insects have represented classic models to investigate the subject, and the acknowledged idea is that relevant information to create the referent template for nest-mate recognition (NMR) is usually acquired during an early sensitive period in adult life. Experimental evidence, however, highlighted that other processes may also be at work in creating the template and that such a template may be updated during adult life according to social requirements. However, currently, we lack an ad hoc experiment testing the alternative hypotheses at the basis of NMR ontogeny in social insects. Thus, to investigate the mechanisms underlying the ontogeny of NMR in Polistes wasps, a model genus in recognition studies, and their different role in determining recognition abilities, we subjected Polistes dominula workers to different olfactory experiences in different phases of their life before inserting them into the social environment of a novel colony and testing them in recognition bioassays. Our results show that workers develop their NMR abilities based on their social context rather than through pre-imaginal and early learning or self-referencing. Our study demonstrates that the social context represents the major component shaping recognition abilities in a social wasp, therefore shedding new light on the ontogeny of recognition in paper wasps and prompting the reader to rethink about the traditional knowledge at the basis of the recognition in social insects. This article is part of the theme issue 'Signal detection theory in recognition systems: from evolving models to experimental tests'

    Time-dependent quantum transport with superconducting leads: a discrete basis Kohn-Sham formulation and propagation scheme

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    In this work we put forward an exact one-particle framework to study nano-scale Josephson junctions out of equilibrium and propose a propagation scheme to calculate the time-dependent current in response to an external applied bias. Using a discrete basis set and Peierls phases for the electromagnetic field we prove that the current and pairing densities in a superconducting system of interacting electrons can be reproduced in a non-interacting Kohn-Sham (KS) system under the influence of different Peierls phases {\em and} of a pairing field. An extended Keldysh formalism for the non-equilibrium Nambu-Green's function (NEGF) is then introduced to calculate the short- and long-time response of the KS system. The equivalence between the NEGF approach and a combination of the static and time-dependent Bogoliubov-deGennes (BdG) equations is shown. For systems consisting of a finite region coupled to N{\cal N} superconducting semi-infinite leads we numerically solve the static BdG equations with a generalized wave-guide approach and their time-dependent version with an embedded Crank-Nicholson scheme. To demonstrate the feasibility of the propagation scheme we study two paradigmatic models, the single-level quantum dot and a tight-binding chain, under dc, ac and pulse biases. We provide a time-dependent picture of single and multiple Andreev reflections, show that Andreev bound states can be exploited to generate a zero-bias ac current of tunable frequency, and find a long-living resonant effect induced by microwave irradiation of appropriate frequency.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Hornets and Honey Bees: A Coevolutionary Arms Race between Ancient Adaptations and New Invasive Threats

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    Hornets and honey bees have a long history of coevolution resulting in a plethora of captivating adaptations and counteradaptations between predator and prey. From simple physiological mechanisms to complex behavioral strategies, some Vespa hornets have specialized in hunting honey bees, while the latter have put in place effective defenses to counteract their attack. Both hornets and honey bees have evolved the ability to detect the odors and the pheromones emitted by the other to locate the prey or to spot foraging predators. Hornets often rely on their bigger size, heavily armored body and destructive attacks, while honey bees differentiated collective defense responses finely coordinated to deter or kill the hornet menace. However, when new species of hornets and honey bees come into contact, the absence of coevolution can have a heavy impact on the defenseless bees. The evolutionary arms race between hornets and honey bees provides not only compelling examples of adaptations and counteradaptations between predator and prey, but could also represent a starting point for the development of effective and sustainable strategies to protect honey bees and beekeeping activities and to control invasive alien species of hornets

    Competition Policy in the European Union

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    Natural History of Stuttering to 4 Years of Age: A Prospective Community-Based Study

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    These findings from a community-ascertained cohort refute long-held views suggesting that developmental stuttering is associated with a range of poorer outcomes. If anything, the reverse was true, with stuttering predicting subsequently better language,nonverbal skills, and psychosocial health-related quality of life at 4 years of age.Future research with this cohort will support a more complete longitudinal understanding of when and in whom recovery occurs. Current best practice recommends waiting for 12 monthsbefore commencing treatment, unlessthe child is distressed, there is parental concern, or the child becomes reluctant to communicate. It may be that for many children treatment could be deferred even longer. Treatment is efficacious15 but is both intensive (median of 15.4o ne-hour clinical sessions followedby 10 one-hour clinical maintenance sessions) and expensive; this "watchful waiting" recommendation would therefore help target allocation of scarce resources to the small number of children who do not resolve and experience adverse outcomes, secure in the knowledge that delaying treatment by a year or more has been shown not to compromise treatment efficac