106 research outputs found

    Fungal communities living in the wood of different cultivars of young Vitis vinifera plants

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    The fungal communities associated with fi ve Vitis vinifera cultivars grown in Switzerland (‘Humagne’, ‘Chasselas’, ‘Arvine’, ‘Gamaret’ and ‘Gamay’) were examined. Of the 703 fungal isolates obtained in pure culture, 66 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were defi ned. The results show that: the great majority of the fungi isolated in this study were ascomycetes, with a high proportion of Sordariomycetes (mainly Hypocreales, Sordariales and Diaporthales); different fungal OTUs were associated with different cultivars; graft and rootstock contributed equally to the fungal community composition; Esca- or Petri-related species occurred sporadically in the different cultivars, with some of them occupying specifi c tissues or parts of the plant (e.g.: Botryosphaeriaceous species, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phomopsis viticola); almost 25% of OTUs occurred in different plant parts in most cultivars, which suggests an easy spread outwards from the infected material (graft or rootstock), which might be explained by the fungal propagules being transported through the xylem vessels

    ADAMTS2 gene dysregulation in T/myeloid mixed phenotype acute leukemia.

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    Background: Mixed phenotype acute leukemias (MPAL) include acute leukemias with blasts that express antigens of more than one lineage, with no clear evidence of myeloid or lymphoid lineage differentiation. T/myeloid (T/My) MPAL not otherwise specified (NOS) is a rare leukemia that expresses both T and myeloid antigens, accounting for less than 1% of all leukemias but 89% of T/My MPAL. From a molecular point of view, very limited data are available on T/My MPAL NOS. Case presentation: In this report we describe a T/My MPAL NOS case with a complex rearrangement involving chromosomes 5 and 14, resulting in overexpression of the ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) gene due to its juxtaposition to the T cell receptor delta (TRD) gene segment. Conclusion: Detailed molecular cytogenetic characterization of the complex rearrangement in the reported T/My MPAL case allowed us to observe ADAMTS2 gene overexpression, identifying a molecular marker that may be useful for monitoring minimal residual disease. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of gene dysregulation due to a chromosomal rearrangement in T/My MPAL NOS. Keywords: Mixed phenotype acute leukemia, ADAMTS2, TRD, Complex chromosomal rearrangement, Promoter swapping, Gene dysregulatio

    Absolute quantification of the pretreatment PML-RARA transcript defines the relapse risk in acute promyelocytic leukemia.

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    In this study we performed absolute quantification of the PML-RARA transcript by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) in 76 newly diagnosed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cases to verify the prognostic impact of the PML-RARA initial molecular burden. ddPCR analysis revealed that the amount of PML-RARA transcript at diagnosis in the group of patients who relapsed was higher than in that with continuous complete remission (CCR) (272 vs 89.2 PML-RARA copies/ng, p = 0.0004, respectively). Receiver operating characteristic analysis detected the optimal PML-RARA concentration threshold as 209.6 PML-RARA/ng (AUC 0.78; p < 0.0001) for discriminating between outcomes (CCR versus relapse). Among the 67 APL cases who achieved complete remission after the induction treatment, those with > 209.6 PML-RARA/ng had a worse relapse-free survival (p = 0.0006). At 5-year follow-up, patients with > 209.6 PML-RARA/ng had a cumulative incidence of relapse of 50.3% whereas 7.5% of the patients with suffered a relapse (p < 0.0001). Multivariate analysis identified the amount of PML-RARA before induction treatment as the sole independent prognostic factor for APL relapse. Our results show that the pretreatment PML-RARA molecular burden could therefore be used to improve risk stratification in order to develop more individualized treatment regimens for high-risk APL cases

    Implementation of an epicardial implantable MEMS sensor for continuous and real-time postoperative assessment of left ventricular activity in adult minipigs over a short- and long-term period

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    The sensing of left ventricular (LV) activity is fundamental in the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular health in high-risk patients after cardiac surgery to achieve better short- and long-term outcome. Conventional approaches rely on noninvasive measurements even if, in the latest years, invasive microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors have emerged as a valuable approach for precise and continuous monitoring of cardiac activity. The main challenges in designing cardiac MEMS sensors are represented by miniaturization, biocompatibility, and long-term stability. Here, we present a MEMS piezoresistive cardiac sensor capable of continuous monitoring of LV activity over time following epicardial implantation with a pericardial patch graft in adult minipigs. In acute and chronic scenarios, the sensor was able to compute heart rate with a root mean square error lower than 2 BPM. Early after up to 1 month of implantation, the device was able to record the heart activity during the most important phases of the cardiac cycle (systole and diastole peaks). The sensor signal waveform, in addition, closely reflected the typical waveforms of pressure signal obtained via intraventricular catheters, offering a safer alternative to heart catheterization. Furthermore, histological analysis of the LV implantation site following sensor retrieval revealed no evidence of myocardial fibrosis. Our results suggest that the epicardial LV implantation of an MEMS sensor is a suitable and reliable approach for direct continuous monitoring of cardiac activity. This work envisions the use of this sensor as a cardiac sensing device in closed-loop applications for patients undergoing heart surgery

    Novel Root-Fungus Symbiosis in Ericaceae: Sheathed Ericoid Mycorrhiza Formed by a Hitherto Undescribed Basidiomycete with Affinities to Trechisporales

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    Ericaceae (the heath family) are widely distributed calcifuges inhabiting soils with inherently poor nutrient status. Ericaceae overcome nutrient limitation through symbiosis with ericoid mycorrhizal (ErM) fungi that mobilize nutrients complexed in recalcitrant organic matter. At present, recognized ErM fungi include a narrow taxonomic range within the Ascomycota, and the Sebacinales, basal Hymenomycetes with unclamped hyphae and imperforate parenthesomes. Here we describe a novel type of basidiomycetous ErM symbiosis, termed ‘sheathed ericoid mycorrhiza’, discovered in two habitats in mid-Norway as a co-dominant mycorrhizal symbiosis in Vaccinium spp. The basidiomycete forming sheathed ErM possesses clamped hyphae with perforate parenthesomes, produces 1- to 3-layer sheaths around terminal parts of hair roots and colonizes their rhizodermis intracellularly forming hyphal coils typical for ErM symbiosis. Two basidiomycetous isolates were obtained from sheathed ErM and molecular and phylogenetic tools were used to determine their identity; they were also examined for the ability to form sheathed ErM and lignocellulolytic potential. Surprisingly, ITS rDNA of both conspecific isolates failed to amplify with the most commonly used primer pairs, including ITS1 and ITS1F + ITS4. Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear LSU, SSU and 5.8S rDNA indicates that the basidiomycete occupies a long branch residing in the proximity of Trechisporales and Hymenochaetales, but lacks a clear sequence relationship (>90% similarity) to fungi currently placed in these orders. The basidiomycete formed the characteristic sheathed ErM symbiosis and enhanced growth of Vaccinium spp. in vitro, and degraded a recalcitrant aromatic substrate that was left unaltered by common ErM ascomycetes. Our findings provide coherent evidence that this hitherto undescribed basidiomycete forms a morphologically distinct ErM symbiosis that may occur at significant levels under natural conditions, yet remain undetected when subject to amplification by ‘universal’ primers. The lignocellulolytic assay suggests the basidiomycete may confer host adaptations distinct from those provisioned by the so far investigated ascomycetous ErM fungi

    Cadophora margaritata sp. nov. and other fungi associated with the longhorn beetles Anoplophora glabripennis and Saperda carcharias in Finland

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    Symbiosis with microbes is crucial for survival and development of wood-inhabiting longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Thus, knowledge of the endemic fungal associates of insects would facilitate risk assessment in cases where a new invasive pest occupies the same ecological niche. However, the diversity of fungi associated with insects remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate fungi associated with the native large poplar longhorn beetle (Saperda carcharias) and the recently introduced Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) infesting hardwood trees in Finland. We studied the cultivable fungal associates obtained from Populus tremula colonised by S. carcharias, and Betula pendula and Salix caprea infested by A. glabripennis, and compared these to the samples collected from intact wood material. This study detected a number of plant pathogenic and saprotrophic fungi, and species with known potential for enzymatic degradation of wood components. Phylogenetic analyses of the most commonly encountered fungi isolated from the longhorn beetles revealed an association with fungi residing in the Cadophora-Mollisia species complex. A commonly encountered fungus was Cadophora spadicis, a recently described fungus associated with wood-decay. In addition, a novel species of Cadophora, for which the name Cadophora margaritata sp. nov. is provided, was isolated from the colonised wood.Peer reviewe

    Glomus intraradices induces changes in root system architecture of rice independently of common symbiosis signaling

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    ? Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonize the roots of most monocotyledons and dicotyledons despite their different root architecture and cell patterning. Among the cereal hosts of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Oryza sativa (rice) possesses a peculiar root system composed of three different types of roots: crown roots; large lateral roots; and fine lateral roots. Characteristic is the constitutive formation of aerenchyma in crown roots and large lateral roots and the absence of cortex from fine lateral roots. Here, we assessed the distribution of colonization by Glomus intraradices within this root system and determined its effect on root system architecture. ? Large lateral roots are preferentially colonized, and fine lateral roots are immune to arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization. Fungal preference for large lateral roots also occurred in sym mutants that block colonization of the root beyond rhizodermal penetration. ? Initiation of large lateral roots is significantly induced by G. intraradices colonization and does not require a functional common symbiosis signaling pathway from which some components are known to be needed for symbiosis-mediated lateral root induction in Medicago truncatula. ? Our results suggest variation of symbiotic properties among the different rice root-types and induction of the preferred tissue by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Furthermore, signaling for arbuscular mycorrhizal-elicited alterations of the root system differs between rice and M. truncatula

    Implicazioni del processo di integrazione euro-mediterraneo sul sistema agroalimentare pugliese

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    Il lavoro si propone di valutate la capacità competitiva del sistema agroalimentare pugliese dinanzi alla sfida posta dalla creazione dell'area di libero scambio euro-mediterranea. Dopo aver tracciato il quadro strutturale dell'agroalimentare regionale vengono analizzate le due filiere maggiormente sensibili ai possibili cambiamenti dello scenario competitivo. In particolare sono state prese in esame le filiere dell'olio d'oliva e dell'uva da tavola che rappresentano, allo stesso tempo, le produzioni di punta dell'agroalimentare pugliese e quelle più esposte alla competizione esercitata dai paesi della sponda Sud del Mediterraneo. Gli effetti della liberalizzazione sulla competitività regionale dipendono dalle modalità di armonizzazione delle regole di origine e saranno presumibilmente differenziati a seconda della fase della filiera considerata, oltre che dalle strategie adottate dalle singole imprese

    Multiple feature based multiscale image enhancement

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