5,018 research outputs found

    Contact line stability of ridges and drops

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    Within the framework of a semi-microscopic interface displacement model we analyze the linear stability of sessile ridges and drops of a non-volatile liquid on a homogeneous, partially wet substrate, for both signs and arbitrary amplitudes of the three-phase contact line tension. Focusing on perturbations which correspond to deformations of the three-phase contact line, we find that drops are generally stable while ridges are subject only to the long-wavelength Rayleigh-Plateau instability leading to a breakup into droplets, in contrast to the predictions of capillary models which take line tension into account. We argue that the short-wavelength instabilities predicted within the framework of the latter macroscopic capillary theory occur outside its range of validity and thus are spurious.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Modeling the variability of the BL Lacertae object PKS 2155-304

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    The bright X-ray selected BL Lacertae object PKS 2155-304 has been the target of two intense multiwavelength campaigns, in November 1991 and in May 1994. Although the spectral energy distributions at both epochs were quite similar, the source exhibited two very distinct variability patterns that cannot be easily reconciled with homogeneous, one-zone jet models. During the first epoch the variability was almost achromatic in amplitude, with a time lag between X-rays and UV of 3\approx 3 h, while during the second epoch the variability amplitude increased as a function of wavelength, with the EUV flare peaking 1\approx 1 day after the X-ray flare. We model the source using a time-dependent inhomogeneous accelerating jet model. e reproduce the general characteristics of the different variability signatures by assuming that plasma disturbances with different physical properties propagate downstream in an underlying jet characterized by the same set of physical parameters at both epochs. A time delay of \approx 1 day between the hardening of the UV spectral index and the UV flux, present at both epochs, is modeled with stochastic fluctuations in the particle acceleration manifested through small variations of the maximum energy of the injected electrons. We predict that similar time delays will be present in future observations, even in the absence of strong variability events. We stress the importance of observations at neighboring frequencies as a diagnostic tool for the structure of the quiescent jet in blazars, especially in the seemingly dull case when strong variability is absent.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted in ApJ Letter

    Energy dissipation in sheared wet granular assemblies

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    Energy dissipation in sheared dry and wet granulates is considered in the presence of an externally applied confining pressure. Discrete element simulations reveal that for sufficiently small confining pressures, the energy dissipation is dominated by the effects related to the presence of cohesive forces between the particles. The residual resistance against shear can be quantitatively explained by a combination of two effects arising in a wet granulate: (i) enhanced friction at particle contacts in the presence of attractive capillary forces and (ii) energy dissipation due to the rupture and reformation of liquid bridges. Coulomb friction at grain contacts gives rise to an energy dissipation which grows linearly with increasing confining pressure for both dry and wet granulates. Because of a lower Coulomb friction coefficient in the case of wet grains, as the confining pressure increases the energy dissipation for dry systems is faster than for wet ones

    Revealing the obscured supernova remnant Kes 32 with Chandra

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    I report here on the analysis and interpretation of a Chandra observation of the supernova remnant Kes 32. Kes 32 is rather weak in X-rays due to a large interstellar absorption, which is found to be ~4E22 cm^-2, larger than previously reported. Spectral analysis indicates that the ionization age of this object is very young, with n_e t ~ 4E9 cm^-3s, and a temperature of kT_e ~ 1 keV. The X-ray emission peaks at a smaller radius than in the radio. The low ionization age suggests that Kes 32 is a young remnant. However, a young age is in contradiction with the relatively large apparent size, which indicates an age of several thousand years, instead of a few hundred years. This problem is discussed in connection with Kes 32's unknown distance and its possible association with the Norma galactic arm.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 7 pages, 7 figure

    The Optical Emission from Gamma-ray Quasars

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    We present photometric observations of six radio-loud quasars that were detected by the COMPTEL gamma-ray telescope. The data encompasses seven wavebands in the optical and near-infrared. After correction for Galactic extinction, we find a wide range in optical slopes. Two sources are as blue as optically-selected quasars, and are likely to be dominated by the accretion disc emission, while three others show colours consistent with a red synchrotron component. We discuss the properties of the COMPTEL sample of quasars, as well as the implications our observations have for multi-wavelength modelling of gamma-ray quasars.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in P.A.S.A; minor typos correcte

    Colourings of cubic graphs inducing isomorphic monochromatic subgraphs

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    A kk-bisection of a bridgeless cubic graph GG is a 22-colouring of its vertex set such that the colour classes have the same cardinality and all connected components in the two subgraphs induced by the colour classes (monochromatic components in what follows) have order at most kk. Ban and Linial conjectured that every bridgeless cubic graph admits a 22-bisection except for the Petersen graph. A similar problem for the edge set of cubic graphs has been studied: Wormald conjectured that every cubic graph GG with E(G)0(mod2)|E(G)| \equiv 0 \pmod 2 has a 22-edge colouring such that the two monochromatic subgraphs are isomorphic linear forests (i.e. a forest whose components are paths). Finally, Ando conjectured that every cubic graph admits a bisection such that the two induced monochromatic subgraphs are isomorphic. In this paper, we give a detailed insight into the conjectures of Ban-Linial and Wormald and provide evidence of a strong relation of both of them with Ando's conjecture. Furthermore, we also give computational and theoretical evidence in their support. As a result, we pose some open problems stronger than the above mentioned conjectures. Moreover, we prove Ban-Linial's conjecture for cubic cycle permutation graphs. As a by-product of studying 22-edge colourings of cubic graphs having linear forests as monochromatic components, we also give a negative answer to a problem posed by Jackson and Wormald about certain decompositions of cubic graphs into linear forests.Comment: 33 pages; submitted for publicatio

    X-ray properties of the Parkes sample of flat-spectrum radio sources: dust in radio-loud quasars?

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    We investigate the X-ray properties of the Parkes sample of flat-spectrum radio sources using data from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey and archival pointed PSPC observations. In total, 163 of the 323 sources are detected. For the remaining 160 sources 2 sigma upper limits to the X-ray flux are derived. We present power-law photon indices for 115 sources, which were either determined with a hardness ratio technique or from direct fits to pointed PSPC data. For quasars, the soft X-ray photon index is correlated with redshift and with radio spectral index. Webster et al. (1995) discovered many sources with unusually red optical continua among the quasars of this sample and interpreted this result in terms of extinction by dust. Although the X-ray spectra in general do not show excess absorption, we find that low-redshift optically red quasars have significantly lower soft X-ray luminosities on average than objects with blue optical continua. The difference disappears for higher redshifts, as is expected for intrinsic absorption by cold gas associated with the dust. Alternative explanations are briefly discussed. We conclude, however, that dust does play an important role in some of the radio-loud quasars with red optical continua.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Conformally Einstein Products and Nearly K\"ahler Manifolds

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    In the first part of this note we study compact Riemannian manifolds (M,g) whose Riemannian product with R is conformally Einstein. We then consider compact 6--dimensional almost Hermitian manifolds of type W_1+W_4 in the Gray--Hervella classification admitting a parallel vector field and show that (under some regularity assumption) they are obtained as mapping tori of isometries of compact Sasaki-Einstein 5-dimensional manifolds. In particular, we obtain examples of inhomogeneous locally (non-globally) conformal nearly K\"ahler compact manifolds

    Evolution of a spinor condensate: coherent dynamics, dephasing and revivals

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    We present measurements and a theoretical model for the interplay of spin dependent interactions and external magnetic fields in atomic spinor condensates. We highlight general features like quadratic Zeeman dephasing and its influence on coherent spin mixing processes by focusing on a specific coherent superposition state in a F=1 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensate. In particular, we observe the transition from coherent spinor oscillations to thermal equilibration