1,013 research outputs found

    Massless D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Threefolds and Monodromy

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    We analyze the link between the occurrence of massless B-type D-branes for specific values of moduli and monodromy around such points in the moduli space. This allows us to propose a classification of all massless B-type D-branes at any point in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau's. This classification then justifies a previous conjecture due to Horja for the general form of monodromy. Our analysis is based on using monodromies around points in moduli space where a single D-brane becomes massless to generate monodromies around points where an infinite number become massless. We discuss the various possibilities within the classification.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX2e, 3 figures, author order fixe

    The Breakdown of Topology at Small Scales

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    We discuss how a topology (the Zariski topology) on a space can appear to break down at small distances due to D-brane decay. The mechanism proposed coincides perfectly with the phase picture of Calabi-Yau moduli spaces. The topology breaks down as one approaches non-geometric phases. This picture is not without its limitations, which are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Enhanced gauge symmetries on elliptic K3

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    We show that the geometry of K3 surfaces with singularities of type A-D-E contains enough information to reconstruct a copy of the Lie algebra associated to the given Dynkin diagram. We apply this construction to explain the enhancement of symmetry in F and IIA theories compactified on singular K3's.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Solitons in Seiberg-Witten Theory and D-branes in the Derived Category

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    We analyze the "geometric engineering" limit of a type II string on a suitable Calabi-Yau threefold to obtain an N=2 pure SU(2) gauge theory. The derived category picture together with Pi-stability of B-branes beautifully reproduces the known spectrum of BPS solitons in this case in a very explicit way. Much of the analysis is particularly easy since it can be reduced to questions about the derived category of CP1.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex2

    C^2/Z_n Fractional branes and Monodromy

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    We construct geometric representatives for the C^2/Z_n fractional branes in terms of branes wrapping certain exceptional cycles of the resolution. In the process we use large radius and conifold-type monodromies, and also check some of the orbifold quantum symmetries. We find the explicit Seiberg-duality which connects our fractional branes to the ones given by the McKay correspondence. We also comment on the Harvey-Moore BPS algebras.Comment: 34 pages, v1 identical to v2, v3: typos fixed, discussion of Harvey-Moore BPS algebras update

    Type IIB Flux Vacua from M-theory via F-theory

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    We study in detail some aspects of duality between type IIB and M-theory. We focus on the duality between type IIB string theory on K3 x T^2/Z_2 orientifold and M-theory on K3 x K3, in the F-theory limit. We give the explicit map between the fields and in particular between the moduli of compactification, studying their behavior under the F-theory limit. Turning on fluxes generates a potential for the moduli both in type IIB and in M-theory. We verify that the type IIB analysis gives the same results of the F-theory analysis. In particular, we check that the two potentials match.Comment: 24 pages; reference correcte

    Quantum symmetries and exceptional collections

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    We study the interplay between discrete quantum symmetries at certain points in the moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications, and the associated identities that the geometric realization of D-brane monodromies must satisfy. We show that in a wide class of examples, both local and compact, the monodromy identities in question always follow from a single mathematical statement. One of the simplest examples is the Z_5 symmetry at the Gepner point of the quintic, and the associated D-brane monodromy identity

    Generalized Calabi-Yau Manifolds and the Mirror of a Rigid Manifold

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    We describe the mirror of the Z orbifold as a representation of a class of generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds that can be realized as manifolds of dimension five and seven. Despite their dimension these correspond to superconformal theories with c=9c=9 and so are perfectly good for compactifying the heterotic string to the four dimensions of space-time. As a check of mirror symmetry we compute the structure of the space of complex structures of the mirror and check that this reproduces the known results for the Yukawa couplings and metric appropriate to the Kahler class parameters on the Z orbifold together with their instanton corrections.Comment: 39 pages, plain Te

    Flavour from partially resolved singularities

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    In this letter we study topological open string field theory on D--branes in a IIB background given by non compact CY geometries O(n)O(2n){\cal O}(n)\oplus{\cal O}(-2-n) on 1\P1 with a singular point at which an extra fiber sits. We wrap NN D5-branes on 1\P1 and MM effective D3-branes at singular points, which are actually D5--branes wrapped on a shrinking cycle. We calculate the holomorphic Chern-Simons partition function for the above models in a deformed complex structure and find that it reduces to multi--matrix models with flavour. These are the matrix models whose resolvents have been shown to satisfy the generalized Konishi anomaly equations with flavour. In the n=0n=0 case, corresponding to a partial resolution of the A2A_2 singularity, the quantum superpotential in the N=1{\cal N}=1 unitary SYM with one adjoint and MM fundamentals is obtained. The n=1n=1 case is also studied and shown to give rise to two--matrix models which for a particular set of couplings can be exactly solved. We explicitly show how to solve such a class of models by a quantum equation of motion technique