727 research outputs found

    Timetable Management Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Scheduling course timetables for a large array of courses is a very complex problem which often has to be solved manually by the center staff even though results are not always fully optimal. Timetabling being a highly constrained combinatorial problem, this work attempts to put into play the effectiveness of evolutionary techniques based on Darwin's theories to solve the timetabling problem if not fully optimal but near optimal. Genetic Algorithm is a popular meta-heuristic that has been successfully applied to many hard combinatorial optimization problems which includes timetabling and scheduling problems. In this work, the course sets, halls and time allocations are represented by a multidimensional array on which a local search is performed and a combination of the direct representation of the timetable with heuristic crossover is made to ensure that fundamental constraints are not violated. Finally, the genetic algorithm was applied in the development of a viable timetabling system which was tested to demonstrate the variety of possible timetables that can be generated based on user specified constraint and requirements. Keywords: Time table management, genetic algorithm

    Impact Analysis of Generalized Audit Software (GAS) Utilization to Auditor Performances

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    This study aimed to understand whether the use of Generalized Audit Software (GAS) in the audit process had an impact on the auditors performance and to acquire conclusions in the evaluation form towards GAS audit process to provide a positive impact on the performance of auditors. The models used to evaluate the impact of GAS were Quantity of Work, Quality of Work, Job Knowledge, Creativeness, Cooperation, Dependability, Initiative, and Personal Qualities. The method used in this research was a qualitative method of analytical descriptive and evaluative, by analyzing the impact of the GAS implementation to the components of the user\u27s performance. The results indicate that the use of GAS has a positive impact on user\u27s performance components

    Penilaian Kesiapan Kawasan Industri Candi untuk Menjadi Eco-industrial Park

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    One of the strategies implemented by the government to improve the national economy is by developing Industrial Parks, one of the industrial Park which is developed by the government is Candi Industrial Parks that is located in Semarang. The development of the industrial park have positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts include: an increase in people's income and economy, employment opportunities, and the improvement of technology. The negative impacts are: the destruction of ecosystems around the area as a result of excessive waste disposal, soil compaction due to the occurrence of acidic substances, and the threat of variety diseases caused by the pollution of water and air. This study aims to analyze the development of readiness of Candi Industrial Park to become an Eco-Industrial Park through adjustments to the principles of EIP to 3 scale which is 1 "already fully implemented". 2 "already but not yet fully implemented, and 3" still not apply at all ". Based on the research that has been done, the results indicate that the 5 principles of EIP has not at all applied and 1 principle has been done but still not fully implemented

    Weighted Multi Criteria of Consultant and Contractor Selection at PT. JICT

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    The study aims to improve the tender evaluation, particularly in selection criteria. The criteria and attributes were gathered from current procedures and other companies as a benchmark, and also selected some others from 40 attributes introduced by Ling which were suitable with the company's condition being researched. Later on, a survey using a questionnaire was distributed to project owners and consultant's employees as the respondents using the Likert scale method to assess the performance level of the vendors in delivering service and level of importance for each criterion and attribute. By using MAVT (multi-attribute value technique), the weights were calculated. Meanwhile, the bid proposal was rated with a standard ratings scale. A formula that showed the relation between the weights and rating was created. This formula proposed the total aggregate score for the technical evaluation. And by summarizing aggregate scores with the bid price score, the highest-scored bidder would be awarded. Another factor discovered in this research was the importance of leadership to manage the team and resources well during delivering a great service for the project owner


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    Dampak tingginya pemanfaatan ikan hiu dan pari menyebabkan ketersediaan di alam berkurang bahkan ada yang mulai punah, sehingga beberapa diantaranya dilindungi menurut peraturan perundangan nasional dan konvensi internasional. Salah satu bentuk pengendalian agar keberadaan hiu dan pari terjaga adalah melalui penerbitan dokumen perizinan pada pelaksanaan pemanfaatan dan peredarannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meberikan informasi tentang pelaksanaan pengendalian dan pemanfaatan hiu maupun pari di BPSPL Denpasar dan wilayah kerjanya. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2021 pengendalian dan pemanfaatan hiu dan pari telah dilakukan melalui penerbitan dokumen perizinan yaitu rekomendasi dan angkut jenis ikan, jumlah dokumen yang dikeluarkan sebanyak 1.021 surat untuk peredaran lokal dengan 26 kota tujuan dan 1.132 surat untuk peredaran eksport dengan 20 negara tujuan eksport. Ikan hiu yang diedarkan sebanyak 45 jenis dengan jumlah 2.643.397,60 kg, sedangkan ikan pari yang diedarkan sebanyak 17 jenis dengan jumlah 148.429,70 kg. Produk yang diedarkan berupa (1) bentuk daging, yaitu berupa daging utuh, daging glondongan, potongan daging dan daging olahan; (2) bentuk sirip dan kulit, yaitu berupa sirip kering, kulit kering dan sirip olahan; dan (3) bentuk hidup. Pelaksanaan pengendalian dan pemanfaatan hiu dan pari memberikan kontribusi PNBP Rp732.268.882,00

    Preparation and characterization of electrolytic alumina deposit on austenitic stainless steel

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    Conversion coating modified by alumina has been studied as a way for improving the resistance to thermal oxidation of an austenitic stainless steel. Conversion coating, characterized by a particular morphology and strong interfacial adhesion with the substrate, facilitate the electrochemical deposition of ceramic layers and enhance their adhesion to the substrate. The influence of the current density and treatment time on alumina deposit was studied using statistical experimental designs like Doehlert uniform shell design. After heating, coatings present a continuous composition gradient with refractory compounds at the surface. The behavior at high temperature (1000 8C) of the alumina coating was investigated. The presence of alumina increases the oxidation resistance of an austenitic stainless steel at 1000 8C. The morphology and the chemical composition of the deposit are analyzed. Results on the thermal stability of coating on austenitic stainless steel are presented

    Unravelling social constructionism

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    Social constructionist research is an area of rapidly expanding influence that has brought together theorists from a range of different disciplines. At the same time, however, it has fuelled the development of a new set of divisions. There would appear to be an increasing uneasiness about the implications of a thoroughgoing constructionism, with some regarding it as both theoretically parasitic and politically paralysing. In this paper I review these debates and clarify some of the issues involved. My main argument is that social constructionism is not best understood as a unitary paradigm and that one very important difference is between what Edwards (1997) calls its ontological and epistemic forms. I argue that an appreciation of this distinction not only exhausts many of the disputes that currently divide the constructionist community, but also takes away from the apparent radicalism of much of this work
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