6,966 research outputs found

    Eigenstructure Assignment Based Controllers Applied to Flexible Spacecraft

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the behaviour of a controller designed using a parametric Eigenstructure Assignment method and to evaluate its suitability for use in flexible spacecraft. The challenge of this objective lies in obtaining a suitable controller that is specifically designated to alleviate the deflections and vibrations suffered by external appendages in flexible spacecraft while performing attitude manoeuvres. One of the main problems in these vehicles is the mechanical cross-coupling that exists between the rigid and flexible parts of the spacecraft. Spacecraft with fine attitude pointing requirements need precise control of the mechanical coupling to avoid undesired attitude misalignment. In designing an attitude controller, it is necessary to consider the possible vibration of the solar panels and how it may influence the performance of the rest of the vehicle. The nonlinear mathematical model of a flexible spacecraft is considered a close approximation to the real system. During the process of controller evaluation, the design process has also been taken into account as a factor in assessing the robustness of the system

    Multicomponent bionanocomposites based on clay nanoarchitectures for electrochemical devices

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    Based on the unique ability of defibrillated sepiolite (SEP) to form stable and homogeneous colloidal dispersions of diverse types of nanoparticles in aqueous media under ultrasonication, multicomponent conductive nanoarchitectured materials integrating halloysite nanotubes (HNTs), graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) and chitosan (CHI) have been developed. The resulting nanohybrid suspensions could be easily formed into films or foams, where each individual component plays a critical role in the biocomposite: HNTs act as nanocontainers for bioactive species, GNPs provide electrical conductivity (enhanced by doping with MWCNTs) and, the CHI polymer matrix introduces mechanical and membrane properties that are of key significance for the development of electrochemical devices. The resulting characteristics allow for a possible application of these active elements as integrated multicomponent materials for advanced electrochemical devices such as biosensors and enzymatic biofuel cells. This strategy can be regarded as an "a la carte" menu, where the selection of the nanocomponents exhibiting different properties will determine a functional set of predetermined utility with SEP maintaining stable colloidal dispersions of different nanoparticles and polymers in water

    Long-range correlations and trends in Colombian seismic time series

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    We study long-range correlations and trends in time series extracted from the data of seismic events occurred from 1973 to 2011 in a rectangular region that contains mainly all the continental part of Colombia. The long-range correlations are detected by the calculation of the Hurst exponents for the time series of interevent intervals, separation distances, depth differences and magnitude differences. By using a modification of the classical R/SR/S method that has been developed to detect short-range correlations in time series, we find the existence of persistence for all the time series considered except for magnitude differences. We find also, by using the DFADFA until the third order, that the studied time series are not influenced by trends. Additionally, an analysis of the Hurst exponent as a function of the number of events in the time and the maximum window size is presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 figures added, types corrected, accepted to be published in Physica

    Thermal expansion of chromium-rich iron-based or iron/nickel-based alloys reinforced by tantalum carbides

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    Six alloys reinforced by TaC carbides based on iron (ferritic) or both iron and nickel (austenitic) were studied in thermal expansion between 100 and 1200°C for two microstructure orientations. The heating, isothermal and cooling parts of the dilatometry curves were characterized. The thermal expansion of the ferritic alloys is less important than that of the austenitic alloys. A compressive deformation of the matrix subjected to stresses applied by the carbides network was observed. The importance of this phenomenon seems depending more on the matrix nature than on the microstructure orientation.Досліджено шість сплавів на основі заліза (феритні та аустенітні) і нікелю, зміцнені карбідами TaC, та їх термічне розширення в інтервалі 100...1200°C для двох мікроструктурних орієнтацій. Проаналізовано ізотермічну та охолоджувальну ділянки на дилатометричних кривих. Термічне розширення феритних сплавів виражене не так чітко, як аустенітних. Стискальні деформації матриці призводять до напружень, які поширюються на колонії карбідів. Важливість цього явища вбачається у впливі фази матриці на мікроструктурні особливості сплаву загалом.Исследовано шесть сплавов на основе железа (ферритные и аустенитные) и никеля, упрочненных карбидами ТаС, и их термическое расширение в интервале 100... 1200°C для двух микроструктурных ориентаций. Проанализированы изотермический и охлаждающим участки на дилатометрических кривых. Термическое расширение ферритных сплавов выражено менее четко, нежели аустенитных. Сжимающие деформации матриц обуславливают напряжениям, которые распространяются на колонии карбидов. Важность этого явления видится во влиянии матричной фазы на микроструктурные особенности сплава в целом

    Justification of Intimate Partner Violence in Egypt

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    Background: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is an important problem in developing countries and associated with poor reproductive health outcomes. Objectives: To describe trends and justification of IPV in Egypt. Methods: We used the 2008 Egypt Demographic Health Surveys (EDHS). Information on IPV was drawn from 16,527 women in 2008. We performed bivariate analyses to examine trends in and risk factors for justification of IPV. Results: 39.5% of respondents reported that IPV is justifiable. Logistic regression suggests that age, education, wealth and female autonomy are associated with respondents not justifying IPV. In contrast respondents who supported the continuation of female circumcision and who were related to their husband reported that IPV is justifiable. Conclusions: Justification of IPV continues to be prevalent in Egypt. Further research is needed to identify points of intervention to reduce the support for IPV in Egypt