297 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Impact of Gene Flow on Phenotype-Environment Mismatch: A Demonstration with the Scarlet Monkeyflower Mimulus cardinalis

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    Geographic range margins offer testing grounds for limits to adaptation. If range limits are concordant with niche limits, range expansions require the evolution of new phenotypes that can maintain populations beyond current range margins. However, many species\u27 range margins appear static over time, suggesting limits on the ability of marginal populations to evolve appropriate phenotypes. A potential explanation is the swamping gene flow hypothesis, which posits that asymmetrical gene flow from large, well-adapted central populations prevents marginal populations from locally adapting. We present an empirical framework for combining gene flow, environment, and fitness-related phenotypes to infer the potential for maladaptation, and we demonstrate its application using the scarlet monkeyflower Mimulus cardinalis. We grew individuals sampled from populations on a latitudinal transect under varied temperatures and determined the phenotypic deviation (PD), the mismatch between phenotype and local environment. We inferred gene flow among populations and predicted that populations receiving the most temperature- or latitude-weighted immigration would show the greatest PD and that these populations were likely marginal. We found asymmetrical gene flow from central to marginal populations. Populations with more latitude-weighted immigration had significantly greater PD but were not necessarily marginal. Gene flow may limit local adaptation in this species, but swamping gene flow is unlikely to explain its northern range limit

    Molecular analysis of endocrine disruption in hornyhead turbot at wastewater outfalls in southern california using a second generation multi-species microarray.

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    Sentinel fish hornyhead turbot (Pleuronichthysverticalis) captured near wastewater outfalls are used for monitoring exposure to industrial and agricultural chemicals of ~ 20 million people living in coastal Southern California. Although analyses of hormones in blood and organ morphology and histology are useful for assessing contaminant exposure, there is a need for quantitative and sensitive molecular measurements, since contaminants of emerging concern are known to produce subtle effects. We developed a second generation multi-species microarray with expanded content and sensitivity to investigate endocrine disruption in turbot captured near wastewater outfalls in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles California. Analysis of expression of genes involved in hormone [e.g., estrogen, androgen, thyroid] responses and xenobiotic metabolism in turbot livers was correlated with a series of phenotypic end points. Molecular analyses of turbot livers uncovered altered expression of vitellogenin and zona pellucida protein, indicating exposure to one or more estrogenic chemicals, as well as, alterations in cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A, CYP3A and glutathione S-transferase-α indicating induction of the detoxification response. Molecular responses indicative of exposure to endocrine disruptors were observed in field-caught hornyhead turbot captured in Southern California demonstrating the utility of molecular methods for monitoring environmental chemicals in wastewater outfalls. Moreover, this approach can be adapted to monitor other sites for contaminants of emerging concern in other fish species for which there are few available gene sequences

    The evolution of plasticity at geographic range edges

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    Acknowledgments This article is the product of a working group funded by a grant from the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Sciences to J-P.L. and K.E.M. J-P.L. is funded by a Concordia University Research Chair and an NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2015-06081). D.L. is supported by the Sustainability and Energy Research Initiative PhD grant. K.E.M. is supported by an NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2019-04239). C.J.G., A.L.A., and C.S. are funded by NSERC Discovery Grants. T.U. is supported by the UBC International Doctoral Fellowship.Peer reviewedPostprin

    High Current, High frequency ECRIS development program for LHC heavy ion beam application

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    A research program with the aim of producing pulsed currents with hitherto unequalled intensity of Pb27+, with length and repetition ratecompatible with those desired by CERN (1 mAe / 400 ms / 10 Hz in the context of future heavy ion collisions at LHC) is organised in acollaboration between CERN/GSI/CEA-Grenoble and IN2P3-ISNG.Two main experimental programs will be carried out : (i) tests with the LNS-Catania team on the SERSE superconducting source with a 28 GHzgyrotron, (ii) tests on a non-superconducting source (new source at Grenoble) with a 28 GHz gyrotron. For this purpose CEA/DRFMC hasborrowed from CEA a 28 GHz - 10 kW gyrotron transmitter.The project includes also the construction of a source body, by ISNG, with conventional coils and permanent magnets for working at the frequencyof about 28 GHz and biased up to 60 kV. This source called PHOENIX will run on a test bench at ISN. PHOENIX is an improvement of thepresent ECR4-14.5 GHz/CERN source, having a mirror ratio R=2 at 14.5 GHz, and R=1.7 at 28 GHz (possibly reaching 2.1 T on the axis of thesource), and with a plasma volume up to 2.5 larger.Experiments at 28 GHz will be performed on the SERSE source in Catania at INFN/LNS where both the axial and the hexapolar fields will bevaried so that the mirror ratio is continuously varied up to R=1.6 ; the SERSE source will be also operated at lower magnetic fields such as thosewhich can be produced by conventional magnets (less than 2 T axial field at injection - far from the 28 GHz High-B mode)

    Cholesterol-Dependent LXR Transcription Factor Activity Represses Pronociceptive Effects of Estrogen in Sensory Neurons and Pain Induced by Myelin Basic Protein Fragments

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    BACKGROUND: A bioactive myelin basic protein (MBP) fragment, comprising MBP METHODS: In male and female normal and post-CCI rat sciatic nerves, we assessed: (i) cholesterol precursor and metabolite levels by lipidomics; (ii) MBP RESULTS: CCI regulated LXRα ligand and receptor levels in nerves of both sexes, with cholesterol precursors, desmosterol and 7-DHC, and oxysterol elevated in females relative to males. MBP CONCLUSION: The injury-released bioactive MBP fragments induce pronociceptive changes by selective inactivation of nuclear transcription factors, including LXRα. By Ncoa1 sequestration, bioactive MBP fragments render LXRα function to counteract pronociceptive activity of estrogen/ESR1 in sensory neurons. This effect of MBP fragments is prevalent in females due to high circulating estrogen levels in females relative to males. Restoring LXR activity presents a promising therapeutic strategy in management of neuropathic pain induced by bioactive MBP

    Molecular characterization of Miraflores peach variety and relatives using SSRs

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    The definitive version is published in: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03044238Some traditional peach varieties, originated from the region of Aragón (Spain), were analysed by SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats). The aim of this research was to characterize 19 clones related to ‘Miraflores’ variety, with unknown pedigrees, to assess their genetic diversity and to elucidate their possible relationships with 10 traditional peach varieties. Twenty SSR primer pairs with high levels of polymorphism, which have been previously developed for peach, were used in this study. A total of 46 alleles were obtained for all the microsatellites studied, ranging from one to six alleles per locus, with a mean value of 2.3 alleles per locus. Fourteen SSRs were polymorphic in the set of varieties studied and permitted to distinguish 16 different genotypes out of the 30 initially studied, although fourteen ‘Miraflores’ clones showed identical gel profiles. The genetic distance matrix was used to construct Neighbor joining cluster and to perform principal coordinate analysis which allowed the arrangement of all the genotypes according to their genetic relationships. The genetic relationships among these traditional peach varieties, and in particular among ‘Miraflores’ clones are discussed. The obtained results confirm that microsatellite markers are very useful for these purposes.We are thankful to T.N. Zhebentyayeva and G.L. Reighard for helpful comments on the manuscript. This research was funded by CICYT (Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, AGL2002-04219 and AGL 2005-05533), INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentación, RF03-014-C2), Bilateral Spain-France (HF03-273) and DGA (A28, A44) projects and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. M. Bouhadida was supported by a fellowship from the AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional) of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Peer reviewe

    Long-term ecological research on Colorado Shortgrass Steppe

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    The SGS-LTER research site was established in 1980 by researchers at Colorado State University as part of a network of long-term research sites within the US LTER Network, supported by the National Science Foundation. Scientists within the Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, and Biology Department at CSU, California State Fullerton, USDA Agricultural Research Service, University of Northern Colorado, and the University of Wyoming, among others, have contributed to our understanding of the structure and functions of the shortgrass steppe and other diverse ecosystems across the network while maintaining a common mission and sharing expertise, data and infrastructure.Poster presented at the LTER All Scientists Meeting held in Estes Park, CO on September 10-13, 2012