188 research outputs found

    GI Jane Versus Sergeant Jane Doe: How Women’s Images In War Movies Contribute To Conflicting Expectations Of Women In Combat

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    Research on women’s portrayal in media generally suggests that women continue to be sexualized and objectified as war trophies in the classic Hollywood warrior culture film. The age old question of whether life imitates art or vice versa is important to consider when examining the question of how this popular culture medium contributes to the conflicting expectations of today’s women in combat roles. What is the reality of women’s roles in the US Military compared to the roles portrayed by warrior film media? History tells us that women have been on the battlefield in one way or another since there has been battle. Whether in sanctioned medical or support roles or as women disguised as men so they could fight in combat, women were and are present in combat. In January 2016 women began the process of integrating into combat roles in the U.S. Military. The integration of women into combat roles represents a significant social and cultural change for the US Military. This study provides one perspective about how gender roles in media are seen and how these images contribute to the conflict between the lived experience of military women and broader cultural expectations. The findings can inform leaders within and outside of the U.S. military about women’s capacity to serve competently in combat. This study used the Bechdel test and then documented gendered roles, the gender in the gendered roles, and the characterization of the roles in warrior culture film media. This data is then compared to information about women in events, times, or campaigns that are depicted in the films. Out of 11 films and TV episodes, only one film and one TV show passed the Bechdel test. Every film reviewed had gendered roles, with some female gendered roles by portrayed by males until that male had an opportunity to go through his personal rite of manhood. The characterization of the female gendered roles reflected the stereotype that women needed protecting and were weak; women were depicted as prostitutes, snipers, as war trophies or experiencing sexual trauma. This study found that women may not have been in the specific units portrayed in these films, but they were present. Women are excluded from Warrior Culture Film Media and are not depicted as strong warriors. Women are not portrayed accurately when compared to real life in the military. The results will be used to inform leaders in the U.S. Military about how gender roles in media are portrayed and how these images contribute to the conflict between the lived experience of military women and how they appear in media. Images of warrior culture and the roles of men and women in that culture in popular media conflict with more equitable and evolving gender-neutral military staffing expectations

    Caractérisation de l'egalisabilité spatio-temporelle : cas d'un canal variant dans le temps

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    Nous étudions l'influence des variations temporelles d'un canal sur la difficulté à égaliser correctement dans le cadre de la diversité spatio-temporelle et indépendamment d'un algorithme en particulier. Pour cela, nous définissons un degré de non-égalisabilité (DNE) qui permet d'évaluer cette difficulté de manière quantitative et uniquement en fonction de la variation du canal. Cependant, le DNE ne suffit pas à expliquer le comportement d'un algorithme tel que le LMS. Nous montrons qu'il dépend essentiellement de la disparité du canal à chaque instant

    Probing Short Range Nucleon Correlations in High Energy Hard Quasielastic pd Reactions

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    We show that the strong dependence of the amplitude for NNNN hard scattering on the collision energy can be used to magnify the effects of short range nucleon correlations in quasielastic pdpd scattering. Under specific kinematical conditions the effect of initial and final state interactions can be accounted for by rescaling the cross section calculated within the plane wave impulse approximation. The feasibility to investigate the role of relativistic effects in the deuteron wave function is demonstrated by comparing the predictions of different formalisms. Binding effects due to short range correlations in deuteron are discussed as well.Comment: 18 pages (LaTex) + 10 postscript figs (available on request

    Dijet production as a centrality trigger for p-p collisions at CERN LHC

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    We demonstrate that a trigger on hard dijet production at small rapidities allows to establish a quantitative distinction between central and peripheral collisions in pbar-p and p-p collisions at Tevatron and LHC energies. Such a trigger strongly reduces the effective impact parameters as compared to minimum bias events. This happens because the transverse spatial distribution of hard partons (x >~ 10^{-2}) in the proton is considerably narrower than that of soft partons, whose collisions dominate the total cross section. In the central collisions selected by the trigger, most of the partons with x >~ 10^{-2} interact with a gluon field whose strength rapidly increases with energy. At LHC (and to some extent already at Tevatron) energies the strength of this interaction approaches the unitarity ('black-body') limit. This leads to specific modifications of the final state, such as a higher probability of multijet events at small rapidities, a strong increase of the transverse momenta and depletion of the longitudinal momenta at large rapidities, and the appearance of long-range correlations in rapidity between the forward/backward fragmentation regions. The same pattern is expected for events with production of new heavy particles (Higgs, SUSY). Studies of these phenomena would be feasible with the CMS-TOTEM detector setup, and would have considerable impact on the exploration of the physics of strong gluon fields in QCD, as well as the search for new particles at LHC.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex 4, 14 EPS figures. Expanded discussion of some points, added 3 new figures and new references. Included comment on connection with cosmic ray physics near the GZK cutoff. To appear in Phys Rev

    Evidence for Color Fluctuations in Hadrons from Coherent Nuclear Diffraction}

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    A QCD-based treatment of projectile size fluctuations is used to compute inelastic diffractive cross sections σdiff\sigma_{diff} for coherent hadron-nuclear processes. We find that fluctuations near the average size give the major contribution to the cross section with few% \le few \% contribution from small size configurations. The computed values of σdiff\sigma_{diff} are consistent with the limited available data. The importance of coherent diffraction studies for a wide range of projectiles for high energy Fermilab fixed target experiments is emphasized. The implications of these significant color fluctuations for relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed.Comment: Report number DOE/ER 40427-13-N93 11 pages, 3 figures available from author Mille

    Effects of monoamines and antidepressants on astrocyte physiology: implications for monoamine hypothesis of depression

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common neuropsychiatric disorders affecting over one-fifth of the population worldwide. Owing to our limited understanding of the pathophysiology of MDD, the quest for finding novel antidepressant drug targets is severely impeded. Monoamine hypothesis of MDD provides a robust theoretical framework, forming the core of a large jigsaw puzzle, around which we must look for the vital missing pieces. Growing evidence suggests that the glial loss observed in key regions of the limbic system in depressed patients, at least partly, accounts for the structural and cognitive manifestations of MDD. Studies in animal models have subsequently hinted at the possibility that the glial atrophy may play a causative role in the precipitation of depressive symptoms. Antidepressants as well as monoamine neurotransmitters exert profound effects on the gene expression and metabolism in astrocytes. This raises an intriguing possibility that the astrocytes may play a central role alongside neurons in the behavioral effects of antidepressant drugs. In this article, we discuss the gene expression and metabolic changes brought about by antidepressants in astrocytes, which could be of relevance to synaptic plasticity and behavioral effects of antidepressant treatments

    Hadronic properties of the S_{11}(1535) studied by electroproduction off the deuteron

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    Properties of excited baryonic states are investigated in the context of electroproduction of baryon resonances off the deuteron. In particular, the hadronic radii and the compositeness of baryon resonances are studied for kinematic situations in which their hadronic reinteraction is the dominant contribution. Specifically, we study the reaction d(e,eS11)Nd(e,e'S_{11})N at Q21GeV2Q^2\ge 1 GeV^2 for kinematics in which the produced hadronic state reinteracts predominantly with the spectator nucleon. A comparison of constituent quark model and effective chiral Lagrangian calculations of the S11S_{11} shows substantial sensitivity to the structure of the produced resonance.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal Properties of an Inflationary Universe

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    An energetic justification of a thermal component during inflation is given. The thermal component can act as a heat reservoir which induces thermal fluctuations on the inflaton field system. We showed previously that such thermal fluctuations could dominate quantum fluctuations in producing the initial seeds of density perturbations. A Langevin-like rate equation is derived from quantum field theory which describes the production of fluctuations in the inflaton field when acted upon by a simple modeled heat reservoir. In a certain limit this equation is shown to reduce to the standard Langevin equation, which we used to construct "Warm Inflation" scenarios in previous work. A particle physics interpretation of our system-reservoir model is offered.Comment: 28 pages, 0 figures, In Press Physical Review D 199

    Elastic Nd scattering at intermediate energies as a tool for probing the short-range deuteron structure

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    A calculation of the deuteron polarization observables AydA^d_y, AyyA_{yy}, AxxA_{xx}, AxzA_{xz} and the differential cross-section for elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering at incident deuteron energies 270 and 880 MeV in lab is presented. A comparison of the calculations with two different deuteron wave-functions derived from the Bonn-CD NNNN-potential model and the dressed bag quark model is carried out. A model-independent approach, based on an optical potential framework, is used in which a nucleon-nucleon TT-matrix is assumed to be local and taken on the energy shell, but still depends on the internal nucleon momentum in a deuteron.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure