89 research outputs found

    Influence of sanatorium treatment with thermotherapy on the adaptive capacity of hard-working people

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    370 apparently healthy men aged 27 to 35 with considerable mental and physical burden were examined at the sanatorium. They were divided into two groups depending on the duration of rehabilitation. Group 1 consisted of 226 men with rehabilitation period from 18 to 21 days. Group 2 comprised 144 men with rehabilitation period from 10 to 14 days. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups: A, B and C. Patients of Group 1 subgroup A visited cryochamber, patients of Group 1 subgroup B visited infrared sauna, and patients of Group 1 subgroup C visited vibration sauna every second day. Patients of Group 2 subgroups A, B and C had the same procedures every day. Dynamic indicators of nonspecific adaptive response, hemodynamics, vascular adrenergic reactivity of skin, blood coagulation system, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism of all patients were studied. The results allowed us to conclude that all therapeutic complexes could be used in the restoration of adaptive capacity of hard-working people. Cryotherapy performed every second day was the most effective

    Identification key for Pliocene and Quaternary <i>Spiniferites</i> taxa bearing intergonal processes based on observations from estuarine and coastal environments

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    The use of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as a tool for palaeo-environmental reconstructions strongly relies on the robustness of cyst identification and existing information on the distribution of the different species. To this purpose, we propose a functional key for the identification of Pliocene and Quaternary Spiniferites bearing intergonal processes and depict the range of morphological variation of the different species on the basis of new observations from estuarine and coastal regions. Accordingly, the description of Spiniferites mirabilis is emended to include the new subspecies Spiniferites mirabilis subsp. serratus. We also report the occasional presence of intergonal processes in Spiniferites bentorii and Spiniferites belerius. This key aims to facilitate identification of this group of Spiniferites bearing intergonal processes and standardize cyst identification among researchers

    Edematous-ascites syndrome in the practice of the therapist

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    In the article, a study of modern scientific literature was carried out, on the basis of which the main approaches in the diagnosis of edematous-ascitic syndrome were identified and conclusions were drawn about the most effective methodsПроведен анализ современной научной литературы, на основе которого были выделены основные подходы к диагностике отечно-асцитического синдрома в практике врача терапевт

    The absolute abundance calibration project: the <i>Lycopodium</i> marker-grain method put to the test

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    Traditionally, dinoflagellate cyst concentrations are calculated by adding an exotic marker or “spike” (such as Lycopodium clavatum) to each sample following the method of Stockmarr (1971). According to Maher (1981), the total error is controlled mainly by the error on the count of Lycopodium clavatum spores. In general, the more L. clavatum spores counted, the lower the error. A dinocyst / L. clavatum spore ratio of ~2 will give optimal results in terms of precision and time spent on a sample. It has also been proven that the use of the aliquot method yields comparable results to the marker-grain method (de Vernal et al., 1987). Critical evaluation of the effect of different laboratory procedures on the marker grain concentration in each sample has never been executed. Although, it has been reported that different processing methods (e.g. ultrasonication, oxidizing, etc.) are to a certain extent damaging to microfossils (e.g. Hodgkinson, 1991), it is not clear how this is translated into concentration calculations. It is wellknown from the literature that concentration calculations of dinoflagellate cysts from different laboratories are hard to resolve into a consistent picture. The aim of this study is to remove these inconsistencies and to make recommendations for the use of a standardized methodology. Sediment surface samples from four different localities (North Sea, Celtic Sea, NW Africa and Benguela) were macerated in different laboratories each using its own palynological maceration technique. A fixed amount of Lycopodium clavatum tablets was added to each sample. The uses of different preparation methodologies (sieving, ultrasonicating, oxidizing …) are compared using both concentrations – calculated from Lycopodium tablets - and relative abundances (more destructive methods will increase the amount of resistant taxa). Additionally, this study focuses on some important taxonomic issues, since obvious interlaboratorial differences in nomenclature are recorded


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    The incidence of chronic myeloid leukemia from 2004 to 2018 amounted to 0.63 per 100 000 people per year. The prevalence of chronic myeloid leukemia over the past 15 years has increased from 1.88 to 7.02 case per 100 000 people. We have analyzed the therapy outcomes of chronic myeloid leukemia of patients, received imatinib treatment for more than 12 month (165 patients). Complete hematologic response is attained in 88.5 % cases (146 patients), complete cytogenetic response (CCR) (ph+&lt;0 %) – in 72.1 % cases (119 patients), major molecular response (MMR) – in 50.3 % cases (83 patients). The primary resistance to imatinib is observed in 21.8 % cases (36 patients), secondary – in 6.1 % cases (10 patients – 7 patients have lost the complete hematologic response and CCR and 3 patients have lost the CCR and MMR). The thirteen patients of those, who have primary or secondary resistance to imatinib have been treated with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (nilotinib, dasatinib) and in 93,3 % cases (14 patients) CCR have been obtained, 10 patients (66.7 %) have attained the CCR and 9 patients (60 %) have achieved MMR. Among all those patients treated with I and II generations tyrosine kinase inhibitors, we have carried out the overall survival (OS) analysis and obtained following results: the median of OS have not been achieved, 5-year OS rate is estimated as 90 %, 10-year OS rate – more than 77 %, calculated 15-year OS – more than 60 %

    Дифференцированная терапия различных фенотипов хронической обструктивной болезни легких

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    The aim of the study was to investigate COPD phenotypes in order to improve treatment efficacy of occupational COPD and comorbidity of COPD and hypertension.Methods. This singlecenter observational study involved 97 patients with occupational COPD (according to GOLD 2011 criteria) exposed to chemicals (n = 42) or dusts (n = 55) and 103 patients with of COPD and hypertension (according to ESH/ESC 2013 criteria). Comparison groups included patients with 73 smokers with COPD and 99 patients with COPD without hypertension. Phenotypic features of occupational COPD caused by different workrelated factors and comorbidity of COPD and hypertension were described. The obtained results underlie the treatment programs for each group. A singlecenter openlabel comparative study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of this approach.Results. Beclometasone/formoterol combination and tiotropium were used for therapy of COPD related to chemical exposure; indacaterol, glycopyrronium and budesonide were used for therapy of dustrelated COPD. Patients with comorbidity of COPD and hypertension were treated with budesonide/formoterol combination and aclidinium. Coprimary endpoints were exacerbation rate and change of FEV1pred. Treatment with beclometasone/formoterol and tiotropium decreased the exacerbation rate, increased FEV1, improved symptoms, and decreased pulmonary hypertension in patients with COPD related to chemical exposure. Treatment with indacaterol, glycopyrronium and budesonide decreased the exacerbation rate, increased FEV1, improved symptoms, and decreased pulmonary hypertension in patients with dustrelated COPD. Treatment with budesonide/formoterol and aclidinium improved lung function, decreased pulmonary hypertension and improved symptoms in patients with comorbidity of COPD and hypertension.Conclusion. Different risk factors of COPD could be considered as markers of therapeutic response.Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) – гетерогенное состояние, проявления и прогноз, а также ответ на терапию которого в значительной степени различаются. Известно, что экзогенный этиологический фактор при профессиональной ХОБЛ (ХОБЛпроф.) и другой патологический процесс (при коморбидной ХОБЛ) влияют на клиникопатогенетические особенности болезни. Следовательно, существует вероятность иного, чем в общей популяции больных, ответа на лечение, что определяет необходимость исследования эффективности существующих схем базисной терапии ХОБЛ у этих групп больных и разработки дифференцированной терапевтической стратегии.Цель. Оптимизация лечения ХОБЛпроф. и ХОБЛ в сочетании с артериальной гипертензией (АГ) на основе изучения фенотипических отличий.Материалы и методы. Проведено одноцентровое проспективное когортное наблюдательное исследование больных ХОБЛпроф. (n = 97), экспонированных к химическому (n = 42), пылевому (n = 55) и промышленным аэрозолям (ПА), а также больных ХОБЛ в сочетании с АГ (n = 103). Группы сравнения – больные ХОБЛ от воздействия табакокурения (ХОБЛТК) (n = 73) и ХОБЛ без АГ (n = 99). ХОБЛ диагностировалась в соответствии с критериями Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease – Глобальной стратегии диагностики, лечения и профилактики ХОБЛ (2011), АГ – Европейского общества гипертонии (European Society of Hypertension) / Европейского общества кардиологов (European Society of Cardiology) (2013). Определены фенотипические особенности не только ХОБЛпроф. при воздействии различных ПА, но и ХОБЛ в сочетании с АГ. На основании полученных результатов разработаны дифференцированные схемы лечения и проведено одноцентровое открытое сравнительное исследование эффективности терапии с учетом фенотипа ХОБЛ. Исследуемая терапия ХОБЛ от воздействия химического фактора (ХОБЛХФ) – комбинация ультрамелкодисперсного беклометазона / формотерола и тиотропия; ХОБЛ от воздействия пылевого фактора (ХОБЛПФ) – комбинация индакатерола, гликопиррония и будесонида; ХОБЛ в сочетании с АГ – комбинация аклидиния и будесонида / формотерола. Первичные конечные точки – частота обострений и изменение объема форсированного выдоха за 1ю секунду.Результаты. В результате терапии с учетом фенотипа у больных ХОБЛХФ и ХОБЛПФ уменьшились частота обострений и симптомы болезни, улучшились функция легких, состояние гемодинамики малого круга. У больных ХОБЛ в сочетании с АГ при коррекции терапии улучшилась функция легких, значительно уменьшились легочная гипертензия и симптомы болезни.Заключение. Этиопатогенетический фактор ХОБЛпроф. и коморбидность с АГ могут рассматриваться как маркеры ответа на терапию


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    Cell subtypes and cytokine profile of apheresis products collected from lymphoma and acute leucosis patients were analyzed. It was shown, that acute leucosis patients' grafts contained higher relative numbers of naïve T-cells, CD4+CD25high T-cells, T-lymphocytes (non-significant trend) and lower counts of granulocytes. Significant increase of relative numbers of dividing CD34+ cells (in S, G2/M phases of the cell cycle) was demonstrated, in acute leucosis patients' grafts. In lymphoma grafts the levels of CD34+ cells in G0/G1 phases were found, to be increased. Cells isolated from grafts of acute leucosis patients characterized by higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines production, such as IL-1, IL-6, MIP-1β, TNF-α, IL-8, IFN-γ (the last two ones— non-significant trend) and cytokines, essential for humoral immune response (IL-4 and — in trend — IL-10). The existing differences didn't influence on effectiveness of early lymphocyte recovery

    The Cyst-Theca Relationship Of The Dinoflagellate Cyst Trinovantedinium Pallidifulvum, With Erection Of Protoperidinium Lousianensis Sp Nov And Their Phylogenetic Position Within The Conica Group

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    We establish the cyst-theca relationship of the dinoflagellate cyst species Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum Matsuoka 1987 based on germination experiments of specimens isolated from the Gulf of Mexico. We show that the motile stage is a new species, designated as Protoperidinium louisianensis. We also determine its phylogenetic position based on single-cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of a single cell germinated from the Gulf of Mexico cysts. To further refine the phylogeny, we determined the large subunit (LSU) sequence through single-cell PCR of the cyst Selenopemphix undulata isolated from Brentwood Bay (Saanich Inlet, BC, Canada). The phylogeny shows that P. louisianensis is closest to P. shanghaiense, the motile stage of T. applanatum, and is consistent with the monophyly of the genus Trinovantedinium. Selenopemphix undulata belongs to a different clade than Selenopemphix quanta (alleged cyst of P. conicum), suggesting that the genus Selenopemphix is polyphyletic. Trinovantedinium pallidifulvum is widely distributed with occurrences in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Atlantic, the northeast Pacific and southeast Asia. In addition, we illustrate the two other extant species, Trinovantedinium applanatum and Trinovantedinium variabile, and two morphotypes of Trinovantedinium. Geochemical analyses of the cyst wall of T. pallidifulvum indicate the presence of amide groups in agreement with other heterotrophic dinoflagellate species, although the cyst wall of T. pallidifulvum also includes some unique features

    Функциональная МРТ в оценке изменений коннектома головного мозга у пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом

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    Introduction. In the postoperative period after total mastectomy, patients develop postmastectomy syndrome, including upper limb lymphedema and a number of neuropsychiatric disorders that affect the functional state of the brain and reduce the quality of life.Purpose of the study. Evaluation of changes in functional connectivity of the default mode network in patients with post-mastectomy syndrome using resting state functional MRI.Materials and methods. Resting state functional MRI was performed to 46 patients aged 30 to 50 years with neurological disorders in the late postoperative period (&gt;6 months) after radical mastectomy for breast cancer, as well as 20 healthy women from the control group.Results. According to the intergroup statistical analysis, there were differences in functional connectivity of the default mode network in all 46 patients with post-mastectomy syndrome, compared to the control group (p&lt;0,01).Conclusion. The revealed changes in the functional connectivity of the default mode network of the brain indicate the functional reorganization of the brain connectome in patients with neurological manifestations of post-mastectomy syndrome. Введение. В послеоперационном периоде после тотальной мастэктомии у большинства пациенток развивается постмастэктомический синдром, включающий лимфедему верхней конечности и ряд психоневрологических нарушений, оказывающих влияние на функциональное состояние головного мозга и снижающих качество жизни.Цель исследования: оценка изменений функциональной коннективности в сети пассивного режима работы мозга у пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом с использованием функциональной МРТ в состоянии покоя.Материалы и методы. Функциональная МРТ в состоянии покоя выполнялась 46 пациенткам в возрасте от 30 до 50 лет с  неврологическими расстройствами в  позднем послеоперационном периоде (&gt;6 мес) после радикальной мастэктомии по поводу рака молочной железы, а также 20 здоровым женщинам из группы контроля.Результаты. Согласно межгрупповому статистическому анализу, у всех 46 пациенток с постмастэктомическим синдромом были выявлены различия в функциональной коннективности сети пассивного режима работы мозга по сравнению с контрольной группой (р&lt;0,01).Заключение. Выявленные изменения коннективности сети пассивного режима работы мозга свидетельствуют о функциональной реорганизации коннектома головного мозга у пациенток с неврологическими проявлениями постмастэктомического синдрома.

    Клинико-функциональные и молекулярно-генетические особенности хронической обструктивной болезни легких в условиях высокого профессионального риска

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    Summary. Clinical and morphological features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) related to various occupational groups were studied in 180 patients exposed to different industrial pollutants. Prevalence of atrophic changes in bronchi and macrophage type of inflammation was found. Patients with COPD experience early functional changes of endothelium and of haemostasis that were most prominent in those exposed to chemical hazards.Резюме. При обследовании 180 пациентов с хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ), работающих в контакте с различными промышленными поллютантами, показаны существенные клинико-морфологические особенности течения ХОБЛ в различных профессиональных группах. Отмечено преобладание атрофических процессов в бронхиальном дереве и преимущественно макрофагальный характер воспаления. При этом у таких больных рано изменяется функциональное состояние эндотелия и отмечаются нарушения в системе гемостаза, наиболее значительные у лиц, подвергавшихся воздействию химических факторов