199 research outputs found

    Problems in increasing innovative sustainability of regional development

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    The article provides a comparative analysis of innovative and technological development in Russia and other countries. The paper shows that the innovation sector of the Russian Federation lags behind most developed and developing countries: Russia has almost left the market of high technologies, the main expenditures on innovations are incurred in the sectors of low and medium technology industries; the self-sufficiency in the Russian economy in a number of key types of manufacturing equipment is significantly below the threshold marks determined by national security requirements. The authors describe the differentiation of innovative development in the Russian regions. The study of Russian innovation space has revealed that there are fairly intensive processes of science decay on the periphery, which causes serious problems for the spread of innovative impulses across the country. The article elaborates the methodology for comprehensive assessment of innovative security in the region and presents the relevant calculations for the regions of the Ural Federal District (UFD). It identifies the factors of innovative sustainability that are the most critical for these regions. The authors present the forecast and built long-term forecast trajectories for the level of innovative security in UFD by using the modernized Hurst method. They define the main barriers to the innovative development of Russian regions. The article presents the methodological approaches to substantiating the priority areas for building the innovative systems of regions by taking into account the characteristics of their science and manufacturing complexes. The authors propose a methodology to formally assess the priority of establishing in the region the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the competitiveness of industries with different levels of technology intensity. The paper presents the results of calculations with regard to priority of establishing the centers of innovative activity aimed at supporting the development of industries with different level of technology intensity using the example of UFD, one of the leading Russian regions in terms of innovation and production capacity.The article has been supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, Project 14-02-00331 “Innovative and technology development of the region: assessment, forecasting and ways of progressing”

    To look at the world through the instagram: to the question of influence of the instagram network on visual thinking of users

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    Authors, in this article, give the concept of «Instagram» and its role in the life of a modern society. The authors set a list of objects. Further, the conducted research is described; the researchers' group of participants is analyzed, whereas the used methods and the received results are listed. The visual examples illustrate distinctions in approaches of creating pictures between users and non-users of the very social network. In the research, the criteria of comparing users' pictures is allocated. Moreover, the comparison of the received photos is carried out. Furthermore, Trends in creating pictures and templates, which Instagram users follow are allocated. The theory underlined by authors in the beginning of the article is confirmed, as the conclusion is drawn.В данной статье дается понятие социальной сети Instagram и ее роли в жизни современного общества. Перечисляются цели, поставленные авторами. Далее описывается проведенное исследование, анализируется группа участников исследования, перечисляются использованные методы и полученные результаты. Приведены примеры, наглядно иллюстрирующие различия в подходах к созданию фотографий между пользователями и непользователями социальной сети. Выделяются критерии для сравнения снимков участников исследования. Проводится сравнение полученных фотографий. Выделяются тренды в создании снимков и шаблоны, которым следуют пользователи Instagram. Подтверждается выдвинутая авторами в начале статьи гипотеза и делается заключительный вывод

    The fate of the scientist as a reflection of the epoch: in memory of the first rector of the Kuban State Medical University Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov

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    The paper analyzes the life and professional journey of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov, an outstanding scientist, doctor, and professor, as a reflection of Russian history from the end of the 19th century till the first quarter of the 20th century. The study identifies the role of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov in the development of medical science and the establishment of medical education in the Kuban region. The analysis was conducted with the involvement of archival records, personal correspondence, and scientific works of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov. To solve research problems, the authors used historical descriptive, comparative historical, problem-based chronological, biographical methods, and the method of monographic description. It is shown that the scientist’s fate mirrors the cultural and historical era experienced by the country. The authors define the exclusive role of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov in the establishment of the Kuban Medical Institute. His life path helped reveal the inviolability of medical ethics based on mercy, dedication to the profession, and willingness to serve people. Even in the situation of social upheaval Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov found the meaning of his life in scientific work and helping people. His example will allow the modern generation of doctors to gain a greater understanding of the essential purpose of their work

    Перспективы графеновой наноэлектроники

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The article with regard to transport developments deals with topical issues of improving electronics engineering and of transition to new technological structures associated with nanotechnology. It is noted that the main direction of evolution of nanoelectronics is linked to new electronics components based on new materials like graphene. Possibility and prospect of replacing traditional and most used silicon materials with graphene are reviewed. Brief information about methods of manufacturing, benefits and advantages of the use of graphene is followed by the arguments in favor of development of technique capable to open the band gap, allowing transition of graphene into semiconductor. Methods of mass commercial manufacturing of graphene semiconductor are discussed. Keywords: transport, science, functional material, graphene, graphite, electronics, nanoelectronics, nanotechnology. REFERENCES 1.Graphene.[Electronic source]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B 5%D0%BD.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 2.Poverennaya, M.Graphene boom.Results [Grafenovyj bum: itogi].Nanotehnologicheskoe soobshhestvo, Iss.October 26,2012.[Electronic source]: http://www.nanometer.ru/2012/10/26/13512365078102_298275.html.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 3.Nobel Prize in physics was awarded for creation of graphene [Za sozdanie grafena prisuzhdena Nobelevskaja premija v oblasti fizike].[Electronic source]: http://venture-biz.ru/tekhnologii-innovatsii/93-grafen-nobelevskaya-premiya.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 4.Zhuravleva, L.M., Plekhanov, V. G.Isotopic creation of semiconductor graphene [Izotopicheskoe sozdanie poluprovodnikovogo grafena].Nanotehnika, 2012, Iss.3, pp.34-39. 5.Graphene.Physics [Grafen. Fizika].[Electronic source]: http://4108.ru/u/grafen_-_fizika.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 6.Yudintsev, V.Graphene.Nanoelectronics is rapidly gaining strength [Grafen. Nanoelektronika stremitel’no nabiraet sily].Elektronika, nauka, tehnologija, biznes, 2009, Iss.6.[Electronic source]: http://www.electronics.ru/ journal/article/269.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 7.Samardak, Alexander.Graphene, new methods of synthesis and the latest advances [Grafen: novye metody poluchenija i poslednie dostizhenija].Elementy.Iss.30.09.2008.[Electronic source]: http://elementy.ru/ novosti_nauki/430857/Grafen_novye_metody_ polucheniya_i_poslednie_dostizheniya.Last accessed 27.11.2015. 8.Novoselov, K.S., Geim, A.K., Morozov, S.V., Jiang, D., Zhang, Y., Dubonos, S.V., Grigorieva, I.V., Firsov, A. A.Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films.Science, V. 306, 22 October 2004, pp.666-669. 9.Bekyarova, E., Itkis, M.E., Cabrera, N., Zhao, B., Yu, A., Gao, J., Haddon R. C.Electronic Properties of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Networks.Journal of American Chemical Society, 2005, Vol.127, No.16, pp.5990-5995. 10.Palnitkar, U.A., Kashid, R.V., More, M.A., Joag, D.S., Panchakarla, L.S., Rao, C.N.R.Remarkably Low Turn-on Field Emission in Undoped, Nitrogen-doped, and Boron-doped Graphene.Applied Physics Letters, 2010, Vol.97, No.6, pp.063102-063102. 11.Chernozatonsky, L.A., Sorokin, P.B., Belova, E.E., Bruening, J., Fedorov, A. S.Superlattices consisting of «lines» of adsorbed hydrogen atom pairs on graphene [Sverhreshetki, sostojashhie iz «linij» adsorbirovannyh par atomov vodoroda na grafene].Pis’ma v ZhETF, 2007, Vol.85, Iss.1, pp.84-89. 12.Novoselov, K. S.Graphene: Materials of Flatland [Grafen: Materialy Flatlandii].UFN, 2011, Vol.181, pp.1299-1311. 13.McCann E., Koshino M.The Electronic Properties of Bilayer Graphene // Reports on Progress in Physics, 2013, Vol.76, No.5, pp.056503(28). 14.Chernozatonsky, L.A., Sorokin, P.B., Belova, E.E., Bruening, J., Fedorov, A. S.Superlattices metal - semiconductor (semimetal) on a graphite sheet with vacancies [Sverhreshetki metall - poluprovodnik (polumetall) na grafitovom liste s vakansijami].Pis’ma v ZhETF, 2006, Vol.84, Iss.3, pp.141-145.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы совершенствования электроники и перехода на новый технологический уклад, связанный с нанотехнологией. Отмечено, что главным направлением развития наноэлектроники является создание новых материалов типа графена. Проанализирована возможность замены основного сейчас в этой сфере функционального материала кремния на графен. Приведены краткие сведения о преимуществах, способах изготовления, а также методах открытия запрещенной зоны - перевода графена в полупроводник. Предложен способ изготовления полупроводникового графена, позволяющий организовать его промышленное производство

    Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals

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    Human Origin

    Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals

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    Little is known about the antiquity, nature, and scale of Pleistocene hunter-gatherer impact on their ecosystems, despite the importance for studies of conservation and human evolution. Such impact is likely to be limited, mainly because of low population densities, and challenging to detect and interpret in terms of cause-effect dynamics. We present high-resolution paleoenvironmental and archaeological data from the Last Interglacial locality of Neumark-Nord (Germany). Among the factors that shaped vegetation structure and succession in this lake landscape, we identify a distinct ecological footprint of hominin activities, including fire use. We compare these data with evidence from archaeological and baseline sites from the same region. At Neumark-Nord, notably open vegetation coincides with a virtually continuous c. 2000-year-long hominin presence, and the comparative data strongly suggest that hominins were a contributing factor. With an age of c. 125,000 years, Neumark-Nord provides an early example of a hominin role in vegetation transformation.BioarchaeologyEuropean Prehistor

    Ртуть в компонентах экосистемы заливов Западного Шпицбергена в летний период 2017 года

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    The total content of mercury was studied in marine water, sediments and benthic organisms in Billefjord, Isfjord and Gronfjord (Western Spitsbergen) in 2017. The samples were collected between 21 and 24 of July 2017 on-board RV “Dalnie Zelentsy” of Murmansk Marine Biological Institute. Total mercury content was measured at chemical-analytical laboratory of the Russian Scientific Center on Spitsbergen in Barentsburg.Total mercury concentration in the water did not exceed 10 ng/l in all fjords. In the surface sediments the highest concentrations of total mercury were found in Isfjord (median 55 ng/g d.w.) while the Billefjord sediments were characterised by the lowest concentrations (median 10.4 ng/g d.w.). This fact might reflect the differences in water circulation and therefore sediment accumulation peculiarities.Total mercury data were obtained for benthic organisms of various feeding modes. Generally mercury levels were comparatively low (median 12.2 ng/g w.w.), however the highest concentrations were measured in the benthic fauna of Isfjord, specifically in polychaetes Maldania sarsi (max. 49.2 ng/g w.w.). Mercury accumulation in benthic organisms predominantly depended on their trophic level in the ecosystem and location in the fjord: benthic detritus feeders accumulate more mercury (median 25.0 ng/gw.w.).Выполнено исследование содержания ртути в воде, донных отложениях и бентосных организмах в заливах Билле-фьорд, Ис-фьорд и Грён-фьорд (арх. Шпицберген) в июле 2017 г. Содержание ртути во всех образцах (вода, донные отложения и биологические объекты) определяли в химикоаналитической лаборатории Российского научного центра в пос. Баренцбург на арх. Шпицберген. Концентрация ртути в водах заливов Билле-фьорд, Ис-фьорд и Грён-фьорд была менее 10 нг/л. В поверхностном слое донных отложений самые высокие валовые концентрации ртути были отмечены в Ис-фьорде, а наименьшие в Билле-фьорде. Аккумулирование ртути в гидробионтах было связано с их трофическим уровнем в экосистеме и локализацией во фьордах. Ртуть в большей степени аккумулировали бентосные организмы детритофаги-грунтоеды

    The Impact of the Sustainable Development Agenda on the Transformation of National Policies of Commodity Producing Countries

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    In 2015, as a response to global challenges, the members of the United Nations (UN) designed the Sustainable Development Goals they intend to achieve by 2030. The transition to a green economy is at the core of the global sustainable development agenda. Such an approach includes the introduction of sustainable production and consumption patterns, increased use of renewable energy sources, and carbon footprint reduction in production chains. In particular, the countries that export fuel and energy resources are under pressure due to the plans to stop using hydrocarbons as a fuel source. Subsequently, a new technological paradigm will put additional pressure on the countries that export mineral resources. Thus, it is appropriate to examine how commodity producing countries integrate the principles of sustainable development in national policies. We analysed the countries that are largely dependent on the export of fuel and energy resources as well as the countries that export mineral resources. Then, we assessed the participation of these countries in key international initiatives for sustainable development. Finally, we summarised and systematised the approaches of the examined countries to introduce sustainable development principles into national strategies and policies. Examination of the international experience allows making the following conclusions. Commodity producing countries consider the global sustainable development agenda as an opportunity to improve the national economy and implement the reforms necessary for further development. In this case, the global agenda is an additional argument to substantiate the necessity of reforms for the national elite. In the field of sustainable development, there is a trend towards strengthening the regulatory role of the state, which combines direct control measures and measures aimed at the establishment of the green national economy.В 2015 г. в ответ на глобальные вызовы государства — члены ООН приняли Цели в области устойчивого развития, которых они обязались достичь к 2030 г. Основу новой глобальной повестки устойчивого развития составляет переход к зеленой экономике, предусматривающий внедрение рациональных моделей потребления и производства, расширение использования возобновляемых источников энергии и снижение углеродного следа в производственных цепочках. Колоссальному давлению в первую очередь подвергаются страны — экспортеры топливно-энергетических ресурсов в связи с планируемым прекращением использования углеводородов в качестве источников энергии. В последующем страны — экспортеры полезных ископаемых также будут испытывать давление в связи с переходом на новый технологический уклад. Поэтому изучение опыта сырьевых стран в области интеграции принципов устойчивого развития в государственную политику является особенно актуальным. В этой статье проведен анализ стран, в значительной степени зависящих от экспорта топливно-энергетических ресурсов, и стран, в экспорте которых основную часть составляют полезные ископаемые. Дана оценка участию этих государств в ключевых международных инициативах в области устойчивого развития. В результате исследования обобщены и систематизированы подходы рассмотренных стран к интеграции принципов устойчивого развития в национальные стратегии и политику. Изученный зарубежный опыт позволяет сделать следующие выводы. Сырьевые страны воспринимают глобальную повестку в области устойчивого развития как возможность модернизировать национальную экономику и реализовать реформы, необходимость в которых назрела в связи с накопленными проблемами развития. Глобальная повестка в данном случае выступает в качестве дополнительного аргумента при обосновании перед национальными элитами необходимости реформирования. Наблюдается общая тенденция по усилению регулирующей роли государства в области устойчивого развития, а меры прямого регулирования умело сочетаются с мерами, направленными на создание благоприятных условий для «озеленения» национальной экономики

    Первые результаты мерзлотных наблюдений на криосферном полигоне Российского научного центра на архипелаге Шпицберген (РНЦШ)

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    The system of long-term permafrost observations was organised on the cryospheric site of Russian Scientifi c Center on Spitsbergen in summer 2016. The monitoring site is established in the vicinity of mining settlement Barentsburg on a sequence of Holocene marine terraces. The core drilling showed that the thickness of gravel sands and clays with massive and schlieren cryostructure forming the accumulative terraces is of 2–7 m. Cretaceous and Neocene fractured sandstones and mudstones underlie them. Automated thermistor cables were installed in two boreholes to monitor the temperature on the depth of zero annual amplitude and seasonal distribution of zero-degree isotherm. The temperature –2,37 °C was measured at 15 m depth. The thickness of active layer measured at ten meter net on the observational site of 100100 m varied from 1,15 to 2,60 m with average of 1,56 m. Chemical analysis of aqueous extract revealed a geochemical barrier at 0,8–1,6 m below permafrost upper boundary in the period of maximum thawing, which apparently marks maximum seasonal thaw depth during the Holocene climatic optimum. In this paper recommendations on continuing and extending of pilot permafrost dynamic observations on Spitsbergen are given.В 2016 г. на криосферном полигоне РНЦШ (о. Западный Шпицберген) впервые начаты долговременные наблюдения за состоянием мерзлых пород. Полигон расположен в окрестностях пос. Баренцбург на типичной для побережья Шпицбергена лестнице голоценовых морских террас. Согласно результатам проведенного колонкового бурения мощность гравелистых песков и суглинков с массивной и шлировой криотекстурой, слагающих аккумулятивные террасы, варьирует от 2 до 7 м; ниже залегают меловые и неогеновые трещиноватые песчаники и сланцы. Две скважины оборудованы автоматическими термометрическими косами для мониторинга температуры на глубине нулевых амплитуд и сезонного проникновения в грунт нулевой изотермы. Температура на глубине 15 м составила –2,37 °С. Измерения мощности сезонно-талого слоя, проведенные в сентябре по регулярной сетке с шагом в 10 м на площадке размером 100100 м, показали значения от 1,15 до 2,60 м при среднем значении 1,56 м. Выявленный по результатам анализа водной вытяжки геохимический барьер, находящийся на 0,8–1,6 м ниже верхней границы мерзлоты в момент максимального оттаивания, вероятно, маркирует глубину оттаивания во время голоценового оптимума. Сделаны предложения по продолжению и расширению начатых на криосферном полигоне долговременных наблюдений за динамикой мерзлоты Шпицбергена

    Provision for Sanitary Epidemiological Welfare of the Population of the Jewish Autonomous Region during High Water and Post-Flooding Period

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    Put forward was operational protocol as regards Rospotrebnadzor institutions policies in the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region for the prevention of epidemiological implications during the post-flooding period in reference to infectious diseases. Carried out were control measures over infection morbidity rate, drinking water quality, disinfection of water supply sources, as well as sewage systems. Actions undertaken made it possible to prevent cluster cases of infectious diseases both in the flooded areas and at the temporal accommodation sites; to provide control over acute intestinal and natural-focal disease incidence, keeping it to the level of long-term average annual indexes; and to supply the population with drinking water of high quality