240 research outputs found

    Characteristic of Balneologically Active Components and Microflora under Extreme Conditions of Mineral Waters of the Mongolian People\u27s Republic

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    The distribution of amino acids is irregular in mineral waters. Their content is minimum in cold carbonate waters of hydrocarbonate composition, the highest amino acid concentration does not exceed 0.640 mg N/l. Hydrothermal solutions are enriched with amino-acids to the greatest extent, the amino contents coming up to 0.780 mg N/l in hydrotherms of sulfate-sodic composition. In thermal waters enriched with hydrosulfides. amino acids are present in quantities up to 1.710 mg N/l. Mineralwässer wichtige Bestandteile der Biogeosphäre. Die darin enthaltenen spezifischen Komponenten bedingen ihre Wirksamkeit in biologischen Prozessen. die die Entstehung und Lebenstätigkeit von der Mikroflora bis zu den höheren Organismen beeinflussen. Von den Autoren sind praktisch alle Lagerstätten und Erscheinungen der Mineralwässer der MVR untersucht worden. Gemeinsam mit weiteren charakteristischen Parametern und Komponenten wurden die wichtigsten biologisch aktiven Bestandteile Eisen, Silizium, organische Stoffe, Schwefelwasserstoff, Fluor, Brom, Jod, Arsen, Bor u. a. bestimmt und die Mikroflora studiert. Die vorhandenen Kriterien zum Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten in den Mineralgewässern stützen sich auf ihre physiologische Beeinflussung. Zur Vereinfachung ist die Charakteristik der obenerwähnten Komponenten für kohlensaures kaltes Wasser und Stickstoff-Hydrothermalwasser angegeben. Kohlensaures Mineralwasser: Die Mikroflora besteht aus einer geringen Menge von Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und dinitrifizierenden Bakterien. Das Wasser des Chalzan-uul-Brunnens weist einen gesteigerten Gehalt an sulphatreduzierenden Bakterien auf. Der Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten im kohlensauren Wasser liegt niedriger als die in der UdSSR bekannten Werte. Die mittlere Konzentration in mg/l beträgt: Bor -0,3-0,4; (im Chalzan- uul -136), Brom -0.4, Jod -0.08, Arsen -:0,01. Die gesteigerten und hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen -30 mg/l, Fluor -bis 2,2 mg/l. gelöster Kieselerde -bis 90 mg/I. verdienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Die hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen und Silizium erlauben es, eine gro6e Zahl der kohlensauren Wässer als eisenhaltig und kiEJselhaltig zu bezeichnen, wobei dieses Wasser höchst günstig ist bei der Heilung einer Reihe von inneren Erkrankungen. Nach dem Gehalt an biologisch aktiven Komponenten unterscheidet sich das stickstoffhaltige Thermalwasser stark von kohlensaurem Wasser. Es weist meistens Hydrosulphide bis zu 17 mg/I auf. der Borgehalt ist auf 1,5 mg/I gesteigert. Keine Quelle hat Jod aufgewiesen; die Bromkonzentration ist niedriger als in kohlensaurem Wasser. Nach der Kationenzusammensetzung des Thermalwassel\u27s ist der Kalziumionengehalt nicht 9r06. Die Anwesenheit von fluorhaItigen Gesteinsschichten, die hohe Wassertemperatur und die Abwesenheit antagonistischer Elemente begün\u27s tigen das Auftreten von Fluoriden, deren Konzentration 23 mg/l erreicht. Eine charakteristische Besonderheit der Thermalwässer ist der hohe Gehalt an gelöster Kieselerde (über 150 mg/l H4Si04). Die Mikroflora dieses Wassers ist reich an Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und zellulosezersetzenden Anaerobiern. Eine wichtige physiologische Wirkung auf den Organismus erfolgt durch gelöste organische Stoffe, insbesondere organische und freie Aminosäuren. Besonders reich an organischen Säuren sind kohlensaure Mineralwässer von einer Hydrokarbonat-Natrium·Zusammensetzung, stickstoffhaltige Sulphat-Natrium-und Chlorid-Natrium-Thermalwässer, aber auch schwefelwasserstoffhaltige Wässer. Die Verteilung von freien Aminosäuren in den Mineralwässern ist ungleichmä6ig. Im kohlensauren Hydrokarbonat-Magnesium-haltigen Wasser ist deren Gehalt minimal. im Hydrokarbonat- Natrium-haltigen maximal (durchschnittlich 0,640 mg N/l). Hydrothermalwässer enthalten auch bedeutende Konzentrationen freier Aminosäuren. die in Sulphat-Natrium-haltigen Wässern 0,780 mg N/l erreichen. In hydrosulphidhaltigen Wässern erreicht ihr Gehalt 1,710 mg N/l

    Model of the life cycle of the information security system

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    When building an information security system, one of the key problems is the creation of regulatory documents. Regulators in the field of information security determine the list of necessary documentation mainly in relation to protection mechanisms (authentication, anti-virus protection, etc.) and practically do not take into account the stages of the life cycle of information security tools and personnel of the organization. The article proposes an approach to formalization of the list of information security management processes that need regulation. This approach allows the formation of information security policy to take into account the processes of personnel management and the complex of software and hardware information security, which is necessary to ensure a high level of security of critical information infrastructure

    Beam-target helicity asymmetry for γ→n→→π−p in the N*resonance region

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    We report the first beam-target double-polarization asymmetries in the γ þ nðpÞ → π− þ pðpÞ reaction spanning the nucleon resonance region from invariant mass W ¼ 1500 to 2300 MeV. Circularly polarized photons and longitudinally polarized deuterons in solid hydrogen deuteride (HD) have been used with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The exclusive final state has been extracted using three very different analyses that show excellent agreement, and these have been used to deduce the E polarization observable for an effective neutron target. These results have been incorporated into new partial wave analyses and have led to significant revisions for several γnN* resonance photocouplings

    Precision measurements of g1g_1 of the proton and the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons

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    The inclusive polarized structure functions of the proton and deuteron, g1p and g1d, were measured with high statistical precision using polarized 6 GeV electrons incident on a polarized ammonia target in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory. Electrons scattered at lab angles between 18 and 45 degrees were detected using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). For the usual DIS kinematics, Q^2>1 GeV^2 and the final-state invariant mass W>2 GeV, the ratio of polarized to unpolarized structure functions g1/F1 is found to be nearly independent of Q^2 at fixed x. Significant resonant structure is apparent at values of W up to 2.3 GeV. In the framework of perturbative QCD, the high-W results can be used to better constrain the polarization of quarks and gluons in the nucleon, as well as high-twist contributions

    Measurement of Exclusive π0\pi^0 Electroproduction Structure Functions and their Relationship to Transversity GPDs

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    Exclusive π0\pi^0 electroproduction at a beam energy of 5.75 GeV has been measured with the Jefferson Lab CLAS spectrometer. Differential cross sections were measured at more than 1800 kinematic values in Q2Q^2, xBx_B, tt, and ϕπ\phi_\pi, in the Q2Q^2 range from 1.0 to 4.6 GeV2^2,\ t-t up to 2 GeV2^2, and xBx_B from 0.1 to 0.58. Structure functions σT+ϵσL,σTT\sigma_T +\epsilon \sigma_L, \sigma_{TT} and σLT\sigma_{LT} were extracted as functions of tt for each of 17 combinations of Q2Q^2 and xBx_B. The data were compared directly with two handbag-based calculations including both longitudinal and transversity GPDs. Inclusion of only longitudinal GPDs very strongly underestimates σT+ϵσL\sigma_T +\epsilon \sigma_L and fails to account for σTT\sigma_{TT} and σLT\sigma_{LT}, while inclusion of transversity GPDs brings the calculations into substantially better agreement with the data. There is very strong sensitivity to the relative contributions of nucleon helicity flip and helicity non-flip processes. The results confirm that exclusive π0\pi^0 electroproduction offers direct experimental access to the transversity GPDs.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Absorption of the ω\omega and ϕ\phi Mesons in Nuclei

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    Due to their long lifetimes, the ω\omega and ϕ\phi mesons are the ideal candidates for the study of possible modifications of the in-medium meson-nucleon interaction through their absorption inside the nucleus. During the E01-112 experiment at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, the mesons were photoproduced from 2^{2}H, C, Ti, Fe, and Pb targets. This paper reports the first measurement of the ratio of nuclear transparencies for the e+ee^{+}e^{-} channel. The ratios indicate larger in-medium widths compared with what have been reported in other reaction channels.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the neutron F2 structure function via spectator tagging with CLAS

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    We report on the first measurement of the F2 structure function of the neutron from semi-inclusive scattering of electrons from deuterium, with low-momentum protons detected in the backward hemisphere. Restricting the momentum of the spectator protons to < 100 MeV and their angles to < 100 degrees relative to the momentum transfer allows an interpretation of the process in terms of scattering from nearly on-shell neutrons. The F2n data collected cover the nucleon resonance and deep-inelastic regions over a wide range of Bjorken x for 0.65 < Q2 < 4.52 GeV2, with uncertainties from nuclear corrections estimated to be less than a few percent. These measurements provide the first determination of the neutron to proton structure function ratio F2n/F2p at 0.2 < x < 0.8 with little uncertainty due to nuclear effects.Comment: 6 pages, 3 page

    Deep exclusive π+\pi^+ electroproduction off the proton at CLAS

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    The exclusive electroproduction of π+\pi^+ above the resonance region was studied using the CEBAF\rm{CEBAF} Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS\rm{CLAS}) at Jefferson Laboratory by scattering a 6 GeV continuous electron beam off a hydrogen target. The large acceptance and good resolution of CLAS\rm{CLAS}, together with the high luminosity, allowed us to measure the cross section for the γpnπ+\gamma^* p \to n \pi^+ process in 140 (Q2Q^2, xBx_B, tt) bins: 0.16<xB<0.580.16<x_B<0.58, 1.6 GeV2<^2<Q2Q^2<4.5<4.5 GeV2^2 and 0.1 GeV2<^2<t-t<5.3<5.3 GeV2^2. For most bins, the statistical accuracy is on the order of a few percent. Differential cross sections are compared to two theoretical models, based either on hadronic (Regge phenomenology) or on partonic (handbag diagram) degrees of freedom. Both can describe the gross features of the data reasonably well, but differ strongly in their ingredients. If the handbag approach can be validated in this kinematical region, our data contain the interesting potential to experimentally access transversity Generalized Parton Distributions.Comment: 18pages, 21figures,2table