281 research outputs found

    Controlled beam loss experiment at SIS18

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    Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Rammed Earth Stabilized with Five Biopolymers

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    This study aims to check the compatibility of a selection of waste and recycled biopolymers for rammed earth applications in order to replace the more common cement-based stabilization. Five formulations of stabilized rammed earth were prepared with different biopolymers: lignin sulfonate, tannin, sheep wool fibers, citrus pomace and grape-seed flour. The microstructure of the different formulations was characterized by investigating the interactions between earth and stabilizers through mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP), nitrogen soprtion isotherm, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) was also evaluated for all stabilized specimens. Three out of five biopolymers were considered suitable as rammed earth stabilizers. The use of wool increased the UCS by 6%, probably thanks to the combined effect of the length of the fibers and the roughness of their surfaces, which gives a contribution in binding clay particles higher than citrus and grape-seed flour. Lignin sulfonate and tannin increased the UCS by 38% and 13%, respectively, suggesting the additives’ ability to fill pores, coat soil grains and form aggregates; this capability is confirmed by the reduction in the specific surface area and the pore volume in the nano-and micropore zones

    Design and experimental validation of the action of small molecule-based inhibitors of the FADD protein

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    CD95 is one of the best studied members of the death receptor family. Activation of CD95 leads to the induction of the cell death programme, apoptosis, via formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). FA DD is a key adaptor protein for the formation of the C D95 DISC and activation of caspase-8 in the receptor complex. FA DD comprises the death domain and the death effector domain (DED). The death domain is essential for the interactions of FA DD with CD95, while DED is necessary for the recruitment of procaspase-8, -10 and the protein c-FLIP into the DISC. The search for the inhibitors that would block the interactions of FA DD with the other core proteins of the DISC is essential for the studies of the structure and function of this complex, investigation of the apoptosis mechanisms and development of new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. In the course of this work, the screening for small inhibitors in silico that selectively interact with DED has been performed. For this purpose, the molecular modeling of the protein complexes and virtual screening of the potential inhibitors of FA DD has been performed. In addition, a new technology to test the activity of these inhibitors has been developed. The computational and experimental analysis performed allowed us to characterize the optimal conformation of the FA DD protein for the design of the small molecules that can bind in the region of amino acid residue Y25. We presume that further optimization of the structures of chemical compounds that can bind with the hydrophobic pocket next to the residue Y25 of FA DD will allow for the creation of the new perspective inhibitors of the programmed cell death

    Тематика публикаций по теории и практике библиотечного дела в отечественной периодике

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    There are considered the results of the research of themes of publications on theory and practice of the librarianship in the domestic periodicals as the basis for study of the development trends in the national librarianship. For the analysis of the topics of publications on librarianship and library science the authors used scientometric and bibliometric methods. The key words were used for the material to identify the general trends in the development of library science and practice. The authors determine the topical themes of publications of ten domestic scientific and practical journals for every fifth year during the period of 20 years from 1995 to 2015. In the study there were identified the themes that are developed consistently and are found throughout the studied period, identified the problems prevailing in the certain time intervals, as well as the new directions emerging at each step. The change of themes of publications is primarily connected with the external conditions of library activities and tasks, put before them by the society. In general, the use of keywords for the analysis of themes of publications as a research method has the positive features (full coverage of publications from the selected sources without reference to the identity of author), and negative side (content analysis of the key words only, not full text of articles).Приводятся результаты исследования тематики публикаций в отечественной периодике как основы для изучения направлений развития библиотечного дела в России. Для анализа тематики публикаций по библиотечному делу и библиотековедению использованы наукометрические и библиометрические методы исследования. Материалом для выявления общих тенденций развития библиотечной науки и практики стали ключевые слова. На их основе определены актуальные темы публикаций из десяти научных и практических отечественных журналов за каждый пятый год на протяжении 20 лет (1995-2015). В ходе исследования были выявлены темы, которые разрабатываются стабильно и встречаются в течение всего исследуемого периода, проблематика, превалирующая в определенные временные промежутки, а также, зарождающиеся на каждом этапе новые направления. Изменение тематики публикаций связано, прежде всего, с внешними условиями работы библиотек и задачами, которые ставит перед ними общество. В целом использование ключевых слов для анализа тематики публикаций как исследовательского метода имеет и положительную сторону (полный охват публикаций из выбранных источников без ссылки на личность автора), и отрицательную (содержательный анализ только ключевых слов, а не полных текстов статей)

    Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase β

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    Aim. For strengthening the efficiency of monofunctional alkylating antineoplastic drugs it is important to lower the capacity of base excision repair (BER) system which corrects the majority of DNA damages caused by these reagents. The objective was to create inhibitors of the key BER enzymes (PARP1, PARP2, DNA polymerase β, and APE1) by the directed modification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Methods. Amides of GA were produced from the GA acetate by formation of the corresponding acyl chloride, amidation with the appropriate amine and subsequent deacylation. Small library of 2-cyano substituted derivatives of GA methyl esters was obtained by the structural modification of GA framework and carboxylic acid group. The inhibitory capacity of the compounds was estimated by comparison of the enzyme activities in specific tests in the presence of compounds versus their absence. Results. None of tested compounds inhibits PARP1 significantly. Unmodified GA and its morpholinic derivative were shown to be weak inhibitors of PARP2. The derivatives of GA containing keto-group in 11 triterpene framework were shown to be moderate inhibitors of pol β. Compound 3, containing 12-oxo-9(11)-en moiety in the ring C, was shown to be a single inhibitor of APE1 among all compounds studied. Conclusions. The class of GA derivatives, selective pol β inhibitors, was found out. The selective inhibitor of APE1 and weak selective inhibitor of PARP2 were also revealed

    Использование библиометрических методов для анализа связи между доступными информационными ресурсами и публикационной активностью учёных

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    Within the “academic library – researcher/professional” pair, the library has to know what resources it has to obtain to meet information and document needs of users; while the researcher want to know in which journal, primarily foreign one, they should publish their research findings. The authors analyze the correlation between the journals that the library provide in various modes and those where the researcher publish their works. They examine the possibility for applying bibliometrical methods to analyze this correlation. By the example of the chemical sciences, the authors investigate into the correlation between the journals in Scopus Database accessed online by RAS Siberian Branch researchers, and those where the latter publish their works, and conclude that providing resources to scientists and the researchers’ selecting journals for publishing are related not enough: users need to get information on all related journals; there is also the need for the national subscription for all journals for them to select the periodical for publications more precisely. The data cited by the authors will make the base to substantiate subscription for academic journals and to develop collection development program.В паре «академическая библиотека – учёный/специалист» библиотеку интересует, какими ресурсами она должна обладать для удовлетворения информационных и документальных потребностей пользователей, учёных; в каком журнале, и прежде всего – зарубежном, опубликовать результаты своих научных исследований. В статье проанализирована корреляция между журналами, в разных режимах предоставляемыми библиотекой, и теми, в которых учёные публикуются. Рассмотрена возможность использования библиометрических методов для анализа этой связи. Изучив на примере химических наук корреляцию журналов, доступных учёным СО РАН в удалённом режиме в БД Scopus, и теми, в которых они публикуются, авторы сделали выводы: предоставление учёным ресурсов и выбор ими журнала для публикации – мало связанные задачи; пользователям необходимо давать информацию обо всех журналах по тематике; существует необходимость национальной подписки на все журналы для более точного определения учёными издания для публикации результатов своих исследований. Данные, приведённые в статье, могут быть основой для аргументирования подписки на научные журналы и формирования политики комплектования

    Modulation of the CD95-Induced Apoptosis: The Role of CD95 N-Glycosylation

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    Protein modifications of death receptor pathways play a central role in the regulation of apoptosis. It has been demonstrated that O-glycosylation of TRAIL-receptor (R) is essential for sensitivity and resistance towards TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. In this study we ask whether and how glycosylation of CD95 (Fas/APO-1), another death receptor, influences DISC formation and procaspase-8 activation at the CD95 DISC and thereby the onset of apoptosis. We concentrated on N-glycostructure since O-glycosylation of CD95 was not found. We applied different approaches to analyze the role of CD95 N-glycosylation on the signal transduction: in silico modeling of CD95 DISC, generation of CD95 glycosylation mutants (at N136 and N118), modulation of N-glycosylation by deoxymannojirimycin (DMM) and sialidase from Vibrio cholerae (VCN). We demonstrate that N-deglycosylation of CD95 does not block DISC formation and results only in the reduction of the procaspase-8 activation at the DISC. These findings are important for the better understanding of CD95 apoptosis regulation and reveal differences between apoptotic signaling pathways of the TRAIL and CD95 systems

    Состояние и перспективы развития библиотек академических НИИ (на примере библиотек институтов Новосибирского научного центра СО РАН). Часть 1

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    The role and tasks of academic libraries are changing due to external factors, and among them is the atrophy of their function as the only information source. The authors analyze the survey of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center’s libraries related to the relevant services provided by academic libraries. The study goal is to determine the balance of traditional and innovated tasks being accomplished by the libraries. The idea of the survey was conceived in 2019 before the pandemic. In Part One, the authors describe the methods and methodology of their study. The key method is the survey questionnaire. The findings are analyzed and the conclusions are presented: to solve new problems (like establishing and maintaining the systems for monitoring researchers’ publication activity, maintenance of institutional data repository, preparation of reviews and analytical surveys, advocating institutes through social media, users support on copyright and plagiarism, consulting on grant selection and application), academic administration bring the expertise of librarians, or establish new structures; however, the librarians are insufficiently engaged in solving the new tasks of science support. The authors suggest that their findings reflect the activities of academic libraries, however after the pandemic, the situation may change with the world.Роль и задачи научных библиотек меняются, что связано с внешними факторами, один из которых - утрата библиотеками функции единственного источника информации. В статье представлены результаты анкетирования библиотек институтов Новосибирского научного центра (ННЦ) СО РАН по актуальным видам деятельности академических библиотек. Цель исследования: определить соотношение видов задач - традиционных и новых, выполняемых в научных библиотеках ННЦ, задумывалась в ноябре 2019 г., ещё до событий, связанных с пандемией. В первой части статьи описываются методы и методология исследования. Основным методом стал опрос. Проанализировано анкетирование по традиционным и инновационным формам работы с ресурсами в библиотеках ННЦ. Обработка результатов анкетирования позволила прийти к выводам: для решения новых задач (создание и ведение систем для отслеживания публикационной активности учёных, поддержка институционального репозитория данных, подготовка реферативного и аналитического обзоров, продвижение результатов института в социальных сетях, пользователей по вопросам авторского права и плагиата, консультирование по подбору и оформлению грантов и т.д.) администрации НИИ либо привлекают сотрудников библиотек, либо создают новые структуры, выполняющие эти задачи; в решении новых задач, характерных для поддержки научных исследований в исследовательских университетах мира, сотрудники библиотек институтов ННЦ участвуют мало. Полагаем, что полученные выводы отражают состояние деятельности научных библиотек НИИ при решении старых и новых задач. Скорее всего, после окончания карантина ситуация может резко измениться, поскольку изменится мир

    Evidence for Two Modes of Synergistic Induction of Apoptosis by Mapatumumab and Oxaliplatin in Combination with Hyperthermia in Human Colon Cancer Cells

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    Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the world-- the main cause of death from colorectal cancer is hepatic metastases, which can be treated with isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP). Searching for the most clinically relevant approaches for treating colorectal metastatic disease by isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP), we developed the application of oxaliplatin concomitantly with hyperthermia and humanized death receptor 4 (DR4) antibody mapatumumab (Mapa), and investigated the molecular mechanisms of this multimodality treatment in human colon cancer cell lines CX-1 and HCT116 as well as human colon cancer stem cells Tu-12, Tu-21 and Tu-22. We showed here, in this study, that the synergistic effect of the multimodality treatment-induced apoptosis was caspase dependent and activated death signaling via both the extrinsic apoptotic pathway and the intrinsic pathway. Death signaling was activated by c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling which led to Bcl-xL phosphorylation at serine 62, decreasing the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-xL, which contributed to the intrinsic pathway. The downregulation of cellular FLICE inhibitory protein long isoform (c-FLIPL) in the extrinsic pathway was accomplished through ubiquitination at lysine residue (K) 195 and protein synthesis inhibition. Overexpression of c-FLIPL mutant (K195R) and Bcl-xL mutant (S62A) completely abrogated the synergistic effect. The successful outcome of this study supports the application of multimodality strategy to patients with colorectal hepatic metastases who fail to respond to standard chemoradiotherapy that predominantly targets the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. © 2013 Song et al

    Научная информация в современном обществе в оценке читателей публичных библиотек

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    Increasing prestige of science, educating scientific and innovative outlook in population and its faithfulness to science and scientists make the priorities of the national policy. The authors present the findings of the survey of Novosibirsk library users (as the segment of society). The survey was to reveal their attitude toward science. The authors conclude: the overwhelming majority of users trust in scientific knowledge and acknowledge science significance. They demonstrate the willingness to keep pace with the latest developments. The specialized Internet resources and libraries are the main sources of information. The respondents are not eager to make decisions on science advancement and applying them, acknowledging that it is researchers and scientific communities that are to set forward research problems. It is of no account to the respondents which country researcher reside in. The users see the libraries as a depositary of scientific and popular literature, site for mass event intended to promote science. However their commitment is not that high: up to the half of the respondents “read sometimes”, and even less number attends popularization events (mostly tours). Probably, changing displays and diverse exhibitions would contribute to scientific knowledge promotion. The libraries are not at all times capable to provide access to scientific knowledge. The users are seen to be most interested in exhibitions on the subjects of psychology, medicine and technological achievements.Повышение престижа науки, развитие научно-инновационного мировоззрения граждан и их лояльности по отношению к науке и учёным – приоритетные задачи государственной политики. Приведены результаты опроса читателей Новосибирска (как части общества) об их отношении к науке. Сделаны следующие выводы: подавляющее большинство читателей доверяют научному знанию, признают значимость науки. Отмечается желание быть современным человеком, находиться в курсе последних научных разработок. Основными источниками знаний о научных достижениях являются специальные интернет-ресурсы и библиотеки. Респонденты не стремятся принимать решения относительно развития науки и использования результатов научнотехнического прогресса в жизни. Постановку задач для российской науки они оставляют за учёными и научными сообществами. Для участников опроса не имеет значения, в какой стране работает исследователь. Читатели рассматривают библиотеку как хранилище научной и научно-популярной литературы, площадку для проведения массовых мероприятий, продвигающих научные знания. Но их активность не высока: почти половина респондентов «читает иногда», посещает научно-популярные мероприятия (в основном экскурсии) ещё меньше. Очевидно, постоянно меняющиеся экспозиции и различные выставки могут способствовать продвижению научных знаний. Библиотека не всегда обеспечивает доступ к современным научным знаниям. В первую очередь читателей привлекают литература и выставки следующей тематики: психология, медицина и технические достижения