364 research outputs found

    Gluttonic nomination in russian and British linguistic cultures

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    In the article universal and ethnocultural ways of the gluttonic nomination in Russian and British linguistic culture are described. Linguistic-cultural correlations of foodstuff names and national character are chosen as an object of research. national character is considered as set of the steadiest features of emotional sensory perception of world around and forms of reactions to it for this national community. It is confirmed that national character, being expressed in emotions, feelings, moods, is manifested in existing language formsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Bilingualism and biculturalism and teaching of modern languages: point of view of a teacher of french from Russia

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    More than 50% of the world's inhabitants are bilingual, and this percentage is expected to be increasing due to the increasing global mobility. Some people are bilingual because of the characteristics of their families, others because of migration, or because they live in a border area or a country that has several languages. Bilingualism is extremely widespread in Russia and in France. In this article, the actual and complex phenomenon of bilingualism in the contemporary cultural situation, in particular in the teaching of foreign languages, is considere

    Issues of Cluster Formation in East Germany

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    The article is devoted to modern innovation policy in Germany. The German government considers stimulation of cluster structures as a necessary condition for achieving high-tech development of the country, so the cluster policy is a component of German innovation policy. The article considers the concept of three-level organization of clusters, quantifies the value of regional asymmetry in investment in innovation. Based on the classification of clusters by M. Porter, using the methodology of the analysis of cluster sectors of the European Cluster Observatory, the author’s method of the substantive typologization of clusters by L. Markov and the model of organizational development proposed by D. Napolskikh, the identification of East German clusters was conducted, the clusters most significant for economic development of the East German states were identified. Their brief characteristics were presented and the degree of maturity was determined. The results of the research conducted by the authors of the article and the report of European experts Franco, S., Wilson, J., concerning Saxony’s clusters were compared, and recommendations on conducting cluster policy in structurally weak regions were given. The author’s maps illustrating the results of the study are included in the article

    Character’s Inner Speech as Effective Way of Literary Discourse Organization (Novel “The Remains of the Day” by Kazuo Ishiguro)

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    The article examines the protagonist’s verbalized  inner  speech  in  the   literary   text of the novel “The Remains of the Day” as a way of literary discourse organization by English novelist Kazuo Ishiguro. The  relevance of the study is explained by the interest in   the analysis of the inner speech of characters in a literary text, which differs from the natural inner speech of an individual in the ways of  linguistic  expression,  the  specifics   in the structure of the narrative. It is shown that the study of the inner speech of a character   of literary discourse using such parameters of its measurement as structural-compositional, semantic-conceptual, communicative, allows us to identify the features of the functional role of this type of speech. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of how the character's inner speech (introspection), being a significant unit of composition, correlates with prospection and retrospection of the text, acting as the main form of narration. The article elicits four basic concepts that organize the content of the character's inner speech. The authors of the article offer a close analysis of the rheme-theme correlation of the title of the novel and the main text as the basis of the author’s literary discourse. Particular attention is paid to the modality of the character's inner speech from the point of view of the pragmatic orientation of this type of speech towards the addressee-reader and discourse markers that influence the process of discourse interpretation

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic

    Ethnical and cultural particularity of gluttonic discourse

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    The article is devoted to ethnic perculiarity and originality of the Russian and British lingvocultures in line with gustative preference

    Microstructure of Complex Silicon-containing Modifier

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    Various research methods show that the microstructure of the complex siliconcontaining modifier ”Insteel 7” consists of six phases: TiFeSi2, Ca1

    Biological resources of the Fabaceae family in the Cretaceous south of Russia as a source of starting material for drought-resistance selection

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    The aim of this work is the study of biological resources of the genera Medicago and Trifolium species in Cretaceous South of the Central Russian Upland as the most valuable in genetic and economic term

    Support of Research Activities of Future Teachers through Organization of Tutoring

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    The attitude of future teachers to research activities during their studies at the university is analyzed on the example of Ishim Pedagogical Institute named after P. P. Ershov. Features of support of students at the choice of research trajectories are considered. Students’ attitude to scientific research is characterized. Necessary conditions for effective work of students on scientific projects are revealed. The necessity of introduction of scientific tutorship since the first year of training, and also attraction of students of senior courses who achieved certain scientific results as tutors is shown. The article deals with the tutor’s activity as a consultant, mentor and organizer of the student’s independent activity in the organization of scientific research. The article describes the experience of the organization of tutoring on the example of a pedagogical university, where not only teachers work as mentors, but also so-called “academic consultants” do - senior students who have their own positive experience in conducting research. The studies were conducted with the participation of 200 respondents from the number of full-time students from 1 to 5 course. In the course of research the main directions of activization of research activity of students are found out