247 research outputs found

    Simulation of the coordination number of random sphere packing

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    Given article presents a generalized equation for calculating the average coordination number from the density of a random sphere packing, supplemented by a dependence on the threshold value of the interparticle distance in two- and three-dimensional spaces. It is shown that the calculation of the average coordination numbers according to the proposed equation gives an unambiguous correspondence between the simulated, calculated and experimental data for threshold values of more than 1.02 particle diameters. An explanation of the weak dependence of the average coordinate number on the packing density for small threshold values of the interparticle distance is given in this wor

    Identification of cytoplasm types in accessions of the family Brassicaceae (Brassicaceae Burnett) with DNA markers

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    Identification of cytoplasm types with the use of molecular markers enables to simplify the parent line pair selection for hybrid development based on CMS. Forty accessions of the family Brassicaceae (Brassicaceae Burnett) were analyzed with 22 pairs of PCR primers taken from previous research. Seven types of cytoplasm (Ogura, Ogu-NWSUAF, nap, pol, cam, rad, ole) were observed among breeding accessions using standard and multiplex PCR technique. The sequence of PCR products that differentiated different types of sterile cytoplasm confirmed the presence of three genes, orf138, orf222, and orf224, in mitochondrial DNA associated with exhibition of CMS. The accession of Nappa cabbage (Brassica rapa Pekinensis Group) had two genes, orf138 and orf222, which corresponded to cytoplasm Ogu-NWSUAF. All accessions carrying Ogura cytoplasm had the 417 bp fragment, which was 100 % identical to the mitochondrial orf138 gene sequence corres- pon­ding to Type А (formerly nine sequence Types, from A to I, had been identified). An exception was the accession of white head cabbage Tekila F1 with a new allelic variant of orf138 gene, which combined the 39-bp deletion typical of the Type F orf138 sequence and two nonsynonymous substitutions, A→T and G→A, at positions 95 and 99, respectively


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    Use of the growth chambers for cabbage breeding allows the reducing of certain stages of the breeding process and the growing biennial varieties of cabbage in a one-year cycle. In these growth chambers, the nutritional conditions, temperature, and lighting of plants are under control; the open pollination is eliminated.Использование камер искусственного климата капусты позволяет сократить отдельные этапы селекционного процесса и перевести выращивание двулетних разновидностей капусты в одногодичный цикл, контролировать условия питания, температуры, освещения растений и исключить возможность переопыления

    Urban and rural youth in the Urals: socio-cultural assimilation problems

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    В статье анализируются некоторые аспекты формирования духовно-нравственного потенциала городской и сельской молодёжи на Урале. Опираясь на результаты ряда социологических опросов, проведенных авторами в 2000-2013 гг. в Институте экономики УрО РАН в различных городах и сельских поселениях ряда субъектов РФ, входящих в Уральский федеральный округ, они анализируют место и значение школы, сверстников, социального окружения в становлении поколенческой культуры молодых горожан и селян, формированию их гражданского самосознания. Особое место в статье уделено проблемам трудового воспитания молодых уральцев, выявлению общего и особенного в процессе их социальной ассимиляции в условиях городской и сельской субкультуры.The article analyzes some aspects of the formation of spiritual and moral potential of urban and rural youth in the Urals. They analyze the place and importance of school, peers, social environment in the development of generational culture of young townspeople and villagers blocked the formation of civic consciousness based on the results of several polls conducted by the authors in 2000-2013 at the Institute of Economics of UB RAS in various cities and rural areas a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, within the Urals Federal District. A special attention in the article is paid to the problems of labor education of young Urals, and identify general and special in their social assimilation in the urban and rural subculture

    Image as a marketing tool to increase competitiveness of the company

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    Проблема многих предприятий заключается в том, что многие руководители, по-прежнему, не достаточно уделяют внимание такому аспекту как «Положительный имидж».The problem of many businesses is that many managers are still not paying enough attention to this aspect as a "positive image"


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    Objective: It is known that local or systemic injection of hemostatic drugs is used to reduce blood loss and number of blood transfusions in patients with hypocoagulation and hemorrhagic diathesis. However, the analysis of literature data shows that the drugs applied for the control of bleeding, traditionally used in medical practice, are not effective enough. This study deals with the systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1- sulfonate) calcium in the experiment.Methods: Experimental work in vitro is performed on the blood of healthy male donors, under conditions in vivo it is done on intraperitoneal injection in male rats. Thromboelastography was carried out with apparatus Thromboelastography (TEG) 5000 (Haemoscope Corporation, United States). The influence of first synthesized derivative and ethamsylate on functional activity of platelets was studied using a platelet aggregation analyzer Biola 230LA†(Russia). Experimental evaluation of the system specific hemostatic activity in vivo was carried out using the model of parenchymatous bleeding in mature male rats. The interference came amid registration of bleeding stop time and extent of blood loss.Results: Bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium shows procoagulation and proaggregant activity both in vitro and in vivo. Proaggregatory effect of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium is successfully implemented in the systemic hemostatic activity in terms of parenchymal bleeding, surpassing the control group and the group of etamsylate.Conclusion: The results of these studies reveal potentially high systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium, urging the need for further study on this compound and its analogs to create on their basis highly efficient, selective correctors of the hemostatic system

    Ways to increase competitiveness

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    В связи с развитием рынка России происходит усиление конкуренции, вследствие чего руководители предприятий постоянно находятся в поиске новых инструментов и способов для поддержания уровня конкурентоспособности.In connection with the development of the Russian market, competition is intensifying, and as a result, business leaders are constantly in search of new tools and ways to maintain competitiveness

    Systematic Identification of Cell-Cell Communication Networks in the Developing Brain

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    Since the generation of cell-type specific knockout models, the importance of inter-cellular communication between neural, vascular, and microglial cells during neural development has been increasingly appreciated. However, the extent of communication between these major cell populations remains to be systematically mapped. Here, we describe EMBRACE (embryonic brain cell extraction using FACS), a method to simultaneously isolate neural, mural, endothelial, and microglial cells to more than 94% purity in ∼4 h. Utilizing EMBRACE we isolate, transcriptionally analyze, and build a cell-cell communication map of the developing mouse brain. We identify 1,710 unique ligand-receptor interactions between neural, endothelial, mural, and microglial cells in silico and experimentally confirm the APOE-LDLR, APOE-LRP1, VTN-KDR, and LAMA4-ITGB1 interactions in the E14.5 brain. We provide our data via the searchable “Brain interactome explorer”, available at https://mpi-ie.shinyapps.io/braininteractomeexplorer/. Together, this study provides a comprehensive map that reveals the richness of communication within the developing brain


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    Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. is the one of the causative agent of disease of the family of Brassicaceae, that results in decrease of white head cabbage yield up to 10-60%. The aim of the work was the study of genetic variability of doubled haploid lines of white head cabbage obtained by the isolated microspore culture in vitro aimed at selection of the lines resistant to P. Brassicae and development of resistant hybrids. The doubled haploid lines of white head cabbage were evaluated for resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae using the method of inoculation of seedlings by pathogen in the control condition of the chamber room. As a result of assessment, the high disease distribution among doubled haploid lines was found (25- 100%), but disease development was not higher than 68%. The score of infestation was 0.5-3.3, that was comparable with the standard (3.5). The plants of the lines 3-3-3 did not exhibit any symptoms of disease that can indicate of efficiency of its gene resistance or pathogen heterogeneity. The lines with high resistance to P. brassicae were used as a parental lines for development of F1 hybrids. Using the top-crossing method the forty-two hybrid combinations were developed based on self-incompatibility. These hybrid combinations were analyzed for clubroot resistance in the field conditions on an artificial infectious background in Moscow region. Based on the data of two-year experiments, all tested hybrid combinations were divided into the groups of relatively tolerant (52.4%) and susceptible (45.2%) genotypes. Only one hybrid combination developed with line 3-3-3 has proved to be tolerant. The score of infestation of hybrid combinations varied from 0 to 1.8. The score of infestation of the standard was 2.5. The disease distribution reached 80% but disease development varied from 0 to 25%.Один из наиболее вредоносных возбудителей болезней растений семейства   Brassicaceae – Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor., поражение которым приводит к снижению урожая капусты белокочанной на 10-60% и более. Целью исследования являлось изучение генетического разнообразия линий удвоенных гаплоидов капусты белокочанной, полученных методом культуры изолированных микроспор in vitro, для возможности отбора устойчивых к P. brassicae и на их основе создание гибридных комбинаций с высокой устойчивостью к болезни. Фитопатологическая оценка устойчивости 10 линий удвоенных гаплоидов капусты белокочанной к возбудителю проведена в контролируемых условиях климатической камеры путем инокуляции растений патогеном в фазе рассады. В результате оценки устойчивости линий была отмечена высокая распространенность болезни от 25 до 100%, однако развитие достигало 68%. При этом балл поражения варьировал от 0,5 до 3,3, что не превышало стандарт, балл поражения которого составлял 3,5. Среди растений линии 3-3-3 не было отмечено поражений, что свидетельствует об эффективности ее генов устойчивости, либо о гетерогенности патогена. Выделенные линии удвоенных гаплоидов капусты белокочанной были использованы в качестве доноров устойчивости при создании F1 гибридов. В результате скрещивания методом топ-кросс с использованием выделенных линий были получены 42 гибридные комбинации на основе самонесовместимости. Оценка полученных комбинаций проведена на искусственном инфекционном фоне открытого грунта в Московской области. На основании 2-летних данных по степени поражения растений килой все комбинации были распределены по группам устойчивости. Они были отнесены к группам отно- сительно устойчивых и слабовосприимчивых к возбудителю, это составило 52,4 и 45,2% к обще- му числу испытуемых соответственно. Одна гибридная комбинация с использованием линии 3- 3-3 оказалась толерантна. Балл поражения гибридных комбинаций варьировал от 0 до 1,8. Балл поражения стандарта составлял 2,5. Распространенность болезни достигала 80%, при этом развитие болезни варьировало 0 - 25%