4,573 research outputs found

    Injection of Rock around Excavation

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    Application of the Sensory Contact Model for Pharmacological Studies under Simulated Clinical Conditions

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    The sensory contact model allows forming different psycho-pathological states (anxious depression, catalepsy, social withdrawal, pathological aggression, cognition disturbances, anhedonia, addictive states etc.) produced by repeated agonistic interactions in male mice and investigating the therapeutic and preventive properties of any drug as well as its efficiency under simulated clinical conditions. This approach can be useful for a better understanding of the drugs’ action in different stages of disease development in individuals. It is suggested that this behavioral approach and pharmacological designs may be applied for the screening of novel psychotropic drugs. 

    The Pulsar Wind Nebula Around PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44

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    We present radio observations of a region in the vicinity of the young pulsar PSR B1853+01 in the supernova remnant W44. The pulsar is located at the apex of an extended feature with cometary morphology. We argue on the basis of its morphology and its spectral index and polarization properties that this is a synchrotron nebula produced by the spin down energy of the pulsar. The geometry and physical parameters of this pulsar-powered nebula and W44 are used to derive three different measures of the pulsar's transverse velocity. A range of estimates between 315 and 470 km/s are derived, resulting in a typical value of 375 km/s. The observed synchrotron spectrum from radio to X-ray wavelengths is used to put constraints on the energetics of the nebula and to derive the parameters of the pulsar wind.Comment: ApJ Let (in press

    Використання мікроелементів в умовах зміни клімату

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    The article highlights the state of provision of soil in Ukraine with trace elements, justifies a gradual decrease in their content and significance for plants, and especially in changing climatic conditions.Studies carried out on the southern chernozem in the conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine established the effectiveness of treating seeds before sowing and plants in the main phases of vegetation with microblasts and biologics at the harvest level and the quality of grown products. Thus, pre-treatment of winter wheat seeds depending on the complex of preparations on average in three varieties. provided an increase in grain yield from 5.5 to 20.5%.To a greater extent, yields are increased by the use of micro-fertilizers and biologics to treat both seeds before sowing and sowing plants during vegetation. On the example of studies with sunflower, significant increases in the yield of seeds, its fat content and an increase in the conditional yield (collection) of oil per hectare were determined.Key words: trace elements, biologics, winter wheat, sunflower, seed and plant processing, yield, crop quality, conditional oil yield.В статті висвітлено стан забезпеченості ґрунтів України мікроелементами, обґрунтовано поступове зменшення їх вмісту та значення для рослин і особливо за зміни кліматичних умов.Дослідженнями, проведеними на чорноземі південному в умовах зони Степу України, встановлено ефективність обробки насіння перед сівбою та рослин в основні фази вегетації мікродобривами і біопрепаратами на рівні врожаю і якість вирощеної продукції. Так, передпосівна обробка насіння пшениці озимої залежно від комплексу препаратів у середньому по трьох сортах. забезпечила приріст урожайності зерна від 5,5 до 20,5%.Ще більшою мірою врожайність зростає за використання мікродобрив та біопрепаратів для обробки як насіння перед сівбою, так і посіву рослин упродовж вегетації. На прикладі досліджень із соняшником визначено істотні прирости врожайності насіння, вмісту в ньому жиру та збільшення умовного виходу (збору) олії з гектару.Ключові слова: мікроелементи, біопрепарати, пшениця озима, соняшник, обробка насіння і рослин, урожайність, якість урожаю, умовний вихід олії

    Changes of gas metabolism, gas homeostasis and tissue respiration in rats during prolonged hypokinesia

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    The oxygen uptake and tissue gas homeostasis of restrained albinic rats remained relatively constant during a 60 day experiment. The gas metabolism in some tissues changed, and O2 consumption increased in the liver and decreased in the myocardium. Capacity for physical work was reduced by five times. Hypokinesia for 60 days resulted in a delay in the animals growth

    Paramagnetic-diamagnetic interplay in quantum dots for non-zero temperatures

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    In the usual Fock-and Darwin-formalism with parabolic potential characterized by the confining energy \eps_o := \hbar\omega_o= 3.37 meV, but including explicitly also the Zeeman coupling between spin and magnetic field, we study the combined orbital and spin magnetic properties of quantum dots in a two-dimensional electron gas with parameters for GaAs, for N =1 and N >> 1 electrons on the dot. For N=1 the magnetization M(T,B) consists of a paramagnetic spin contribution and a diamagnetic orbital contribution, which dominate in a non-trivial way at low temperature and fields rsp. high temperature and fields. For N >> 1, where orbital and spin effects are intrinsically coupled in a subtle way and cannot be separated, we find in a simplified Hartree approximation that at N=m^2, i.e. at a half-filled last shell, M(T,B,N) is parallel (antiparallel) to the magnetic field, if temperatures and fields are low enough (high enough), whereas for N\ne m^2 the magnetization oscillates with B and N as a T-dependent periodic function of the variable x:=\sqrt{N}eB/(2m^*c\omega_o), with T-independent period \Delta x =1 (where m^* := 0.067 m_o is the small effective mass of GaAs, while m_o is the electron mass). Correspondingly, by an adiabatic demagnetization process, which should only be fast enough with respect to the slow transient time of the magnetic properties of the dot, the temperature of the dot diminishes rsp. increases with decreasing magnetic field, and in some cases we obtain quite pronounced effects.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages; including three .eps-figures; final version accepted by J. Phys. CM, with minimal changes w.r.to v