14 research outputs found

    In vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by acute and chronic stress paradigms: potential mediating mechanisms and sex differences

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    Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a major pro-inflammatory cytokine, which promotes cell-mediated immunity and TH1 differentiation. In vitro studies indicated suppression of IL-12 production by several stress-related factors, but no effects of behavioral stress were shown on plasma IL-12 levels. Therefore, in the current study we (i) examined the in vivo effects of various behavioral and pharmacological stress paradigms on baseline plasma IL-12 levels; (ii) compared these in vivo findings to those obtained following in vitro stimulation of leukocytes from the same rats; and (iii) assessed potential sexual dimorphism in these outcomes. The findings indicated that plasma IL-12 levels were significantly reduced by social confrontation, wet-cage exposure, surgery, and the administration of corticosterone, epinephrine, or prostaglandin-E2. Notably, most in vivo impacts on plasma levels were not evident when assessed in vitro. The IL-12-reducing effects of wet-cage exposure, and of corticosterone and epinephrine administration, were significantly greater in males than in females, although females exhibited greater total corticosterone levels following stress. The duration of acute stressors predicted the degree of IL-12 reduction, but more prolonged stressors did not. Furthermore, seven days of alternating behavioral stressors reduced plasma IL-12 levels more than 14 days. These findings suggest animals' behavioral habituation to stress conditions, or a specific immune mechanism restricting the duration of IL-12 reduction. Overall, our findings indicate a generic and robust stress-induced reduction in plasma IL-12 levels, and suggest epinephrine, corticosterone, and prostaglandin-E2, as potential mediators that should be scrutinized in vivo in the context of natural physiological stress responses

    Plasma IL-12 levels are suppressed in vivo by stress and surgery through endogenous release of glucocorticoids and prostaglandins but not catecholamines or opioids

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    IL-12 is a prominent Th1 differentiator and leukocyte activator. Ample studies showed suppression of IL-12 production by numerous stress factors, including prostaglandins, catecholamines, glucocorticoids, and opioids, but did so in vitro and in the context of artificial leukocyte activation, not simulating the in vivo setting. In a recent study we reported in vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by behavioral stress and surgery. The current study aims to elucidate neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying this phenomenon in naïve F344 rats. To this end, both adrenalectomy and administration of specific antagonists were used, targeting the aforementioned stress factors. The results indicated that corticosterone and prostaglandins are prominent mediators of the IL-12-suppressing effects of stress and surgery, apparently through directly suppressing leukocyte IL-12 production. Following surgery, endogenous prostaglandins exerted their effects mainly through elevating corticosterone levels. Importantly, stress-induced release of epinephrine or opioids had no impact on plasma IL-12 levels, while pharmacological administration of epinephrine reduced plasma IL-12 levels by elevating corticosterone levels. Last, a whole blood in vitro study indicated that prostaglandins and corticosterone, but not epinephrine, suppressed IL-12 production in non-stimulated leukocytes, and only corticosterone did so in the context of CpG-C-induced IL-12 production. Overall, the findings reiterate the notion that results from in vitro or pharmacological in vivo studies cannot indicate the effects of endogenously released stress hormones under stress/surgery conditions. Herein, corticosterone and prostaglandins, but not catecholamines or opioids, were key mediators of the suppressive effect of stress and surgery on in vivo plasma IL-12 levels in otherwise naïve animals

    In vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by acute and chronic stress paradigms: Potential mediating mechanisms and sex differences

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    Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a major pro-inflammatory cytokine, which promotes cell-mediated immunity and TH1 differentiation. In vitro studies indicated suppression of IL-12 production by several stress-related factors, but no effects of behavioral stress were shown on plasma IL-12 levels. Therefore, in the current study we (i) examined the in vivo effects of various behavioral and pharmacological stress paradigms on baseline plasma IL-12 levels; (ii) compared these in vivo findings to those obtained following in vitro stimulation of leukocytes from the same rats; and (iii) assessed potential sexual dimorphism in these outcomes. The findings indicated that plasma IL-12 levels were significantly reduced by social confrontation, wet-cage exposure, surgery, and the administration of corticosterone, epinephrine, or prostaglandin-E2. Notably, most in vivo impacts on plasma levels were not evident when assessed in vitro. The IL-12-reducing effects of wet-cage exposure, and of corticosterone and epinephrine administration, were significantly greater in males than in females, although females exhibited greater total corticosterone levels following stress. The duration of acute stressors predicted the degree of IL-12 reduction, but more prolonged stressors did not. Furthermore, seven days of alternating behavioral stressors reduced plasma IL-12 levels more than 14 days. These findings suggest animals' behavioral habituation to stress conditions, or a specific immune mechanism restricting the duration of IL-12 reduction. Overall, our findings indicate a generic and robust stress-induced reduction in plasma IL-12 levels, and suggest epinephrine, corticosterone, and prostaglandin-E2, as potential mediators that should be scrutinized in vivo in the context of natural physiological stress responses. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    Plasma IL-12 levels are suppressed in vivo by stress and surgery through endogenous release of glucocorticoids and prostaglandins but not catecholamines or opioids

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    IL-12 is a prominent Th1 differentiator and leukocyte activator. Ample studies showed suppression of IL-12 production by numerous stress factors, including prostaglandins, catecholamines, glucocorticoids, and opioids, but did so in vitro and in the context of artificial leukocyte activation, not simulating the in vivo setting. In a recent study we reported in vivo suppression of plasma IL-12 levels by behavioral stress and surgery. The current study aims to elucidate neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying this phenomenon in naïve F344 rats. To this end, both adrenalectomy and administration of specific antagonists were used, targeting the aforementioned stress factors. The results indicated that corticosterone and prostaglandins are prominent mediators of the IL-12-suppressing effects of stress and surgery, apparently through directly suppressing leukocyte IL-12 production. Following surgery, endogenous prostaglandins exerted their effects mainly through elevating corticosterone levels. Importantly, stress-induced release of epinephrine or opioids had no impact on plasma IL-12 levels, while pharmacological administration of epinephrine reduced plasma IL-12 levels by elevating corticosterone levels. Last, a whole blood in vitro study indicated that prostaglandins and corticosterone, but not epinephrine, suppressed IL-12 production in non-stimulated leukocytes, and only corticosterone did so in the context of CpG-C-induced IL-12 production. Overall, the findings reiterate the notion that results from in vitro or pharmacological in vivo studies cannot indicate the effects of endogenously released stress hormones under stress/surgery conditions. Herein, corticosterone and prostaglandins, but not catecholamines or opioids, were key mediators of the suppressive effect of stress and surgery on in vivo plasma IL-12 levels in otherwise naïve animals. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd