304 research outputs found

    Apoyo a la autonomía, satisfacción de las necesidades, motivación y bienestar en deportistas de competición : un análisis de la teoría de la autodeterminación

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    A model of the hypothesized motivational sequence among the autonomy support, basic needs, self determined motivation, self-esteem and life satisfaction was tested on the basis of the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 2000). A multi-part questionnaire was administered to 301 athletes (171 females, 130 females; M Age= 24.1 + 4.7 years) who participated in a variety of sports. The robust method structural equation modelling analysis using maximum likelihood (LISREL 8.54) showed that athletes' perceptions of autonomy support from coaches predicted their satisfaction of the needs for autonomy and relatedness. These needs, along with perceived competence, predicted self-determined motivation, which in turn corresponded to greater self esteem and life satisfaction

    Las orientaciones de meta y los motivos de práctica deportiva en los jóvenes deportistas valencianos escolarizados

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    En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones entre las orientaciones de meta y los motivos de práctica deportiva en una muestra representativa de los adolescentes escolarizados valencianos. Contamos con 640 sujetos (232 chicas y 408 chicos) entre los 11 y los 18 años. Se les administró la versión castellana del TEOSQ (Duda, 1989; Balaguer, Castillo, y Tomás, 1996) y del HBSC (Wold, 1995;Balaguer, 1999). Los resultados muestran que los chicos y chicas con una alta orientación al ego enfatizan más los motivos de aprobación social y de demostración de capacidad para practicar deporte que los chicos y chicas con una baja orientación al ego. Los chicos y chicas con una alta orientación a la tarea consideran más importantes los motivos de afiliación para practicar deporte que los chicos y chicas con una baja orientación a la tarea. Finalmente los chicos con una alta orientación a la tarea consideran los motivos de salud más importantes que los chicos con una baja orientación a la tarea-In this study, we analyze the relationship between task and ego orientations and sport participation motivation among a representative sample of Valencian adolescents [N = 640 adolescents (232 girls and 408 boys); Age range = 11-18 years]. Participants completed a Spanish version of the TEOSQ (Duda, 1989; Balaguer, Castillo, & Tomás, 1996) and the HBSC (Wold, 1995; Balaguer, 1999). MANOVA indicated that high ego-oriented boys and girls emphasized achievement motives more than low ego-oriented boys and girls. High task-oriented boys and girls stressed social reasons for being involved in sport more than low task-oriented boys and girls. Finally, males high in task orientation were involved in sport more for purposes of enhancing health than low task-oriented males

    Análisis de la validez de constructo y de la validez predictiva del cuestionario de clima motivacional percibido en el deporte (PCMSQ-2) con tenistas espanoles de competición

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    En este trabajo se analiza la validez de constructo del Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional Percibido en el Deporte (PMCSQ-2) utilizando el modelo de ecuación estructural. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 219 jugadores de tenis (76 mujeres y 138 hombres), con una edad media de 15,55±1.89 años, de distinto nivel de competición (intermedios, avanzados y profesionales). Los resultados del presente trabajo ofrecen apoyo preliminar a la validez del PMCSQ-2 con deportistas españoles: Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios, basados en un modelo de ecuación estructural, apoyan dos dimensiones del PMCSQ-2 (Task-climate y Ego climate) y los análisis de correlaciones entre el PMCSQ y el TEOSQ ofrecen apoyo inicial a la validez predictiva del mismo. Aunque se ha obtenido apoyo preliminar, a nivel exploratorio, para las subescalas que subyacen al PMCSQ-2, algunas de éstas no presentan buena consistencia interna. Se discuten los motivos de las concordancias y discordancias halladas en el trabajo desde un enfoque cross-culturalIn this study we analyze the construct reliability of the latest version of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2) using a structural equation model. The sample was comprised of 219 tennis players (76 females and 138 males) with a mean age of 15.55 ± 1.89 years with different playing level (intermediate, advanced and professional). The results obtained in this study offer preliminary support to the reliability for the PMCSQ-2 for Spanish athletes: The confirmatory factorial analyses, which are based on a structural equation model, support the two dimensions of the PMCSQ-2 (Task-climate and Ego-Climate), and the correlational analyses between the PMCSQ-2 and the TEOSQ offer initial support to the predictive reliability of this instrument. Althought preliminary support has been obtained at an exploratory level, some of the underlying subscales of the PMCSQ-2 do not demonstrated good internal consistency. The reasons for the similarities and differencies founded in the work are discussed from a cross-cultural perspectiv

    Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del cuestionario de clima en el deporte

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    The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Sport Climate Questionnaire (S-SCQ) (SDT, Sport Climate Questionnaire, n.d.) were determined from a sample of 301 Spanish high-level competitive athletes (171 men and 130 women) from the Community of Valencia. The S-SCQ assesses athletes' perceptions of coach-provided autonomy support. The assumed uni-dimensional structure of both the long and short versions of the instrument was supported. Both versions also exhibited high reliability (internal consistency). Support for the convergent validity of the scale(s) was also obtained as the measure of coach autonomy support significantly related to the different types of motivation regulations (as assessed via the Sport Motivation Scale; Pelletier et al., 1995), in accordance with theoretical predictions

    Asociaciones entre la percepción del clima motivacional creado por el entrenador, orientaciones disposicionales de meta, regulaciones motivacionales y vitalidad subjetiva en jóvenes jugadoras de tenis

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    En el contexto de la teoría de las metas de logro (AGT; Ames, 1992; Nicholls, 1989) y de la teoría de la autodeterminación (SDT, Ryan y Deci, 2000), se puso a prueba un modelo hipotetizando relaciones secuenciales entre percepciones del clima motivacional creado por el entrenador, orientaciones disposicionales de meta, regulaciones motivacionales (motivación intrínseca, identificada, introyectada, externa y no motivación) y vitalidad subjetiva. Noventa y cuatro jóvenes jugadoras de tenis (Media edad = 11,07 +- .78 años) de la elite de su grupo de edad en España participaron en el estudio. Los resultados informaron que la percepción de un clima de implicación en la tarea y de un clima de implicación en el ego predijeron respectivamente el grado de orientación a la tarea y de orientación al ego de las jugadoras. La orientación a la tarea presentó relaciones positivas con la motivación intrínseca y negativas con la no motivación, mientras que la orientación al ego se relacionó positivamente con la regulación introyectada y la regulación externa. Finalmente, la motivación intrínseca se asoció positivamente con la vitalidad subjetiva, mientras que la no motivación estaba negativamente asociada con este indicador de bienestar. Los resultados se discuten en base a sus implicaciones teóricas y aplicadasA model based on the achievement goal theory (Ames, 1992; Nicholls, 1989) and self-determination theory (SDT, Ryan and Deci, 2000) was tested by hypothesising the sequential relationships among the perceptions of motivational climate created by coaches, goal orientations, motivational regulations (intrinsic motivation, identified motivation, introjected motivation, external motivation and amotivation) and subjective vitality. Ninety-four young elite female tennis players (mean age = 11.07 + .78 years) in Spain participated in the study. The results showed that perceived task-involving climates and ego-involving climates respectively predicted the athletes' degree of task orientation and ego orientation. Task orientation positively related to intrinsic motivation and negatively associated with amotivation, whereas ego orientation positively correlated to introjected motivation and external motivated. Lastly, intrinsic motivation was positively linked to subjective vitality, while amotivation was negatively associated with this well-being indicator. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and applied implication

    Examination of the psychometric properties of the spanish version of the Approach to Coping in Sport questionaire

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    This study examined the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire and potential cultural differences in coping strategies between Spanish, Korean and US athletes. A total of 190 Spanish athletes (Male, N =152, Female, N = 38, M age = 21.2 + 4.4 years) from various sports participated in the study. After specifying the frequency of the experience of psychological difficulties during competition, the athletes indicated how often they used each of the coping strategies targeted in the ACSQ-Spanish and they also completed the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28. The results of CFA provided support for the factorial validity of the ACSQ-Spanish and preliminary evidence regarding concurrent and convergent validity was garnered. Differences in the use of different coping strategies between the Spanish, Korean, and US athlete groups emerged.En este estudio se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de la versión Española del ACSP (Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire) y las potenciales diferencias culturales existentes entre los deportistas españoles, coreanos y americanos en las estrategias de afrontamiento. 190 deportistas españoles (Hombres, N = 152; Mujeres, N = 38; M edad = 21.2 + 4.4 años) de varios deportes participaron en este estudio. Después de especificar la frecuencia de dificultades psicológicas que tenían durante la competición, los deportistas indicaban con que frecuencia utilizaban cada una de las estrategias de afrontamiento que figuraban en ACSP-Español y también rellenaron el Athletic Coping Skills Inventory 28. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio ofrecieron apoyo para la validez factorial del ACSQ-español. También se obtuvo evidencia preliminar sobre la validez concurrente y convergente del cuestionario. Se obtuvieron diferencias en las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas entre los deportistas españoles, coreanos y americanos

    Clima motivacional, metas de logro de aproximación y evitación y bienestar en futbolistas cadetes

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    Basado en la teoría de las metas de logro (modelo dicotómico, Nicholls, 1989; y modelo 2 x 2, Elliot y McGregor, 2001), se exploró un modelo en el que se analizaban las relaciones hipotetizadas entre el clima motivacional percibido, la competencia percibida, las metas de maestría y resultado (aproximación y evitación), e indicadores positivos de bienestar (satisfacción con la vida y autoestima). Participaron 370 jóvenes varones jugadores de fútbol entre los 12 y los 16 años (M = 14,77). Los resultados mostraron una asociación positiva entre la percepción de un clima de implicación en la tarea y las orientaciones a la maestría (aproximación y evitación), y entre la percepción de un clima de implicación en el ego y las orientaciones al resultado (aproximación y evitación). La competencia percibida se asoció positivamente con las orientaciones a la maestría-aproximación y al resultado-aproximación. Por último, la orientación a la maestría-aproximación se asoció positivamente con la satisfacción con la vida y de la autoestima, la orientación al resultado-aproximación se relacionó positivamente la satisfacción con vida, mientras que la relación entre la orientación al resultado-evitación y la autoestima resultó negativa. Estos resultados señalan la importancia de la figura del entrenador en la promoción del bienestar psicológico de los deportistasTests based on achievement goal theory (dichotomous model, Nicholls, 1989; and 2 x 2 model, Elliot and McGregor, 2001) were conducted on a model to analyse the hypothesised relationships between perceived motivational climate, perceived competence, approach and avoidance (mastery and performance) goals, and positive well-being indices (i. e., life satisfaction and self-esteem). A total of 370 young male soccer players between the ages of 12 and 16 took part in the study (M= 14.77). The results showed that perceptions of a task-involvement climate predicted the adoption of mastery approach and mastery avoidance goals, whereas a perceived ego-involving climate was related to performanceapproach and performance-avoidance goals. Perceived competence positively correlated to the two approach goals (mastery and performance). Lastly, the mastery-approach orientation positively correlated to life satisfaction and selfesteem; the performance-approach orientation was positively associated with life satisfaction; and the performanceavoidance orientation negatively correlated to self-esteem. These results highlight the importance of the coach's role in promoting psychological well-being in athlete

    Coach autonomy support and quality of sport engagement in young soccer players

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    Based on the self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), this study tested a model of the assumed sequential relationships between perceived autonomy support, psychological need satisfaction, self-determined motivation, and enjoyment/boredom. The hypothesized mediational roles of psychological need satisfaction and self-determined motivation were also studied. In a sample of 370 young male soccer players, path analysis results offered support for the proposed model. Total mediation was supported in the case of the psychological need satisfaction in the relationship between autonomy support and self-determined motivation, and partial mediation for self-determined motivation in the links between psychological need satisfaction and enjoyment (positive) and boredom (negative). Implications of autonomy-supportive behaviors provided by coaches for the quality of sport involvement among young athletes are discussed.Alvarez, Maria Soledad; [email protected]; [email protected]

    The Role of Dispositional Orientations and Goal Motives on Athletes' Well- and Ill-Being

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    Findings in different contexts suggest that task orientation and ego orientation are related to adaptive and maladaptive motivational patterns, respectively. In sport, these personal dispositions could influence other important variables such as the goals that athletes pursue (and why they pursue them) during the season and their well- and ill-being. The main purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between athletes' dispositional goal orientations, their goal motives, and their reported well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (physical and emotional exhaustion). The study involved 414 Spanish university athletes (206 female and 208 male) with an age range of 17 to 33 years (M = 20.61; SD = 2.58) that completed a package of questionnaires at the beginning of the season. Results of path analysis revealed that athletes' task orientation was negatively associated to physical and emotional exhaustion indirectly through autonomous and controlled goal motives. In contrast, ego orientation was positively related to physical and emotional exhaustion via its link to controlled goal motives. Athletes' task orientation directly and positively predicted subjective vitality, even though goal motives were not significant mediators. These findings support previous evidence about the protective role of athletes' task orientation, in contrast to ego orientation, confirming its positive relationship with well-being and its negative one with ill-being. Additionally, it extends the knowledge regarding interdependencies between goal orientations and goal motives and how both contribute to athletes' optimal or compromised functioning